The sushy.main Module

The sushy.main Module

class sushy.main.Sushy(base_url, username=None, password=None, root_prefix='/redfish/v1/', verify=True)

Bases: sushy.resources.base.ResourceBase


Given the identity return a Manager object

Parameters:identity – The identity of the Manager resource
Returns:The Manager object

Get the ManagerCollection object

Raises:MissingAttributeError, if the collection attribute is not found
Returns:a ManagerCollection object

Given the identity return a System object

Parameters:identity – The identity of the System resource
Returns:The System object

Get the SystemCollection object

Raises:MissingAttributeError, if the collection attribute is not found
Returns:a SystemCollection object
identity = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The Redfish root service identity

name = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The Redfish root service name

uuid = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The Redfish root service UUID

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