Profile Types

Profile Types


A Profile Type can be treated as the meta-type of a Profile object. A registry of profile types is built in memory when Senlin engine (senlin-engine) is started. In future, Senlin will allow users to provide additional profile type implementations as plug-ins to be loaded dynamically.

A profile type implementation dictates which fields are required. When a profile is created by referencing this profile type, the fields are assigned with concrete values. For example, a profile type can be os.heat.stack that conceptually specifies the properties required:

context: Map
template: Map
parameters: Map
files: Map
timeout: Integer
disable_rollback: Boolean
environment: Map

A profile of type os.heat.stack may look like:

# a spec for os.heat.stack
type: os.heat.stack
version: 1.0
    region_name: RegionOne
    heat_template_version: 2014-10-16
      length: Integer
        type: OS::Heat::RandomString
          len: {get_param: length}
        value: {get_attr: [rand, value]}
    length: 32
  files: {}
  timeout: 60
  disable_rollback: True
  environment: {}

Listing Profile Types

Senlin server comes with some built-in profile types. You can check the list of profile types using the following command:

$ openstack cluster profile type list
| name                       | version | support_status             |
| container.dockerinc.docker | 1.0     | EXPERIMENTAL since 2017.02 |
| os.heat.stack              | 1.0     | SUPPORTED since 2016.04    |
| os.nova.server             | 1.0     | SUPPORTED since 2016.04    |

The output is a list of profile types supported by the Senlin server.

Showing Profile Details

Each Profile Type has a schema for its spec (i.e. specification) that describes the names and the types of properties that can be accepted. To show the schema of a specific profile type along with other properties, you can use the following command:

$ openstack cluster profile type show os.heat.stack-1.0
    - since: '2016.04'
      status: SUPPORTED
id: os.heat.stack-1.0
location: null
name: os.heat.stack
    default: {}
    description: A dictionary for specifying the customized context for
      stack operations
    required: false
    type: Map
    updatable: false
    default: true
    description: A boolean specifying whether a stack operation can be
      rolled back.
    required: false
    type: Boolean
    updatable: true
  <... omitted ...>
    description: A integer that specifies the number of minutes that a
      stack operation times out.
    required: false
    type: Integer
    updatable: true

Here, each property has the following attributes:

  • default: the default value for a property when not explicitly specified;
  • description: a textual description of the use of a property;
  • required: whether the property must be specified. Such kind of a property usually doesn’t have a default value;
  • type: one of String, Integer, Boolean, Map or List;
  • updatable: a boolean indicating whether a property is updatable.

The default output from the openstack cluster profile type show command is in YAML format. You can choose to show the spec schema in JSON format by specifying the -f json option as exemplified below:

$ openstack cluster profile type show -f json os.heat.stack-1.0
  "support_status": {
    "1.0": [
        "status": "SUPPORTED",
        "since": "2016.04"
  "name": "os.heat.stack",
  "schema": {
    "files": {
      "default": {},
      "required": false,
      "type": "Map",
      "description": "Contents of files referenced by the template, if any.",
      "updatable": true
    <... omitted ...>
    "context": {
      "default": {},
      "required": false,
      "type": "Map",
      "description": "A dictionary for specifying the customized context for stack operations",
      "updatable": false
  "id": "os.heat.stack-1.0",
  "location": null
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