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Senlin Dashboard

Senlin Management Dashboard


  1. Clone the Senlin Dashboard repository:

    $ git clone
  2. Copy the file from senlin_dashboard/enabled/ file to horizon/openstack_dashboard/local/enabled directory. Example, set as if being executed from the root of the senlin-dashboard repository:

    cp ./senlin_dashboard/enabled/ ../horizon/openstack_dashboard/local/enabled
  3. Change into the senlin-dashboard repository and package the plugin:

    pip install -r requirements.txt -e .

    This will build and install the senlin-dashboard plugin into the active virtual environment associated with your horizon installation. The plugin is installed in “editable” mode as a link back to your senlin-dashboard plugin directory.

Devstack Installation

  1. Download DevStack:

    $ git clone
    $ cd devstack
  2. Add following repo as external repositories into your local.conf file:

    #Enable senlin
    enable_plugin senlin
  3. Run

    $ ./

Unit Test

The unit tests can be executed directly from within this Senlin Dashboard plugin project directory by using:


Switch to Angularized panels

The panels are ongoing to migrate to AngularJS based. If you would try them, please copy to horizon/openstack_dashboard/local_settings.d/ and restart Horizon.