Setup Local Dev Environment


  • horizon is installed or cloned into <basedir>/horizon/

  • searchlight-ui is installed or cloned into <basedir>/searchlight-ui/

  • current working directory is <basedir>/horizon/

  1. Install environment.:

    #Locally cloned Horizon environment
    # - environment that has migrated horizon to using tox (Ocata release)
    .tox/runserver/bin/pip install -e ../searchlight-ui
    # -environment that has not migrated to tox (pre-Ocata release)
    ./tools/ pip install -e ../searchlight-ui
    #Devstack environment
    pip install -e ../searchlight-ui
  2. Copy <searchlight-ui>/searchlight_ui/enabled/ to <horizon_dir>/openstack_dashboard/local/enabled/:

    cp -rv ../searchlight-ui/searchlight_ui/enabled/ openstack_dashboard/local/enabled/
  3. Set up the policy files. First copy the policy file <searchlight-ui>/searchlight_ui/conf/searchlight_policy.json into horizon’s policy files <horizon_dir>/openstack_dashboard/conf/ folder. Then copy <searchlight-ui>/local_settings.d/ to <horizon_dir>/local/local_settings.d/:

    cp ../searchlight-ui/searchlight_ui/conf/searchlight_policy.json openstack_dashboard/conf/
    cp ../searchlight-ui/searchlight_ui/local_settings.d/ openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.d/
  4. (If offline compression is enabled - typical in production and devstack). Django has a compressor feature that performs many enhancements for the delivery of static files. It can be enable or disabled (COMPRESS_ENABLED). In addition, offline compression may be enabled or disabled (COMPRESS_OFFLINE = True). If offline compression is enabled in your environment, you must run the following commands the first time you install searchlight-ui and anytime you make changes to it.:

    ./ collectstatic
    ./ compress
  5. Restart your horizon services.:

    #Locally cloned Horizon environment (not under apache)
    # - environment that has migrated horizon to using tox (Ocata release)
    tox -e runserver (desired IP and port are optional)
    # -environment that has not migrated to tox (pre-Ocata release)
    ./ --runserver (optionally set desired IP and port)
    sudo service apache2 restart