
Horizon panels and libraries for searchlight

The Searchlight project provides indexing and search capabilities across OpenStack resources. Its goal is to achieve high performance and flexible querying combined with near real-time indexing.

Use the following resources to learn more:


  • Please see the searchlight-ui repository

Horizon Version Compatibility

This project provides a Horizon plugin. The plugin relies on features developed in the Horizon framework, so the version of the plugin must be deployed with a compatible Horizon verion. The below table provides an overview of the Horizon version compatibility matrix.

Searchlight UI Version | Horizon Version(s) Compatibilty |
———————: | ——————————-:|
master (Newton) | master 10.x (Newton) |
0.1.0 (Mitaka) | 9.x (Mitaka) |

Setup Local Dev Environment


  • horizon is installed or cloned into <basedir>/horizon/
  • searchlight-ui is installed or cloned into <basedir>/searchlight-ui/
  • current working directory is <basedir>/horizon/
  1. Install environment.:

    #Locally cloned Horizon environment
    ./tools/ pip install -e ../searchlight-ui
    #Devstack environment
    pip install -e ../searchlight-ui
  2. Copy <searchlight-ui>/searchlight_ui/enabled/ to <horizon_dir>/openstack_dashboard/local/enabled/:

    cp -rv ../searchlight-ui/searchlight_ui/enabled/ openstack_dashboard/local/enabled/
  3. Set up the policy files. First copy the policy file <searchlight-ui>/searchlight_ui/conf/searchlight_policy.json into horizon’s policy files <horizon_dir>/openstack_dashboard/conf/ folder. Then copy <searchlight-ui>/local_settings.d/ to <horizon_dir>/local/local_settings.d/:

    cp ../searchlight-ui/searchlight_ui/conf/searchlight_policy.json openstack_dashboard/conf/
    cp ../searchlight-ui/searchlight_ui/local_settings.d/ openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.d/
  4. (If offline compression is enabled - typical in production and devstack). Django has a compressor feature that performs many enhancements for the delivery of static files. It can be enable or disabled (COMPRESS_ENABLED). In addition, offline compression may be enabled or disabled (COMPRESS_OFFLINE = True). If offline compression is enabled in your environment, you must run the following commands the first time you install searchlight-ui and anytime you make changes to it.:

    ./ collectstatic
    ./ compress
  5. Restart your horizon services.:

    #Locally cloned Horizon environment (not under apache)
    ./ --runserver (use desired IP and port)
    sudo service apache2 restart

Create and Install Local Package

Change working directory to <basedir>/searchlight-ui/

  1. Package the searchlight_ui by running:

    python sdist
  2. This will create a python egg in the dist folder, which can be used to install on the horizon machine or within horizon’s python virtual environment (prepend wih ./tools/

    pip install dist/searchlight-ui-0.0.0.tar.gz (use appropriate version)

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