Tempest Integration of Sahara ============================= Sahara Tempest plugin contains api, cli and clients tests. There are several ways to run Tempest tests: it is possible to run them using your Devstack or using Rally. Run Tempest tests on Devstack ----------------------------- See how to configure Tempest `here `_. Tempest automatically discovers installed plugins. That's why you just need to install the Python packages that contains the Sahara Tempest plugin in the same environment where Tempest is installed. .. sourcecode:: console $ git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/sahara-tests $ cd sahara-tests/ $ pip install sahara-tests/ .. After that you can run Tempest tests. There you can specify the name of test (and even run a single test from directory). One way to run Tempest tests by using ``ostestr`` command, for instance: .. sourcecode:: console $ ostestr sahara_tempest_plugin.tests.cli.test_scenario.Scenario.test_plugin_cli .. The command ``tempest run`` is another way to run tests. See the additional information about using this `command `_. For example, the following command will run all the Tempest tests. .. sourcecode:: console $ tempest run .. Finally, you can use ``testr`` directly to run the tests. For example, the following command will run all the cli-tests: .. sourcecode:: console $ testr run sahara_tempest_plugin.tests.cli .. Useful links: * `Running Tempest tests with testr `_. * `Using Tempest plugins `_. * `Tempest Quickstart `_. Run Tempest tests using Rally ----------------------------- First of all, be sure that Rally is installed and working. There should be a Rally deployment with correct working Sahara service in it. Full information can be found on this `link `_. Using this information, you can install ``rally verify`` tool and plugin for testing Sahara. After this you are free to run Sahara Tempest tests. Here are some examples of how to run all the tests: .. sourcecode:: console $ rally verify start --regex sahara_tempest_plugin.tests .. If you want to run client or cli tests, you need to add the following line to generated config in ``[data-processing]`` field: .. sourcecode:: bash test_image_name = IMAGE_NAME .. where ``IMAGE_NAME`` is the name of image on which you would like to run tests.