================== Sphinx Extension ================== In addition to the command line tool, reno includes a Sphinx extension for incorporating release notes for a project in its documentation automatically. Enable the extension by adding ``'reno.sphinxext'`` to the ``extensions`` list in the Sphinx project ``conf.py`` file. .. rst:directive:: release-notes The ``release-notes`` directive accepts the same inputs as the ``report`` subcommand, and inserts the report inline into the current document where Sphinx then processes it to create HTML, PDF, or other output formats. If the directive has a body, it is used to create a title entry with ``=`` over and under lines (the typical heading style for the top-level heading in a document). Options: *branch* The name of the branch to scan. Defaults to the current branch. *reporoot* The path to the repository root directory. Defaults to the directory where ``sphinx-build`` is being run. *relnotessubdir* The path under ``reporoot`` where the release notes are. Defaults to ``releasenotes``. *notesdir* The path under ``relnotessubdir`` where the release notes are. Defaults to ``notes``. *version* A comma separated list of versions to include in the notes. The default is to include all versions found on ``branch``. *collapse-pre-releases* A flag indicating that notes attached to pre-release versions should be incorporated into the notes for the final release, after the final release is tagged. *earliest-version* A string containing the version number of the earliest version to be included. For example, when scanning a branch, this is typically set to the version used to create the branch to limit the output to only versions on that branch. Examples ======== The release notes for the "current" branch, with "Release Notes" as a title. :: .. release-notes:: Release Notes The release notes for the "stable/liberty" branch, with a separate title. :: ======================= Liberty Release Notes ======================= .. release-notes:: :branch: stable/liberty The release notes for version "1.0.0". :: .. release-notes:: 1.0.0 Release Notes :version: 1.0.0