Zed Series Release Notes


Bug Fixes

  • Bug #1995883: Fixed bad format request body generated for the snapshot-create action when the client supports mv 3.66 or greater but the Block Storage API being contacted supports < 3.66.


Upgrade Notes

  • Python 3.6 & 3.7 support has been dropped. The minimum version of Python now supported is Python 3.8.



The Yoga release of the python-cinderclient supports Block Storage API version 3 through microversion 3.68. (The maximum microversion of the Block Storage API in the Yoga release is 3.68.)

New Features

  • A new cinder reimage command and related python API binding has been added which allows a user to replace the current content of a specified volume with the data of a specified image supplied by the Image service (Glance). (Note that this is a destructive action, that is, all data currently contained in the volume is destroyed when the volume is re-imaged.) This feature requires Block Storage API microversion 3.68 or greater.



The Xena release of the python-cinderclient supports Block Storage API version 3 through microversion 3.66. (The maximum microversion of the Block Storage API in the Xena release is 3.66.)

New Features

  • Adds support for Block Storage API version 3.66, which drops the requirement of a ‘force’ flag to create a snapshot of an in-use volume. Although the ‘force’ flag is invalid for the snapshot-create call for API versions 3.66 and higher, for backward compatibility the cinderclient follows the Block Storage API in silently ignoring the flag when it is passed with a value that evaluates to True.

  • Supports Block Storage API version 3.65, which displays a boolean consumes_quota field on volume and snapshot detail responses and which allows filtering volume and snapshot list responses using the standard --filters [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]] option to the cinder list or cinder snapshot-list commands.

    Filtering by this field may not always be possible in a cloud. Use the cinder list-filters command to see what filters are available in the cloud you are using.

Upgrade Notes

  • The python-cinderclient no longer supports version 2 of the Block Storage API. The last version of the python-cinderclient supporting that API is the 7.x series.


Upgrade Notes

  • This release drops support of the Block Storage API v2. The last version of the python-cinderclient supporting that API is the 7.x series.

Bug Fixes

  • When attaching to a host, we don’t need a server id so it shouldn’t be mandatory to be supplied with attachment-create operation. The server_id parameter is made optional so we can create attachments without passing it. The backward compatibility is maintained so we can pass it like how we currently do if required.

  • Bug #1915996: Passing client certificates for mTLS connections was not supported and now has been fixed.



The Wallaby release of the python-cinderclient supports Block Storage API version 2 and Block Storage API version 3 through microversion 3.64. (The maximum microversion of the Block Storage API in the Wallaby release is 3.64.)

New Features

  • Enhance the backup-restore shell command to support restoring to a new volume created with a specific volume type and/or in a different AZ. New --volume-type and --availability-zone arguments are compatible with cinder API microversion v3.47 onward.

  • Added support to display the volume_type_id attribute in volume detail output when used with Block Storage API microversion 3.63 and higher.

  • Added support to display the encryption_key_id attribute in volume detail and backup detail output when used with Block Storage API microversion 3.64 and higher.


Bug Fixes

  • Bug #1867061: Fixed raw Python error message when using cinder without a subcommand while passing an optional argument, such as --os-volume-api-version.



The Victoria release of the python-cinderclient supports Block Storage API version 2 and Block Storage API version 3 through microversion 3.62. (The maximum microversion of the Block Storage API in the Victoria release is 3.62.)

New Features

  • Added support to set, get, and unset the default volume type for projects with Block Storage API version 3.62 and higher.

  • Added support to display the cluster_name attribute in volume detail output for admin users with Block Storage API version 3.61 and higher.



The Ussuri release of the python-cinderclient supports Block Storage API version 2 and Block Storage API version 3 through microversion 3.60. (The maximum microversion of the Block Storage API in the Ussuri release is 3.60.)

In addition to the features and bugfixes described below, this release includes some documentation updates.

Note that this release corresponds to a major bump in the version number. See the “Upgrade Notes” section of this document for details.

Please keep in mind that the minimum version of Python supported by this release is Python 3.6.

New Features

  • When communicating with the Block Storage API version 3.60 and higher, you can apply time comparison filtering to the volume list command on the created_at or updated_at fields. Time must be expressed in ISO 8601 format: CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm. The ±hh:mm value, if included, returns the time zone as an offset from UTC.

    See the Block Storage service (cinder) command-line client documentation for usage details.

  • New command option --filters is added to transfer-list command to support filtering. The transfer-list command can be used with filters when communicating with the Block Storage API version 3.52 and higher.

Upgrade Notes

  • The --bypass-url command line argument, having been deprecated in version 2.10, was removed in version 4.0.0. It was replaced by the command line argument --os-endpoint for consistency with other OpenStack clients. In this release, the initializer functions for client objects no longer recognize bypass_url as a parameter name. Instead, use os_endpoint. This keeps the cinderclient consistent both internally and with respect to other OpenStack clients.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the os_endpoint was not being passed to the keystone session as the endpoint_override argument.


Upgrade Notes

  • Python 2.7 support has been dropped. Beginning with release 6.0.0, the minimum version of Python supported by python-cinderclient is Python 3.6. The last version of python-cinderclient to support Python 2.7 is the 5.x series from the Train release.



This is a major version release of python-cinderclient. Backwards compatibility has been removed for some long standing deprecations and support for the Cinder v1 API has been removed. Prior to upgrading to this release, ensure all Cinder services that need to be managed are 13.0.0 (Rocky) or later.

New Features

  • Automatic version negotiation for the cinderclient CLI. If an API version is not specified, the CLI will use the newest supported by the client and the server. If an API version newer than the server supports is requested, the CLI will fall back to the newest version supported by the server and issue a warning message. This does not affect cinderclient library usage.

  • Starting with microversion 3.59, the cinder transfer-list command now supports the --sort argument to sort the returned results. This argument takes either just the attribute to sort on, or the attribute and the sort direction. Examples include cinder transfer-list --sort=id and cinder transfer-list --sort=name:asc.

Upgrade Notes

  • Adding is_public support in --filters option for type-list and group-type-list command. This option is used to filter volume types and group types on the basis of visibility. This option has 3 possible values : True, False, None with details as follows :

    • True: List public types only

    • False: List private types only

    • None: List both public and private types

  • This version of the python-cinderclient no longer supports the Cinder v1 API. Ensure all mananaged services have at least the v2 API available prior to upgrading this client.

  • The cinder endpoints command was deprecated and has now been removed. The command openstack catalog list should be used instead.

  • The cinder credentials command was deprecated and has now been removed. The command openstack token issue should be used instead.

  • The use of --os_tenant_name, --os_tenant_id and the environment variables OS_TENANT_NAME and OS_TENANT_ID have been deprecated for several releases and have now been removed. After upgrading, use the equivalent --os_project_name, --os_project_id, OS_PROJECT_NAME and OS_PROJECT_ID.

  • The deprecated volume create option --allow-multiattach has now been removed. Multiattach capability is now controlled using volume-type extra specs.

  • Support for the deprecated --sort_key and --sort_dir arguments have now been dropped. Use the supported --sort argument instead.



The replication v1 have been removed from cinder, the volume promote/reenable replication on the command line have now been removed.

New Features

  • Starting with API microversion 3.56, backup-list and backup-show will include the User ID denoting the user that created the backup.

Bug Fixes

  • The discover_version function in the cinderclient.api_versions module was documented to return the most recent API version supported by both the client and the target Block Storage API endpoint, but it was not taking into account the highest API version supported by the client. Its behavior has been corrected in this release. [Bug 1826286]


Bug Fixes

  • An issue was discovered with the way API microversions were handled for the new volume-transfer with snapshot handling with microversion 3.55. This release includes a fix to keep backwards compatibility with earlier releases. See bug #1784703 for more details.


New Features

  • Added the ability to specify the read-write or read-only mode of an attachment starting with microversion 3.54. The command line usage is cinder attachment-create –mode [rw|ro].

  • Starting with microversion 3.55, the volume transfer command now has the ability to exclude a volume’s snapshots when transferring a volume to another project. The new command format is cinder transfer-create –no-snapshots.

Upgrade Notes

  • The following CLI options were deprecated for one or more releases and have now been removed:


    This option has been replaced by --os-endpoint-type.


    This option has been replaced by --os-endpoint.


    This option has been replaced by --os-auth-type.

  • The volume creation argument --source-replica on the command line and the source_replica kwarg for the create() call when using the cinderclient library were for the replication v1 support that was removed in the Mitaka release. These options have now been removed.


New Features

  • Support cross AZ backup creation specifying desired backup service AZ (added in microversion v3.51)

  • New command option --filters is added to type-list command to support filter types since 3.52, and it’s only valid for administrator.


New Features

  • Cinder manageable-list and snapshot-manageable-list commands now accept --cluster argument to specify the backend we want to list for microversion 3.17 and higher. This argument and the host positional argument are mutually exclusive.

  • New work-cleanup command to trigger server cleanups by other nodes within a cluster on Active-Active deployments on microversion 3.24 and higher.


Deprecation Notes

  • The --allow-multiattach flag on volume creation has now been marked deprecated and will be removed in a future release.


New Features

  • Cinder migrate and manage commands now accept --cluster argument to define the destination for Active-Active deployments on microversion 3.16 and higher. This argument and the host positional argument are mutually exclusive for the migrate command.

  • Added with_count option in volume, snapshot and backup’s list commands since 3.45.

  • Support create volume from backup in microversion v3.47.


Bug Fixes

  • The attachment_ids in the volume info returned by show volume were incorrect. It was showing the volume_id, not the attachment_id. This fix changes the attachment_ids returned by show volume to correctly reflect the attachment_id. [Bug 1713082]


New Features

  • Support to wait for volume creation until it completes. The command is: cinder create --poll <volume_size>

  • --profile argument can be loaded from OS_PROFILE environment variable to avoid repeating --profile in openstack commands.

  • Support get volume summary command in V3.12.


New Features

  • Added support for replication group APIs enable_replication, disable_replication, failover_replication and list_replication_targets.

  • Added support for the revert-to-snapshot feature.

  • Support microversion 3.32 that allows dynamically changing and querying Cinder services’ log levels with service-set-log and service-get-log commands.

  • Enabled like filter support in these list commands. - list - snapshot-list - backup-list - group-list - group-snapshot-list - attachment-list - message-list

  • Support show group with list-volume argument. The command is : cinder group-show {group_id} –list-volume

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes bug 1705093 by having the cinderclient.client.get_highest_client_server_version method return a string rather than a float. The problem with returning a float is when a user of that method would cast the float result to a str which turns 3.40, for example, into “3.4” which is wrong.

Other Notes

  • The useless consistencygroup quota operation has been removed.


New Features

  • Added new command list-filters to retrieve enabled resource filters, Added new option --filters to these list commands:

    • list

    • snapshot-list

    • backup-list

    • group-list

    • group-snapshot-list

    • attachment-list

    • message-list

    • get-pools


New Features

  • Use ‘cinder reset-state’ as generic resource reset state command for resource ‘volume’, ‘snapshot’, ‘backup’ ‘group’ and ‘group-snapshot’. Also change volume’s default status from ‘available’ to none when no status is specified.

  • Cinderclient now supports noauth mode using –os-auth-type noauth param. Also python-cinderclient now supports keystoneauth1 plugins.

Deprecation Notes

  • –bypass-url param is now deprecated. Please use –os-endpoint instead of it. –os-auth-system param is now deprecated. Please –os-auth-type instead of it.

Bug Fixes

  • The ‘tenant’ argument was ignored when listing attachments, and now has been fixed. [Bug 1675974]

  • The ‘server_id’ is now a required parameter when creating an attachment, that means we should create an attachment with a command like, ‘cinder attachment-create <volume> <server_id>’. [Bug 1675975]


Other Notes

  • The cinder credentials command has not worked for several releases. The preferred alternative is to us the openstack token issue command, therefore the cinder credentials command has been removed.


New Features

  • Support Keystone V3 authentication for httpClient.


New Features

  • Service listings will display additional “cluster” field when working with microversion 3.7 or higher.

  • Add clustered services commands to list -summary and detailed- (cluster-list), show (cluster-show), and update (cluster-enable, cluster-disable). Listing supports filtering by name, binary, disabled status, number of hosts, number of hosts that are down, and up/down status. These commands require API version 3.7 or higher.

  • Add support for /messages API

    GET /messages

    cinder –os-volume-api-version 3.3 message-list

    GET /messages/{id}

    cinder –os-volume-api-version 3.3 message-show {id}

    DELETE /message/{id}

    cinder –os-volume-api-version 3.3 message-delete {id}

Bug Fixes

  • The mountpoint argument was ignored when creating an attachment and now has been fixed. [Bug 1675973]


New Features

  • Support –os-key option and OS_KEY environment variable which allows to provide client cert and its private key separately.

Bug Fixes

  • Default value of reset-state state option is changed from available to None because unexpected state reset happens when resetting migration status.


New Features

  • Added support to return “x-openstack-request-id” header in request_ids attribute for better tracing.

    For example:

    >>> from cinderclient import client
    >>> cinder = client.Client('2', $OS_USER_NAME, $OS_PASSWORD, $OS_TENANT_NAME, $OS_AUTH_URL)
    >>> res = cinder.volumes.list()
    >>> res.request_ids

Other Notes

  • Start using reno to manage release notes.