Ussuri Series Release Notes


New Features

  • Adds Octavia (load_balancer) support for the availability zone and availability zone profile APIs.

Bug Fixes

  • openstacksdk does not test or support python2 as of 0.40, but the releases have still accidentally worked (except for 0.44 which was broken for python2). We’re now explicitly marking releases as requiring >= 3.5 so that things don’t attempt to install something that’s bound to be broken.


Upgrade Notes

  • Removed the dependency on futurist, which isn’t necessary. Users can still pass futurist executors if they want, as the API is the same, but if nothing is passed, concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor will be used as the default.


New Features

  • Added bulk create securtiy groups rules. With new proxy method create_security_group_rules now it’s possible to create multiple rules for certain security group.

  • Project cleanup functionality. It provides a single method in the connection object, which calls cleanup method in all supported services (both part of the SDK itself and all “imported” in the runtime or through the vendor_hook functionality). Cleanup is working in multiple threads where possible (no dependencies between services).

  • Adds support to create and manage Identity v3 Federation resources - Specifically, Identity Providers, Mappings and Federation Protocols.

  • Switched to the futurist library for managing background concurrent tasks. Introduced a new pool_executor parameter to Connection that allows passing any any futurist Executor for cases where the default ThreadPoolExecutor would not be appropriate.

  • Adds an ability for the bare metal wait_for_nodes_provision_state call to return an object with nodes that succeeded, failed or timed out instead of raising an exception.

Upgrade Notes

  • Rackspace Cloud’s vendor profile has been updated to use v2 of the Block Storage API. This introduces an endpoint override for the service based on region_name and project_id.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes API version negotiation in the following bare metal node calls:

    • set_node_provision_state

    • set_node_power_state

    • patch_node

    Previously an unexpectingly low version could be negotiated, breaking certain features, for example calling the provide provisioning action with a node name.


New Features

  • Adds is_retired and retired_reason to the baremetal Node schema.

  • New stateful parameter can be used in security group

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes normalization of bare metal machines in the patch_machine call.


New Features

  • Enabling Resource class for being able to create objects in bulk way. Add first objects using that feature - Port, which now expose a proxy method create_ports for creating multiple port objects at once.

  • Add support for Cyborg(accelerator)

  • Added availability_zone parameter into load balancer.

Bug Fixes

  • Workaround an issue using openstacksdk with older versions of the placement service that are missing a status field in their version discovery doc.


New Features

  • Added allowed_cidrs parameter into load balancer listener.



As of this release, python v2 is neither tested nor supported.

New Features

  • qos_network_policy_id attribute support has been added to the network port resource

  • Add support for creating image from STDIN (i.e. from OSC). When creating from STDIN however, no checksum verification is possible, and thus validate_checksum must be also set to False.


New Features

  • The openstack.baremetal.v1.Node resource now has an owner property which was added in the baremetal API microversion 1.50.


New Features

  • Add support for methods of Neutron extension: extraroute-atomic.


Upgrade Notes

  • Due to the fix in microversion support in keystoneauth, Servers will be fetched using microversion 2.72. Code that assumes the existence of a field in the Server record should be removed, as it does not exist in new microversions and cannot be filled in behind the scenes.

Bug Fixes

  • In April 2019 the microversion support for the Server resource was increased to 2.72. Unfortunately, due to an issue with version discovery documents, this increase never actually became effective. A fix is coming in 3.17.2 of keystoneauth which will unbreak version discovery and cause the microversion support to start working.