Current Series Release Notes¶
openvswitch Chart¶
Change Open vSwitch to run with non-root user
Set nova user as owner for hugepages mount path
Make the –user flag for OVS server optional
ovn Chart¶
Add OVN Kubernetes support
Add OVN network logging parser
New Features¶
Implement daemonset overrides
ca-issuer Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Update apiVersion of Issuer to v1
0.1.3 Revert - Update apiVersion of Issuer to v1
0.2.0 Only Cert-manager version v1.0.0 or greater will be supported
0.2.1 Cert-manager “< v1.0.0” supports else use api
0.2.2 Update htk requirements
0.2.3 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
ceph-client Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 fix the logic to disable the autoscaler on pools
0.1.3 Run as ceph user and disallow privilege escalation
0.1.4 Improvements for ceph-client helm tests
0.1.5 Fix Helm test check_pgs() check for inactive PGs
0.1.6 Uplift from Nautilus to Octopus release
0.1.7 Don’t wait for premerge PGs in the rbd pool job
0.1.8 enhance logic to enable the autoscaler for Octopus
0.1.9 Revert “[ceph-client] enhance logic to enable the autoscaler for Octopus”
0.1.10 Separate pool quotas from pg_num calculations
0.1.11 enhance logic to enable and disable the autoscaler
0.1.12 Disable autoscaling before pools are created
0.1.13 Fix ceph-client helm test
0.1.14 Allow Ceph RBD pool job to leave failed pods
0.1.15 Make ceph-client helm test more PG specific
0.1.16 Make Ceph pool init job consistent with helm test
0.1.17 Add pool rename support for Ceph pools
0.1.18 Add pool delete support for Ceph pools
0.1.19 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.20 Export crash dumps when Ceph daemons crash
0.1.21 Fix Ceph checkDNS script
0.1.22 Set pg_num_min in all cases
0.1.23 Helm 3 - Fix Job labels
0.1.24 Performance optimizations for the ceph-rbd-pool job
0.1.25 Update htk requirements
0.1.26 Fix ceph-rbd-pool deletion race
0.1.27 Update ceph_mon config to ips from fqdn
0.1.28 Fix ceph.conf update job labels, rendering
0.1.29 Consolidate mon_host discovery
0.1.30 Move ceph-mgr deployment to the ceph-mon chart
0.1.31 Consolidate mon_endpoints discovery
0.1.32 Simplify test rules for ceph-mgr deployment
0.1.33 More robust naming of clusterrole-checkdns
0.1.34 Migrated CronJob resource to batch/v1 API version
0.1.35 Handle multiple mon versions in the pool job
0.1.36 Add the ability to run Ceph commands from values
0.1.37 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.38 Make use of noautoscale with Pacific
0.1.39 Correct check for too many OSDs in the pool job
0.1.40 Fix OSD count checks in the ceph-rbd-pool job
0.1.41 Allow gate scripts to use 1x replication in Ceph
0.1.42 Update all Ceph images to Focal
0 1.43 Document the use of mon_allow_pool_size_one
0.1.44 Allow pg_num_min to be overridden per pool
0.1.45 Update Ceph to 17.2.6
0.1.46 Strip any errors preceding pool properties JSON
0.1.47 Use Helm toolkit functions for Ceph probes
0.1.48 Update Rook to 1.12.5 and Ceph to 18.2.0
0.1.49 Update Ceph images to Jammy and Reef 18.2.1
0.1.50 Update Ceph images to patched 18.2.2 and restore debian-reef repo
0.1.51 Use by default
0.1.52 Run in ceph-osd-default container
0.1.53 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
ceph-mon Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency to >= 0.1.0
0.1.2 Enable shareProcessNamespace in mon daemonset
0.1.3 Run mon container as ceph user
0.1.4 Uplift from Nautilus to Octopus release
0.1.5 Add Ceph CSI plugin
0.1.6 Fix python3 issue for util scripts
0.1.7 remove deprecated svc annotation tolerate-unready-endpoints
0.1.8 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.9 Remove unnecessary parameters for ceph-mon
0.1.10 Export crash dumps when Ceph daemons crash
0.1.11 Correct mon-check executing binary and logic
0.1.12 Fix Ceph checkDNS script
0.1.13 Helm 3 - Fix Job labels
0.1.14 Update htk requirements
0.1.15 Prevent mon-check from removing mons when down temporarily
0.1.16 Correct Ceph Mon Check Ports
0.1.17 Skip monmap endpoint check for missing mons
0.1.18 Move ceph-mgr deployment to the ceph-mon chart
0.1.19 Add a post-apply job to restart mons after mgrs
0.1.20 Consolidate mon_endpoints discovery
0.1.21 Change configmap names to be based on release name
0.1.22 Correct configmap names for all resources
0.1.23 Release-specific ceph-template configmap name
0.1.24 Prevents mgr SA from repeated creation
0.1.25 Allow for unconditional mon restart
0.1.26 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.27 Update all Ceph images to Focal
0.1.28 Document the use of mon_allow_pool_size_one
0.1.29 Update Ceph to 17.2.6
0.1.30 Use Helm tookkit functions for Ceph probes
0.1.31 Add Rook Helm charts for managing Ceph with Rook
0.1.32 Update Rook to 1.12.5 and Ceph to 18.2.0
0.1.33 Update Ceph images to Jammy and Reef 18.2.1
0.1.34 Update Ceph images to patched 18.2.2 and restore debian-reef repo
0.1.35 Use seprate secrets for CSI plugin and CSI provisioner
0.1.36 Use by default
0.1.37 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
ceph-osd Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency to >= 0.1.0
0.1.2 wait for only osd pods from post apply job
0.1.3 Search for complete logical volume name for OSD data volumes
0.1.4 Don’t try to prepare OSD disks that are already deployed
0.1.5 Fix the sync issue between osds when using shared disk for metadata
0.1.6 Logic improvement for used osd disk detection
0.1.7 Synchronization audit for the ceph-volume osd-init script
0.1.8 Update post apply job
0.1.9 Check inactive PGs multiple times
0.1.10 Fix typo in check inactive PGs logic
0.1.11 Fix post-apply job failure related to fault tolerance
0.1.12 Add a check for misplaced objects to the post-apply job
0.1.13 Remove default OSD configuration
0.1.14 Alias synchronized commands and fix descriptor leak
0.1.15 Correct naming convention for logical volumes in disk_zap()
0.1.16 dmsetup remove logical devices using correct device names
0.1.17 Fix a bug with DB orphan volume removal
0.1.18 Uplift from Nautilus to Octopus release
0.1.19 Update rbac api version
0.1.20 Update directory-based OSD deployment for image changes
0.1.21 Refactor Ceph OSD Init Scripts - First PS
0.1.22 Refactor Ceph OSD Init Scripts - Second PS
0.1.23 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.24 Ceph OSD Init Improvements
0.1.25 Export crash dumps when Ceph daemons crash
0.1.26 Mount /var/crash inside ceph-osd pods
0.1.27 Limit Ceph OSD Container Security Contexts
0.1.28 Change var crash mount propagation to HostToContainer
0.1.29 Fix Ceph checkDNS script
0.1.30 Ceph OSD log-runner container should run as ceph user
0.1.31 Helm 3 - Fix Job labels
0.1.32 Update htk requirements
0.1.33 Update log-runner container for MAC
0.1.34 Remove wait for misplaced objects during OSD restarts
0.1.35 Consolidate mon_endpoints discovery
0.1.36 Add OSD device location pre-check
0.1.37 Add a disruptive OSD restart to the post-apply job
0.1.38 Skip pod wait in post-apply job when disruptive
0.1.39 Allow for unconditional OSD restart
0.1.40 Remove udev interactions from osd-init
0.1.41 Remove ceph-mon dependency in ceph-osd liveness probe
0.1.42 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.43 Update all Ceph images to Focal
0.1.44 Update Ceph to 17.2.6
0.1.45 Extend the ceph-osd post-apply job PG wait
0.1.46 Use Helm toolkit functions for Ceph probes
0.1.47 Add disk zap to OSD init forced repair case
0.1.48 Update Rook to 1.12.5 and Ceph to 18.2.0
0.1.49 Update Ceph images to Jammy and Reef 18.2.1
0.1.50 Allow lvcreate to wipe existing LV metadata
0.1.51 Update Ceph images to patched 18.2.2 and restore debian-reef repo
0.1.52 Use by default
0.1.53 Update ceph-daemon to be able to use tini init system
0.1.54 Remove use of tini for ceph-daemon
0.1.55 Update ceph-osd pod containers to make sure OSD pods are properly terminated at restart
0.1.56 Add preStop lifecycle script to log-runner
0.1.57 Added code to kill another background process in log-runner at restart
0.1.58 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
ceph-provisioners Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Validate each storageclass created
0.1.3 Uplift from Nautilus to Octopus release
0.1.4 Add Ceph CSI plugin
0.1.5 Fix Helm tests for the Ceph provisioners
0.1.6 Update ceph_mon config as per new ceph clients
0.1.7 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.8 Enable Ceph CSI Provisioner to Stand Alone
0.1.10 Add check for empty ceph endpoint
0.1.11 Limit Ceph Provisioner Container Security Contexts
0.1.12 Add ceph mon v2 port for ceph csi provisioner
0.1.13 Fix ceph-provisioner rbd-healer error
0.1.14 Helm 3 - Fix Job labels
0.1.15 Add support to connect to rook-ceph cluster
0.1.16 Update htk requirements
0.1.17 Consolidate mon_endpoints discovery
0.1.18 Update CSI images & fix ceph csi provisioner RBAC
0.1.19 Add pods watch and list permissions to cluster role
0.1.20 Add missing CRDs for volume snapshots (classes, contents)
0.1.21 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.22 Remove legacy Ceph provisioners
0.1.23 Remove unnecessary templates
0.1.24 Update all Ceph images to Focal
0.1.25 Update kubernetes registry to
0.1.26 Update Ceph to 17.2.6
0.1.27 Update Rook to 1.12.5 and Ceph to 18.2.0
0.1.28 Update Ceph images to Jammy and Reef 18.2.1
0.1.29 Update Ceph images to patched 18.2.2 and restore debian-reef repo
0.1.30 Specify CSI drivername in values.yaml
0.1.31 Use by default
0.1.32 Update ceph_rbd_provisioner image to 18.2.2
0.1.33 Remove dependencies on legacy provisioners
0.1.34 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
daemonjob-controller Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Add default value for property in x-kubernetes-list-map-keys
0.1.3 Update to container image repo
0.1.4 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.5 Update htk requirements
0.1.6 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.7 Update kubernetes registry to
0.1.8 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
elastic-apm-server Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.3 Update htk requirements
0.1.4 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.5 Use by default
0.1.6 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
elastic-filebeat Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.3 Update htk requirements
0.1.4 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.5 Replace with control-plane
0.1.6 Use by default
0.1.7 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
elastic-metricbeat Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Update RBAC apiVersion from /v1beta1 to /v1
0.1.3 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.4 Update htk requirements
0.1.5 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.6 Replace with control-plane
0.1.7 Use by default
0.1.8 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
elastic-packetbeat Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.3 Update htk requirements
0.1.4 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.5 Use by default
0.1.6 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
elasticsearch Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Update to 7.6.2 image
0.1.3 Add elasticsearch snapshot policy template for SLM
0.1.4 Add elasticsearch ILM functionality
0.1.5 Make templates job more generic
0.1.6 Fix elasticsearch-master rendering error
0.1.7 Pin Java options to specific versions
0.1.8 Disable Curator in Gate & Chart Defaults
0.2.0 Add more S3 configuration options
0.2.1 Make templates job more robust & allow overrides
0.2.2 Update the ES curator config to {}
0.2.3 Add configurable backoffLimit to templates job
0.2.4 Update helm-test script
0.2.5 Enable TLS with Kibana
0.2.6 Enable TLS path between nodes in cluster and TLS path between ceph-rgw
0.2.7 Get connection option from values.yaml
0.2.8 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.2.9 Removed repo verification check from helm-test
0.2.10 Enable TLS path between Prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter and Elasticsearch
0.2.11 Enable TLS path between Curator and Elasticsearch
0.2.12 Helm 3 - Fix Job labels
0.2.13 Update htk requirements
0.2.14 Fix cronjob rendering
0.2.15 Fix elasticsearch-data shutdown
0.2.16 Use python3 for helm tests when possible
0.2.17 Annotate ES master/data sts with S3 secret hash
0.2.18 Update default image value to Wallaby
0.2.19 Migrated CronJob resource to batch/v1 API version
0.2.20 Set default python for helm test
0.2.21 Added OCI registry authentication
0.2.22 Update all Ceph images to Focal
0.2.23 Add configurable liveness probe for elasticsearch client
0.2.24 Update Ceph to 17.2.6
0.2.25 Update ElasticSearch to 8.9.0
0.2.26 Add 2023.1 Ubuntu Focal overrides
0.2.27 Update Rook to 1.12.5 and Ceph to 18.2.0
0.2.28 Utilize bucket claim CRD when using with Rook
0.2.29 Make es curator path configurable
0.2.30 Update curator for es v8
0.3.0 Update elasticsearch_exporter to v1.7.0
0.3.1 Update Ceph images to Jammy and Reef 18.2.1
0.3.2 Update Ceph images to patched 18.2.2 and restore debian-reef repo
0.3.3 Update es curator to 8.0.10
0.3.4 Use by default
0.3.5 Remove gateway node role
0.3.6 Add 2024.1 Ubuntu Jammy overrides
0.3.7 Add 2024.2 overrides
0.3.8 Remove use of python in helm tests
0.3.9 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
etcd Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Update to container image repo
0.1.3 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.4 Update htk requirements
0.1.5 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.6 Update kubernetes registry to
0.1.7 Use by default
0.1.8 Switch etcd to staetefulset
0.1.9 Adding cronjob with etcd compaction
0.1.10 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
falco Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Update to container image repo
0.1.3 Remove zookeeper residue
0.1.4 Remove kafka residue
0.1.5 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.6 Update htk requirements
0.1.7 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.8 Replace with control-plane
0.1.9 Update kubernetes registry to
0.1.10 Use by default
0.1.11 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
flannel Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.3 Update htk requirements
0.1.4 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.5 Replace with control-plane
0.1.6 Use by default
0.1.7 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
fluentbit Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.3 Update htk requirements
0.1.4 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.5 Replace with control-plane
0.1.6 Use by default
0.1.7 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
fluentd Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Add Configurable Readiness and Liveness Probes
0.1.3 Enable TLS path for output to Elasticsearch
0.1.4 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.5 Kafka brokers defined as a list with port “kafka1:9092,kafka2:9020,kafka3:9092”
0.1.6 Update htk requirements
0.1.7 Update default image values to Wallaby
0.1.8 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.9 Set sticky bit for tmp
0.1.10 Add 2023.1 Ubuntu Focal overrides
0.1.11 Use by default
0.1.12 Add 2024.1 Ubuntu Jammy overrides
0.1.13 Add 2024.2 overrides
0.1.14 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
gnocchi Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.3 Helm 3 - Fix Job labels
0.1.4 Update htk requirements
0.1.5 Enable taint toleration for Openstack services jobs
0.1.6 Update all Ceph images to Focal
0.1.7 Replace with control-plane
0.1.8 Migrated pdb resource to policy/v1 API version
0.1.9 Migrated CronJob resource to batch/v1 API version
0.1.10 Update Ceph to 17.2.6
0.1.11 Update Rook to 1.12.5 and Ceph to 18.2.0
0.1.12 Update Ceph images to Jammy and Reef 18.2.1
0.1.13 Bugfix Ceph user creation for RBD access
0.1.14 Update Ceph images to patched 18.2.2 and restore debian-reef repo
0.1.15 Add 2023.2 Ubuntu Jammy overrides
0.1.16 Use by default
0.1.17 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
grafana Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Update Grafana version
0.1.3 Provision any dashboard as homepage
0.1.4 Enable TLS for Grafana
0.1.5 Enable TLS between Grafana and Prometheus
0.1.6 Enable TLS for Grafana ingress path
0.1.7 Update Grafana version and Selenium script
0.1.8 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.9 Add Alertmanager dashboard to Grafana
0.1.10 Helm 3 - Fix Job labels
0.1.11 Update htk requirements
0.1.12 Add iDRAC dashboard to Grafana
0.1.13 Update prometheus metric name
0.1.14 Add run migrator job
0.1.15 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.16 Grafana 8.5.10 with unified alerting
0.1.17 Fix uid for the user grafana
0.1.18 Migrator job is now mariadb-fail-proof
0.1.19 Update grafana to 9.2.10
0.1.20 Upgrade osh-selenium image to latest-ubuntu_focal
0.1.21 Fix run migrator job deployment condition
0.1.22 Make selenium v4 syntax optional
0.1.23 Modified selenium test for compatibility
0.1.24 Add image rendering sidecar
0.1.25 Add value for rendering sidecar feature
0.1.26 Use by default
0.1.27 Update default images tags. Add 2024.1-ubuntu_jammy overrides.
0.1.28 Upgrade osh-selenium image to ubuntu_jammy
0.1.29 Add 2024.2 overrides
0.1.30 Update chart helm test environment variables
0.1.31 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
helm-toolkit Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Add extra DNS names to Ingress
0.1.2 Make database backups work with openstack Train
0.1.3 Fix ks-user script case matching for domain
0.1.4 Update ingress tpl in helmtoolkit
0.1.5 Add capability to delete a backup archive
0.2.0 Update default Kubernetes API for use with Helm v3
0.2.1 Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer
0.2.2 Revert Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer
0.2.3 Allow openstack service list to retry in event of keystone connection issues
0.2.4 Added detailed FiXME for ks-service script bug and code changes
0.2.5 Added logic to support cert-manager versioning
0.2.6 Add metadata in job templates
0.2.7 Replace brace expansion with more standardized Posix approach
0.2.8 Override the expiry of Ingress TLS certificate
0.2.9 Jobs; put labels only in the template spec
0.2.10 Add more S3 configuration options
0.2.11 Revert S3 User & Bucket job scripts to v0.2.9
0.2.12 Remove hook-delete-policy
0.2.13 Modify connection args for s3 bucket creation when TLS is enabled
0.2.14 Remove TLS_OPTION argument from s3 bucket creation job
0.2.15 Adding TLS rabbitmq logic
0.2.16 Add manual mode to the created backup file name
0.2.17 Update db backup/restore retry for sending to remote
0.2.18 Make Rabbit-init job more robust
0.2.19 Revoke all privileges for PUBLIC role in postgres dbs
0.2.20 Modify the template of rbac_role to make secrets accessible
0.2.21 Fix issue with db backup error return code being eaten
0.2.22 Add ability to set labels to add to resources
0.2.23 Helm 3 - Fix Job labels
0.2.24 Migrate Ingress resources to
0.2.25 Set Security Context to ks-user job
0.2.26 Revert Set Security Context to ks-user job
0.2.27 Correct private key size input for Certificates and remove minor version support
0.2.28 Set Security context to ks-user job at pod and container level
0.2.29 Enhance mariadb backup
0.2.30 Add ability to image pull secrets on pods
0.2.31 Add log strings for alert generation
0.2.32 Consolidate mon_endpoints discovery
0.2.33 Remove set -x
0.2.34 Modify database backup logic to maintain minimum number of backups
0.2.35 Database B/R improvements
0.2.36 Enable taint toleration for Openstack services jobs
0.2.37 Updated chart naming for subchart compatibility
0.2.38 Minor change to display archive directory with files in sub-directory
0.2.39 Removed tillerVersion from Chart to pass helm3 linting
0.2.40 Revert chart naming for subchart compatibility
0.2.41 Database B/R - archive name parser added
0.2.42 Database B/R - fix to make script compliant with a retention policy
0.2.43 Support having a single external ingress controller
0.2.44 Added OCI registry authentication
0.2.45 Modify use_external_ingress_controller place in openstack-helm values.yaml
0.2.46 Fixed for getting kibana ingress value parameters
0.2.47 Adjusting of kibana ingress value parameters
0.2.48 Added verify_databases_backup_archives function call to backup process and added remote backup sha256 hash verification
0.2.49 Moved RabbitMQ Guest Admin removal to init
0.2.50 Allow tls for external ingress without specifying key and crt
0.2.51 Added a random delay up to 300 seconds to remote backup upload/download for load spreading purpose
0.2.52 Decreased random delay to up to 30 seconds and switched remote backup verification protocol to md5
0.2.53 Update create db user queries
0.2.54 Fix dependency resolver to ignore non-existing dependencyKey when dependencyMixinParam is a slice
0.2.55 Updated deprecated IngressClass annotation
0.2.56 Expose S3 credentials from Rook bucket CRD secret
0.2.57 Safer file removal
0.2.58 Backups verification improvements
0.2.59 Added throttling remote backups
0.2.60 Change default ingress pathType to Prefix
0.2.61 Add custom pod annotations snippet
0.2.62 Add custom secret annotations snippet
0.2.63 Add custom job annotations snippet and wire it into job templates
0.2.64 Use custom secret annotations snippet in other secret templates
0.2.65 Escape special characters in password for DB connection
0.2.66 Align db scripts with sqlalchemy 2.0
0.2.67 Use by default
0.2.68 Use by default
0.2.69 Use by default
0.2.70 Decode url-encoded password for rabbit connection
0.2.71 Add snippet with service parameters
0.2.72 Add snippet configmap_oslo_policy
0.2.73 Add ability to get multiple hosts endpoint
0.2.74 Remove trailing slash in endpoinds
0.2.75 Add daemonset_overrides_root util
0.2.76 update tookit to support fqdn alias
0.2.77 Add recommended kubernetes name label to pods definition
0.2.78 Fix db-init and db-drop scripts to make them work with sqlalchemy >2.0
0.2.79 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
ingress Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Update to container image repo
0.2.0 Update default Kubernetes API for use with Helm v3
0.2.1 Use HostToContainer mountPropagation
0.2.2 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.2.3 Uplift ingress to 0.42.0
0.2.4 Update htk requirements
0.2.5 Migrate Ingress resources to
0.2.6 Add option to assign VIP as externalIP
0.2.7 Enable taint toleration for Openstack services jobs
0.2.8 Uplift ingress to 1.1.3
0.2.9 Added OCI registry authentication
0.2.10 Update neutron images to xena release
0.2.11 Fix resource name in the role
0.2.12 Uplift ingress to 1.5.1
0.2.13 Allow setting node_port for the svc
0.2.14 Replace with control-plane
0.2.15 Update kubernetes registry to
0.2.16 Updated deprecated IngressClass annotation
0.2.17 Fixed controller parameters
0.2.18 Fixed some additional controller issues
0.2.19 Uplift ingress controller image to 1.8.2
kibana Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Drop usage of fsGroup inside container
0.1.3 Enable TLS with Elasticsearch
0.1.4 Enable TLS for Kibana ingress path
0.1.5 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.6 Remove Kibana indices before pod start up
0.1.7 Helm 3 - Fix Job labels
0.1.8 Update htk requirements
0.1.9 Revert removing Kibana indices before pod start up
0.1.10 Update image defaults
0.1.11 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.12 Added feedback http_code 200 for kibana indexes
0.1.13 Update Kibana to 8.9.0
0.1.14 Add 2023.1 Ubuntu Focal overrides
0.1.15 Use by default
0.1.16 Add 2024.1 Ubuntu Jammy overrides
0.1.17 Update script to use data views replacing deprecated api
0.1.18 Add retry logic to
0.1.19 Add 2024.2 overrides
0.1.20 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
kube-dns Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Update to container image repo
0.1.3 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.4 Update htk requirements
0.1.5 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.6 Replace with control-plane
0.1.7 Update kubernetes registry to
0.1.8 Use by default
0.1.9 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
kubernetes-keystone-webhook Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Update k8s-keystone-auth version
0.1.2 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.3 Remove Kibana source reference
0.1.4 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.5 Update htk requirements
0.1.6 Update default image value to Wallaby
0.1.7 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.8 Add 2023.1 Ubuntu Focal overrides
0.1.9 Use by default
0.1.10 Add 2024.1 Ubuntu Jammy overrides
0.1.11 Add 2024.2 overrides
0.1.12 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
kubernetes-node-problem-detector Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Unpin images built with osh-images
0.1.3 Update RBAC apiVersion from /v1beta1 to /v1
0.1.4 Update the systemd-monitor lookback duration
0.1.5 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.6 Update htk requirements
0.1.7 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.8 Replace with control-plane
0.1.9 Use by default
0.1.10 Update node_problem_detector to latest-ubuntu_jammy
0.1.11 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
ldap Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.3 Update htk requirements
0.1.4 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.5 Use by default
0.1.6 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
libvirt Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Setup libvirt SSL
0.1.3 Create override for external ceph cinder backend
0.1.4 Set unix socket auth method as none
0.1.5 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.6 Enhancement to enable probes override from values.yaml
0.1.7 Add libvirt overrides for Victoria and Wallaby
0.1.8 Update htk requirements
0.1.9 Exec libvirt instead of forking from bash
0.1.10 Enable taint toleration for Openstack services jobs
0.1.11 Remove unused overrides and update default image
0.1.12 Add libvirt exporter as a sidecar
0.1.13 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.14 Remove use of exec in
0.1.15 Add support for libvirt to connect to external ceph without any local ceph present
0.1.16 Update all Ceph images to Focal
0.1.17 Add ovn.yaml values_override, remove dependency from neutron-ovs-agent module
0.1.18 Replace with control-plane
0.1.19 Set kubernetes cgroup value equal kubepods.slice to fit systemd cgroup driver
0.1.20 Update Ceph to 17.2.6
0.1.21 Disable libvirt cgroup functionality for cgroup-v2
0.1.22 Set targeted dependency of libvirt with ovn networking backend
0.1.23 Add support for enabling vencrypt
0.1.24 Include HOSTNAME_FQDN for certificates
0.1.25 Add 2023.2 Ubuntu Jammy overrides
0.1.26 Update Rook to 1.12.5 and Ceph to 18.2.0
0.1.27 Add watch verb to vencrypt cert-manager Role
0.1.28 Update Ceph images to Jammy and Reef 18.2.1
0.1.29 Update Ceph images to patched 18.2.2 and restore debian-reef repo
0.1.30 Add 2024.1 overrides
0.1.31 Use by default
0.1.32 Enable a flag to parse Libvirt Nova metadata in libvirt exporter
0.1.33 Handle cgroupv2 correctly
0.1.34 Remove hugepages creation test
0.1.35 Allow to initialize virtualization modules
0.1.36 Allow to generate dynamic config options
0.1.37 Make readiness probes more tiny
0.1.38 Implement daemonset overrides for libvirt
0.1.39 Add 2023.1 overrides for Ubuntu Focal and Jammy
0.1.40 Add 2024.2 overrides
0.1.41 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
local-storage Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Update htk requirements
0.1.3 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
lockdown Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Allows toggling
0.1.2 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
mariadb Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 mariadb security best practice fixes
0.1.3 Fix MariaDB backup script
0.1.4 Unpin images built with osh-images
0.1.5 Update to container image repo
0.1.6 Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer
0.1.7 Revert - Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer
0.1.8 Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer with logic in place to support cert-manager versioning
0.1.9 Uplift Mariadb-ingress to 0.42.0
0.1.10 Rename mariadb backup identities
0.1.11 Disable mariadb mysql history client logging
0.1.12 Set strict permission on mariadb data dir
0.1.13 Fix race condition for grastate.dat
0.1.14 Update mysqld-exporter image to v0.12.1
0.2.0 Uplift mariadb version and ubuntu release
0.2.1 Prevent potential splitbrain issue if cluster is in reboot state
0.2.2 remove deprecated svc annotation tolerate-unready-endpoints
0.2.3 Remove panko residue
0.2.4 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.2.5 Added helm hook for post-install and post-upgrade in prometheus exporter job.
0.2.6 Update log format stream for mariadb
0.2.7 add ingress resources
0.2.8 Helm 3 - Fix Job labels
0.2.9 Update htk requirements
0.2.10 Fix Python exceptions
0.2.11 Enhance mariadb backup
0.2.12 Remove set -x
0.2.13 Adjust in single node and no replication case
0.2.14 Fix comparison value
0.2.15 Updated naming for subchart compatibility
0.2.16 Revert naming for subchart compatibility
0.2.17 Enable taint toleration for Openstack services jobs
0.2.18 Updated naming for subchart compatibility
0.2.19 Update default image value to Wallaby
0.2.20 Migrated CronJob resource to batch/v1 API version & PodDisruptionBudget to policy/v1; Uplift Mariadb-ingress to 1.1.3
0.2.21 Fix mysql exporter user privileges
0.2.22 Fix ingress cluster role privileges
0.2.23 Fix backup script by ignoring sys database for MariaDB 10.6 compartibility
0.2.24 Uplift Mariadb-ingress to 1.2.0
0.2.25 Add liveness probe to restart a pod that got stuck in a transfer wsrep_local_state_comment
0.2.26 Added OCI registry authentication
0.2.27 Fix broken helmrelease for helmv3
0.2.28 Added verify_databases_backup_in_directory function implementation
0.2.29 Uplift Mariadb-ingress to 1.5.1
0.2.30 Replace with control-plane
0.2.31 Update kubernetes registry to
0.2.32 Prevent liveness probe from killing pods during SST
0.2.33 Add 2023.1 Ubuntu Focal overrides
0.2.34 Uplift ingress controller image to 1.8.2
0.2.35 Update apparmor override
0.2.36 Added staggered backups support
0.2.37 Backups verification improvements
0.2.38 Added throttling remote backups
0.2.39 Template changes for image 1.9 compatibility
0.2.40 allows to create mariadb-service-primary service and endpoint
0.2.41 Switch to primary service instead of ingress by default
0.2.42 Use by default
0.2.43 Add 2024.1 Ubuntu Jammy overrides
0.2.44 Uplift ingress controller image to 1.11.2
0.2.45 Add mariadb controller support
0.2.46 Avoid using cluster endpoints
0.2.47 Deploy exporter as sidecar
0.2.48 Switch to mariadb controller deployment
0.2.49 Remove ingress deployment
0.2.50 Add cluster-wait job
0.2.51 Add 2024.2 overrides
0.2.52 Added SSL support to cluster-wait job
0.2.53 Use constant for mysql binary name
0.2.54 Improve leader election on cold start
0.2.55 Improve python3 compatibility
0.2.56 Stop running threads on sigkill
0.2.57 Remove useless retries on conflicts during cm update
0.2.58 Prevent TypeError in get_active_endpoint function
0.2.59 Give more time on resolving configmap update conflicts
0.2.60 Refactor liveness/readiness probes
0.2.61 Avoid using deprecated isAlive()
0.2.62 Implement mariadb upgrade during start
0.2.63 Use service ip for endpoint discovery
0.2.64 Add terminationGracePeriodSeconds
0.2.65 Allow to use default storage class
0.2.66 Add probes for exporter
0.2.67 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
memcached Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Make stats cachedump configurable.
0.1.3 Remove panko residue
0.1.4 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.5 Update htk requirements
0.1.6 Switch to using sidecar for exporter
0.1.7 Updated naming for subchart compatibility
0.1.8 Enable taint toleration for Openstack services jobs
0.1.9 Revert naming for subchart compatibility
0.1.10 Updated naming for subchart compatibility
0.1.11 Remove gnocchi netpol override
0.1.12 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.13 Replace with control-plane
0.1.14 Use by default
0.1.15 Allow to pass additional service parameters
0.1.16 Change deployment type to statefulset
0.1.17 Fix statefulset spec format
0.1.18 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
metacontroller Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Fix disappearing metacontroller CRDs on upgrade
0.1.3 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.4 Update htk requirements
0.1.5 Fix field validation error
0.1.6 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.7 Use by default
0.1.8 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
mongodb Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.3 Update htk requirements
0.1.4 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.5 Add conf file for MongoDB
0.1.6 Use by default
0.1.7 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
nagios Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.3 Mount internal TLS CA certificate
0.1.4 Update htk requirements
0.1.5 Switch nagios image from xenial to bionic
0.1.6 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.7 Upgrade osh-selenium image to latest-ubuntu_focal
0.1.8 Use helm toolkit for readiness probes
0.1.9 Make using selenium v4 syntax optional
0.1.10 Correct selenium v3 syntax
0.1.11 Use by default
0.1.12 Update nagios image tag to latest-ubuntu_jammy
0.1.13 Add the ability to use custom Nagios plugins
0.1.14 Upgrade osh-selenium image to ubuntu_jammy
0.1.15 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
namespace-config Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Grant access to existing PodSecurityPolicy
0.1.2 Rmove PodSecurityPolicy
0.1.3 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
nfs-provisioner Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.3 Update htk requirements
0.1.4 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.5 Update image version
0.1.6 Use by default
0.1.7 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
openvswitch Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Unpin images built with osh-images
0.1.3 Use HostToContainer mountPropagation
0.1.4 Support override of vswitchd liveness and readiness probe
0.1.5 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.6 Update htk requirements
0.1.7 Enable taint toleration for Openstack services jobs
0.1.8 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.9 Enable ovs hardware offload
0.1.10 Merge ovs-db and ovs-vswitchd in one Daemonset
0.1.11 Add ovn.yaml in values_override, Enable ptcp_port 6640 which needed when use ovn
0.1.12 Replace with control-plane
0.1.13 Upgrade openvswitch image to latest-ubuntu_focal to fix qos issue
0.1.14 Add buffer before accesses pid file
0.1.15 Add buffer before accesses ovs controller pid socket
0.1.16 Restore ServiceAccount to openvswitch pod
0.1.17 Add buffer to wait for potential new CTL file before running chown
0.1.18 Add value for extra poststart command
0.1.19 Add check for cgroups v2 file structure
0.1.20 Add Ubuntu Focal and Ubuntu Jammy overrides
0.1.21 Add overrides for dpdk
0.1.22 Change hugepages size to 2M for easier configuration
0.1.23 Fix rolebinding for init container
0.1.24 Change ovs to run as child process of start script
0.1.25 Use by default
0.1.26 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
ovn Chart¶
0.1.0 Add OVN!
0.1.1 Fix ovn db persistence issue
0.1.2 Add bridge-mapping configuration
0.1.3 Fix system-id reuse
0.1.4 Add support for OVN HA + refactor
0.1.5 Add ubuntu_focal and ubuntu_jammy overrides
0.1.6 Fix ovsdb port number
0.1.7 Use host network for ovn controller pods
0.1.8 Fix attaching interfaces to the bridge
0.1.9 Make ovn db file path as configurable
0.1.10 Fix typo in the controller init script
0.1.11 Use by default
0.1.12 Fix oci_image_registry secret name
0.1.13 Allow share OVN DB NB/SB socket
0.1.14 Make the label for OVN controller gateway configurable
0.1.15 Fix resources
0.1.16 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
postgresql Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 adding archiving to postgres
0.1.3 Use explicit entrypoint for prometheus exporter
0.1.4 Allow probe tweaking
0.1.5 Optimize restart behavior
0.1.6 Revert “Add default reject rule …”
0.1.7 postgres archive cleanup script
0.1.8 Add tls to Postgresql
0.1.9 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.10 Helm 3 - Fix Job labels
0.1.11 Update htk requirements
0.1.12 Enhance postgresql backup
0.1.13 Remove set -x
0.1.14 Fix invalid fields in values
0.1.15 Migrated CronJob resource to batch/v1 API version
0.1.16 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.17 Added empty verify_databases_backup_archives() function implementation to match updated backup_databases() function in helm-toolkit
0.1.18 Updated postgres to 14.5 and replaced deprecated config item wal_keep_segments with wal_keep_size
0.1.19 Added staggered backups support
0.1.20 Added throttling remote backups
0.1.21 Use by default
0.1.22 Update default images tags. Add 2024.1-ubuntu_jammy overrides.
0.1.23 Add 2024.2 overrides
0.1.24 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
powerdns Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.3 Helm 3 - Fix Job labels
0.1.4 Update htk requirements
0.1.5 Update default image values
0.1.6 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.7 Add 2023.1 Ubuntu Focal overrides
0.1.8 Use by default
0.1.9 Add 2024.1 Ubuntu Jammy overrides
0.1.10 Add 2024.2 overrides
0.1.11 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
prometheus Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Add configurable readiness/liveness Probes
0.1.3 Revert “Render Rules as Templates”
0.1.4 Fix spacing inconsistencies with flags
0.1.5 Fix spacing inconsistencies with flags
0.1.6 Upgrade version to v2.25 fix/remove deprecated flags
0.1.7 Enable TLS for Prometheus
0.1.8 Change readiness probe from /status to /-/ready
0.1.9 Retrieve backend port name from values.yaml
0.1.10 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.11 Update htk requirements
0.1.12 Update default image value to Wallaby
0.1.13 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.14 Added feature to launch Prometheus with custom script
0.1.15 Add 2023.1 Ubuntu Focal overrides
0.1.16 Use by default
0.1.17 Add 2024.1 Ubuntu Jammy overrides
0.1.18 Add 2024.2 overrides
0.1.19 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
prometheus-alertmanager Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Add extensible command line flags to Alertmanager
0.1.3 Add LDAP to Alertmanager
0.1.4 Remove snmp_notifier subchart from alertmanager
0.1.5 Add Prometheus Scrape Annotation
0.1.6 Remove Alerta from openstack-helm-infra repository
0.1.7 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.8 Update htk requirements
0.1.9 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.10 Use by default
0.1.11 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
prometheus-blackbox-exporter Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Rename image key name
0.1.3 Update htk requirements
0.1.4 Fix indentation
0.1.5 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.6 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
prometheus-kube-state-metrics Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Update to make current
0.1.3 Update image version from v2.0.0-alpha to v2.0.0-alpha-1
0.1.4 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.5 Fix helm3 compatability
0.1.6 Update htk requirements
0.1.7 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.8 Use by default
0.1.9 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
prometheus-node-exporter Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Add possibility to use overrides for some charts
0.1.3 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.4 Update htk requirements
0.1.5 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.6 Replace with control-plane
0.1.7 Use by default
0.1.8 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
prometheus-openstack-exporter Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Unpin prometheus-openstack-exporter image
0.1.3 Add possibility to use overrides for some charts
0.1.4 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.5 Helm 3 - Fix Job labels
0.1.6 Update htk requirements
0.1.7 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.8 Switch to jammy-based images
0.1.9 Use by default
0.1.10 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
prometheus-process-exporter Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Fix values_overrides directory naming
0.1.3 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.4 Update htk requirements
0.1.5 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.6 Replace with control-plane
0.1.7 Use by default
0.1.8 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
rabbitmq Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 changes rmq-exporter secret src
0.1.4 Add configurable RABBIT_TIMEOUT parameter
0.1.5 Update Rabbitmq exporter version
0.1.6 Disallow privilege escalation in rabbitmq server container
0.1.7 Adding TLS logic to rabbitmq
0.1.8 Make helm test work with TLS
0.1.9 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.10 Set separate for HTTPS
0.1.11 Add TLS support for helm test
0.1.12 Added helm hook post-install and post-upgrade for rabbitmq wait cluster job
0.1.13 Add prestop action and version 3.8.x upgrade prep
0.1.14 Update readiness and liveness probes
0.1.15 Update htk requirements
0.1.16 Add force_boot command to rabbit start template
0.1.17 Updated naming for subchart compatibility
0.1.18 Revert naming for subchart compatibility
0.1.19 Enable taint toleration for Openstack services jobs
0.1.20 Bump Rabbitmq version to 3.9.0
0.1.21 Updated naming for subchart compatibility
0.1.22 Remove guest admin account
0.1.23 Fixed guest account removal
0.1.24 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.25 Add hostPort support
0.1.26 Moved guest admin removal to init template
0.1.27 Replace with control-plane
0.1.28 Add IPv6 environment support for rabbitmq
0.1.29 Add build-in prometheus plugin and disable external exporter
0.1.30 Add labels to rabbitmq service
0.1.31 Support management api metrics collection
0.1.32 Enable addition of default consumer prefetch count
0.1.33 Bump RabbitMQ image version to 3.13.0
0.1.34 Add 2024.1 overrides
0.1.35 Add configurable probes to rabbitmq container
0.1.36 Use by default
0.1.37 Update rabbitmq readiness/liveness command
0.1.38 Do not use hardcoded username in rabbitmq chown container
0.1.39 Allow to bootstrap rabbitmq with initial config
0.1.40 Set password for guest user rabbitmq
0.1.41 Use short rabbitmq node name
0.1.42 Revert Use short rabbitmq node name
0.1.43 Add 2024.2 overrides
0.1.44 Allow to use default storage class
0.1.45 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
redis Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.3 Update htk requirements
0.1.4 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.5 Use by default
0.1.6 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
registry Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Update to container image repo
0.1.3 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.4 Helm 3 - Fix Job labels
0.1.5 Update htk requirements
0.1.6 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.7 Update kubernetes registry to
0.1.8 Update bootstrap image url for newer image format
0.1.9 Use by default
0.1.10 Allow to use default storage class
0.1.11 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle
shaker Chart¶
0.1.0 Initial Chart
0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”
0.1.2 Use full image ref for docker official images
0.1.3 Fix helm3 linting issue
0.1.4 Update htk requirements
0.1.5 Update default image value
0.1.6 Added OCI registry authentication
0.1.7 Use by default
0.1.8 Update Chart.yaml apiVersion to v2
2024.2.0 Update version to align with the Openstack release cycle