Current Series Release Notes



Naming convention for containers has changed in Ansible inventory to match requirements defined by RFC1034. From now on, all newly added containers will not have underscore (_) symbol neither in their inventory_hostname nor in container_name This change does not touch or alter already existing containers in the inventory. In order to apply new naming convention for an existing environment you need to delete containers on the host and from the inventory. After that new container name will be generated and container can be created again.

Added support to deploy Skyline dashboard.

New Features

  • New variables are added to allow a user defined playbooks to be specified that run pre and post the existing code in setup-hosts, setup-infrastructure and setup-openstack. OpenStack-Ansible deployments may be extended and have additional user defined functions added using these hooks, which will have full access to the OSA inventory and host variables.

  • Added openstack-resources.yml playbook that aims to handle creation and futher adjustment of OpenStack resources. It relies heavily on Ansible collection for OpenStack. The main goal of the playbook to provide a unified method of creating and managing common resources, like images, flavors, compute aggregates, networks, etc. Playbook can consume following variables, that are provided to simmilar ones in openstack.osa.openstack_resources role:

    • openstack_user_identity

    • openstack_user_compute

    • openstack_user_network

    • openstack_user_image

    • openstack_user_coe

    Please reffer to the role documentation and examples for more details.

  • OpenStack-Ansible can now be used to deploy Skyline, an alternantive dashboard. New example files have been added to env.d and conf.d to support the Skyline infrastructure, and a playbook named os-skyline-install.yml has been added to deploy the API and console service.

  • Implemented installation of extra Python packages inside Ansible virtual environment. By default, extra requirements should be defined in /etc/openstack_deploy/user-ansible-venv-requirements.txt file. Path to the requirements file can be overriden using USER_ANSIBLE_REQUIREMENTS_FILE environment variable.

Known Issues

  • With recent changes to config_template module, it is not possible anymore to have variables as dictionary keys in overrides. Example below will not be renderred properly:

      "{{ inventory_hostname }}":
        cruel: world

    This limitation boils down to Ansible design and will be true for any other module as well. In order to overcome it, you can transform the dictionary to a Jinja2 format:

    config_overrides: |-
          inventory_hostname: {
            'cruel': 'world'

Upgrade Notes

  • Ensure that in openstack_user_config.yml / conf.d cloudkitty_hosts are replaced with rating_hosts. For deployments with LXC containers: after upgrade is completed make sure that Cloudkitty is not running on your LXC hosts anymore, after which you should be able to remove LXC hosts from cloudkitty_all group in inventory.

Bug Fixes

  • Due to issue in env.d defenition for Cloudkitty, service was installed not only inside LXC containers, but also to all LXC hosts, which was not intended. This was fixed in env.d definition for the service, and it was renamed from cloudkitty_hosts to rating_hosts, which should be reflected in your openstack_user_config.yml or conf.d files.

  • Fixes format of ceph_conf_overrides_rgw variable by converting override dictionary to Jinja2 format to workaround Ansible limitation on usage of variables as keys in dictionary.

  • Limitation on group naming in physical_skel section of env.d files regarding usage of underscore symbol was released.

Other Notes

  • When Skyline is deployed with the built-in HAProxy server it will, by default, listen on port 80 when ssl is disabled and port 443 when ssl is enabled. Skyline backend in it’s term will listen on port 9999.

    When Skyline is attempted to be deployed with Horizon, Skyline will take precedence by serving on port 80/443. In the meanwhile Horizon will be available in “subdirectory” /horizon.