Newton Series Release Notes


New Features

  • The galera cluster now supports cluster health checks over HTTP using port 9200. The new cluster check ensures a node is healthy by running a simple query against the wsrep sync status using monitoring user. This change will provide for a more robust cluster check ensuring we have the most fault tolerant galera cluster possible.

  • Galera healthcheck has been improved, and relies on an xinetd service. By default, the service is unaccessible (filtered with the no_access directive). You can override the directive by setting any xinetd valid value to galera_monitoring_allowed_source.


Bug Fixes

  • MariaDB 10.0.32 released on Aug 17 which, when configured to use xtrabackup for the SST, requires percona xtrabackup version 2.3.5 or higher. As xtrabackup is the default SST mechanism in the galera_server role, the version used has been updated from 2.2.13 to 2.3.5 for the x86_64 hardware architecture. See the percona release notes for 2.3.2 for more details of what was included in the fix.


New Features

  • Implements SSL connection ability to MySQL. galera_use_ssl option has to be set to true (default), in this case playbooks create self-signed SSL bundle and sets up MySQL configs to use it or distributes user-provided bundle throughout Galera nodes.


Bug Fixes

  • Systems using systemd (like Ubuntu Xenial) were incorrectly limited to a low amount of open files. This was causing issues when restarting galera. A deployer can still define the maximum number of open files with the variable galera_file_limits (Defaults to 65536).

Other Notes

  • The limits.conf file for galera servers will now be deployed under /etc/security/limits.d/99-limits.conf. This is being done to ensure our changes do not clobber existing settings within the system’s default /etc/security/limits.conf file when the file is templated.


New Features

  • The filename of the apt source can now be defined with the variable filename inside the dicts galera_repo and galera_percona_xtrabackup_repo.

  • You can specify the galera_package_arch variable to force a specific architecture when installing percona and qpress packages. This will be automatically calculated based on the architecture of the galera_server host. Acceptable values are x86_64 for Ubuntu-14.04`, ``Ubuntu-16.04 and RHEL 7, and ppc64le for Ubuntu-16.04.

Bug Fixes

  • The percona repository stayed in placed even after a change of the variable use_percona_upstream. From now on, the percona repository will not be present unless the deployer decides to use_percona_upstream. This also fixes a bug of the presence of this apt repository after an upgdrade from Mitaka.


New Features

  • The openstack-ansible-galera_server role will now prevent deployers from changing the galera_cluster_name variable on clusters that already have a value set in a running galera cluster. You can set the new galera_force_change_cluster_name variable to True to force the galera_cluster_name variable to be changed. We recommend setting this by running the galera-install.yml playbook with -e galera_force_change_cluster_name=True, to avoid changing the galera_cluster_name variable unintentionally. Use with caution, changing the galera_cluster_name value can cause your cluster to fail, as the nodes won’t join if restarted sequentially.

  • CentOS 7 support has been added to the galera_server role.

  • Implemented support for Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial. percona-xtrabackup packages will be installed from distro repositories, instead of upstream percona repositories due to lack of available packages upstream at the time of implementing this feature.

  • The galera_server role now supports the ability to configure whether apt/yum tasks install the latest available package, or just ensure that the package is present. The default action is to ensure that the latest package is present. The action taken may be changed to only ensure that the package is present by setting galera_server_package_state to present.

Known Issues

  • Deployments on ppc64le are limited to Ubuntu 16.04 for the Newton release of OpenStack-Ansible.

Upgrade Notes

  • The default database collation has changed from utf8_unicode_ci to utf8_general_ci. Existing databases and tables will need to be converted.

  • The MariaDB wait_timeout setting is decreased to 1h to match the SQL Alchemy pool recycle timeout, in order to prevent unnecessary database session buildups.

  • The variable galera_pre_packages has been renamed to galera_server_required_distro_packages.

  • The variable galera_packages has been renamed to galera_server_mariadb_distro_packages.

  • The galera_server role always checks whether the latest package is installed when executed. If a deployer wishes to change the check to only validate the presence of the package, the option galera_server_package_state should be set to present.

Deprecation Notes

  • galera_package_url changed to percona_package_url for clarity

  • galera_package_sha256 changed to percona_package_sha256 for clarity

  • galera_package_path changed to percona_package_path for clarity

  • galera_package_download_validate_certs changed to percona_package_download_validate_certs for clarity

Bug Fixes

  • Add architecture-specific locations for percona-xtrabackup and qpress, with alternate locations provided for ppc64el due to package inavailability from the current provider.

  • The --compact flag has been removed from xtrabackup options. This had been shown to cause crashes in some SST situations

Other Notes

  • Mariadb version upgrade gate checks removed.