2023.1 Series Release Notes


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a regression when binding 802.3ad port groups on netmiko devices other than cumulus.


New Features

  • Adds a new device driver, netmiko_aruba_os, for managing ArubaOS-CX switch devices.

  • Add support for Cisco Nexus devices (NX-OS).

  • Adds a new device driver, netmiko_dell_os10, for managing Dell OS10 based switch devices.

  • Add new device setting ngs_save_configuration, allowing to disable saving configuration on the device after each change. This can speed up the overall process significantly, but changes will be lost if the device reboots.

  • Add new device setting ngs_ssh_disabled_algorithms. This allows to selectively disable SSH algorithms of various types, which may help to speed up SSH connection (faster key exchange algorithm) or to workaround buggy SSH implementations found on some devices.

  • Adds support for batching of requests using etcd as a task queue.

Other Notes

  • Adds a stress testing script, ngs-stress.py, in the tools/ngs-stress directory of the source code repository.