Current Series Release Notes

New Features

  • Adds the kolla feature flag: kolla_enable_ironic_inspector. This defaults to true if you have enabled Ironic as Kayobe makes extensive use of introspection rules. Please note that whilst ironic inspector is deprecated, some features, such as introspection rules are not currently implemented in the replacement implementation built-in to Ironic. See Ironic documentation for more details.

  • Adds support for the Podman container engine as an alternative to Docker. See Kayobe docs for futher information.

  • Adds variables to configure authentication parameters in the image-download role, which is used to download IPA images. The new variables are image_download_url_username, image_download_url_password, image_download_force_basic_auth and image_download_unredirected_headers. See documentation of the get_url and uri Ansible modules for more details on how to use these variables.

  • Deploying and destroying infrastructure VMs is now significantly faster as only the required variables are passed to the relevant tasks as opposed to the entire collection of hostvars for each VM.

  • Adds dynamic-login to the default list of DIB elements included in Ironic Python Agent (IPA) images. This element can dynamically configure credentials at boot time, which is especially useful for troubleshooting.

  • Supports forcing time synchronisation after configuring chrony if ntp_force_sync is changed to True.

Known Issues

  • On Ubuntu 22.04, when using podman, containers may get stuck in the creating state when using a 6.5.x series (or newer) kernel. See LP#2056210 for more details. The bug has been fixed upstream in crun, but we are awaiting a new Ubuntu 22.04 package to be released.

Upgrade Notes

  • The docker group has been renamed to container-engine.

  • The kayobe-config configuration file docker.yml has been renamed to container-engine.yml.

  • Stops automatically removing the inspection_store and opensm containers when they become disabled in Kayobe configuration. Manual container removal is now necessary, except in the case of a full service destroy.

Bug Fixes

  • Bumps the MichaelRigart.interfaces role to v1.15.3 to fix an issue where NetworkManager was not restarted before bouncing network interfaces. LP#2100792

  • Fixes a bug where non-overcloud hosts would show up in the confirmation prompt for kayobe overcloud deprovision LP#2091703

  • Fixes an issue where slave interfaces would not be brought back up when bouncing the master interface. LP#2072340.

  • Pin requirements for IPA image build to ensure that the ironic-lib version matches ironic-python-agent. LP#2089263

Security Issues

  • Avoid leaking DNF repository username/password credentials in the Kayobe output by adding loop control to print only the repository key. LP#2087938

Bug Fixes

  • Avoid leaking DNF repository username/password credentials in the Kayobe output by adding loop control to print only the repository key. LP#2087938