Mitaka Series (1.1.0 - 1.2.x) Release Notes


Bug Fixes

  • Limits the memory usage of qemu-img convert command to 1 GiB to avoid it from causing the host machine to fail due not enough ram.

  • Fix two root device hints, ‘wwn_with_extension’ and ‘wwn_vendor_extension’, that were implemented and documented, but were not added to the list of supported root device hints, and thus fail validation.


New Features

  • The driver_internal_info internal setting agent_continue_if_ata_erase_failed allows operators to enable disk cleaning operations to fallback from a failed ata_erase operation to disk shredding operations.

Bug Fixes

  • On start up wait up to 30 seconds for the first disk device suitable for deployment to appear. This is to fix both inspection and deployment on hardware that takes long to initialize (e.g. some RAID devices).

  • IPA will now attempt to unlock a security locked drive with a ‘NULL’ password if it is found to be enabled, however this will only work if the password was previously set to a ‘NULL’ value, such as if a failure during a previous ata_erase sequence.

  • Potential command failures in the secure erase process are now captured and raised as BlockDeviceEraseError exceptions.


New Features

  • The “has_carrier” flag was added to the network interface information.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes bug where the user specified disk_label is ignored with partition images in agent drivers.

  • Inspection code now waits up to 1 minute for all NICs to get their IP addresses. Otherwise inspection fails for some users due to race between DIB DHCP code and IPA startup. See for details.

  • During inspection wait only for a PXE booting NIC to get its IP by default. Introduce a new “inspection_dhcp_all_interfaces” option to enable waiting for all interfaces instead.

  • Stop checking the “has_carrier” field when waiting for NIC’s to get IP addresses, as it might be set to “False” when the interface is being configured.


New Features

  • Add new ‘system_vendor’ information to data - Add hardware vendor information(product name, serial number, manufacturer) to data. This will be able to give Ironic Inspector hints to detect driver.

  • Add support for partition images in IPA. This commit adds the ironic-lib as the requirement for the IPA package.

  • Debug logging can now be enabled by setting “ipa-debug” kernel parameter.

  • Root device hints extended to support the device name.

  • Add a new sync() command to the standby extension. When invoked, the new command is responsible for flushing the file system buffers to the disk.

Bug Fixes

  • dmidecode output produces less parsing errors and logs common and normal output like “No Module Installed” or “Not Installed” in debug instead of error.

  • Stop using SYSRQ when performing the in-band reboot or power off because it has a similar effect to a hardware reset button/power switch and can be problematic on some hardware types. Instead, reboot/power off the node via the “poweroff” and “reboot” commands (soft power action).

  • Ensure block devices are detected by the host OS before listing them.