Pike Series Release Notes

Pike Series Release Notes


New Features

  • Support creating Docker volumes by using existing Cinder volumes. To use this feature, users need to pass the ID of an existing Cinder volume when he/she creates a volume in Docker. For example,

    $ docker volume create –driver fuxi –name test –opt volume_id=<id>

    If a volume_id is given, Fuxi will look up the Cinder volume by the given ID and use it as the created Docker volume (instead of creating a new volume in Cinder).

  • Enable Docker to use Manila (as an alternative to Cinder) to provide volumes to Docker containers. Manila supports multiple back-ends and share_proto. In this release, NFS share_proto is supported. The support of other share_proto will be added in the future.
  • Add support for cluster mode. In particular, users can create a Docker volume in one node, and search it in other nodes. Before this feature is implemented, each node manages its own set of volumes independently and sharing volumes across different nodes in a cluster is impossible.
  • Implement the Docker volume plugin API for providing Cinder volumes to Docker containers. Support the usage of Docker native API to create, remove, list, get, mount, and unmount Cinder volumes.

Other Notes

  • Introduce a Fuxi devstack plugin. This enables developers to use devstack with the Fuxi devstack plugin to quickly setup the development environment.
  • Add fullstack testing and setup the CI to run the tests.
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