Zed Series Release Notes


New Features

  • Added variables systemd_run_dir and systemd_lock_dir that allows to control run and lock path for directories that will be used by systemd services. Variables should not include service name since it will be added by default at the end of the provided path. These variables could be also defined as keys inside systemd_services and this will have prescedence over default behaviour.

  • Default run path for systemd services has been changed to /run and lock path to /run/lock.

  • Added systemd_overrides and systemd_overrides_only keys to the systemd_services dictionary. With help of the systemd_overrides you can define systemd native overrides, which will be placed in /etc/systemd/system/service_name.service.d/overrides. systemd_overrides_only shows that no service_name.service should not be created and create only overrides.

  • Now you can define execstartpres and execstopposts keys for the systemd_services structure. They will allow to define pre-start and post-stop service executables and must be defined as lists.

  • Added sockets key to configure systemd-sockets for the systemd service.

  • Allow to create templated services Now for systemd_services you are allowed to provide template_arguments, which can contain a list of arguments with which templated services would be created.

Deprecation Notes

  • Variable systemd_lock_path has been dropped and has no effect now. In order to customize lock dir path please use systemd_lock_dir. Please keep in mind, that for systemd_lock_dir you don’t need to provide full path like it was with systemd_lock_path since service name is added to the end of the path.