Plugins Reference



existing [Platform]

Default plugin for OpenStack platform

It may be used to test any existing OpenStack API compatible cloud.

Platform: openstack


  • https_insecure (bool) [ref]
  • endpoint (string/null) [ref]
  • auth_url (str) [ref]
  • region_name (str) [ref]
  • endpoint_type [ref]

    Set of expected values: ‘public’, ‘internal’, ‘admin’, ‘None’.

  • profiler_hmac_key (string/null) [ref]
  • admin [ref]


  • users (list) [ref]

    Elements of the list should follow format(s) described below:


        "$ref": "#/definitions/user"
  • https_cacert (str) [ref]
  • profiler_conn_str (string/null) [ref]

Module: rally_openstack.platforms.existing

Task Component


Lines [Chart]

Display results as generic chart with lines.

This plugin processes additive data and displays it in HTML report as linear chart with X axis bound to iteration number. Complete output data is displayed as linear chart as well, without any processing.

Examples of using this plugin in Scenario, for saving output data:

    additive={"title": "Additive data as stacked area",
              "description": "Iterations trend for foo and bar",
              "chart_plugin": "Lines",
              "data": [["foo", 12], ["bar", 34]]},
    complete={"title": "Complete data as stacked area",
              "description": "Data is shown as stacked area, as-is",
              "chart_plugin": "Lines",
              "data": [["foo", [[0, 5], [1, 42], [2, 15], [3, 7]]],
                       ["bar", [[0, 2], [1, 1.3], [2, 5], [3, 9]]]],
              "label": "Y-axis label text",
              "axis_label": "X-axis label text"})

Platform: default

Module: rally.task.processing.charts

OSProfiler [Chart]

osprofiler content

This plugin complete data of osprofiler

Platform: default

Module: rally_openstack.embedcharts.osprofilerchart

Pie [Chart]

Display results as pie, calculate average values for additive data.

This plugin processes additive data and calculate average values. Both additive and complete data are displayed in HTML report as pie chart.

Examples of using this plugin in Scenario, for saving output data:

    additive={"title": "Additive output",
              "description": ("Pie with average data "
                              "from all iterations values"),
              "chart_plugin": "Pie",
              "data": [["foo", 12], ["bar", 34], ["spam", 56]]},
    complete={"title": "Complete output",
              "description": "Displayed as a pie, as-is",
              "chart_plugin": "Pie",
              "data": [["foo", 12], ["bar", 34], ["spam", 56]]})

Platform: default

Module: rally.task.processing.charts

StackedArea [Chart]

Display results as stacked area.

This plugin processes additive data and displays it in HTML report as stacked area with X axis bound to iteration number. Complete output data is displayed as stacked area as well, without any processing.

Keys “description”, “label” and “axis_label” are optional.

Examples of using this plugin in Scenario, for saving output data:

    additive={"title": "Additive data as stacked area",
              "description": "Iterations trend for foo and bar",
              "chart_plugin": "StackedArea",
              "data": [["foo", 12], ["bar", 34]]},
    complete={"title": "Complete data as stacked area",
              "description": "Data is shown as stacked area, as-is",
              "chart_plugin": "StackedArea",
              "data": [["foo", [[0, 5], [1, 42], [2, 15], [3, 7]]],
                       ["bar", [[0, 2], [1, 1.3], [2, 5], [3, 9]]]],
              "label": "Y-axis label text",
              "axis_label": "X-axis label text"})

Platform: default

Module: rally.task.processing.charts

StatsTable [Chart]

Calculate statistics for additive data and display it as table.

This plugin processes additive data and compose statistics that is displayed as table in HTML report.

Examples of using this plugin in Scenario, for saving output data:

    additive={"title": "Statistics",
              "description": ("Table with statistics generated "
                              "from all iterations values"),
              "chart_plugin": "StatsTable",
              "data": [["foo stat", 12], ["bar", 34], ["spam", 56]]})

Platform: default

Module: rally.task.processing.charts

Table [Chart]

Display complete output as table, can not be used for additive data.

Use this plugin for complete output data to display it in HTML report as table. This plugin can not be used for additive data because it does not contain any processing logic.

Examples of using this plugin in Scenario, for saving output data:

    complete={"title": "Arbitrary Table",
              "description": "Just show columns and rows as-is",
              "chart_plugin": "Table",
              "data": {"cols": ["foo", "bar", "spam"],
                       "rows": [["a row", 1, 2], ["b row", 3, 4],
                                ["c row", 5, 6]]}})

Platform: default

Module: rally.task.processing.charts

TextArea [Chart]

Arbitrary text

This plugin processes complete data and displays of output in HTML report.

Examples of using this plugin in Scenario, for saving output data:

    complete={"title": "Script Inline",
              "chart_plugin": "TextArea",
              "data": ["first output", "second output",
                       "third output"]]})

Platform: default

Module: rally.task.processing.charts


allow_ssh [Context]

Sets up security groups for all users to access VM via SSH.

Platform: openstack


Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).


api_versions [Context]

Context for specifying OpenStack clients versions and service types.

Some OpenStack services support several API versions. To recognize the endpoints of each version, separate service types are provided in Keystone service catalog.

Rally has the map of default service names - service types. But since service type is an entity, which can be configured manually by admin( via keystone api) without relation to service name, such map can be insufficient.

Also, Keystone service catalog does not provide a map types to name (this statement is true for keystone < 3.3 ).

This context was designed for not-default service types and not-default API versions usage.

An example of specifying API version:

# In this example we will launch NovaKeypair.create_and_list_keypairs
# scenario on 2.2 api version.
    "NovaKeypair.create_and_list_keypairs": [
            "args": {
                "key_type": "x509"
            "runner": {
                "type": "constant",
                "times": 10,
                "concurrency": 2
            "context": {
                "users": {
                    "tenants": 3,
                    "users_per_tenant": 2
                "api_versions": {
                    "nova": {
                        "version": 2.2

An example of specifying API version along with service type:

# In this example we will launch CinderVolumes.create_and_attach_volume
# scenario on Cinder V2
    "CinderVolumes.create_and_attach_volume": [
            "args": {
                "size": 10,
                "image": {
                    "name": "^cirros.*-disk$"
                "flavor": {
                    "name": "m1.tiny"
                "create_volume_params": {
                    "availability_zone": "nova"
            "runner": {
                "type": "constant",
                "times": 5,
                "concurrency": 1
            "context": {
                "users": {
                    "tenants": 2,
                    "users_per_tenant": 2
                "api_versions": {
                    "cinder": {
                        "version": 2,
                        "service_type": "volumev2"

Also, it possible to use service name as an identifier of service endpoint, but an admin user is required (Keystone can return map of service names - types, but such API is permitted only for admin). An example:

# Similar to the previous example, but `service_name` argument is used
# instead of `service_type`
    "CinderVolumes.create_and_attach_volume": [
            "args": {
                "size": 10,
                "image": {
                    "name": "^cirros.*-disk$"
                "flavor": {
                    "name": "m1.tiny"
                "create_volume_params": {
                    "availability_zone": "nova"
            "runner": {
                "type": "constant",
                "times": 5,
                "concurrency": 1
            "context": {
                "users": {
                    "tenants": 2,
                    "users_per_tenant": 2
                "api_versions": {
                    "cinder": {
                        "version": 2,
                        "service_name": "cinderv2"

Platform: openstack


Dictionary is expected. Keys should follow pattern(s) described bellow.

  • ^[a-z]+$ (str) [ref]

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.api_versions

audit_templates [Context]

Creates Watcher audit templates for tenants.

Platform: openstack


  • audit_templates_per_admin (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • params (list) [ref]

    Elements of the list should follow format(s) described below:

    • Type: dict. Format:

          "additionalProperties": false,
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
              "goal": {
                  "additionalProperties": false,
                  "type": "object",
                  "properties": {
                      "name": {
                          "type": "string"
              "strategy": {
                  "additionalProperties": false,
                  "type": "object",
                  "properties": {
                      "name": {
                          "type": "string"
  • fill_strategy [ref]

    Set of expected values: ‘round_robin’, ‘random’, ‘None’.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.watcher.audit_templates

ca_certs [Context]

Creates ca certs.

Platform: openstack


  • directory (str) [ref]

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.magnum.ca_certs

ceilometer [Context]

Creates ceilometer samples and resources.

Platform: openstack


  • counter_name (str) [ref]
  • metadata_list (list) [ref]

    Elements of the list should follow format(s) described below:

    • Type: dict. Format:

          "additionalProperties": false,
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
              "status": {
                  "type": "string"
              "deleted": {
                  "type": "string"
              "created_at": {
                  "type": "string"
              "name": {
                  "type": "string"
  • samples_per_resource (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • counter_unit (str) [ref]
  • resources_per_tenant (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • counter_volume (float) [ref]

    Min value: 0.

  • batches_allow_lose (int) [ref]

    Min value: 0.

  • timestamp_interval (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • batch_size (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • counter_type (str) [ref]

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.ceilometer.samples

cluster_templates [Context]

Creates Magnum cluster template.

Platform: openstack


  • docker_storage_driver (str) [ref]
  • http_proxy (str) [ref]
  • docker_volume_size (int) [ref]
  • https_proxy (str) [ref]
  • no_proxy (str) [ref]
  • external_network_id (str) [ref]
  • labels (str) [ref]
  • dns_nameserver (str) [ref]
  • server_type (str) [ref]
  • network_driver (str) [ref]
  • fixed_network (str) [ref]
  • image_id (str) [ref]
  • tls_disabled (bool) [ref]
  • registry_enabled (bool) [ref]
  • coe (str) [ref]
  • flavor_id (str) [ref]
  • volume_driver (str) [ref]
  • master_lb_enabled (bool) [ref]
  • public (bool) [ref]
  • fixed_subnet (str) [ref]
  • master_flavor_id (str) [ref]

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.magnum.cluster_templates

clusters [Context]

Creates specified amount of Magnum clusters.

Platform: openstack


  • node_count (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • cluster_template_uuid (str) [ref]

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.magnum.clusters

dummy_context [Context]

Dummy context.

Platform: default


  • fail_cleanup (bool) [ref]
  • fail_setup (bool) [ref]

Module: rally.plugins.common.contexts.dummy

ec2_servers [Context]

Creates specified amount of nova servers in each tenant uses ec2 API.

Platform: openstack


  • servers_per_tenant (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • image (dict) [ref]
  • flavor (dict) [ref]

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.ec2.servers

existing_network [Context]

This context supports using existing networks in Rally.

This context should be used on a deployment with existing users.

Platform: openstack


Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).


flavors [Context]

Context creates a list of flavors.

Platform: openstack


  • list [ref]

    Elements of the list should follow format(s) described below:

    • Type: dict. Format:

          "additionalProperties": false,
          "required": [
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
              "name": {
                  "type": "string"
              "ram": {
                  "minimum": 1,
                  "type": "integer"
              "ephemeral": {
                  "minimum": 0,
                  "type": "integer"
              "vcpus": {
                  "minimum": 1,
                  "type": "integer"
              "extra_specs": {
                  "additionalProperties": {
                      "type": "string"
                  "type": "object"
              "swap": {
                  "minimum": 0,
                  "type": "integer"
              "disk": {
                  "minimum": 0,
                  "type": "integer"

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.nova.flavors

heat_dataplane [Context]

Context class for create stack by given template.

This context will create stacks by given template for each tenant and add details to context. Following details will be added:

  • id of stack;
  • template file contents;
  • files dictionary;
  • stack parameters;

Heat template should define a “gate” node which will interact with Rally by ssh and workload nodes by any protocol. To make this possible heat template should accept the following parameters:

  • network_id: id of public network
  • router_id: id of external router to connect “gate” node
  • key_name: name of nova ssh keypair to use for “gate” node

Platform: openstack


  • files (dict) [ref]
  • context_parameters (dict) [ref]
  • parameters (dict) [ref]
  • template [ref]
  • stacks_per_tenant (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.dataplane.heat

image_command_customizer [Context]

Context class for generating image customized by a command execution.

Run a command specified by configuration to prepare image.

Use this script e.g. to download and install something.

Platform: openstack


  • username (str) [ref]
  • floating_network (str) [ref]
  • userdata (str) [ref]
  • internal_network (str) [ref]
  • workers (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • port (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

    Max value: 65535.

  • command [ref]


  • flavor (dict) [ref]
  • password (str) [ref]
  • image (dict) [ref]

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.vm.image_command_customizer

images [Context]

Uploads specified Glance images to every tenant.

Platform: openstack


  • container_format [ref]

    Format of the image container. Set of expected values: ‘aki’, ‘ami’, ‘ari’, ‘bare’, ‘docker’, ‘ova’, ‘ovf’.

  • min_ram (int) [ref]

    Amount of RAM in MB

    Min value: 0.

  • image_name (str) [ref]

    The name of image to create. NOTE: it will be ignored in case when images_per_tenant is bigger then 1.

  • visibility [ref]

    Visibility for this image (‘shared’ and ‘community’ are available only in case of Glance V2). Set of expected values: ‘public’, ‘private’, ‘shared’, ‘community’.

  • min_disk (int) [ref]

    Amount of disk space in GB

    Min value: 0.

  • image_args (dict) [ref]

    This param is deprecated since Rally-0.10.0, specify exact arguments in a root section of context instead.

  • image_container (str) [ref]

    This param is deprecated since Rally-0.10.0, use container_format instead.

  • disk_format [ref]

    The format of the disk. Set of expected values: ‘qcow2’, ‘raw’, ‘vhd’, ‘vmdk’, ‘vdi’, ‘iso’, ‘aki’, ‘ari’, ‘ami’.

  • image_type [ref]

    This param is deprecated since Rally-0.10.0, use disk_format instead. Set of expected values: ‘qcow2’, ‘raw’, ‘vhd’, ‘vmdk’, ‘vdi’, ‘iso’, ‘aki’, ‘ari’, ‘ami’.

  • image_url (str) [ref]

    Location of the source to create image from.

  • images_per_tenant (int) [ref]

    The number of images to create per one single tenant.

    Min value: 1.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.glance.images

keypair [Context]

Create Nova KeyPair for each user.

Platform: openstack


Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.nova.keypairs

lbaas [Context]

Creates a lb-pool for every subnet created in network context.

Platform: openstack


  • pool (dict) [ref]
  • lbaas_version (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user and regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.neutron.lbaas

manila_security_services [Context]

This context creates ‘security services’ for Manila project.

Platform: openstack


  • security_services (list) [ref]

    It is expected to be list of dicts with data for creation of security services.

    Elements of the list should follow format(s) described below:

    • Type: dict. Data for creation of security services.


      {'type': 'LDAP', 'dns_ip': 'foo_ip',
       'server': 'bar_ip', 'domain': 'quuz_domain',
       'user': 'ololo', 'password': 'fake_password'}


          "additionalProperties": true,
          "required": [
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
              "type": {
                  "enum": [

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.manila.manila_security_services

manila_share_networks [Context]

This context creates share networks for Manila project.

Platform: openstack


  • share_networks (dict) [ref]

    This context arg will be used only when context arg “use_share_networks” is set to True.

    If context arg ‘share_networks’ has values then they will be used else share networks will be autocreated - one for each tenant network. If networks do not exist then will be created one share network for each tenant without network data.

    Expected value is dict of lists where tenant Name or ID is key and list of share_network Names or IDs is value. Example:

    "context": {
        "manila_share_networks": {
        "use_share_networks": true,
        "share_networks": {
            "tenant_1_name_or_id": ["share_network_1_name_or_id",
            "tenant_2_name_or_id": ["share_network_3_name_or_id"]}

    Also, make sure that all ‘existing users’ in appropriate registered deployment have share networks if its usage is enabled, else Rally will randomly take users that does not satisfy criteria.

  • use_share_networks (bool) [ref]

    Specifies whether manila should use share networks for share creation or not.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.manila.manila_share_networks

manila_shares [Context]

This context creates shares for Manila project.

Platform: openstack


  • shares_per_tenant (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • share_proto (str) [ref]
  • share_type (str) [ref]
  • size (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.manila.manila_shares

monasca_metrics [Context]

Creates Monasca Metrics.

Platform: openstack


  • metrics_per_tenant (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • value_meta (list) [ref]

    Elements of the list should follow format(s) described below:

    • Type: dict. Format:

          "additionalProperties": false,
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
              "value_meta_value": {
                  "type": "string"
              "value_meta_key": {
                  "type": "string"
  • name (str) [ref]
  • dimensions (dict) [ref]

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.monasca.metrics

murano_environments [Context]

Context class for creating murano environments.

Platform: openstack


  • environments_per_tenant (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.murano.murano_environments

murano_packages [Context]

Context class for uploading applications for murano.

Platform: openstack


  • app_package (str) [ref]

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.murano.murano_packages

network [Context]

Create networking resources.

This creates networks for all tenants, and optionally creates another resources like subnets and routers.

Platform: openstack


  • subnets_per_network (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • dualstack (bool) [ref]
  • network_create_args (dict) [ref]
  • dns_nameservers (list) [ref]

    Elements of the list should follow format(s) described below:

    • Type: str. Format:

          "type": "string"
  • networks_per_tenant (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • router (dict) [ref]
  • start_cidr (str) [ref]

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user and regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).


profiles [Context]

Context creates a temporary profile for Senlin test.

Platform: openstack


  • version (str) [ref]
  • type (str) [ref]
  • properties (dict) [ref]

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.senlin.profiles

quotas [Context]

Sets OpenStack Tenants quotas.

Platform: openstack


  • neutron (dict) [ref]
  • cinder (dict) [ref]
  • manila (dict) [ref]
  • nova (dict) [ref]
  • designate (dict) [ref]

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.quotas.quotas

roles [Context]

Context class for assigning roles for users.

Platform: openstack


  • list [ref]

    Elements of the list should follow format(s) described below:

    • Type: str. The name of role to assign to user Format:

          "type": "string"

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.keystone.roles

router [Context]

Create networking resources.

This creates router for all tenants.

Platform: openstack


  • external_gateway_info (dict) [ref]

    The external gateway information .

  • availability_zone_hints (bool) [ref]

    Require router_availability_zone extension.

  • ha (bool) [ref]

    Highly-available router. Require l3-ha.

  • admin_state_up (bool) [ref]

    A human-readable description for the resource

  • network_id (str) [ref]

    Network ID

  • routers_per_tenant (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • distributed (bool) [ref]

    Distributed router. Require dvr extension.

  • external_fixed_ips (list) [ref]

    Ip(s) of the external gateway interface.

    Elements of the list should follow format(s) described below:

    • Type: dict. Format:

          "additionalProperties": false,
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
              "subnet_id": {
                  "type": "string"
              "ip_address": {
                  "type": "string"

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user and regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).


sahara_cluster [Context]

Context class for setting up the Cluster an EDP job.

Platform: openstack


  • workers_count (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • worker_flavor_id (str) [ref]
  • use_autoconfig (bool) [ref]
  • cluster_configs (dict) [ref]
  • enable_proxy (bool) [ref]
  • plugin_name (str) [ref]
  • floating_ip_pool (str) [ref]
  • volumes_size (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • node_configs (dict) [ref]
  • flavor_id (str) [ref]
  • volumes_per_node (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • enable_anti_affinity (bool) [ref]
  • hadoop_version (str) [ref]
  • auto_security_group (bool) [ref]
  • security_groups (list) [ref]

    Elements of the list should follow format(s) described below:

    • Type: str. Format:

          "type": "string"
  • master_flavor_id (str) [ref]

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.sahara.sahara_cluster

sahara_image [Context]

Context class for adding and tagging Sahara images.

Platform: openstack


  • username (str) [ref]
  • image_uuid (str) [ref]
  • hadoop_version (str) [ref]
  • image_url (str) [ref]
  • plugin_name (str) [ref]

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.sahara.sahara_image

sahara_input_data_sources [Context]

Context class for setting up Input Data Sources for an EDP job.

Platform: openstack


  • input_type [ref]

    Set of expected values: ‘swift’, ‘hdfs’.

  • swift_files (list) [ref]

    Elements of the list should follow format(s) described below:

    • Type: dict. Format:

          "additionalProperties": false,
          "required": [
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
              "name": {
                  "type": "string"
              "download_url": {
                  "type": "string"
  • input_url (str) [ref]

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.sahara.sahara_input_data_sources

sahara_job_binaries [Context]

Context class for setting up Job Binaries for an EDP job.

Platform: openstack


  • libs (list) [ref]

    Elements of the list should follow format(s) described below:

    • Type: dict. Format:

          "additionalProperties": false,
          "required": [
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
              "name": {
                  "type": "string"
              "download_url": {
                  "type": "string"
  • mains (list) [ref]

    Elements of the list should follow format(s) described below:

    • Type: dict. Format:

          "additionalProperties": false,
          "required": [
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
              "name": {
                  "type": "string"
              "download_url": {
                  "type": "string"

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.sahara.sahara_job_binaries

sahara_output_data_sources [Context]

Context class for setting up Output Data Sources for an EDP job.

Platform: openstack


  • output_type [ref]

    Set of expected values: ‘swift’, ‘hdfs’.

  • output_url_prefix (str) [ref]

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.sahara.sahara_output_data_sources

servers [Context]

Creates specified amount of Nova Servers per each tenant.

Platform: openstack


  • servers_per_tenant (int) [ref]

    Number of servers to boot in each Tenant.

    Min value: 1.

  • image (dict) [ref]

    Name of image to boot server(s) from.

  • auto_assign_nic (bool) [ref]

    True if NICs should be assigned.

  • flavor (dict) [ref]

    Name of flavor to boot server(s) with.

  • nics (list) [ref]

    List of networks to attach to server.

    Elements of the list should follow format(s) described below:


        "oneOf": [
                "additionalProperties": false,
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                    "net-id": {
                        "type": "string"
                "description": "Network ID in a format like OpenStack API expects to see."
                "type": "string",
                "description": "Network ID."

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.nova.servers

stacks [Context]

Context class for create temporary stacks with resources.

Stack generator allows to generate arbitrary number of stacks for each tenant before test scenarios. In addition, it allows to define number of resources (namely OS::Heat::RandomString) that will be created inside each stack. After test execution the stacks will be automatically removed from heat.

Platform: openstack


  • resources_per_stack (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • stacks_per_tenant (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.heat.stacks

swift_objects [Context]

Create containers and objects in each tenant.

Platform: openstack


  • object_size (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • containers_per_tenant (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • objects_per_container (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • resource_management_workers (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.swift.objects

users [Context]

Creates specified amount of keystone users and tenants.

Platform: openstack


Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.keystone.users

volume_types [Context]

Adds cinder volumes types.

Platform: openstack


  • list [ref]

    Elements of the list should follow format(s) described below:

    • Type: str. Format:

          "type": "string"

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.cinder.volume_types

volumes [Context]

Creates volumes for each tenant.

Platform: openstack


  • volumes_per_tenant (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • size (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.cinder.volumes

zones [Context]

Context to add zones_per_tenant zones for each tenant.

Platform: openstack


  • zones_per_tenant (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.designate.zones

Hook Actions

fault_injection [Hook Action]

Performs fault injection using os-faults library.


  • action - string that represents an action (more info in [1])
  • verify - whether to verify connection to cloud nodes or not

This plugin discovers extra config of ExistingCloud and looks for “cloud_config” field. If cloud_config is present then it will be used to connect to the cloud by os-faults.

Another option is to provide os-faults config file through OS_FAULTS_CONFIG env variable. Format of the config can be found in [1].


Platform: openstack


  • action (str) [ref]
  • verify (bool) [ref]

Module: rally_openstack.hook.fault_injection

sys_call [Hook Action]

Performs system call.

Platform: default


  • str [ref]

    Command to execute.

Module: rally.plugins.common.hook.sys_call

Hook Triggers

event [Hook Trigger]

Triggers hook on specified event and list of values.

Platform: default


One of the following groups of parameters should be provided.

Option 1 of parameters:

Triage hook based on specified seconds after start of workload.

  • at (list) [ref]

    Elements of the list should follow format(s) described below:

    • Type: int. Format:

          "minimum": 0,
          "type": "integer"
  • unit [ref]

    Set of expected values: ‘time’.

Option 2 of parameters:

Triage hook based on specific iterations.

  • at (list) [ref]

    Elements of the list should follow format(s) described below:

    • Type: int. Format:

          "minimum": 1,
          "type": "integer"
  • unit [ref]

    Set of expected values: ‘iteration’.

Module: rally.plugins.common.hook.triggers.event

periodic [Hook Trigger]

Periodically triggers hook with specified range and step.

Platform: default


One of the following groups of parameters should be provided.

Option 1 of parameters:

Periodically triage hook based on elapsed time after start of workload.

  • start (int) [ref]

    Min value: 0.

  • step (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • end (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • unit [ref]

    Set of expected values: ‘time’.

Option 2 of parameters:

Periodically triage hook based on iterations.

  • start (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • step (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • end (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • unit [ref]

    Set of expected values: ‘iteration’.

Module: rally.plugins.common.hook.triggers.periodic


failure_rate [SLA]

Failure rate minimum and maximum in percents.

Platform: default


  • max (float) [ref]

    Min value: 0.0.

    Max value: 100.0.

  • min (float) [ref]

    Min value: 0.0.

    Max value: 100.0.

Module: rally.plugins.common.sla.failure_rate

max_avg_duration [SLA]

Maximum average duration of one iteration in seconds.

Platform: default


  • float [ref]

    Min value: 0.0.

Module: rally.plugins.common.sla.max_average_duration

max_avg_duration_per_atomic [SLA]

Maximum average duration of one iterations atomic actions in seconds.

Platform: default


Dictionary is expected. Keys should follow pattern(s) described bellow.

  • . (str)* [ref]

    The name of atomic action.

Module: rally.plugins.common.sla.max_average_duration_per_atomic

max_seconds_per_iteration [SLA]

Maximum time for one iteration in seconds.

Platform: default


  • float [ref]

    Min value: 0.0.

Module: rally.plugins.common.sla.iteration_time

outliers [SLA]

Limit the number of outliers (iterations that take too much time).

The outliers are detected automatically using the computation of the mean and standard deviation (std) of the data.

Platform: default


  • max (int) [ref]

    Min value: 0.

  • min_iterations (int) [ref]

    Min value: 3.

  • sigmas (float) [ref]

    Min value: 0.0.

Module: rally.plugins.common.sla.outliers

performance_degradation [SLA]

Calculates performance degradation based on iteration time

This SLA plugin finds minimum and maximum duration of iterations completed without errors during Rally task execution. Assuming that minimum duration is 100%, it calculates performance degradation against maximum duration.

Platform: default


  • max_degradation (float) [ref]

    Min value: 0.0.

Module: rally.plugins.common.sla.performance_degradation


Authenticate.keystone [Scenario]

Check Keystone Client.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.authenticate.authenticate

Authenticate.validate_ceilometer [Scenario]

Check Ceilometer Client to ensure validation of token.

Creation of the client does not ensure validation of the token. We have to do some minimal operation to make sure token gets validated.

Platform: openstack


  • repetitions [ref]

    Number of times to validate

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.authenticate.authenticate

Authenticate.validate_cinder [Scenario]

Check Cinder Client to ensure validation of token.

Creation of the client does not ensure validation of the token. We have to do some minimal operation to make sure token gets validated.

Platform: openstack


  • repetitions [ref]

    Number of times to validate

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.authenticate.authenticate

Authenticate.validate_glance [Scenario]

Check Glance Client to ensure validation of token.

Creation of the client does not ensure validation of the token. We have to do some minimal operation to make sure token gets validated. In following we are checking for non-existent image.

Platform: openstack


  • repetitions [ref]

    Number of times to validate

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.authenticate.authenticate

Authenticate.validate_heat [Scenario]

Check Heat Client to ensure validation of token.

Creation of the client does not ensure validation of the token. We have to do some minimal operation to make sure token gets validated.

Platform: openstack


  • repetitions [ref]

    Number of times to validate

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.authenticate.authenticate

Authenticate.validate_monasca [Scenario]

Check Monasca Client to ensure validation of token.

Creation of the client does not ensure validation of the token. We have to do some minimal operation to make sure token gets validated.

Platform: openstack


  • repetitions [ref]

    Number of times to validate

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.authenticate.authenticate

Authenticate.validate_neutron [Scenario]

Check Neutron Client to ensure validation of token.

Creation of the client does not ensure validation of the token. We have to do some minimal operation to make sure token gets validated.

Platform: openstack


  • repetitions [ref]

    Number of times to validate

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.authenticate.authenticate

Authenticate.validate_nova [Scenario]

Check Nova Client to ensure validation of token.

Creation of the client does not ensure validation of the token. We have to do some minimal operation to make sure token gets validated.

Platform: openstack


  • repetitions [ref]

    Number of times to validate

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.authenticate.authenticate

CeilometerAlarms.create_alarm [Scenario]

Create an alarm.

This scenarios test POST /v2/alarms. meter_name and threshold are required parameters for alarm creation. kwargs stores other optional parameters like ‘ok_actions’, ‘project_id’ etc that may be passed while creating an alarm.

Platform: openstack


  • meter_name [ref]

    Specifies meter name of the alarm

  • threshold [ref]

    Specifies alarm threshold

  • kwargs [ref]

    Specifies optional arguments for alarm creation.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ceilometer.alarms

CeilometerAlarms.create_alarm_and_get_history [Scenario]

Create an alarm, get and set the state and get the alarm history.

This scenario makes following queries:

  • GET /v2/alarms/{alarm_id}/history
  • GET /v2/alarms/{alarm_id}/state
  • PUT /v2/alarms/{alarm_id}/state

Initially alarm is created and then get the state of the created alarm using its alarm_id. Then get the history of the alarm. And finally the state of the alarm is updated using given state. meter_name and threshold are required parameters for alarm creation. kwargs stores other optional parameters like ‘ok_actions’, ‘project_id’ etc that may be passed while alarm creation.

Platform: openstack


  • meter_name [ref]

    Specifies meter name of the alarm

  • threshold [ref]

    Specifies alarm threshold

  • state [ref]

    An alarm state to be set

  • timeout [ref]

    The number of seconds for which to attempt a successful check of the alarm state

  • kwargs [ref]

    Specifies optional arguments for alarm creation.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ceilometer.alarms

CeilometerAlarms.create_and_delete_alarm [Scenario]

Create and delete the newly created alarm.

This scenarios test DELETE /v2/alarms/(alarm_id) Initially alarm is created and then the created alarm is deleted using its alarm_id. meter_name and threshold are required parameters for alarm creation. kwargs stores other optional parameters like ‘ok_actions’, ‘project_id’ etc that may be passed while alarm creation.

Platform: openstack


  • meter_name [ref]

    Specifies meter name of the alarm

  • threshold [ref]

    Specifies alarm threshold

  • kwargs [ref]

    Specifies optional arguments for alarm creation.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ceilometer.alarms

CeilometerAlarms.create_and_get_alarm [Scenario]

Create and get the newly created alarm.

These scenarios test GET /v2/alarms/(alarm_id) Initially an alarm is created and then its detailed information is fetched using its alarm_id. meter_name and threshold are required parameters for alarm creation. kwargs stores other optional parameters like ‘ok_actions’, ‘project_id’ etc. that may be passed while creating an alarm.

Platform: openstack


  • meter_name [ref]

    Specifies meter name of the alarm

  • threshold [ref]

    Specifies alarm threshold

  • kwargs [ref]

    Specifies optional arguments for alarm creation.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ceilometer.alarms

CeilometerAlarms.create_and_list_alarm [Scenario]

Create and get the newly created alarm.

This scenarios test GET /v2/alarms/(alarm_id) Initially alarm is created and then the created alarm is fetched using its alarm_id. meter_name and threshold are required parameters for alarm creation. kwargs stores other optional parameters like ‘ok_actions’, ‘project_id’ etc. that may be passed while creating an alarm.

Platform: openstack


  • meter_name [ref]

    Specifies meter name of the alarm

  • threshold [ref]

    Specifies alarm threshold

  • kwargs [ref]

    Specifies optional arguments for alarm creation.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ceilometer.alarms

CeilometerAlarms.create_and_update_alarm [Scenario]

Create and update the newly created alarm.

This scenarios test PUT /v2/alarms/(alarm_id) Initially alarm is created and then the created alarm is updated using its alarm_id. meter_name and threshold are required parameters for alarm creation. kwargs stores other optional parameters like ‘ok_actions’, ‘project_id’ etc that may be passed while alarm creation.

Platform: openstack


  • meter_name [ref]

    Specifies meter name of the alarm

  • threshold [ref]

    Specifies alarm threshold

  • kwargs [ref]

    Specifies optional arguments for alarm creation.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ceilometer.alarms

CeilometerAlarms.list_alarms [Scenario]

Fetch all alarms.

This scenario fetches list of all alarms using GET /v2/alarms.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ceilometer.alarms

CeilometerEvents.create_user_and_get_event [Scenario]

Create user and gets event.

This scenario creates user to store new event and fetches one event using GET /v2/events/<message_id>.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.


CeilometerEvents.create_user_and_list_event_types [Scenario]

Create user and fetch all event types.

This scenario creates user to store new event and fetches list of all events types using GET /v2/event_types.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.


CeilometerEvents.create_user_and_list_events [Scenario]

Create user and fetch all events.

This scenario creates user to store new event and fetches list of all events using GET /v2/events.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.


CeilometerMeters.list_matched_meters [Scenario]

Get meters that matched fields from context and args.

Platform: openstack


  • filter_by_user_id [ref]

    Flag for query by user_id

  • filter_by_project_id [ref]

    Flag for query by project_id

  • filter_by_resource_id [ref]

    Flag for query by resource_id

  • metadata_query [ref]

    Dict with metadata fields and values for query

  • limit [ref]

    Count of resources in response

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ceilometer.meters

CeilometerMeters.list_meters [Scenario]

Check all available queries for list resource request.

Platform: openstack


  • metadata_query [ref]

    Dict with metadata fields and values

  • limit [ref]

    Limit of meters in response

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ceilometer.meters

CeilometerQueries.create_and_query_alarm_history [Scenario]

Create an alarm and then query for its history.

This scenario tests POST /v2/query/alarms/history An alarm is first created and then its alarm_id is used to fetch the history of that specific alarm.

Platform: openstack


  • meter_name [ref]

    Specifies meter name of alarm

  • threshold [ref]

    Specifies alarm threshold

  • orderby [ref]

    Optional param for specifying ordering of results

  • limit [ref]

    Optional param for maximum number of results returned

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional parameters for alarm creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ceilometer.queries

CeilometerQueries.create_and_query_alarms [Scenario]

Create an alarm and then query it with specific parameters.

This scenario tests POST /v2/query/alarms An alarm is first created and then fetched using the input query.

Platform: openstack


  • meter_name [ref]

    Specifies meter name of alarm

  • threshold [ref]

    Specifies alarm threshold

  • filter [ref]

    Optional filter query dictionary

  • orderby [ref]

    Optional param for specifying ordering of results

  • limit [ref]

    Optional param for maximum number of results returned

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional parameters for alarm creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ceilometer.queries

CeilometerQueries.create_and_query_samples [Scenario]

Create a sample and then query it with specific parameters.

This scenario tests POST /v2/query/samples A sample is first created and then fetched using the input query.

Platform: openstack


  • counter_name [ref]

    Specifies name of the counter

  • counter_type [ref]

    Specifies type of the counter

  • counter_unit [ref]

    Specifies unit of the counter

  • counter_volume [ref]

    Specifies volume of the counter

  • resource_id [ref]

    Specifies resource id for the sample created

  • filter [ref]

    Optional filter query dictionary

  • orderby [ref]

    Optional param for specifying ordering of results

  • limit [ref]

    Optional param for maximum number of results returned

  • kwargs [ref]

    Parameters for sample creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ceilometer.queries

CeilometerResource.get_tenant_resources [Scenario]

Get all tenant resources.

This scenario retrieves information about tenant resources using GET /v2/resources/(resource_id)

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ceilometer.resources

CeilometerResource.list_matched_resources [Scenario]

Get resources that matched fields from context and args.

Platform: openstack


  • filter_by_user_id [ref]

    Flag for query by user_id

  • filter_by_project_id [ref]

    Flag for query by project_id

  • filter_by_resource_id [ref]

    Flag for query by resource_id

  • metadata_query [ref]

    Dict with metadata fields and values for query

  • start_time [ref]

    Lower bound of resource timestamp in isoformat

  • end_time [ref]

    Upper bound of resource timestamp in isoformat

  • limit [ref]

    Count of resources in response

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ceilometer.resources

CeilometerResource.list_resources [Scenario]

Check all available queries for list resource request.

This scenario fetches list of all resources using GET /v2/resources.

Platform: openstack


  • metadata_query [ref]

    Dict with metadata fields and values for query

  • start_time [ref]

    Lower bound of resource timestamp in isoformat

  • end_time [ref]

    Upper bound of resource timestamp in isoformat

  • limit [ref]

    Count of resources in response

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ceilometer.resources

CeilometerSamples.list_matched_samples [Scenario]

Get list of samples that matched fields from context and args.

Platform: openstack


  • filter_by_user_id [ref]

    Flag for query by user_id

  • filter_by_project_id [ref]

    Flag for query by project_id

  • filter_by_resource_id [ref]

    Flag for query by resource_id

  • metadata_query [ref]

    Dict with metadata fields and values for query

  • limit [ref]

    Count of samples in response

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ceilometer.samples

CeilometerSamples.list_samples [Scenario]

Fetch all available queries for list sample request.

Platform: openstack


  • metadata_query [ref]

    Dict with metadata fields and values for query

  • limit [ref]

    Count of samples in response

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ceilometer.samples

CeilometerStats.create_meter_and_get_stats [Scenario]

Create a meter and fetch its statistics.

Meter is first created and then statistics is fetched for the same using GET /v2/meters/(meter_name)/statistics.

Platform: openstack


  • kwargs [ref]

    Contains optional arguments to create a meter

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ceilometer.stats

CeilometerStats.get_stats [Scenario]

Fetch statistics for certain meter.

Statistics is fetched for the using GET /v2/meters/(meter_name)/statistics.

Platform: openstack


  • meter_name [ref]

    Meter to take statistic for

  • filter_by_user_id [ref]

    Flag for query by user_id

  • filter_by_project_id [ref]

    Flag for query by project_id

  • filter_by_resource_id [ref]

    Flag for query by resource_id

  • metadata_query [ref]

    Dict with metadata fields and values for query

  • period [ref]

    The length of the time range covered by these stats

  • groupby [ref]

    The fields used to group the samples

  • aggregates [ref]

    Name of function for samples aggregation

Returns: list of statistics data

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ceilometer.stats

CeilometerTraits.create_user_and_list_trait_descriptions [Scenario]

Create user and fetch all trait descriptions.

This scenario creates user to store new event and fetches list of all traits for certain event type using GET /v2/event_types/<event_type>/traits.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ceilometer.traits

CeilometerTraits.create_user_and_list_traits [Scenario]

Create user and fetch all event traits.

This scenario creates user to store new event and fetches list of all traits for certain event type and trait name using GET /v2/event_types/<event_type>/traits/<trait_name>.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ceilometer.traits

CinderQos.create_and_get_qos [Scenario]

Create a qos, then get details of the qos.

Platform: openstack


  • consumer [ref]

    Consumer behavior

  • write_iops_sec [ref]

    Random write limitation

  • read_iops_sec [ref]

    Random read limitation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.qos_specs

CinderQos.create_and_list_qos [Scenario]

Create a qos, then list all qos.

Platform: openstack


  • consumer [ref]

    Consumer behavior

  • write_iops_sec [ref]

    Random write limitation

  • read_iops_sec [ref]

    Random read limitation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.qos_specs

CinderQos.create_and_set_qos [Scenario]

Create a qos, then Add/Update keys in qos specs.

Platform: openstack


  • consumer [ref]

    Consumer behavior

  • write_iops_sec [ref]

    Random write limitation

  • read_iops_sec [ref]

    Random read limitation

  • set_consumer [ref]

    Update Consumer behavior

  • set_write_iops_sec [ref]

    Update random write limitation

  • set_read_iops_sec [ref]

    Update random read limitation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.qos_specs

CinderQos.create_qos_associate_and_disassociate_type [Scenario]

Create a qos, Associate and Disassociate the qos from volume type.

Platform: openstack


  • consumer [ref]

    Consumer behavior

  • write_iops_sec [ref]

    Random write limitation

  • read_iops_sec [ref]

    Random read limitation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.qos_specs

CinderVolumeBackups.create_incremental_volume_backup [Scenario]

Create a incremental volume backup.

The scenario first create a volume, the create a backup, the backup is full backup. Because Incremental backup must be based on the full backup. finally create a incremental backup.

Platform: openstack


  • size [ref]

    Volume size in GB

  • do_delete [ref]

    Deletes backup and volume after creating if True

  • create_volume_kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create a volume

  • create_backup_kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create a volume backup

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volume_backups

CinderVolumeTypes.create_and_delete_encryption_type [Scenario]

Create and delete encryption type

This scenario firstly creates an encryption type for a given volume type, then deletes the created encryption type.

Platform: openstack


  • create_specs [ref]

    The encryption type specifications to add

  • provider [ref]

    The class that provides encryption support. For example, LuksEncryptor.

  • cipher [ref]

    The encryption algorithm or mode.

  • key_size [ref]

    Size of encryption key, in bits.

  • control_location [ref]

    Notional service where encryption is performed. Valid values are “front-end” or “back-end.”

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volume_types

CinderVolumeTypes.create_and_delete_volume_type [Scenario]

Create and delete a volume Type.

Platform: openstack


  • description [ref]

    Description of the volume type

  • is_public [ref]

    Volume type visibility

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volume_types

CinderVolumeTypes.create_and_get_volume_type [Scenario]

Create a volume Type, then get the details of the type.

Platform: openstack


  • description [ref]

    Description of the volume type

  • is_public [ref]

    Volume type visibility

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volume_types

CinderVolumeTypes.create_and_list_encryption_type [Scenario]

Create and list encryption type

This scenario firstly creates a volume type, secondly creates an encryption type for the volume type, thirdly lists all encryption types.

Platform: openstack


  • create_specs [ref]

    The encryption type specifications to add. DEPRECATED, specify arguments explicitly.

  • provider [ref]

    The class that provides encryption support. For example, LuksEncryptor.

  • cipher [ref]

    The encryption algorithm or mode.

  • key_size [ref]

    Size of encryption key, in bits.

  • control_location [ref]

    Notional service where encryption is performed. Valid values are “front-end” or “back-end.”

  • search_opts [ref]

    Options used when search for encryption types

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volume_types

CinderVolumeTypes.create_and_list_volume_types [Scenario]

Create a volume Type, then list all types.

Platform: openstack


  • description [ref]

    Description of the volume type

  • is_public [ref]

    Volume type visibility

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volume_types

CinderVolumeTypes.create_and_set_volume_type_keys [Scenario]

Create and set a volume type’s extra specs.

Platform: openstack


  • volume_type_key [ref]

    A dict of key/value pairs to be set

  • description [ref]

    Description of the volume type

  • is_public [ref]

    Volume type visibility

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volume_types

CinderVolumeTypes.create_and_update_encryption_type [Scenario]

Create and update encryption type

This scenario firstly creates a volume type, secondly creates an encryption type for the volume type, thirdly updates the encryption type.

Platform: openstack


  • create_provider [ref]

    The class that provides encryption support. For example, LuksEncryptor.

  • create_cipher [ref]

    The encryption algorithm or mode.

  • create_key_size [ref]

    Size of encryption key, in bits.

  • create_control_location [ref]

    Notional service where encryption is performed. Valid values are “front-end” or “back-end.”

  • update_provider [ref]

    The class that provides encryption support. For example, LuksEncryptor.

  • update_cipher [ref]

    The encryption algorithm or mode.

  • update_key_size [ref]

    Size of encryption key, in bits.

  • update_control_location [ref]

    Notional service where encryption is performed. Valid values are “front-end” or “back-end.”

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volume_types

CinderVolumeTypes.create_and_update_volume_type [Scenario]

create a volume type, then update the type.

Platform: openstack


  • description [ref]

    Description of the volume type

  • is_public [ref]

    Volume type visibility

  • update_name [ref]

    If True, can update name by generating random name. if False, don’t update name.

  • update_description [ref]

    Update Description of the volume type

  • update_is_public [ref]

    Update Volume type visibility

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volume_types

CinderVolumeTypes.create_get_and_delete_encryption_type [Scenario]

Create get and delete an encryption type

This scenario firstly creates an encryption type for a volume type created in the context, then gets detailed information of the created encryption type, finally deletes the created encryption type.

Platform: openstack


  • provider [ref]

    The class that provides encryption support. For example, LuksEncryptor.

  • cipher [ref]

    The encryption algorithm or mode.

  • key_size [ref]

    Size of encryption key, in bits.

  • control_location [ref]

    Notional service where encryption is performed. Valid values are “front-end” or “back-end.”

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volume_types

CinderVolumeTypes.create_volume_type_add_and_list_type_access [Scenario]

Add and list volume type access for the given project.

This scenario first creates a private volume type, then add project access and list project access to it.

Platform: openstack


  • description [ref]

    Description of the volume type

  • is_public [ref]

    Volume type visibility

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volume_types

CinderVolumeTypes.create_volume_type_and_encryption_type [Scenario]

Create encryption type

This scenario first creates a volume type, then creates an encryption type for the volume type.

Platform: openstack


  • create_specs [ref]

    The encryption type specifications to add. DEPRECATED, specify arguments explicitly.

  • provider [ref]

    The class that provides encryption support. For example, LuksEncryptor.

  • cipher [ref]

    The encryption algorithm or mode.

  • key_size [ref]

    Size of encryption key, in bits.

  • control_location [ref]

    Notional service where encryption is performed. Valid values are “front-end” or “back-end.”

  • description [ref]

    Description of the volume type

  • is_public [ref]

    Volume type visibility

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volume_types

CinderVolumes.create_and_accept_transfer [Scenario]

Create a volume transfer, then accept it

Measure the “cinder transfer-create” and “cinder transfer-accept” command performace.

Platform: openstack


  • size [ref]

    Volume size (integer, in GB)

  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to create initial volume

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create a volume

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volumes

CinderVolumes.create_and_attach_volume [Scenario]

Create a VM and attach a volume to it.

Simple test to create a VM and attach a volume, then detach the volume and delete volume/VM.

Platform: openstack


  • size [ref]

    Volume size (integer, in GB) or dictionary, must contain two values:

    min - minimum size volumes will be created as; max - maximum size volumes will be created as.

  • image [ref]

    Glance image name to use for the VM

  • flavor [ref]

    VM flavor name

  • create_volume_params [ref]

    Optional arguments for volume creation

  • create_vm_params [ref]

    Optional arguments for VM creation

  • kwargs [ref]

    (deprecated) optional arguments for VM creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volumes

CinderVolumes.create_and_delete_snapshot [Scenario]

Create and then delete a volume-snapshot.

Optional ‘min_sleep’ and ‘max_sleep’ parameters allow the scenario to simulate a pause between snapshot creation and deletion (of random duration from [min_sleep, max_sleep]).

Platform: openstack


  • force [ref]

    When set to True, allows snapshot of a volume when the volume is attached to an instance

  • min_sleep [ref]

    Minimum sleep time between snapshot creation and deletion (in seconds)

  • max_sleep [ref]

    Maximum sleep time between snapshot creation and deletion (in seconds)

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create a snapshot

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volumes

CinderVolumes.create_and_delete_volume [Scenario]

Create and then delete a volume.

Good for testing a maximal bandwidth of cloud. Optional ‘min_sleep’ and ‘max_sleep’ parameters allow the scenario to simulate a pause between volume creation and deletion (of random duration from [min_sleep, max_sleep]).

Platform: openstack


  • size [ref]

    Volume size (integer, in GB) or dictionary, must contain two values:

    min - minimum size volumes will be created as; max - maximum size volumes will be created as.

  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to create volume

  • min_sleep [ref]

    Minimum sleep time between volume creation and deletion (in seconds)

  • max_sleep [ref]

    Maximum sleep time between volume creation and deletion (in seconds)

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create a volume

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volumes

CinderVolumes.create_and_extend_volume [Scenario]

Create and extend a volume and then delete it.

Platform: openstack


  • size [ref]

    Volume size (in GB) or dictionary, must contain two values:

    min - minimum size volumes will be created as; max - maximum size volumes will be created as.

  • new_size [ref]

    Volume new size (in GB) or dictionary, must contain two values:

    min - minimum size volumes will be created as; max - maximum size volumes will be created as.

    to extend. Notice: should be bigger volume size

  • min_sleep [ref]

    Minimum sleep time between volume extension and deletion (in seconds)

  • max_sleep [ref]

    Maximum sleep time between volume extension and deletion (in seconds)

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to extend the volume

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volumes

CinderVolumes.create_and_get_volume [Scenario]

Create a volume and get the volume.

Measure the “cinder show” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • size [ref]

    Volume size (integer, in GB) or dictionary, must contain two values:

    min - minimum size volumes will be created as; max - maximum size volumes will be created as.

  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to create volume

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create a volume

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volumes

CinderVolumes.create_and_list_snapshots [Scenario]

Create and then list a volume-snapshot.

Platform: openstack


  • force [ref]

    When set to True, allows snapshot of a volume when the volume is attached to an instance

  • detailed [ref]

    True if detailed information about snapshots should be listed

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create a snapshot

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volumes

CinderVolumes.create_and_list_volume [Scenario]

Create a volume and list all volumes.

Measure the “cinder volume-list” command performance.

If you have only 1 user in your context, you will add 1 volume on every iteration. So you will have more and more volumes and will be able to measure the performance of the “cinder volume-list” command depending on the number of images owned by users.

Platform: openstack


  • size [ref]

    Volume size (integer, in GB) or dictionary, must contain two values:

    min - minimum size volumes will be created as; max - maximum size volumes will be created as.

  • detailed [ref]

    Determines whether the volume listing should contain detailed information about all of them

  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to create volume

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create a volume

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volumes

CinderVolumes.create_and_list_volume_backups [Scenario]

Create and then list a volume backup.

Platform: openstack


  • size [ref]

    Volume size in GB

  • detailed [ref]

    True if detailed information about backup should be listed

  • do_delete [ref]

    If True, a volume backup will be deleted

  • create_volume_kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create a volume

  • create_backup_kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create a volume backup

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volumes

CinderVolumes.create_and_restore_volume_backup [Scenario]

Restore volume backup.

Platform: openstack


  • size [ref]

    Volume size in GB

  • do_delete [ref]

    If True, the volume and the volume backup will be deleted after creation.

  • create_volume_kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create a volume

  • create_backup_kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create a volume backup

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volumes

CinderVolumes.create_and_update_volume [Scenario]

Create a volume and update its name and description.

Platform: openstack


  • size [ref]

    Volume size (integer, in GB)

  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to create volume

  • create_volume_kwargs [ref]

    Dict, to be used to create volume

  • update_volume_kwargs [ref]

    Dict, to be used to update volume update_volume_kwargs[“update_name”]=True, if updating the name of volume. update_volume_kwargs[“description”]=”desp”, if updating the description of volume.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volumes

CinderVolumes.create_and_upload_volume_to_image [Scenario]

Create and upload a volume to image.

Platform: openstack


  • size [ref]

    Volume size (integers, in GB), or dictionary, must contain two values:

    min - minimum size volumes will be created as; max - maximum size volumes will be created as.

  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to create volume.

  • force [ref]

    When set to True volume that is attached to an instance could be uploaded to image

  • container_format [ref]

    Image container format

  • disk_format [ref]

    Disk format for image

  • do_delete [ref]

    Deletes image and volume after uploading if True

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create a volume

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volumes

CinderVolumes.create_from_volume_and_delete_volume [Scenario]

Create volume from volume and then delete it.

Scenario for testing volume clone.Optional ‘min_sleep’ and ‘max_sleep’ parameters allow the scenario to simulate a pause between volume creation and deletion (of random duration from [min_sleep, max_sleep]).

Platform: openstack


  • size [ref]

    Volume size (in GB), or dictionary, must contain two values:

    min - minimum size volumes will be created as; max - maximum size volumes will be created as.

    Should be equal or bigger source volume size

  • min_sleep [ref]

    Minimum sleep time between volume creation and deletion (in seconds)

  • max_sleep [ref]

    Maximum sleep time between volume creation and deletion (in seconds)

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create a volume

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volumes

CinderVolumes.create_nested_snapshots_and_attach_volume [Scenario]

Create a volume from snapshot and attach/detach the volume

This scenario create vm, volume, create it’s snapshot, attach volume, then create new volume from existing snapshot and so on, with defined nested level, after all detach and delete them. volume->snapshot->volume->snapshot->volume …

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Glance image name to use for the VM

  • flavor [ref]

    VM flavor name

  • size [ref]

    Volume size - dictionary, contains two values:

    min - minimum size volumes will be created as; max - maximum size volumes will be created as.

    default values: {“min”: 1, “max”: 5}

  • nested_level [ref]

    Amount of nested levels

  • create_volume_kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create a volume

  • create_snapshot_kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create a snapshot

  • create_vm_params [ref]

    Optional arguments for VM creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volumes

CinderVolumes.create_snapshot_and_attach_volume [Scenario]

Create vm, volume, snapshot and attach/detach volume.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Glance image name to use for the VM

  • flavor [ref]

    VM flavor name

  • volume_type [ref]

    Name of volume type to use

  • size [ref]

    Volume size - dictionary, contains two values:

    min - minimum size volumes will be created as; max - maximum size volumes will be created as.

    default values: {“min”: 1, “max”: 5}

  • create_vm_params [ref]

    Optional arguments for VM creation

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional parameters used during volume snapshot creation.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volumes

CinderVolumes.create_volume [Scenario]

Create a volume.

Good test to check how influence amount of active volumes on performance of creating new.

Platform: openstack


  • size [ref]

    Volume size (integer, in GB) or dictionary, must contain two values:

    min - minimum size volumes will be created as; max - maximum size volumes will be created as.

  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to create volume

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create a volume

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volumes

CinderVolumes.create_volume_and_clone [Scenario]

Create a volume, then clone it to another volume.

This creates a volume, then clone it to anothor volume, and then clone the new volume to next volume…

  1. create source volume (from image)
  2. clone source volume to volume1
  3. clone volume1 to volume2
  4. clone volume2 to volume3

Platform: openstack


  • size [ref]

    Volume size (integer, in GB) or dictionary, must contain two values:

    min - minimum size volumes will be created as; max - maximum size volumes will be created as.

  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to create initial volume

  • nested_level [ref]

    Amount of nested levels

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create volumes

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volumes

CinderVolumes.create_volume_and_update_readonly_flag [Scenario]

Create a volume and then update its readonly flag.

Platform: openstack


  • size [ref]

    Volume size (integer, in GB)

  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to create volume

  • read_only [ref]

    The value to indicate whether to update volume to read-only access mode

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create a volume

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volumes

CinderVolumes.create_volume_backup [Scenario]

Create a volume backup.

Platform: openstack


  • size [ref]

    Volume size in GB

  • do_delete [ref]

    If True, a volume and a volume backup will be deleted after creation.

  • create_volume_kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create a volume

  • create_backup_kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create a volume backup

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volumes

CinderVolumes.create_volume_from_snapshot [Scenario]

Create a volume-snapshot, then create a volume from this snapshot.

Platform: openstack


  • do_delete [ref]

    If True, a snapshot and a volume will be deleted after creation.

  • create_snapshot_kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create a snapshot

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create a volume

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volumes

CinderVolumes.list_transfers [Scenario]

List all transfers.

This simple scenario tests the “cinder transfer-list” command by listing all the volume transfers.

Platform: openstack


  • detailed [ref]

    If True, detailed information about volume transfer should be listed

  • search_opts [ref]

    Search options to filter out volume transfers.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volumes

CinderVolumes.list_types [Scenario]

List all volume types.

This simple scenario tests the cinder type-list command by listing all the volume types.

Platform: openstack


  • search_opts [ref]

    Options used when search for volume types

  • is_public [ref]

    If query public volume type

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volumes

CinderVolumes.list_volumes [Scenario]

List all volumes.

This simple scenario tests the cinder list command by listing all the volumes.

Platform: openstack


  • detailed [ref]

    True if detailed information about volumes should be listed

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volumes

CinderVolumes.modify_volume_metadata [Scenario]

Modify a volume’s metadata.

This requires a volume to be created with the volumes context. Additionally, sets * set_size must be greater than or equal to deletes * delete_size.

Platform: openstack


  • sets [ref]

    How many set_metadata operations to perform

  • set_size [ref]

    Number of metadata keys to set in each set_metadata operation

  • deletes [ref]

    How many delete_metadata operations to perform

  • delete_size [ref]

    Number of metadata keys to delete in each delete_metadata operation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder.volumes

DesignateBasic.create_and_delete_domain [Scenario]

Create and then delete a domain.

Measure the performance of creating and deleting domains with different level of load.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.designate.basic

DesignateBasic.create_and_delete_records [Scenario]

Create and then delete records.

Measure the performance of creating and deleting records with different level of load.

Platform: openstack


  • records_per_domain [ref]

    Records to create pr domain.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.designate.basic

DesignateBasic.create_and_delete_recordsets [Scenario]

Create and then delete recordsets.

Measure the performance of creating and deleting recordsets with different level of load.

Platform: openstack


  • recordsets_per_zone [ref]

    Recordsets to create pr zone.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.designate.basic

DesignateBasic.create_and_delete_server [Scenario]

Create and then delete a server.

Measure the performance of creating and deleting servers with different level of load.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.designate.basic

DesignateBasic.create_and_delete_zone [Scenario]

Create and then delete a zone.

Measure the performance of creating and deleting zones with different level of load.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.designate.basic

DesignateBasic.create_and_list_domains [Scenario]

Create a domain and list all domains.

Measure the “designate domain-list” command performance.

If you have only 1 user in your context, you will add 1 domain on every iteration. So you will have more and more domain and will be able to measure the performance of the “designate domain-list” command depending on the number of domains owned by users.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.designate.basic

DesignateBasic.create_and_list_records [Scenario]

Create and then list records.

If you have only 1 user in your context, you will add 1 record on every iteration. So you will have more and more records and will be able to measure the performance of the “designate record-list” command depending on the number of domains/records owned by users.

Platform: openstack


  • records_per_domain [ref]

    Records to create pr domain.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.designate.basic

DesignateBasic.create_and_list_recordsets [Scenario]

Create and then list recordsets.

If you have only 1 user in your context, you will add 1 recordset on every iteration. So you will have more and more recordsets and will be able to measure the performance of the “openstack recordset list” command depending on the number of zones/recordsets owned by users.

Platform: openstack


  • recordsets_per_zone [ref]

    Recordsets to create pr zone.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.designate.basic

DesignateBasic.create_and_list_servers [Scenario]

Create a Designate server and list all servers.

If you have only 1 user in your context, you will add 1 server on every iteration. So you will have more and more server and will be able to measure the performance of the “designate server-list” command depending on the number of servers owned by users.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.designate.basic

DesignateBasic.create_and_list_zones [Scenario]

Create a zone and list all zones.

Measure the “openstack zone list” command performance.

If you have only 1 user in your context, you will add 1 zone on every iteration. So you will have more and more zone and will be able to measure the performance of the “openstack zone list” command depending on the number of zones owned by users.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.designate.basic

DesignateBasic.create_and_update_domain [Scenario]

Create and then update a domain.

Measure the performance of creating and updating domains with different level of load.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.designate.basic

DesignateBasic.list_domains [Scenario]

List Designate domains.

This simple scenario tests the designate domain-list command by listing all the domains.

Suppose if we have 2 users in context and each has 2 domains uploaded for them we will be able to test the performance of designate domain-list command in this case.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.designate.basic

DesignateBasic.list_records [Scenario]

List Designate records.

This simple scenario tests the designate record-list command by listing all the records in a domain.

Suppose if we have 2 users in context and each has 2 domains uploaded for them we will be able to test the performance of designate record-list command in this case.

Platform: openstack


  • domain_id [ref]

    Domain ID

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.designate.basic

DesignateBasic.list_recordsets [Scenario]

List Designate recordsets.

This simple scenario tests the openstack recordset list command by listing all the recordsets in a zone.

Platform: openstack


  • zone_id [ref]

    Zone ID

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.designate.basic

DesignateBasic.list_servers [Scenario]

List Designate servers.

This simple scenario tests the designate server-list command by listing all the servers.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.designate.basic

DesignateBasic.list_zones [Scenario]

List Designate zones.

This simple scenario tests the openstack zone list command by listing all the zones.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.designate.basic

Dummy.dummy [Scenario]

Do nothing and sleep for the given number of seconds (0 by default).

Dummy.dummy can be used for testing performance of different ScenarioRunners and of the ability of rally to store a large amount of results.

Platform: default


  • sleep [ref]

    Idle time of method (in seconds).

Module: rally.plugins.common.scenarios.dummy.dummy

Dummy.dummy_exception [Scenario]

Throws an exception.

Dummy.dummy_exception used for testing if exceptions are processed properly by task engine and analyze rally results storing & displaying capabilities.

Platform: default


  • size_of_message [ref]

    Int size of the exception message

  • sleep [ref]

    Idle time of method (in seconds).

  • message [ref]

    Message of the exception

Module: rally.plugins.common.scenarios.dummy.dummy

Dummy.dummy_exception_probability [Scenario]

Throws an exception with given probability.

Dummy.dummy_exception_probability used for testing if exceptions are processed properly by task engine and analyze rally results storing & displaying capabilities.

Platform: default


  • exception_probability [ref]

    Sets how likely it is that an exception will be thrown. Float between 0 and 1 0=never 1=always.

Module: rally.plugins.common.scenarios.dummy.dummy

Dummy.dummy_output [Scenario]

Generate dummy output.

This scenario generates example of output data.

Platform: default


  • random_range [ref]

    Max int limit for generated random values

Module: rally.plugins.common.scenarios.dummy.dummy

Dummy.dummy_random_action [Scenario]

Sleep random time in dummy actions.

Platform: default


  • actions_num [ref]

    Int number of actions to generate

  • sleep_min [ref]

    Minimal time to sleep, numeric seconds

  • sleep_max [ref]

    Maximum time to sleep, numeric seconds

Module: rally.plugins.common.scenarios.dummy.dummy

Dummy.dummy_random_fail_in_atomic [Scenario]

Dummy.dummy_random_fail_in_atomic in dummy actions.

Can be used to test atomic actions failures processing.

Platform: default


  • exception_probability [ref]

    Probability with which atomic actions fail in this dummy scenario (0 <= p <= 1)

Module: rally.plugins.common.scenarios.dummy.dummy

Dummy.dummy_timed_atomic_actions [Scenario]

Run some sleepy atomic actions for SLA atomic action tests.

Platform: default


  • number_of_actions [ref]

    Int number of atomic actions to create

  • sleep_factor [ref]

    Int multiplier for number of seconds to sleep

Module: rally.plugins.common.scenarios.dummy.dummy

Dummy.failure [Scenario]

Raise errors in some iterations.

Platform: default


  • sleep [ref]

    Float iteration sleep time in seconds

  • from_iteration [ref]

    Int iteration number which starts range of failed iterations

  • to_iteration [ref]

    Int iteration number which ends range of failed iterations

  • each [ref]

    Int cyclic number of iteration which actually raises an error in selected range. For example, each=3 will raise error in each 3rd iteration.

Module: rally.plugins.common.scenarios.dummy.dummy

Dummy.openstack [Scenario]

Do nothing and sleep for the given number of seconds (0 by default).

Dummy.dummy can be used for testing performance of different ScenarioRunners and of the ability of rally to store a large amount of results.

Platform: openstack


  • sleep [ref]

    Idle time of method (in seconds).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.dummy

EC2Servers.boot_server [Scenario]

Boot a server.

Assumes that cleanup is done elsewhere.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ec2.servers

EC2Servers.list_servers [Scenario]

List all servers.

This simple scenario tests the EC2 API list function by listing all the servers.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ec2.servers

ElasticsearchLogging.log_instance [Scenario]

Create nova instance and check it indexed in elasticsearch.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image for server

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor for server

  • logging_vip [ref]

    Logging system IP to check server name in elasticsearch index

  • elasticsearch_port [ref]

    Elasticsearch port to use for check server

  • sleep_time [ref]

    Sleep time in seconds between elasticsearch request

  • retries_total [ref]

    Total number of retries to check server name in elasticsearch

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.elasticsearch.logging

GlanceImages.create_and_deactivate_image [Scenario]

Create an image, then deactivate it.

Platform: openstack


  • container_format [ref]

    Container format of image. Acceptable formats: ami, ari, aki, bare, and ovf

  • image_location [ref]

    Image file location

  • disk_format [ref]

    Disk format of image. Acceptable formats: ami, ari, aki, vhd, vmdk, raw, qcow2, vdi, and iso

  • visibility [ref]

    The access permission for the created image

  • min_disk [ref]

    The min disk of created images

  • min_ram [ref]

    The min ram of created images

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.glance.images

GlanceImages.create_and_delete_image [Scenario]

Create and then delete an image.

Platform: openstack


  • container_format [ref]

    Container format of image. Acceptable formats: ami, ari, aki, bare, and ovf

  • image_location [ref]

    Image file location

  • disk_format [ref]

    Disk format of image. Acceptable formats: ami, ari, aki, vhd, vmdk, raw, qcow2, vdi, and iso

  • visibility [ref]

    The access permission for the created image

  • min_disk [ref]

    The min disk of created images

  • min_ram [ref]

    The min ram of created images

  • properties [ref]

    A dict of image metadata properties to set on the image

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.glance.images

GlanceImages.create_and_download_image [Scenario]

Create an image, then download data of the image.

Platform: openstack


  • container_format [ref]

    Container format of image. Acceptable formats: ami, ari, aki, bare, and ovf

  • image_location [ref]

    Image file location

  • disk_format [ref]

    Disk format of image. Acceptable formats: ami, ari, aki, vhd, vmdk, raw, qcow2, vdi, and iso

  • visibility [ref]

    The access permission for the created image

  • min_disk [ref]

    The min disk of created images

  • min_ram [ref]

    The min ram of created images

  • properties [ref]

    A dict of image metadata properties to set on the image

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.glance.images

GlanceImages.create_and_get_image [Scenario]

Create and get detailed information of an image.

Platform: openstack


  • container_format [ref]

    Container format of image. Acceptable formats: ami, ari, aki, bare, and ovf

  • image_location [ref]

    Image file location

  • disk_format [ref]

    Disk format of image. Acceptable formats: ami, ari, aki, vhd, vmdk, raw, qcow2, vdi, and iso

  • visibility [ref]

    The access permission for the created image

  • min_disk [ref]

    The min disk of created images

  • min_ram [ref]

    The min ram of created images

  • properties [ref]

    A dict of image metadata properties to set on the image

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.glance.images

GlanceImages.create_and_list_image [Scenario]

Create an image and then list all images.

Measure the “glance image-list” command performance.

If you have only 1 user in your context, you will add 1 image on every iteration. So you will have more and more images and will be able to measure the performance of the “glance image-list” command depending on the number of images owned by users.

Platform: openstack


  • container_format [ref]

    Container format of image. Acceptable formats: ami, ari, aki, bare, and ovf

  • image_location [ref]

    Image file location

  • disk_format [ref]

    Disk format of image. Acceptable formats: ami, ari, aki, vhd, vmdk, raw, qcow2, vdi, and iso

  • visibility [ref]

    The access permission for the created image

  • min_disk [ref]

    The min disk of created images

  • min_ram [ref]

    The min ram of created images

  • properties [ref]

    A dict of image metadata properties to set on the image

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.glance.images

GlanceImages.create_and_update_image [Scenario]

Create an image then update it.

Measure the “glance image-create” and “glance image-update” commands performance.

Platform: openstack


  • container_format [ref]

    Container format of image. Acceptable formats: ami, ari, aki, bare, and ovf

  • image_location [ref]

    Image file location

  • disk_format [ref]

    Disk format of image. Acceptable formats: ami, ari, aki, vhd, vmdk, raw, qcow2, vdi, and iso

  • remove_props [ref]

    List of property names to remove. (It is only supported by Glance v2.)

  • visibility [ref]

    The access permission for the created image

  • create_min_disk [ref]

    The min disk of created images

  • create_min_ram [ref]

    The min ram of created images

  • create_properties [ref]

    A dict of image metadata properties to set on the created image

  • update_min_disk [ref]

    The min disk of updated images

  • update_min_ram [ref]

    The min ram of updated images

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.glance.images

GlanceImages.create_image_and_boot_instances [Scenario]

Create an image and boot several instances from it.

Platform: openstack


  • container_format [ref]

    Container format of image. Acceptable formats: ami, ari, aki, bare, and ovf

  • image_location [ref]

    Image file location

  • disk_format [ref]

    Disk format of image. Acceptable formats: ami, ari, aki, vhd, vmdk, raw, qcow2, vdi, and iso

  • visibility [ref]

    The access permission for the created image

  • min_disk [ref]

    The min disk of created images

  • min_ram [ref]

    The min ram of created images

  • properties [ref]

    A dict of image metadata properties to set on the image

  • flavor [ref]

    Nova flavor to be used to launch an instance

  • number_instances [ref]

    Number of Nova servers to boot

  • boot_server_kwargs [ref]

    Optional parameters to boot server

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional parameters to create server (deprecated)

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.glance.images

GlanceImages.list_images [Scenario]

List all images.

This simple scenario tests the glance image-list command by listing all the images.

Suppose if we have 2 users in context and each has 2 images uploaded for them we will be able to test the performance of glance image-list command in this case.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.glance.images

Gnocchi.get_status [Scenario]

Get the status of measurements processing.

Platform: openstack


  • detailed [ref]

    Get detailed output

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.gnocchi.status

Gnocchi.list_capabilities [Scenario]

List supported aggregation methods.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.gnocchi.capabilities

GnocchiArchivePolicy.create_archive_policy [Scenario]

Create archive policy.

Platform: openstack


  • definition [ref]

    List of definitions

  • aggregation_methods [ref]

    List of aggregation methods

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.gnocchi.archive_policy

GnocchiArchivePolicy.create_delete_archive_policy [Scenario]

Create archive policy and then delete it.

Platform: openstack


  • definition [ref]

    List of definitions

  • aggregation_methods [ref]

    List of aggregation methods

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.gnocchi.archive_policy

GnocchiArchivePolicy.list_archive_policy [Scenario]

List archive policies.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.gnocchi.archive_policy

GnocchiArchivePolicyRule.create_archive_policy_rule [Scenario]

Create archive policy rule.

Platform: openstack


  • metric_pattern [ref]

    Pattern for matching metrics

  • archive_policy_name [ref]

    Archive policy name

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.gnocchi.archive_policy_rule

GnocchiArchivePolicyRule.create_delete_archive_policy_rule [Scenario]

Create archive policy rule and then delete it.

Platform: openstack


  • metric_pattern [ref]

    Pattern for matching metrics

  • archive_policy_name [ref]

    Archive policy name

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.gnocchi.archive_policy_rule

GnocchiArchivePolicyRule.list_archive_policy_rule [Scenario]

List archive policy rules.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.gnocchi.archive_policy_rule

GnocchiMetric.create_delete_metric [Scenario]

Create metric and then delete it.

Platform: openstack


  • archive_policy_name [ref]

    Archive policy name

  • resource_id [ref]

    The resource ID to attach the metric to

  • unit [ref]

    The unit of the metric

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.gnocchi.metric

GnocchiMetric.create_metric [Scenario]

Create metric.

Platform: openstack


  • archive_policy_name [ref]

    Archive policy name

  • resource_id [ref]

    The resource ID to attach the metric to

  • unit [ref]

    The unit of the metric

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.gnocchi.metric

GnocchiMetric.list_metric [Scenario]

List metrics.

Platform: openstack


  • limit [ref]

    Maximum number of metrics to list

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.gnocchi.metric

GnocchiResource.create_delete_resource [Scenario]

Create resource and then delete it.

Platform: openstack


  • resource_type [ref]

    Type of the resource

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.gnocchi.resource

GnocchiResource.create_resource [Scenario]

Create resource.

Platform: openstack


  • resource_type [ref]

    Type of the resource

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.gnocchi.resource

GnocchiResourceType.create_delete_resource_type [Scenario]

Create resource type and then delete it.

Platform: openstack


  • attributes [ref]

    List of attributes

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.gnocchi.resource_type

GnocchiResourceType.create_resource_type [Scenario]

Create resource type.

Platform: openstack


  • attributes [ref]

    List of attributes

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.gnocchi.resource_type

GnocchiResourceType.list_resource_type [Scenario]

List resource types.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.gnocchi.resource_type

GrafanaMetrics.push_metric_from_instance [Scenario]

Create nova instance with pushing metric script as userdata.

Push metric to metrics storage using Pushgateway and check it in Grafana.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image for server with userdata script

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor for server with userdata script

  • monitor_vip [ref]

    Monitoring system IP to push metric

  • pushgateway_port [ref]

    Pushgateway port to use for pushing metric

  • grafana [ref]

    Grafana dict with creds and port to use for checking metric. Format: {user: admin, password: pass, port: 9902}

  • datasource_id [ref]

    Metrics storage datasource ID in Grafana

  • job_name [ref]

    Job name to push metric in it

  • sleep_time [ref]

    Sleep time between checking metrics in seconds

  • retries_total [ref]

    Total number of retries to check metric in Grafana

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.grafana.metrics

GrafanaMetrics.push_metric_locally [Scenario]

Push random metric to Pushgateway locally and check it in Grafana.

Platform: openstack


  • monitor_vip [ref]

    Monitoring system IP to push metric

  • pushgateway_port [ref]

    Pushgateway port to use for pushing metric

  • grafana [ref]

    Grafana dict with creds and port to use for checking metric. Format: {user: admin, password: pass, port: 9902}

  • datasource_id [ref]

    Metrics storage datasource ID in Grafana

  • job_name [ref]

    Job name to push metric in it

  • sleep_time [ref]

    Sleep time between checking metrics in seconds

  • retries_total [ref]

    Total number of retries to check metric in Grafana

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.grafana.metrics

HeatStacks.create_and_delete_stack [Scenario]

Create and then delete a stack.

Measure the “heat stack-create” and “heat stack-delete” commands performance.

Platform: openstack


  • template_path [ref]

    Path to stack template file

  • parameters [ref]

    Parameters to use in heat template

  • files [ref]

    Files used in template

  • environment [ref]

    Stack environment definition

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.heat.stacks

HeatStacks.create_and_list_stack [Scenario]

Create a stack and then list all stacks.

Measure the “heat stack-create” and “heat stack-list” commands performance.

Platform: openstack


  • template_path [ref]

    Path to stack template file

  • parameters [ref]

    Parameters to use in heat template

  • files [ref]

    Files used in template

  • environment [ref]

    Stack environment definition

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.heat.stacks

HeatStacks.create_check_delete_stack [Scenario]

Create, check and delete a stack.

Measure the performance of the following commands: - heat stack-create - heat action-check - heat stack-delete

Platform: openstack


  • template_path [ref]

    Path to stack template file

  • parameters [ref]

    Parameters to use in heat template

  • files [ref]

    Files used in template

  • environment [ref]

    Stack environment definition

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.heat.stacks

HeatStacks.create_snapshot_restore_delete_stack [Scenario]

Create, snapshot-restore and then delete a stack.

Measure performance of the following commands: heat stack-create heat stack-snapshot heat stack-restore heat stack-delete

Platform: openstack


  • template_path [ref]

    Path to stack template file

  • parameters [ref]

    Parameters to use in heat template

  • files [ref]

    Files used in template

  • environment [ref]

    Stack environment definition

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.heat.stacks

HeatStacks.create_stack_and_list_output [Scenario]

Create stack and list outputs by using new algorithm.

Measure performance of the following commands: heat stack-create heat output-list

Platform: openstack


  • template_path [ref]

    Path to stack template file

  • parameters [ref]

    Parameters to use in heat template

  • files [ref]

    Files used in template

  • environment [ref]

    Stack environment definition

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.heat.stacks

HeatStacks.create_stack_and_list_output_via_API [Scenario]

Create stack and list outputs by using old algorithm.

Measure performance of the following commands: heat stack-create heat output-list

Platform: openstack


  • template_path [ref]

    Path to stack template file

  • parameters [ref]

    Parameters to use in heat template

  • files [ref]

    Files used in template

  • environment [ref]

    Stack environment definition

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.heat.stacks

HeatStacks.create_stack_and_scale [Scenario]

Create an autoscaling stack and invoke a scaling policy.

Measure the performance of autoscaling webhooks.

Platform: openstack


  • template_path [ref]

    Path to template file that includes an OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup resource

  • output_key [ref]

    The stack output key that corresponds to the scaling webhook

  • delta [ref]

    The number of instances the stack is expected to change by.

  • parameters [ref]

    Parameters to use in heat template

  • files [ref]

    Files used in template (dict of file name to file path)

  • environment [ref]

    Stack environment definition (dict)

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.heat.stacks

HeatStacks.create_stack_and_show_output [Scenario]

Create stack and show output by using new algorithm.

Measure performance of the following commands: heat stack-create heat output-show

Platform: openstack


  • template_path [ref]

    Path to stack template file

  • output_key [ref]

    The stack output key that corresponds to the scaling webhook

  • parameters [ref]

    Parameters to use in heat template

  • files [ref]

    Files used in template

  • environment [ref]

    Stack environment definition

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.heat.stacks

HeatStacks.create_stack_and_show_output_via_API [Scenario]

Create stack and show output by using old algorithm.

Measure performance of the following commands: heat stack-create heat output-show

Platform: openstack


  • template_path [ref]

    Path to stack template file

  • output_key [ref]

    The stack output key that corresponds to the scaling webhook

  • parameters [ref]

    Parameters to use in heat template

  • files [ref]

    Files used in template

  • environment [ref]

    Stack environment definition

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.heat.stacks

HeatStacks.create_suspend_resume_delete_stack [Scenario]

Create, suspend-resume and then delete a stack.

Measure performance of the following commands: heat stack-create heat action-suspend heat action-resume heat stack-delete

Platform: openstack


  • template_path [ref]

    Path to stack template file

  • parameters [ref]

    Parameters to use in heat template

  • files [ref]

    Files used in template

  • environment [ref]

    Stack environment definition

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.heat.stacks

HeatStacks.create_update_delete_stack [Scenario]

Create, update and then delete a stack.

Measure the “heat stack-create”, “heat stack-update” and “heat stack-delete” commands performance.

Platform: openstack


  • template_path [ref]

    Path to stack template file

  • updated_template_path [ref]

    Path to updated stack template file

  • parameters [ref]

    Parameters to use in heat template

  • updated_parameters [ref]

    Parameters to use in updated heat template If not specified then parameters will be used instead

  • files [ref]

    Files used in template

  • updated_files [ref]

    Files used in updated template. If not specified files value will be used instead

  • environment [ref]

    Stack environment definition

  • updated_environment [ref]

    Environment definition for updated stack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.heat.stacks

HeatStacks.list_stacks_and_events [Scenario]

List events from tenant stacks.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.heat.stacks

HeatStacks.list_stacks_and_resources [Scenario]

List all resources from tenant stacks.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.heat.stacks

HttpRequests.check_random_request [Scenario]

Executes random HTTP requests from provided list.

This scenario takes random url from list of requests, and raises exception if the response is not the expected response.

Platform: default


  • requests [ref]

    List of request dicts

  • status_code [ref]

    Expected Response Code it will be used only if we doesn’t specified it in request proper

Module: rally.plugins.common.scenarios.requests.http_requests

HttpRequests.check_request [Scenario]

Standard way for testing web services using HTTP requests.

This scenario is used to make request and check it with expected Response.

Platform: default


  • url [ref]

    Url for the Request object

  • method [ref]

    Method for the Request object

  • status_code [ref]

    Expected response code

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional request parameters

Module: rally.plugins.common.scenarios.requests.http_requests

IronicNodes.create_and_delete_node [Scenario]

Create and delete node.

Platform: openstack


  • driver [ref]

    The name of the driver used to manage this Node.

  • properties [ref]

    Key/value pair describing the physical characteristics of the node.

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for node creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ironic.nodes

IronicNodes.create_and_list_node [Scenario]

Create and list nodes.

Platform: openstack


  • driver [ref]

    The name of the driver used to manage this Node.

  • properties [ref]

    Key/value pair describing the physical characteristics of the node.

  • associated [ref]

    Optional argument of list request. Either a Boolean or a string representation of a Boolean that indicates whether to return a list of associated (True or “True”) or unassociated (False or “False”) nodes.

  • maintenance [ref]

    Optional argument of list request. Either a Boolean or a string representation of a Boolean that indicates whether to return nodes in maintenance mode (True or “True”), or not in maintenance mode (False or “False”).

  • detail [ref]

    Optional, boolean whether to return detailed information about nodes.

  • sort_dir [ref]

    Optional, direction of sorting, either ‘asc’ (the default) or ‘desc’.

  • marker [ref]

    DEPRECATED since Rally 0.10.0

  • limit [ref]

    DEPRECATED since Rally 0.10.0

  • sort_key [ref]

    DEPRECATED since Rally 0.10.0

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for node creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.ironic.nodes

K8sPods.create_pods [Scenario]

create pods and wait for them to be ready.

Platform: openstack


  • manifests [ref]

    Manifest files used to create the pods

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.magnum.k8s_pods

K8sPods.create_rcs [Scenario]

create rcs and wait for them to be ready.

Platform: openstack


  • manifests [ref]

    Manifest files use to create the rcs

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.magnum.k8s_pods

K8sPods.list_pods [Scenario]

List all pods.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.magnum.k8s_pods

KeystoneBasic.add_and_remove_user_role [Scenario]

Create a user role add to a user and disassociate.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user and regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.keystone.basic

KeystoneBasic.authenticate_user_and_validate_token [Scenario]

Authenticate and validate a keystone token.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.keystone.basic

KeystoneBasic.create_add_and_list_user_roles [Scenario]

Create user role, add it and list user roles for given user.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user and regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.keystone.basic

KeystoneBasic.create_and_delete_ec2credential [Scenario]

Create and delete keystone ec2-credential.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.keystone.basic

KeystoneBasic.create_and_delete_role [Scenario]

Create a user role and delete it.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.keystone.basic

KeystoneBasic.create_and_delete_service [Scenario]

Create and delete service.

Platform: openstack


  • service_type [ref]

    Type of the service

  • description [ref]

    Description of the service

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.keystone.basic

KeystoneBasic.create_and_get_role [Scenario]

Create a user role and get it detailed information.

Platform: openstack


  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for roles creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.keystone.basic

KeystoneBasic.create_and_list_ec2credentials [Scenario]

Create and List all keystone ec2-credentials.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.keystone.basic

KeystoneBasic.create_and_list_roles [Scenario]

Create a role, then list all roles.

Platform: openstack


  • create_role_kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for roles create

  • list_role_kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for roles list

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.keystone.basic

KeystoneBasic.create_and_list_services [Scenario]

Create and list services.

Platform: openstack


  • service_type [ref]

    Type of the service

  • description [ref]

    Description of the service

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.keystone.basic

KeystoneBasic.create_and_list_tenants [Scenario]

Create a keystone tenant with random name and list all tenants.

Platform: openstack


  • kwargs [ref]

    Other optional parameters

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.keystone.basic

KeystoneBasic.create_and_list_users [Scenario]

Create a keystone user with random name and list all users.

Platform: openstack


  • kwargs [ref]

    Other optional parameters to create users like “tenant_id”, “enabled”.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.keystone.basic

KeystoneBasic.create_and_update_user [Scenario]

Create user and update the user.

Platform: openstack


  • create_user_kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for user creation

  • update_user_kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for user updation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.keystone.basic

KeystoneBasic.create_delete_user [Scenario]

Create a keystone user with random name and then delete it.

Platform: openstack


  • kwargs [ref]

    Other optional parameters to create users like “tenant_id”, “enabled”.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.keystone.basic

KeystoneBasic.create_tenant [Scenario]

Create a keystone tenant with random name.

Platform: openstack


  • kwargs [ref]

    Other optional parameters

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.keystone.basic

KeystoneBasic.create_tenant_with_users [Scenario]

Create a keystone tenant and several users belonging to it.

Platform: openstack


  • users_per_tenant [ref]

    Number of users to create for the tenant

  • kwargs [ref]

    Other optional parameters for tenant creation

Returns: keystone tenant instance

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.keystone.basic

KeystoneBasic.create_update_and_delete_tenant [Scenario]

Create, update and delete tenant.

Platform: openstack


  • kwargs [ref]

    Other optional parameters for tenant creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.keystone.basic

KeystoneBasic.create_user [Scenario]

Create a keystone user with random name.

Platform: openstack


  • kwargs [ref]

    Other optional parameters to create users like “tenant_id”, “enabled”.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.keystone.basic

KeystoneBasic.create_user_set_enabled_and_delete [Scenario]

Create a keystone user, enable or disable it, and delete it.

Platform: openstack


  • enabled [ref]

    Initial state of user ‘enabled’ flag. The user will be created with ‘enabled’ set to this value, and then it will be toggled.

  • kwargs [ref]

    Other optional parameters to create user.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.keystone.basic

KeystoneBasic.create_user_update_password [Scenario]

Create user and update password for that user.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.keystone.basic

KeystoneBasic.get_entities [Scenario]

Get instance of a tenant, user, role and service by id’s.

An ephemeral tenant, user, and role are each created. By default, fetches the ‘keystone’ service. This can be overridden (for instance, to get the ‘Identity Service’ service on older OpenStack), or None can be passed explicitly to service_name to create a new service and then query it by ID.

Platform: openstack


  • service_name [ref]

    The name of the service to get by ID; or None, to create an ephemeral service and get it by ID.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.keystone.basic

MagnumClusterTemplates.list_cluster_templates [Scenario]

List all cluster_templates.

Measure the “magnum cluster_template-list” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • limit [ref]

    (Optional) The maximum number of results to return

    per request, if:

    1. limit > 0, the maximum number of cluster_templates to return.
    2. limit param is NOT specified (None), the number of items returned respect the maximum imposed by the Magnum API (see Magnum’s api.max_limit option).
  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for cluster_templates listing

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.magnum.cluster_templates

MagnumClusters.create_and_list_clusters [Scenario]

create cluster and then list all clusters.

Platform: openstack


  • node_count [ref]

    The cluster node count.

  • cluster_template_uuid [ref]

    Optional, if user want to use an existing cluster_template

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for cluster creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.magnum.clusters

MagnumClusters.list_clusters [Scenario]

List all clusters.

Measure the “magnum clusters-list” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • limit [ref]

    (Optional) The maximum number of results to return

    per request, if:

    1. limit > 0, the maximum number of clusters to return.
    2. limit param is NOT specified (None), the number of items returned respect the maximum imposed by the Magnum API (see Magnum’s api.max_limit option).
  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for clusters listing

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.magnum.clusters

ManilaShares.attach_security_service_to_share_network [Scenario]

Attaches security service to share network.

Platform: openstack


  • security_service_type [ref]

    Type of security service to use. Should be one of following: ‘ldap’, ‘kerberos’ or ‘active_directory’.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.manila.shares

ManilaShares.create_and_delete_share [Scenario]

Create and delete a share.

Optional ‘min_sleep’ and ‘max_sleep’ parameters allow the scenario to simulate a pause between share creation and deletion (of random duration from [min_sleep, max_sleep]).

Platform: openstack


  • share_proto [ref]

    Share protocol, valid values are NFS, CIFS, GlusterFS and HDFS

  • size [ref]

    Share size in GB, should be greater than 0

  • min_sleep [ref]

    Minimum sleep time in seconds (non-negative)

  • max_sleep [ref]

    Maximum sleep time in seconds (non-negative)

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create a share

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.manila.shares

ManilaShares.create_and_extend_share [Scenario]

Create and extend a share

Platform: openstack


  • share_proto [ref]

    Share protocol for new share available values are NFS, CIFS, CephFS, GlusterFS and HDFS.

  • size [ref]

    Size in GiB

  • new_size [ref]

    New size of the share in GiB

  • snapshot_id [ref]

    ID of the snapshot

  • description [ref]

    Description of a share

  • metadata [ref]

    Optional metadata to set on share creation

  • share_network [ref]

    Either instance of ShareNetwork or text with ID

  • share_type [ref]

    Either instance of ShareType or text with ID

  • is_public [ref]

    Whether to set share as public or not.

  • availability_zone [ref]

    Availability zone of the share

  • share_group_id [ref]

    ID of the share group to which the share should belong

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.manila.shares

ManilaShares.create_and_list_share [Scenario]

Create a share and list all shares.

Optional ‘min_sleep’ and ‘max_sleep’ parameters allow the scenario to simulate a pause between share creation and list (of random duration from [min_sleep, max_sleep]).

Platform: openstack


  • share_proto [ref]

    Share protocol, valid values are NFS, CIFS, GlusterFS and HDFS

  • size [ref]

    Share size in GB, should be greater than 0

  • min_sleep [ref]

    Minimum sleep time in seconds (non-negative)

  • max_sleep [ref]

    Maximum sleep time in seconds (non-negative)

  • detailed [ref]

    Defines whether to get detailed list of shares or not

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional args to create a share

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.manila.shares

ManilaShares.create_and_shrink_share [Scenario]

Create and shrink a share

Platform: openstack


  • share_proto [ref]

    Share protocol for new share available values are NFS, CIFS, CephFS, GlusterFS and HDFS.

  • size [ref]

    Size in GiB

  • new_size [ref]

    New size of the share in GiB

  • snapshot_id [ref]

    ID of the snapshot

  • description [ref]

    Description of a share

  • metadata [ref]

    Optional metadata to set on share creation

  • share_network [ref]

    Either instance of ShareNetwork or text with ID

  • share_type [ref]

    Either instance of ShareType or text with ID

  • is_public [ref]

    Whether to set share as public or not.

  • availability_zone [ref]

    Availability zone of the share

  • share_group_id [ref]

    ID of the share group to which the share should belong

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.manila.shares

ManilaShares.create_security_service_and_delete [Scenario]

Creates security service and then deletes.

Platform: openstack


  • security_service_type [ref]

    Security service type, permitted values are ‘ldap’, ‘kerberos’ or ‘active_directory’.

  • dns_ip [ref]

    Dns ip address used inside tenant’s network

  • server [ref]

    Security service server ip address or hostname

  • domain [ref]

    Security service domain

  • user [ref]

    Security identifier used by tenant

  • password [ref]

    Password used by user

  • description [ref]

    Security service description

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.manila.shares

ManilaShares.create_share_network_and_delete [Scenario]

Creates share network and then deletes.

Platform: openstack


  • neutron_net_id [ref]

    ID of Neutron network

  • neutron_subnet_id [ref]

    ID of Neutron subnet

  • nova_net_id [ref]

    ID of Nova network

  • description [ref]

    Share network description

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.manila.shares

ManilaShares.create_share_network_and_list [Scenario]

Creates share network and then lists it.

Platform: openstack


  • neutron_net_id [ref]

    ID of Neutron network

  • neutron_subnet_id [ref]

    ID of Neutron subnet

  • nova_net_id [ref]

    ID of Nova network

  • description [ref]

    Share network description

  • detailed [ref]

    Defines either to return detailed list of objects or not.

  • search_opts [ref]

    Container of search opts such as “name”, “nova_net_id”, “neutron_net_id”, etc.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.manila.shares

ManilaShares.create_share_then_allow_and_deny_access [Scenario]

Create a share and allow and deny access to it

Platform: openstack


  • share_proto [ref]

    Share protocol for new share available values are NFS, CIFS, CephFS, GlusterFS and HDFS.

  • access_type [ref]

    Represents the access type (e.g: ‘ip’, ‘domain’…)

  • access [ref]

    Represents the object (e.g: ‘’…)

  • access_level [ref]

    Access level to the share (e.g: ‘rw’, ‘ro’)

  • size [ref]

    Size in GiB

  • new_size [ref]

    New size of the share in GiB

  • snapshot_id [ref]

    ID of the snapshot

  • description [ref]

    Description of a share

  • metadata [ref]

    Optional metadata to set on share creation

  • share_network [ref]

    Either instance of ShareNetwork or text with ID

  • share_type [ref]

    Either instance of ShareType or text with ID

  • is_public [ref]

    Whether to set share as public or not.

  • availability_zone [ref]

    Availability zone of the share

  • share_group_id [ref]

    ID of the share group to which the share should belong

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.manila.shares

ManilaShares.list_share_servers [Scenario]

Lists share servers.

Requires admin creds.

Platform: openstack


  • search_opts [ref]

    Container of following search opts: “host”, “status”, “share_network” and “project_id”.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.manila.shares

ManilaShares.list_shares [Scenario]

Basic scenario for ‘share list’ operation.

Platform: openstack


  • detailed [ref]

    Defines either to return detailed list of objects or not.

  • search_opts [ref]

    Container of search opts such as “name”, “host”, “share_type”, etc.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.manila.shares

ManilaShares.set_and_delete_metadata [Scenario]

Sets and deletes share metadata.

This requires a share to be created with the shares context. Additionally, sets * set_size must be greater than or equal to deletes * delete_size.

Platform: openstack


  • sets [ref]

    How many set_metadata operations to perform

  • set_size [ref]

    Number of metadata keys to set in each set_metadata operation

  • delete_size [ref]

    Number of metadata keys to delete in each delete_metadata operation

  • key_min_length [ref]

    Minimal size of metadata key to set

  • key_max_length [ref]

    Maximum size of metadata key to set

  • value_min_length [ref]

    Minimal size of metadata value to set

  • value_max_length [ref]

    Maximum size of metadata value to set

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.manila.shares

MistralExecutions.create_execution_from_workbook [Scenario]

Scenario tests execution creation and deletion.

This scenario is a very useful tool to measure the “mistral execution-create” and “mistral execution-delete” commands performance.

Platform: openstack


  • definition [ref]

    String (yaml string) representation of given file content (Mistral workbook definition)

  • workflow_name [ref]

    String the workflow name to execute. Should be one of the to workflows in the definition. If no

    workflow_name is passed, one of the workflows in the definition will be taken.

  • wf_input [ref]

    File containing a json string of mistral workflow input

  • params [ref]

    File containing a json string of mistral params (the string is the place to pass the environment)

  • do_delete [ref]

    If False than it allows to check performance in “create only” mode.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.mistral.executions

MistralExecutions.list_executions [Scenario]

Scenario test mistral execution-list command.

This simple scenario tests the Mistral execution-list command by listing all the executions.

Platform: openstack


  • marker [ref]

    The last execution uuid of the previous page, displays list of executions after “marker”.

  • limit [ref]

    Number Maximum number of executions to return in a single result.

  • sort_keys [ref]


  • sort_dirs [ref]

    [SORT_DIRS] Comma-separated list of sort directions. Default: asc.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.mistral.executions

MistralWorkbooks.create_workbook [Scenario]

Scenario tests workbook creation and deletion.

This scenario is a very useful tool to measure the “mistral workbook-create” and “mistral workbook-delete” commands performance.

Platform: openstack


  • definition [ref]

    String (yaml string) representation of given file content (Mistral workbook definition)

  • do_delete [ref]

    If False than it allows to check performance in “create only” mode.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.mistral.workbooks

MistralWorkbooks.list_workbooks [Scenario]

Scenario test mistral workbook-list command.

This simple scenario tests the Mistral workbook-list command by listing all the workbooks.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.mistral.workbooks

MonascaMetrics.list_metrics [Scenario]

Fetch user’s metrics.

Platform: openstack


  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional arguments for list query: name, dimensions, start_time, etc

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.monasca.metrics

MuranoEnvironments.create_and_delete_environment [Scenario]

Create environment, session and delete environment.

Platform: openstack

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.murano.environments

MuranoEnvironments.create_and_deploy_environment [Scenario]

Create environment, session and deploy environment.

Create environment, create session, add app to environment packages_per_env times, send environment to deploy.

Platform: openstack


  • packages_per_env [ref]

    Number of packages per environment

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.murano.environments

MuranoEnvironments.list_environments [Scenario]

List the murano environments.

Run murano environment-list for listing all environments.

Platform: openstack

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.murano.environments

MuranoPackages.import_and_delete_package [Scenario]

Import Murano package and then delete it.

Measure the “murano import-package” and “murano package-delete” commands performance. It imports Murano package from “package” (if it is not a zip archive then zip archive will be prepared) and deletes it.

Platform: openstack


  • package [ref]

    Path to zip archive that represents Murano application package or absolute path to folder with package components

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.murano.packages

MuranoPackages.import_and_filter_applications [Scenario]

Import Murano package and then filter packages by some criteria.

Measure the performance of package import and package filtering commands. It imports Murano package from “package” (if it is not a zip archive then zip archive will be prepared) and filters packages by some criteria.

Platform: openstack


  • package [ref]

    Path to zip archive that represents Murano application package or absolute path to folder with package components

  • filter_query [ref]

    Dict that contains filter criteria, lately it will be passed as **kwargs to filter method e.g. {“category”: “Web”}

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.murano.packages

MuranoPackages.import_and_list_packages [Scenario]

Import Murano package and get list of packages.

Measure the “murano import-package” and “murano package-list” commands performance. It imports Murano package from “package” (if it is not a zip archive then zip archive will be prepared) and gets list of imported packages.

Platform: openstack


  • package [ref]

    Path to zip archive that represents Murano application package or absolute path to folder with package components

  • include_disabled [ref]

    Specifies whether the disabled packages will be included in a the result or not. Default value is False.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.murano.packages

MuranoPackages.package_lifecycle [Scenario]

Import Murano package, modify it and then delete it.

Measure the Murano import, update and delete package commands performance. It imports Murano package from “package” (if it is not a zip archive then zip archive will be prepared), modifies it (using data from “body”) and deletes.

Platform: openstack


  • package [ref]

    Path to zip archive that represents Murano application package or absolute path to folder with package components

  • body [ref]

    Dict object that defines what package property will be updated, e.g {“tags”: [“tag”]} or {“enabled”: “true”}

  • operation [ref]

    String object that defines the way of how package property will be updated, allowed operations are “add”, “replace” or “delete”. Default value is “replace”.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.murano.packages

NeutronBGPVPN.create_and_delete_bgpvpns [Scenario]

Create bgpvpn and delete the bgpvpn.

Measure the “neutron bgpvpn-create” and neutron bgpvpn-delete command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • route_targets [ref]

    Route Targets that will be both imported and used for export

  • import_targets [ref]

    Additional Route Targets that will be imported

  • export_targets [ref]

    Additional Route Targets that will be used for export.

  • route_distinguishers [ref]

    List of route distinguisher strings

  • bgpvpn_type [ref]

    Type of VPN and the technology behind it. Acceptable formats: l2 and l3

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.neutron.bgpvpn

NeutronBGPVPN.create_and_list_bgpvpns [Scenario]

Create a bgpvpn and then list all bgpvpns

Measure the “neutron bgpvpn-list” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • route_targets [ref]

    Route Targets that will be both imported and used for export

  • import_targets [ref]

    Additional Route Targets that will be imported

  • export_targets [ref]

    Additional Route Targets that will be used for export.

  • route_distinguishers [ref]

    List of route distinguisher strings

  • bgpvpn_type [ref]

    Type of VPN and the technology behind it. Acceptable formats: l2 and l3

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.neutron.bgpvpn

NeutronBGPVPN.create_and_list_networks_associations [Scenario]

Associate a network and list networks associations.

Measure the “neutron bgpvpn-create”, “neutron bgpvpn-net-assoc-create” and “neutron bgpvpn-net-assoc-list” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • route_targets [ref]

    Route Targets that will be both imported and used for export

  • import_targets [ref]

    Additional Route Targets that will be imported

  • export_targets [ref]

    Additional Route Targets that will be used for export.

  • route_distinguishers [ref]

    List of route distinguisher strings

  • bgpvpn_type [ref]

    Type of VPN and the technology behind it. Acceptable formats: l2 and l3

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user and regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.neutron.bgpvpn

NeutronBGPVPN.create_and_list_routers_associations [Scenario]

Associate a router and list routers associations.

Measure the “neutron bgpvpn-create”, “neutron bgpvpn-router-assoc-create” and “neutron bgpvpn-router-assoc-list” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • route_targets [ref]

    Route Targets that will be both imported and used for export

  • import_targets [ref]

    Additional Route Targets that will be imported

  • export_targets [ref]

    Additional Route Targets that will be used for export.

  • route_distinguishers [ref]

    List of route distinguisher strings

  • bgpvpn_type [ref]

    Type of VPN and the technology behind it. Acceptable formats: l2 and l3

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user and regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.neutron.bgpvpn

NeutronBGPVPN.create_and_update_bgpvpns [Scenario]

Create and Update bgpvpns

Measure the “neutron bgpvpn-update” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • update_name [ref]

    Bool, whether or not to modify BGP VPN name

  • route_targets [ref]

    Route Targets that will be both imported and used for export

  • updated_route_targets [ref]

    Updated Route Targets that will be both imported and used for export

  • import_targets [ref]

    Additional Route Targets that will be imported

  • updated_import_targets [ref]

    Updated additional Route Targets that will be imported

  • export_targets [ref]

    Additional Route Targets that will be used for export.

  • updated_export_targets [ref]

    Updated additional Route Targets that will be used for export.

  • route_distinguishers [ref]

    List of route distinguisher strings

  • updated_route_distinguishers [ref]

    Updated list of route distinguisher strings

  • bgpvpn_type [ref]

    Type of VPN and the technology behind it. Acceptable formats: l2 and l3

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.neutron.bgpvpn

NeutronBGPVPN.create_bgpvpn_assoc_disassoc_networks [Scenario]

Associate a network and disassociate it from a BGP VPN.

Measure the “neutron bgpvpn-create”, “neutron bgpvpn-net-assoc-create” and “neutron bgpvpn-net-assoc-delete” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • route_targets [ref]

    Route Targets that will be both imported and used for export

  • import_targets [ref]

    Additional Route Targets that will be imported

  • export_targets [ref]

    Additional Route Targets that will be used for export.

  • route_distinguishers [ref]

    List of route distinguisher strings

  • bgpvpn_type [ref]

    Type of VPN and the technology behind it. Acceptable formats: l2 and l3

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user and regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.neutron.bgpvpn

NeutronBGPVPN.create_bgpvpn_assoc_disassoc_routers [Scenario]

Associate a router and disassociate it from a BGP VPN.

Measure the “neutron bgpvpn-create”, “neutron bgpvpn-router-assoc-create” and “neutron bgpvpn-router-assoc-delete” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • route_targets [ref]

    Route Targets that will be both imported and used for export

  • import_targets [ref]

    Additional Route Targets that will be imported

  • export_targets [ref]

    Additional Route Targets that will be used for export.

  • route_distinguishers [ref]

    List of route distinguisher strings

  • bgpvpn_type [ref]

    Type of VPN and the technology behind it. Acceptable formats: l2 and l3

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user and regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.neutron.bgpvpn

NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_delete_healthmonitors [Scenario]

Create a healthmonitor(v1) and delete healthmonitors(v1).

Measure the “neutron lb-healthmonitor-create” and “neutron lb-healthmonitor-delete” command performance. The scenario creates healthmonitors and deletes those healthmonitors.

Platform: openstack


  • healthmonitor_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /lb/healthmonitors request options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.neutron.loadbalancer_v1

NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_delete_pools [Scenario]

Create pools(v1) and delete pools(v1).

Measure the “neutron lb-pool-create” and “neutron lb-pool-delete” command performance. The scenario creates a pool for every subnet and then deletes those pools.

Platform: openstack


  • pool_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /lb/pools request options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.neutron.loadbalancer_v1

NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_delete_vips [Scenario]

Create a vip(v1) and then delete vips(v1).

Measure the “neutron lb-vip-create” and “neutron lb-vip-delete” command performance. The scenario creates a vip for pool and then deletes those vips.

Platform: openstack


  • pool_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /lb/pools request options

  • vip_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /lb/vips request options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.neutron.loadbalancer_v1

NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_list_healthmonitors [Scenario]

Create healthmonitors(v1) and list healthmonitors(v1).

Measure the “neutron lb-healthmonitor-list” command performance. This scenario creates healthmonitors and lists them.

Platform: openstack


  • healthmonitor_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /lb/healthmonitors request options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.neutron.loadbalancer_v1

NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_list_pools [Scenario]

Create a pool(v1) and then list pools(v1).

Measure the “neutron lb-pool-list” command performance. The scenario creates a pool for every subnet and then lists pools.

Platform: openstack


  • pool_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /lb/pools request options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.neutron.loadbalancer_v1

NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_list_vips [Scenario]

Create a vip(v1) and then list vips(v1).

Measure the “neutron lb-vip-create” and “neutron lb-vip-list” command performance. The scenario creates a vip for every pool created and then lists vips.

Platform: openstack


  • vip_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /lb/vips request options

  • pool_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /lb/pools request options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.neutron.loadbalancer_v1

NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_update_healthmonitors [Scenario]

Create a healthmonitor(v1) and update healthmonitors(v1).

Measure the “neutron lb-healthmonitor-create” and “neutron lb-healthmonitor-update” command performance. The scenario creates healthmonitors and then updates them.

Platform: openstack


  • healthmonitor_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /lb/healthmonitors request options

  • healthmonitor_update_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /lb/healthmonitors update options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.neutron.loadbalancer_v1

NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_update_pools [Scenario]

Create pools(v1) and update pools(v1).

Measure the “neutron lb-pool-create” and “neutron lb-pool-update” command performance. The scenario creates a pool for every subnet and then update those pools.

Platform: openstack


  • pool_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /lb/pools request options

  • pool_update_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /lb/pools update options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.neutron.loadbalancer_v1

NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_update_vips [Scenario]

Create vips(v1) and update vips(v1).

Measure the “neutron lb-vip-create” and “neutron lb-vip-update” command performance. The scenario creates a pool for every subnet and then update those pools.

Platform: openstack


  • pool_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /lb/pools request options

  • vip_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /lb/vips request options

  • vip_update_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /lb/vips update options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.neutron.loadbalancer_v1

NeutronLoadbalancerV2.create_and_list_loadbalancers [Scenario]

Create a loadbalancer(v2) and then list loadbalancers(v2).

Measure the “neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-list” command performance. The scenario creates a loadbalancer for every subnet and then lists loadbalancers.

Platform: openstack


  • lb_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /lbaas/loadbalancers request options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.neutron.loadbalancer_v2

NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_floating_ips [Scenario]

Create and delete floating IPs.

Measure the “neutron floating-ip-create” and “neutron floating-ip-delete” commands performance.

Platform: openstack


  • floating_network [ref]

    Str, external network for floating IP creation

  • floating_ip_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /floatingips request options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).


NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_networks [Scenario]

Create and delete a network.

Measure the “neutron net-create” and “net-delete” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • network_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/networks request options


NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_ports [Scenario]

Create and delete a port.

Measure the “neutron port-create” and “neutron port-delete” commands performance.

Platform: openstack


  • network_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/networks request options. Deprecated.

  • port_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/ports request options

  • ports_per_network [ref]

    Int, number of ports for one network


NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_routers [Scenario]

Create and delete a given number of routers.

Create a network, a given number of subnets and routers and then delete all routers.

Platform: openstack


  • network_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/networks request options. Deprecated.

  • subnet_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/subnets request options

  • subnet_cidr_start [ref]

    Str, start value for subnets CIDR

  • subnets_per_network [ref]

    Int, number of subnets for one network

  • router_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/routers request options


NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_subnets [Scenario]

Create and delete a given number of subnets.

The scenario creates a network, a given number of subnets and then deletes subnets.

Platform: openstack


  • network_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/networks request options. Deprecated.

  • subnet_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/subnets request options

  • subnet_cidr_start [ref]

    Str, start value for subnets CIDR

  • subnets_per_network [ref]

    Int, number of subnets for one network


NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_floating_ips [Scenario]

Create and list floating IPs.

Measure the “neutron floating-ip-create” and “neutron floating-ip-list” commands performance.

Platform: openstack


  • floating_network [ref]

    Str, external network for floating IP creation

  • floating_ip_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /floatingips request options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).


NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_networks [Scenario]

Create a network and then list all networks.

Measure the “neutron net-list” command performance.

If you have only 1 user in your context, you will add 1 network on every iteration. So you will have more and more networks and will be able to measure the performance of the “neutron net-list” command depending on the number of networks owned by users.

Platform: openstack


  • network_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/networks request options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).


NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_ports [Scenario]

Create and a given number of ports and list all ports.

Platform: openstack


  • network_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/networks request options. Deprecated.

  • port_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/ports request options

  • ports_per_network [ref]

    Int, number of ports for one network

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).


NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_routers [Scenario]

Create and a given number of routers and list all routers.

Create a network, a given number of subnets and routers and then list all routers.

Platform: openstack


  • network_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/networks request options. Deprecated.

  • subnet_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/subnets request options

  • subnet_cidr_start [ref]

    Str, start value for subnets CIDR

  • subnets_per_network [ref]

    Int, number of subnets for one network

  • router_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/routers request options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).


NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_subnets [Scenario]

Create and a given number of subnets and list all subnets.

The scenario creates a network, a given number of subnets and then lists subnets.

Platform: openstack


  • network_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/networks request options. Deprecated

  • subnet_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/subnets request options

  • subnet_cidr_start [ref]

    Str, start value for subnets CIDR

  • subnets_per_network [ref]

    Int, number of subnets for one network

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).


NeutronNetworks.create_and_show_network [Scenario]

Create a network and show network details.

Measure the “neutron net-show” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • network_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/networks request options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).


NeutronNetworks.create_and_show_ports [Scenario]

Create a given number of ports and show created ports in trun.

Measure the “neutron port-create” and “neutron port-show” commands performance.

Platform: openstack


  • network_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/networks request options.

  • port_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/ports request options

  • ports_per_network [ref]

    Int, number of ports for one network

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).


NeutronNetworks.create_and_show_routers [Scenario]

Create and show a given number of routers.

Create a network, a given number of subnets and routers and then show all routers.

Platform: openstack


  • network_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/networks request options

  • subnet_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/subnets request options

  • subnet_cidr_start [ref]

    Str, start value for subnets CIDR

  • subnets_per_network [ref]

    Int, number of subnets for each network

  • router_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/routers request options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).


NeutronNetworks.create_and_show_subnets [Scenario]

Create and show a subnet details.

The scenario creates a network, a given number of subnets and show the subnet details. This scenario measures the “neutron subnet-show” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • network_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/networks request options.

  • subnet_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/subnets request options

  • subnet_cidr_start [ref]

    Str, start value for subnets CIDR

  • subnets_per_network [ref]

    Int, number of subnets for one network

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).


NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_networks [Scenario]

Create and update a network.

Measure the “neutron net-create and net-update” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • network_update_args [ref]

    Dict, PUT /v2.0/networks update request

  • network_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/networks request options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).


NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_ports [Scenario]

Create and update a given number of ports.

Measure the “neutron port-create” and “neutron port-update” commands performance.

Platform: openstack


  • port_update_args [ref]

    Dict, PUT /v2.0/ports update request options

  • network_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/networks request options. Deprecated.

  • port_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/ports request options

  • ports_per_network [ref]

    Int, number of ports for one network

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).


NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_routers [Scenario]

Create and update a given number of routers.

Create a network, a given number of subnets and routers and then updating all routers.

Platform: openstack


  • router_update_args [ref]

    Dict, PUT /v2.0/routers update options

  • network_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/networks request options. Deprecated.

  • subnet_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/subnets request options

  • subnet_cidr_start [ref]

    Str, start value for subnets CIDR

  • subnets_per_network [ref]

    Int, number of subnets for one network

  • router_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/routers request options


NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_subnets [Scenario]

Create and update a subnet.

The scenario creates a network, a given number of subnets and then updates the subnet. This scenario measures the “neutron subnet-update” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • subnet_update_args [ref]

    Dict, PUT /v2.0/subnets update options

  • network_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/networks request options. Deprecated.

  • subnet_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/subnets request options

  • subnet_cidr_start [ref]

    Str, start value for subnets CIDR

  • subnets_per_network [ref]

    Int, number of subnets for one network

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).


NeutronNetworks.list_agents [Scenario]

List all neutron agents.

This simple scenario tests the “neutron agent-list” command by listing all the neutron agents.

Platform: openstack


  • agent_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/agents request options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).


NeutronNetworks.set_and_clear_router_gateway [Scenario]

Set and Remove the external network gateway from a router.

create an external network and a router, set external network gateway for the router, remove the external network gateway from the router.

Platform: openstack


  • enable_snat [ref]

    True if enable snat

  • network_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/networks request options

  • router_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/routers request options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).


NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_delete_security_group_rule [Scenario]

Create and delete Neutron security-group-rule.

Measure the “neutron security-group-rule-create” and “neutron security-group-rule-delete” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • security_group_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/security-groups request options

  • security_group_rule_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/security-group-rules request options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.neutron.security_groups

NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_delete_security_groups [Scenario]

Create and delete Neutron security-groups.

Measure the “neutron security-group-create” and “neutron security-group-delete” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • security_group_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/security-groups request options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.neutron.security_groups

NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_list_security_group_rules [Scenario]

Create and list Neutron security-group-rules.

Measure the “neutron security-group-rule-create” and “neutron security-group-rule-list” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • security_group_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/security-groups request options

  • security_group_rule_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/security-group-rules request options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.neutron.security_groups

NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_list_security_groups [Scenario]

Create and list Neutron security-groups.

Measure the “neutron security-group-create” and “neutron security-group-list” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • security_group_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/security-groups request options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.neutron.security_groups

NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_show_security_group [Scenario]

Create and show Neutron security-group.

Measure the “neutron security-group-create” and “neutron security-group-show” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • security_group_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/security-groups request options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.neutron.security_groups

NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_show_security_group_rule [Scenario]

Create and show Neutron security-group-rule.

Measure the “neutron security-group-rule-create” and “neutron security-group-rule-show” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • security_group_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/security-groups request options

  • security_group_rule_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/security-group-rules request options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.neutron.security_groups

NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_update_security_groups [Scenario]

Create and update Neutron security-groups.

Measure the “neutron security-group-create” and “neutron security-group-update” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • security_group_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/security-groups request options

  • security_group_update_args [ref]

    Dict, PUT /v2.0/security-groups update options

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.neutron.security_groups

NeutronSubnets.delete_subnets [Scenario]

Delete a subnet that belongs to each precreated network.

Each runner instance picks a specific subnet from the list based on its positional location in the list of users. By doing so, we can start multiple threads with sufficient number of users created and spread delete requests across all of them, so that they hit different subnets concurrently.

Concurrent execution of this scenario should help reveal any race conditions and other concurrency issues in Neutron IP allocation layer, among other things.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).


NovaAgents.list_agents [Scenario]

List all builds.

Measure the “nova agent-list” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • hypervisor [ref]

    List agent builds on a specific hypervisor. None (default value) means list for all hypervisors

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.agents

NovaAggregates.create_aggregate_add_and_remove_host [Scenario]

Create an aggregate, add a host to and remove the host from it

Measure “nova aggregate-add-host” and “nova aggregate-remove-host” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • availability_zone [ref]

    The availability zone of the aggregate

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.aggregates

NovaAggregates.create_aggregate_add_host_and_boot_server [Scenario]

Scenario to create and verify an aggregate

This scenario creates an aggregate, adds a compute host and metadata to the aggregate, adds the same metadata to the flavor and creates an instance. Verifies that instance host is one of the hosts in the aggregate.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    The image ID to boot from

  • metadata [ref]

    The metadata to be set as flavor extra specs

  • availability_zone [ref]

    The availability zone of the aggregate

  • ram [ref]

    Memory in MB for the flavor

  • vcpus [ref]

    Number of VCPUs for the flavor

  • disk [ref]

    Size of local disk in GB

  • boot_server_kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments to verify host aggregates

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user and regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.aggregates

NovaAggregates.create_and_delete_aggregate [Scenario]

Create an aggregate and then delete it.

This scenario first creates an aggregate and then delete it.

Platform: openstack


  • availability_zone [ref]

    The availability zone of the aggregate

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.aggregates

NovaAggregates.create_and_get_aggregate_details [Scenario]

Create an aggregate and then get its details.

This scenario first creates an aggregate and then get details of it.

Platform: openstack


  • availability_zone [ref]

    The availability zone of the aggregate

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.aggregates

NovaAggregates.create_and_list_aggregates [Scenario]

Create a aggregate and then list all aggregates.

This scenario creates a aggregate and then lists all aggregates.

Platform: openstack


  • availability_zone [ref]

    The availability zone of the aggregate

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.aggregates

NovaAggregates.create_and_update_aggregate [Scenario]

Create an aggregate and then update its name and availability_zone

This scenario first creates an aggregate and then update its name and availability_zone

Platform: openstack


  • availability_zone [ref]

    The availability zone of the aggregate

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.aggregates

NovaAggregates.list_aggregates [Scenario]

List all nova aggregates.

Measure the “nova aggregate-list” command performance.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.aggregates

NovaAvailabilityZones.list_availability_zones [Scenario]

List all availability zones.

Measure the “nova availability-zone-list” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • detailed [ref]

    True if the availability-zone listing should contain detailed information about all of them

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.availability_zones

NovaFlavors.create_and_delete_flavor [Scenario]

Create flavor and delete the flavor.

Platform: openstack


  • ram [ref]

    Memory in MB for the flavor

  • vcpus [ref]

    Number of VCPUs for the flavor

  • disk [ref]

    Size of local disk in GB

  • flavorid [ref]

    ID for the flavor (optional). You can use the reserved value "auto" to have Nova generate a UUID for the flavor in cases where you cannot simply pass None.

  • ephemeral [ref]

    Ephemeral space size in GB (default 0).

  • swap [ref]

    Swap space in MB

  • rxtx_factor [ref]

    RX/TX factor

  • is_public [ref]

    Make flavor accessible to the public (default true).

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.flavors

NovaFlavors.create_and_get_flavor [Scenario]

Create flavor and get detailed information of the flavor.

Platform: openstack


  • ram [ref]

    Memory in MB for the flavor

  • vcpus [ref]

    Number of VCPUs for the flavor

  • disk [ref]

    Size of local disk in GB

  • flavorid [ref]

    ID for the flavor (optional). You can use the reserved value "auto" to have Nova generate a UUID for the flavor in cases where you cannot simply pass None.

  • ephemeral [ref]

    Ephemeral space size in GB (default 0).

  • swap [ref]

    Swap space in MB

  • rxtx_factor [ref]

    RX/TX factor

  • is_public [ref]

    Make flavor accessible to the public (default true).

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.flavors

NovaFlavors.create_and_list_flavor_access [Scenario]

Create a non-public flavor and list its access rules

Platform: openstack


  • ram [ref]

    Memory in MB for the flavor

  • vcpus [ref]

    Number of VCPUs for the flavor

  • disk [ref]

    Size of local disk in GB

  • flavorid [ref]

    ID for the flavor (optional). You can use the reserved value "auto" to have Nova generate a UUID for the flavor in cases where you cannot simply pass None.

  • ephemeral [ref]

    Ephemeral space size in GB (default 0).

  • swap [ref]

    Swap space in MB

  • rxtx_factor [ref]

    RX/TX factor

  • is_public [ref]

    Make flavor accessible to the public (default true).

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.flavors

NovaFlavors.create_flavor [Scenario]

Create a flavor.

Platform: openstack


  • ram [ref]

    Memory in MB for the flavor

  • vcpus [ref]

    Number of VCPUs for the flavor

  • disk [ref]

    Size of local disk in GB

  • flavorid [ref]

    ID for the flavor (optional). You can use the reserved value "auto" to have Nova generate a UUID for the flavor in cases where you cannot simply pass None.

  • ephemeral [ref]

    Ephemeral space size in GB (default 0).

  • swap [ref]

    Swap space in MB

  • rxtx_factor [ref]

    RX/TX factor

  • is_public [ref]

    Make flavor accessible to the public (default true).

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.flavors

NovaFlavors.create_flavor_and_add_tenant_access [Scenario]

Create a flavor and Add flavor access for the given tenant.

Platform: openstack


  • ram [ref]

    Memory in MB for the flavor

  • vcpus [ref]

    Number of VCPUs for the flavor

  • disk [ref]

    Size of local disk in GB

  • flavorid [ref]

    ID for the flavor (optional). You can use the reserved value "auto" to have Nova generate a UUID for the flavor in cases where you cannot simply pass None.

  • ephemeral [ref]

    Ephemeral space size in GB (default 0).

  • swap [ref]

    Swap space in MB

  • rxtx_factor [ref]

    RX/TX factor

  • is_public [ref]

    Make flavor accessible to the public (default true).

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.flavors

NovaFlavors.create_flavor_and_set_keys [Scenario]

Create flavor and set keys to the flavor.

Measure the “nova flavor-key” command performance. the scenario first create a flavor,then add the extra specs to it.

Platform: openstack


  • ram [ref]

    Memory in MB for the flavor

  • vcpus [ref]

    Number of VCPUs for the flavor

  • disk [ref]

    Size of local disk in GB

  • extra_specs [ref]

    Additional arguments for flavor set keys

  • flavorid [ref]

    ID for the flavor (optional). You can use the reserved value "auto" to have Nova generate a UUID for the flavor in cases where you cannot simply pass None.

  • ephemeral [ref]

    Ephemeral space size in GB (default 0).

  • swap [ref]

    Swap space in MB

  • rxtx_factor [ref]

    RX/TX factor

  • is_public [ref]

    Make flavor accessible to the public (default true).

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.flavors

NovaFlavors.list_flavors [Scenario]

List all flavors.

Measure the “nova flavor-list” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • detailed [ref]

    Whether flavor needs to be return with details (optional).

  • is_public [ref]

    Filter flavors with provided access type (optional). None means give all flavors and only admin has query access to all flavor types.

  • marker [ref]

    Begin returning flavors that appear later in the flavor list than that represented by this flavor id (optional).

  • min_disk [ref]

    Filters the flavors by a minimum disk space, in GiB.

  • min_ram [ref]

    Filters the flavors by a minimum RAM, in MB.

  • limit [ref]

    Maximum number of flavors to return (optional).

  • sort_key [ref]

    Flavors list sort key (optional).

  • sort_dir [ref]

    Flavors list sort direction (optional).

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.flavors

NovaHypervisors.list_and_get_hypervisors [Scenario]

List and Get hypervisors.

The scenario first lists all hypervisors, then get detailed information of the listed hypervisors in turn.

Measure the “nova hypervisor-show” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • detailed [ref]

    True if the hypervisor listing should contain detailed information about all of them

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.hypervisors

NovaHypervisors.list_and_get_uptime_hypervisors [Scenario]

List hypervisors,then display the uptime of it.

The scenario first list all hypervisors,then display the uptime of the listed hypervisors in turn.

Measure the “nova hypervisor-uptime” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • detailed [ref]

    True if the hypervisor listing should contain detailed information about all of them

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.hypervisors

NovaHypervisors.list_and_search_hypervisors [Scenario]

List all servers belonging to specific hypervisor.

The scenario first list all hypervisors,then find its hostname, then list all servers belonging to the hypervisor

Measure the “nova hypervisor-servers <hostname>” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • detailed [ref]

    True if the hypervisor listing should contain detailed information about all of them

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.hypervisors

NovaHypervisors.list_hypervisors [Scenario]

List hypervisors.

Measure the “nova hypervisor-list” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • detailed [ref]

    True if the hypervisor listing should contain detailed information about all of them

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.hypervisors

NovaHypervisors.statistics_hypervisors [Scenario]

Get hypervisor statistics over all compute nodes.

Measure the “nova hypervisor-stats” command performance.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.hypervisors

NovaImages.list_images [Scenario]

[DEPRECATED] List all images.

Measure the “nova image-list” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • detailed [ref]

    True if the image listing should contain detailed information

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for image listing

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.images

NovaKeypair.boot_and_delete_server_with_keypair [Scenario]

Boot and delete server with keypair.

Plan of this scenario:

  • create a keypair
  • boot a VM with created keypair
  • delete server
  • delete keypair

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    ID of the image to be used for server creation

  • flavor [ref]

    ID of the flavor to be used for server creation

  • boot_server_kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for VM creation

  • server_kwargs [ref]

    Deprecated alias for boot_server_kwargs

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for keypair creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.keypairs

NovaKeypair.create_and_delete_keypair [Scenario]

Create a keypair with random name and delete keypair.

This scenario creates a keypair and then delete that keypair.

Platform: openstack


  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for keypair creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.keypairs

NovaKeypair.create_and_get_keypair [Scenario]

Create a keypair and get the keypair details.

Platform: openstack


  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for keypair creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.keypairs

NovaKeypair.create_and_list_keypairs [Scenario]

Create a keypair with random name and list keypairs.

This scenario creates a keypair and then lists all keypairs.

Platform: openstack


  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for keypair creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.keypairs

NovaServerGroups.create_and_delete_server_group [Scenario]

Create a server group, then delete it.

Measure the “nova server-group-create” and “nova server-group-delete” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • policies [ref]

    Server group policy

  • kwargs [ref]

    The server group specifications to add. DEPRECATED, specify arguments explicitly.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.server_groups

NovaServerGroups.create_and_get_server_group [Scenario]

Create a server group, then get its detailed information.

Measure the “nova server-group-create” and “nova server-group-get” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • policies [ref]

    Server group policy

  • kwargs [ref]

    The server group specifications to add. DEPRECATED, specify arguments explicitly.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.server_groups

NovaServerGroups.create_and_list_server_groups [Scenario]

Create a server group, then list all server groups.

Measure the “nova server-group-create” and “nova server-group-list” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • policies [ref]

    Server group policy

  • all_projects [ref]

    If True, display server groups from all projects(Admin only)

  • kwargs [ref]

    The server group specifications to add. DEPRECATED, specify arguments explicitly.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.server_groups

NovaServers.boot_and_associate_floating_ip [Scenario]

Boot a server and associate a floating IP to it.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • create_floating_ip_args [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for floating ip creation

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.boot_and_bounce_server [Scenario]

Boot a server and run specified actions against it.

Actions should be passed into the actions parameter. Available actions are ‘hard_reboot’, ‘soft_reboot’, ‘stop_start’, ‘rescue_unrescue’, ‘pause_unpause’, ‘suspend_resume’, ‘lock_unlock’ and ‘shelve_unshelve’. Delete server after all actions were completed.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • force_delete [ref]

    True if force_delete should be used

  • actions [ref]

    List of action dictionaries, where each action dictionary speicifes an action to be performed in the following format: {“action_name”: <no_of_iterations>}

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.boot_and_delete_multiple_servers [Scenario]

Boot multiple servers in a single request and delete them.

Deletion is done in parallel with one request per server, not with a single request for all servers.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    The image to boot from

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor used to boot instance

  • count [ref]

    Number of instances to boot

  • min_sleep [ref]

    Minimum sleep time in seconds (non-negative)

  • max_sleep [ref]

    Maximum sleep time in seconds (non-negative)

  • force_delete [ref]

    True if force_delete should be used

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for instance creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user and regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.boot_and_delete_server [Scenario]

Boot and delete a server.

Optional ‘min_sleep’ and ‘max_sleep’ parameters allow the scenario to simulate a pause between volume creation and deletion (of random duration from [min_sleep, max_sleep]).

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • min_sleep [ref]

    Minimum sleep time in seconds (non-negative)

  • max_sleep [ref]

    Maximum sleep time in seconds (non-negative)

  • force_delete [ref]

    True if force_delete should be used

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.boot_and_get_console_output [Scenario]

Get text console output from server.

This simple scenario tests the nova console-log command by retrieving the text console log output.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • length [ref]

    The number of tail log lines you would like to retrieve. None (default value) or -1 means unlimited length.

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Returns: Text console log output for server

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.boot_and_get_console_url [Scenario]

Retrieve a console url of a server.

This simple scenario tests retrieving the console url of a server.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • console_type [ref]

    Type can be novnc/xvpvnc for protocol vnc; spice-html5 for protocol spice; rdp-html5 for protocol rdp; serial for protocol serial. webmks for protocol mks (since version 2.8).

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.boot_and_list_server [Scenario]

Boot a server from an image and then list all servers.

Measure the “nova list” command performance.

If you have only 1 user in your context, you will add 1 server on every iteration. So you will have more and more servers and will be able to measure the performance of the “nova list” command depending on the number of servers owned by users.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • detailed [ref]

    True if the server listing should contain detailed information about all of them

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.boot_and_live_migrate_server [Scenario]

Live Migrate a server.

This scenario launches a VM on a compute node available in the availability zone and then migrates the VM to another compute node on the same availability zone.

Optional ‘min_sleep’ and ‘max_sleep’ parameters allow the scenario to simulate a pause between VM booting and running live migration (of random duration from range [min_sleep, max_sleep]).

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • block_migration [ref]

    Specifies the migration type

  • disk_over_commit [ref]

    Specifies whether to allow overcommit on migrated instance or not

  • min_sleep [ref]

    Minimum sleep time in seconds (non-negative)

  • max_sleep [ref]

    Maximum sleep time in seconds (non-negative)

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user and regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.boot_and_migrate_server [Scenario]

Migrate a server.

This scenario launches a VM on a compute node available in the availability zone, and then migrates the VM to another compute node on the same availability zone.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user and regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.boot_and_rebuild_server [Scenario]

Rebuild a server.

This scenario launches a VM, then rebuilds that VM with a different image.

Platform: openstack


  • from_image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • to_image [ref]

    Image to be used to rebuild the instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user and regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.boot_and_show_server [Scenario]

Show server details.

This simple scenario tests the nova show command by retrieving the server details.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Returns: Server details

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.boot_and_update_server [Scenario]

Boot a server, then update its name and description.

The scenario first creates a server, then update it. Assumes that cleanup is done elsewhere.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • description [ref]

    Update the server description

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.boot_lock_unlock_and_delete [Scenario]

Boot a server, lock it, then unlock and delete it.

Optional ‘min_sleep’ and ‘max_sleep’ parameters allow the scenario to simulate a pause between locking and unlocking the server (of random duration from min_sleep to max_sleep).

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • min_sleep [ref]

    Minimum sleep time between locking and unlocking in seconds

  • max_sleep [ref]

    Maximum sleep time between locking and unlocking in seconds

  • force_delete [ref]

    True if force_delete should be used

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.boot_server [Scenario]

Boot a server.

Assumes that cleanup is done elsewhere.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • auto_assign_nic [ref]

    True if NICs should be assigned

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.boot_server_and_attach_interface [Scenario]

Create server and subnet, then attach the interface to it.

This scenario measures the “nova interface-attach” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • network_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/networks request options.

  • subnet_create_args [ref]

    Dict, POST /v2.0/subnets request options

  • subnet_cidr_start [ref]

    Str, start value for subnets CIDR

  • boot_server_args [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.boot_server_and_list_interfaces [Scenario]

Boot a server and list interfaces attached to it.

Measure the “nova boot” and “nova interface-list” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    ID of the image to be used for server creation

  • flavor [ref]

    ID of the flavor to be used for server creation

  • **kwargs [ref]

    Optional arguments for booting the instance

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.boot_server_associate_and_dissociate_floating_ip [Scenario]

Boot a server associate and dissociate a floating IP from it.

The scenario first boot a server and create a floating IP. then associate the floating IP to the server.Finally dissociate the floating IP.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • create_floating_ip_args [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for floating ip creation

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.boot_server_attach_created_volume_and_live_migrate [Scenario]

Create a VM, attach a volume to it and live migrate.

Simple test to create a VM and attach a volume, then migrate the VM, detach the volume and delete volume/VM.

Optional ‘min_sleep’ and ‘max_sleep’ parameters allow the scenario to simulate a pause between attaching a volume and running live migration (of random duration from range [min_sleep, max_sleep]).

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Glance image name to use for the VM

  • flavor [ref]

    VM flavor name

  • size [ref]

    Volume size (in GB)

  • block_migration [ref]

    Specifies the migration type

  • disk_over_commit [ref]

    Specifies whether to allow overcommit on migrated instance or not

  • boot_server_kwargs [ref]

    Optional arguments for VM creation

  • create_volume_kwargs [ref]

    Optional arguments for volume creation

  • min_sleep [ref]

    Minimum sleep time in seconds (non-negative)

  • max_sleep [ref]

    Maximum sleep time in seconds (non-negative)

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user and regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.boot_server_attach_created_volume_and_resize [Scenario]

Create a VM from image, attach a volume to it and resize.

Simple test to create a VM and attach a volume, then resize the VM, detach the volume then delete volume and VM. Optional ‘min_sleep’ and ‘max_sleep’ parameters allow the scenario to simulate a pause between attaching a volume and running resize (of random duration from range [min_sleep, max_sleep]).

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Glance image name to use for the VM

  • flavor [ref]

    VM flavor name

  • to_flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to resize the booted instance

  • volume_size [ref]

    Volume size (in GB)

  • min_sleep [ref]

    Minimum sleep time in seconds (non-negative)

  • max_sleep [ref]

    Maximum sleep time in seconds (non-negative)

  • force_delete [ref]

    True if force_delete should be used

  • confirm [ref]

    True if need to confirm resize else revert resize

  • do_delete [ref]

    True if resources needs to be deleted explicitly else use rally cleanup to remove resources

  • boot_server_kwargs [ref]

    Optional arguments for VM creation

  • create_volume_kwargs [ref]

    Optional arguments for volume creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.boot_server_attach_volume_and_list_attachments [Scenario]

Create a VM, attach N volume to it and list server’s attachemnt.

Measure the “nova volume-attachments” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Glance image name to use for the VM

  • flavor [ref]

    VM flavor name

  • volume_size [ref]

    Volume size (in GB), default 1G

  • volume_num [ref]

    The num of attached volume

  • boot_server_kwargs [ref]

    Optional arguments for VM creation

  • create_volume_kwargs [ref]

    Optional arguments for volume creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.boot_server_from_volume [Scenario]

Boot a server from volume.

The scenario first creates a volume and then a server. Assumes that cleanup is done elsewhere.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • volume_size [ref]

    Volume size (in GB)

  • volume_type [ref]

    Specifies volume type when there are multiple backends

  • auto_assign_nic [ref]

    True if NICs should be assigned

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.boot_server_from_volume_and_delete [Scenario]

Boot a server from volume and then delete it.

The scenario first creates a volume and then a server. Optional ‘min_sleep’ and ‘max_sleep’ parameters allow the scenario to simulate a pause between volume creation and deletion (of random duration from [min_sleep, max_sleep]).

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • volume_size [ref]

    Volume size (in GB)

  • volume_type [ref]

    Specifies volume type when there are multiple backends

  • min_sleep [ref]

    Minimum sleep time in seconds (non-negative)

  • max_sleep [ref]

    Maximum sleep time in seconds (non-negative)

  • force_delete [ref]

    True if force_delete should be used

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.boot_server_from_volume_and_live_migrate [Scenario]

Boot a server from volume and then migrate it.

The scenario first creates a volume and a server booted from the volume on a compute node available in the availability zone and then migrates the VM to another compute node on the same availability zone.

Optional ‘min_sleep’ and ‘max_sleep’ parameters allow the scenario to simulate a pause between VM booting and running live migration (of random duration from range [min_sleep, max_sleep]).

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • volume_size [ref]

    Volume size (in GB)

  • volume_type [ref]

    Specifies volume type when there are multiple backends

  • block_migration [ref]

    Specifies the migration type

  • disk_over_commit [ref]

    Specifies whether to allow overcommit on migrated instance or not

  • force_delete [ref]

    True if force_delete should be used

  • min_sleep [ref]

    Minimum sleep time in seconds (non-negative)

  • max_sleep [ref]

    Maximum sleep time in seconds (non-negative)

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user and regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.boot_server_from_volume_and_resize [Scenario]

Boot a server from volume, then resize and delete it.

The scenario first creates a volume and then a server. Optional ‘min_sleep’ and ‘max_sleep’ parameters allow the scenario to simulate a pause between volume creation and deletion (of random duration from [min_sleep, max_sleep]).

This test will confirm the resize by default, or revert the resize if confirm is set to false.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • to_flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to resize the booted instance

  • volume_size [ref]

    Volume size (in GB)

  • min_sleep [ref]

    Minimum sleep time in seconds (non-negative)

  • max_sleep [ref]

    Maximum sleep time in seconds (non-negative)

  • force_delete [ref]

    True if force_delete should be used

  • confirm [ref]

    True if need to confirm resize else revert resize

  • do_delete [ref]

    True if resources needs to be deleted explicitly else use rally cleanup to remove resources

  • boot_server_kwargs [ref]

    Optional arguments for VM creation

  • create_volume_kwargs [ref]

    Optional arguments for volume creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.boot_server_from_volume_snapshot [Scenario]

Boot a server from a snapshot.

The scenario first creates a volume and creates a snapshot from this volume, then boots a server from the created snapshot. Assumes that cleanup is done elsewhere.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • volume_size [ref]

    Volume size (in GB)

  • volume_type [ref]

    Specifies volume type when there are multiple backends

  • auto_assign_nic [ref]

    True if NICs should be assigned

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.list_servers [Scenario]

List all servers.

This simple scenario test the nova list command by listing all the servers.

Platform: openstack


  • detailed [ref]

    True if detailed information about servers should be listed

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.pause_and_unpause_server [Scenario]

Create a server, pause, unpause and then delete it

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • force_delete [ref]

    True if force_delete should be used

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.resize_server [Scenario]

Boot a server, then resize and delete it.

This test will confirm the resize by default, or revert the resize if confirm is set to false.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • to_flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to resize the booted instance

  • force_delete [ref]

    True if force_delete should be used

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.resize_shutoff_server [Scenario]

Boot a server and stop it, then resize and delete it.

This test will confirm the resize by default, or revert the resize if confirm is set to false.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • to_flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to resize the booted instance

  • confirm [ref]

    True if need to confirm resize else revert resize

  • force_delete [ref]

    True if force_delete should be used

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.shelve_and_unshelve_server [Scenario]

Create a server, shelve, unshelve and then delete it

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • force_delete [ref]

    True if force_delete should be used

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.snapshot_server [Scenario]

Boot a server, make its snapshot and delete both.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • force_delete [ref]

    True if force_delete should be used

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServers.suspend_and_resume_server [Scenario]

Create a server, suspend, resume and then delete it

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Image to be used to boot an instance

  • flavor [ref]

    Flavor to be used to boot an instance

  • force_delete [ref]

    True if force_delete should be used

  • kwargs [ref]

    Optional additional arguments for server creation

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.nova.servers

NovaServices.list_services [Scenario]

List all nova services.

Measure the “nova service-list” command performance.

Platform: openstack


  • host [ref]

    List nova services on host

  • binary [ref]

    List nova services matching given binary

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.


Quotas.cinder_get [Scenario]

Get quotas for Cinder.

Measure the “cinder quota-show” command performance

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user and regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.quotas.quotas

Quotas.cinder_update [Scenario]

Update quotas for Cinder.

Platform: openstack


  • max_quota [ref]

    Max value to be updated for quota.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user and regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.quotas.quotas

Quotas.cinder_update_and_delete [Scenario]

Update and Delete quotas for Cinder.

Platform: openstack


  • max_quota [ref]

    Max value to be updated for quota.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user and regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.quotas.quotas

Quotas.neutron_update [Scenario]

Update quotas for neutron.

Platform: openstack


  • max_quota [ref]

    Max value to be updated for quota.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user and regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.quotas.quotas

Quotas.nova_get [Scenario]

Get quotas for nova.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user and regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.quotas.quotas

Quotas.nova_update [Scenario]

Update quotas for Nova.

Platform: openstack


  • max_quota [ref]

    Max value to be updated for quota.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user and regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.quotas.quotas

Quotas.nova_update_and_delete [Scenario]

Update and delete quotas for Nova.

Platform: openstack


  • max_quota [ref]

    Max value to be updated for quota.

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user and regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.quotas.quotas

SaharaClusters.create_and_delete_cluster [Scenario]

Launch and delete a Sahara Cluster.

This scenario launches a Hadoop cluster, waits until it becomes ‘Active’ and deletes it.

Platform: openstack


  • flavor [ref]

    Nova flavor that will be for nodes in the created node groups. Deprecated.

  • master_flavor [ref]

    Nova flavor that will be used for the master instance of the cluster

  • worker_flavor [ref]

    Nova flavor that will be used for the workers of the cluster

  • workers_count [ref]

    Number of worker instances in a cluster

  • plugin_name [ref]

    Name of a provisioning plugin

  • hadoop_version [ref]

    Version of Hadoop distribution supported by the specified plugin.

  • floating_ip_pool [ref]

    Floating ip pool name from which Floating IPs will be allocated. Sahara will determine automatically how to treat this depending on its own configurations. Defaults to None because in some cases Sahara may work w/o Floating IPs.

  • volumes_per_node [ref]

    Number of Cinder volumes that will be attached to every cluster node

  • volumes_size [ref]

    Size of each Cinder volume in GB

  • auto_security_group [ref]

    Boolean value. If set to True Sahara will create a Security Group for each Node Group in the Cluster automatically.

  • security_groups [ref]

    List of security groups that will be used while creating VMs. If auto_security_group is set to True, this list can be left empty.

  • node_configs [ref]

    Config dict that will be passed to each Node Group

  • cluster_configs [ref]

    Config dict that will be passed to the Cluster

  • enable_anti_affinity [ref]

    If set to true the vms will be scheduled one per compute node.

  • enable_proxy [ref]

    Use Master Node of a Cluster as a Proxy node and do not assign floating ips to workers.

  • use_autoconfig [ref]

    If True, instances of the node group will be automatically configured during cluster creation. If False, the configuration values should be specify manually

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.sahara.clusters

SaharaClusters.create_scale_delete_cluster [Scenario]

Launch, scale and delete a Sahara Cluster.

This scenario launches a Hadoop cluster, waits until it becomes ‘Active’. Then a series of scale operations is applied. The scaling happens according to numbers listed in

Platform: openstack


  • flavor [ref]

    Nova flavor that will be for nodes in the created node groups. Deprecated.

  • master_flavor [ref]

    Nova flavor that will be used for the master instance of the cluster

  • worker_flavor [ref]

    Nova flavor that will be used for the workers of the cluster

  • workers_count [ref]

    Number of worker instances in a cluster

  • plugin_name [ref]

    Name of a provisioning plugin

  • hadoop_version [ref]

    Version of Hadoop distribution supported by the specified plugin.

  • deltas [ref]

    List of integers which will be used to add or remove worker nodes from the cluster

  • floating_ip_pool [ref]

    Floating ip pool name from which Floating IPs will be allocated. Sahara will determine automatically how to treat this depending on its own configurations. Defaults to None because in some cases Sahara may work w/o Floating IPs.

  • neutron_net_id [ref]

    Id of a Neutron network that will be used for fixed IPs. This parameter is ignored when Nova Network is set up.

  • volumes_per_node [ref]

    Number of Cinder volumes that will be attached to every cluster node

  • volumes_size [ref]

    Size of each Cinder volume in GB

  • auto_security_group [ref]

    Boolean value. If set to True Sahara will create a Security Group for each Node Group in the Cluster automatically.

  • security_groups [ref]

    List of security groups that will be used while creating VMs. If auto_security_group is set to True this list can be left empty.

  • node_configs [ref]

    Configs dict that will be passed to each Node Group

  • cluster_configs [ref]

    Configs dict that will be passed to the Cluster

  • enable_anti_affinity [ref]

    If set to true the vms will be scheduled one per compute node.

  • enable_proxy [ref]

    Use Master Node of a Cluster as a Proxy node and do not assign floating ips to workers.

  • use_autoconfig [ref]

    If True, instances of the node group will be automatically configured during cluster creation. If False, the configuration values should be specify manually

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.sahara.clusters

SaharaJob.create_launch_job [Scenario]

Create and execute a Sahara EDP Job.

This scenario Creates a Job entity and launches an execution on a Cluster.

Platform: openstack


  • job_type [ref]

    Type of the Data Processing Job

  • configs [ref]

    Config dict that will be passed to a Job Execution

  • job_idx [ref]

    Index of a job in a sequence. This index will be used to create different atomic actions for each job in a sequence


SaharaJob.create_launch_job_sequence [Scenario]

Create and execute a sequence of the Sahara EDP Jobs.

This scenario Creates a Job entity and launches an execution on a Cluster for every job object provided.

Platform: openstack


  • jobs [ref]

    List of jobs that should be executed in one context


SaharaJob.create_launch_job_sequence_with_scaling [Scenario]

Create and execute Sahara EDP Jobs on a scaling Cluster.

This scenario Creates a Job entity and launches an execution on a Cluster for every job object provided. The Cluster is scaled according to the deltas values and the sequence is launched again.

Platform: openstack


  • jobs [ref]

    List of jobs that should be executed in one context

  • deltas [ref]

    List of integers which will be used to add or remove worker nodes from the cluster


SaharaNodeGroupTemplates.create_and_list_node_group_templates [Scenario]

Create and list Sahara Node Group Templates.

This scenario creates two Node Group Templates with different set of node processes. The master Node Group Template contains Hadoop’s management processes. The worker Node Group Template contains Hadoop’s worker processes.

By default the templates are created for the vanilla Hadoop provisioning plugin using the version 1.2.1

After the templates are created the list operation is called.

Platform: openstack


  • flavor [ref]

    Nova flavor that will be for nodes in the created node groups

  • plugin_name [ref]

    Name of a provisioning plugin

  • hadoop_version [ref]

    Version of Hadoop distribution supported by the specified plugin.

  • use_autoconfig [ref]

    If True, instances of the node group will be automatically configured during cluster creation. If False, the configuration values should be specify manually

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.sahara.node_group_templates

SaharaNodeGroupTemplates.create_delete_node_group_templates [Scenario]

Create and delete Sahara Node Group Templates.

This scenario creates and deletes two most common types of Node Group Templates.

By default the templates are created for the vanilla Hadoop provisioning plugin using the version 1.2.1

Platform: openstack


  • flavor [ref]

    Nova flavor that will be for nodes in the created node groups

  • plugin_name [ref]

    Name of a provisioning plugin

  • hadoop_version [ref]

    Version of Hadoop distribution supported by the specified plugin.

  • use_autoconfig [ref]

    If True, instances of the node group will be automatically configured during cluster creation. If False, the configuration values should be specify manually

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.sahara.node_group_templates

SenlinClusters.create_and_delete_cluster [Scenario]

Create a cluster and then delete it.

Measure the “senlin cluster-create” and “senlin cluster-delete” commands performance.

Platform: openstack


  • desired_capacity [ref]

    The capacity or initial number of nodes owned by the cluster

  • min_size [ref]

    The minimum number of nodes owned by the cluster

  • max_size [ref]

    The maximum number of nodes owned by the cluster. -1 means no limit

  • timeout [ref]

    The timeout value in seconds for cluster creation

  • metadata [ref]

    A set of key value pairs to associate with the cluster

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.senlin.clusters

SwiftObjects.create_container_and_object_then_delete_all [Scenario]

Create container and objects then delete everything created.

Platform: openstack


  • objects_per_container [ref]

    Int, number of objects to upload

  • object_size [ref]

    Int, temporary local object size

  • kwargs [ref]

    Dict, optional parameters to create container

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.swift.objects

SwiftObjects.create_container_and_object_then_download_object [Scenario]

Create container and objects then download all objects.

Platform: openstack


  • objects_per_container [ref]

    Int, number of objects to upload

  • object_size [ref]

    Int, temporary local object size

  • kwargs [ref]

    Dict, optional parameters to create container

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.swift.objects

SwiftObjects.create_container_and_object_then_list_objects [Scenario]

Create container and objects then list all objects.

Platform: openstack


  • objects_per_container [ref]

    Int, number of objects to upload

  • object_size [ref]

    Int, temporary local object size

  • kwargs [ref]

    Dict, optional parameters to create container

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.swift.objects

SwiftObjects.list_and_download_objects_in_containers [Scenario]

List and download objects in all containers.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.swift.objects

SwiftObjects.list_objects_in_containers [Scenario]

List objects in all containers.

Platform: openstack

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.swift.objects

VMTasks.boot_runcommand_delete [Scenario]

Boot a server, run script specified in command and delete server.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Glance image name to use for the vm. Optional in case of specified “image_command_customizer” context

  • flavor [ref]

    VM flavor name

  • username [ref]

    Ssh username on server, str

  • password [ref]

    Password on SSH authentication

  • command [ref]

    Command-specifying dictionary that either specifies remote command path via remote_path’ (can be uploaded from a local file specified by `local_path), an inline script via `script_inline’ or a local script file path using `script_file’. Both `script_file’ and `local_path’ are checked to be accessible by the `file_exists’ validator code.

    The `script_inline’ and `script_file’ both require an `interpreter’ value to specify the interpreter script should be run with.

    Note that any of `interpreter’ and `remote_path’ can be an array prefixed with environment variables and suffixed with args for the `interpreter’ command. `remote_path’s last component must be a path to a command to execute (also upload destination if a `local_path’ is given). Uploading an interpreter is possible but requires that `remote_path’ and `interpreter’ path do match.


    # Run a `' file sending it to a remote
    # Perl interpreter
    command = {
        "script_file": "",
        "interpreter": "/usr/bin/perl"
    # Run an inline script sending it to a remote interpreter
    command = {
        "script_inline": "echo 'Hello, World!'",
        "interpreter": "/bin/sh"
    # Run a remote command
    command = {
        "remote_path": "/bin/false"
    # Copy a local command and run it
    command = {
        "remote_path": "/usr/local/bin/fio",
        "local_path": "/home/foobar/myfiodir/bin/fio"
    # Copy a local command and run it with environment variable
    command = {
        "remote_path": ["HOME=/root", "/usr/local/bin/fio"],
        "local_path": "/home/foobar/myfiodir/bin/fio"
    # Run an inline script sending it to a remote interpreter
    command = {
        "script_inline": "echo "Hello, ${NAME:-World}"",
        "interpreter": ["NAME=Earth", "/bin/sh"]
    # Run an inline script sending it to an uploaded remote
    # interpreter
    command = {
        "script_inline": "echo "Hello, ${NAME:-World}"",
        "interpreter": ["NAME=Earth", "/tmp/sh"],
        "remote_path": "/tmp/sh",
        "local_path": "/home/user/work/cve/sh-1.0/bin/sh"
  • volume_args [ref]

    Volume args for booting server from volume

  • floating_network [ref]

    External network name, for floating ip

  • port [ref]

    Ssh port for SSH connection

  • use_floating_ip [ref]

    Bool, floating or fixed IP for SSH connection

  • force_delete [ref]

    Whether to use force_delete for servers

  • wait_for_ping [ref]

    Whether to check connectivity on server creation

  • max_log_length [ref]

    The number of tail nova console-log lines user would like to retrieve

  • kwargs [ref]

    Extra arguments for booting the server

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.vm.vmtasks

VMTasks.dd_load_test [Scenario]

Boot a server from a custom image and performs dd load test.


dd load test is prepared script by Rally team. It checks writing and reading metrics from the VM.

Platform: openstack


  • image [ref]

    Glance image name to use for the vm. Optional in case of specified “image_command_customizer” context

  • flavor [ref]

    VM flavor name

  • username [ref]

    Ssh username on server, str

  • password [ref]

    Password on SSH authentication

  • interpreter [ref]

    The interpreter to execute script with dd load test (defaults to /bin/sh)

  • command [ref]

    DEPRECATED. use interpreter instead.

  • volume_args [ref]

    Volume args for booting server from volume

  • floating_network [ref]

    External network name, for floating ip

  • port [ref]

    Ssh port for SSH connection

  • use_floating_ip [ref]

    Bool, floating or fixed IP for SSH connection

  • force_delete [ref]

    Whether to use force_delete for servers

  • wait_for_ping [ref]

    Whether to check connectivity on server creation

  • max_log_length [ref]

    The number of tail nova console-log lines user would like to retrieve

  • kwargs [ref]

    Extra arguments for booting the server

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with regular users (temporary users can be created via the ‘users’ context if admin user is specified for the platform).

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.vm.vmtasks

VMTasks.runcommand_heat [Scenario]

Run workload on stack deployed by heat.

Workload can be either file or resource:

{"file": "/path/to/"}
{"resource": ["package.module", ""]}

Also it should contain “username” key.

Given file will be uploaded to gate_node and started. This script should print key value pairs separated by colon. These pairs will be presented in results.

Gate node should be accessible via ssh with keypair key_name, so heat template should accept parameter key_name.

Platform: openstack


  • workload [ref]

    Workload to run

  • template [ref]

    Path to heat template file

  • files [ref]

    Additional template files

  • parameters [ref]

    Parameters for heat template

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.vm.vmtasks

Watcher.create_audit_and_delete [Scenario]

Create and delete audit.

Create Audit, wait until whether Audit is in SUCCEEDED state or in FAILED and delete audit.

Platform: openstack

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.watcher.basic

Watcher.create_audit_template_and_delete [Scenario]

Create audit template and delete it.

Platform: openstack


  • goal [ref]

    The goal audit template is based on

  • strategy [ref]

    The strategy used to provide resource optimization algorithm

Requires platform(s):

  • openstack with credentials for admin user.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.watcher.basic

Watcher.list_audit_templates [Scenario]

List existing audit templates.

Audit templates are being created by Audit Template Context.

Platform: openstack


  • name [ref]

    Name of the audit template

  • goal [ref]

    Name of the goal

  • strategy [ref]

    Name of the strategy

  • limit [ref]

    The maximum number of results to return per request, if:

    1. limit > 0, the maximum number of audit templates to return.
    2. limit == 0, return the entire list of audit_templates.
    3. limit param is NOT specified (None), the number of items returned respect the maximum imposed by the Watcher API

    (see Watcher’s api.max_limit option).

  • sort_key [ref]

    Optional, field used for sorting.

  • sort_dir [ref]

    Optional, direction of sorting, either ‘asc’ (the default) or ‘desc’.

  • detail [ref]

    Optional, boolean whether to return detailed information about audit_templates.

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.watcher.basic

ZaqarBasic.create_queue [Scenario]

Create a Zaqar queue with a random name.

Platform: openstack


  • kwargs [ref]

    Other optional parameters to create queues like “metadata”

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.zaqar.basic

ZaqarBasic.producer_consumer [Scenario]

Serial message producer/consumer.

Creates a Zaqar queue with random name, sends a set of messages and then retrieves an iterator containing those.

Platform: openstack


  • min_msg_count [ref]

    Min number of messages to be posted

  • max_msg_count [ref]

    Max number of messages to be posted

  • kwargs [ref]

    Other optional parameters to create queues like “metadata”

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.zaqar.basic

Scenario Runners

constant [Scenario Runner]

Creates constant load executing a scenario a specified number of times.

This runner will place a constant load on the cloud under test by executing each scenario iteration without pausing between iterations up to the number of times specified in the scenario config.

The concurrency parameter of the scenario config controls the number of concurrent iterations which execute during a single scenario in order to simulate the activities of multiple users placing load on the cloud under test.

Platform: default


  • max_cpu_count (int) [ref]

    The maximum number of processes to create load from.

    Min value: 1.

  • timeout (float) [ref]

    Operation’s timeout.

  • concurrency (int) [ref]

    The number of parallel iteration executions.

    Min value: 1.

  • times (int) [ref]

    Total number of iteration executions.

    Min value: 1.

Module: rally.plugins.common.runners.constant

constant_for_duration [Scenario Runner]

Creates constant load executing a scenario for an interval of time.

This runner will place a constant load on the cloud under test by executing each scenario iteration without pausing between iterations until a specified interval of time has elapsed.

The concurrency parameter of the scenario config controls the number of concurrent iterations which execute during a single sceanario in order to simulate the activities of multiple users placing load on the cloud under test.

Platform: default


  • duration (float) [ref]

    The number of seconds during which to generate a load.

    Min value: 0.0.

  • timeout (float) [ref]

    Operation’s timeout.

    Min value: 1.

  • concurrency (int) [ref]

    The number of parallel iteration executions.

    Min value: 1.

Module: rally.plugins.common.runners.constant

rps [Scenario Runner]

Scenario runner that does the job with specified frequency.

Every single scenario iteration is executed with specified frequency (runs per second) in a pool of processes. The scenario will be launched for a fixed number of times in total (specified in the config).

An example of a rps scenario is booting 1 VM per second. This execution type is thus very helpful in understanding the maximal load that a certain cloud can handle.

Platform: default


  • max_cpu_count (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • max_concurrency (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

  • timeout (float) [ref]
  • times (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

Module: rally.plugins.common.runners.rps

serial [Scenario Runner]

Scenario runner that executes scenarios serially.

Unlike scenario runners that execute in parallel, the serial scenario runner executes scenarios one-by-one in the same python interpreter process as Rally. This allows you to execute scenario without introducing any concurrent operations as well as interactively debug the scenario from the same command that you use to start Rally.

Platform: default


  • times (int) [ref]

    Min value: 1.

Module: rally.plugins.common.runners.serial

Task Exporters

elastic [Task Exporter]

Exports task results to the ElasticSearch 2.x, 5.x or 6.x clusters.

The exported data includes:

  • Task basic information such as title, description, status, deployment uuid, etc. See rally_task_v1_data index.
  • Workload information such as scenario name and configuration, runner type and configuration, time of the start load, success rate, sla details in case of errors, etc. See rally_workload_v1_data index.
  • Separate documents for all atomic actions. See rally_atomic_action_data_v1 index.

The destination can be a remote server. In this case specify it like:

Or we can dump documents to the file. The destination should look like:


In case of an empty destination, the http://localhost:9200 destination will be used.

Platform: default

Module: rally.plugins.common.exporters.elastic.exporter

html [Task Exporter]

Generates task report in HTML format.

Platform: default

Module: rally.plugins.common.exporters.html

html-static [Task Exporter]

Generates task report in HTML format with embedded JS/CSS.

Platform: default

Module: rally.plugins.common.exporters.html

json [Task Exporter]

Generates task report in JSON format.

Platform: default

Module: rally.plugins.common.exporters.json_exporter

junit-xml [Task Exporter]

Generates task report in JUnit-XML format.

An example of the report (All dates, numbers, names appearing in this example are fictitious. Any resemblance to real things is purely coincidental):

  <!--Report is generated by Rally 0.10.0 at 2017-06-04T05:14:00-->
  <testsuite id="task-uu-ii-dd"
    <testcase classname="CinderVolumes"
              timestamp="2017-06-04T05:14:44" />
    <testcase classname="NovaServers"

Platform: default

Module: rally.plugins.common.exporters.junit


args-spec [Validator]

Scenario arguments validator

Platform: default

Module: rally.plugins.common.validators

check_api_versions [Validator]

Additional validation for api_versions context

Platform: default

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.api_versions

check_cleanup_resources [Validator]

Validates that openstack resource managers exist

Platform: default


  • admin_required [ref]

    Describes access level to resource

Module: rally_openstack.contexts.cleanup.base

check_constant [Validator]

Additional schema validation for constant runner

Platform: default

Module: rally.plugins.common.runners.constant

check_rps [Validator]

Additional schema validation for rps runner

Platform: default

Module: rally.plugins.common.runners.rps

enum [Validator]

Checks that parameter is in a list.

Ensure a parameter has the right value. This value need to be defined in a list.

Platform: default


  • param_name [ref]

    Name of parameter to validate

  • values [ref]

    List of values accepted

  • missed [ref]

    Allow to accept optional parameter

  • case_insensitive [ref]

    Ignore case in enum values

Module: rally.plugins.common.validators

es_exporter_destination [Validator]

Validates the destination for ElasticSearch exporter.

In case when the destination is ElasticSearch cluster, the version of it should be 2.* or 5.*

Platform: default

Module: rally.plugins.common.exporters.elastic.exporter

external_network_exists [Validator]

Validator checks that external network with given name exists.

Platform: openstack


  • param_name [ref]

    Name of validated network

Module: rally_openstack.validators

file_exists [Validator]

Validator checks parameter is proper path to file with proper mode.

Ensure a file exists and can be accessed with the specified mode. Note that path to file will be expanded before access checking.

Platform: default


  • param_name [ref]

    Name of parameter to validate

  • mode [ref]

    Access mode to test for. This should be one of: * os.F_OK (file exists) * os.R_OK (file is readable) * os.W_OK (file is writable) * os.X_OK (file is executable)

    If multiple modes are required they can be added, eg:


  • required [ref]

    Boolean indicating whether this argument is required.

Module: rally.plugins.common.validators

flavor_exists [Validator]

Returns validator for flavor

Platform: openstack


  • param_name [ref]

    Defines which variable should be used to get flavor id value.

Module: rally_openstack.validators

image_exists [Validator]

Validator checks existed image or not

Platform: openstack


  • param_name [ref]

    Defines which variable should be used to get image id value.

  • nullable [ref]

    Defines image id param is required

Module: rally_openstack.validators

image_valid_on_flavor [Validator]

Returns validator for image could be used for current flavor

Platform: openstack


  • flavor_param [ref]

    Defines which variable should be used to get flavor id value.

  • image_param [ref]

    Defines which variable should be used to get image id value.

  • validate_disk [ref]

    Flag to indicate whether to validate flavor’s disk. Should be True if instance is booted from image. Should be False if instance is booted from volume. Default value is True.

  • fail_on_404_image [ref]

    Flag what indicate whether to validate image or not.

Module: rally_openstack.validators

jsonschema [Validator]

JSON schema validator

Platform: default

Module: rally.plugins.common.validators

map_keys [Validator]

Check that parameter contains specified keys.

Platform: default


  • param_name [ref]

    Name of parameter to validate

  • required [ref]

    List of all required keys

  • allowed [ref]

    List of all allowed keys

  • additional [ref]

    Whether additional keys are allowed. If list of allowed keys are specified, defaults to False, otherwise defaults to True

  • missed [ref]

    Allow to accept optional parameter

Module: rally.plugins.common.validators

number [Validator]

Checks that parameter is a number that pass specified condition.

Ensure a parameter is within the range [minval, maxval]. This is a closed interval so the end points are included.

Platform: default


  • param_name [ref]

    Name of parameter to validate

  • minval [ref]

    Lower endpoint of valid interval

  • maxval [ref]

    Upper endpoint of valid interval

  • nullable [ref]

    Allow parameter not specified, or parameter=None

  • integer_only [ref]

    Only accept integers

Module: rally.plugins.common.validators

required_api_versions [Validator]

Validator checks component API versions.

Platform: openstack


  • component [ref]

    Name of required component

  • versions [ref]

    Version of required component

Module: rally_openstack.validators

required_cinder_services [Validator]

Validator checks that specified Cinder service is available.

It uses Cinder client with admin permissions to call ‘cinder service-list’ call

Platform: openstack


  • services [ref]

    Cinder service name

Module: rally_openstack.validators

required_clients [Validator]

Validator checks if specified OpenStack clients are available.

Platform: openstack


  • components [ref]

    List of client components names

  • **kwargs [ref]

    Optional parameters: admin - bool, whether to use admin clients

Module: rally_openstack.validators

required_contexts [Validator]

Validator checks if required contexts are specified.

Platform: default


  • contexts [ref]

    List of strings and tuples with context names that should be specified. Tuple represent ‘at least one of the’.

Module: rally.plugins.common.validators

required_neutron_extensions [Validator]

Validator checks if the specified Neutron extension is available

Platform: openstack


  • extensions [ref]

    List of Neutron extensions

Module: rally_openstack.validators

required_param_or_context [Validator]

Validator checks if required image is specified.

Platform: default


  • param_name [ref]

    Name of parameter

  • ctx_name [ref]

    Name of context

Module: rally.plugins.common.validators

required_params [Validator]

Scenario required parameter validator.

This allows us to search required parameters in subdict of config.

Platform: default


  • subdict [ref]

    Sub-dict of “config” to search. if not defined - will search in “config”

  • params [ref]

    List of required parameters

Module: rally.plugins.common.validators

required_platform [Validator]

Validates specification of specified platform for the workload.

Platform: default


  • platform [ref]

    Name of the platform

Module: rally.common.validation

required_platform [Validator]

Validates credentials for OpenStack platform.

This allows us to create 3 kind of tests cases: 1) requires platform with admin 2) requires platform with admin + users 3) requires platform with users

Platform: openstack


  • admin [ref]

    Requires admin credential

  • users [ref]

    Requires user credentials

Module: rally_openstack.validators

required_services [Validator]

Validator checks if specified OpenStack services are available.

Platform: openstack


  • services [ref]

    List with names of required services

Module: rally_openstack.validators

restricted_parameters [Validator]

Validates that parameters is not set.

Platform: default


  • param_names [ref]

    Parameter or parameters list to be validated.

  • subdict [ref]

    Sub-dict of “config” to search for param_names. if not defined - will search in “config”

Module: rally.plugins.common.validators

valid_command [Validator]

Checks that parameter is a proper command-specifying dictionary.

Ensure that the command dictionary is a proper command-specifying dictionary described in ‘vmtasks.VMTasks.boot_runcommand_delete’ docstring.

Platform: openstack


  • param_name [ref]

    Name of parameter to validate

  • required [ref]

    Boolean indicating that the command dictionary is required

Module: rally_openstack.scenarios.vm.vmtasks

validate_heat_template [Validator]

Validates heat template.

Platform: openstack


  • params [ref]

    List of parameters to be validated.

Module: rally_openstack.validators

volume_type_exists [Validator]

Returns validator for volume types.

Platform: openstack


  • param_name [ref]

    Defines variable to be used as the flag to determine if volume types should be checked for existence.

  • nullable [ref]

    Defines volume_type param is required

Module: rally_openstack.validators

workbook_contains_workflow [Validator]

Validate that workflow exist in workbook when workflow is passed

Platform: openstack


  • workbook_param [ref]

    Parameter containing the workbook definition

  • workflow_param [ref]

    Parameter containing the workflow name

Module: rally_openstack.validators

Verification Component

Verification Reporters

html [Verification Reporter]

Generates verification report in HTML format.

Platform: default

Module: rally.plugins.common.verification.reporters

html-static [Verification Reporter]

Generates verification report in HTML format with embedded JS/CSS.

Platform: default

Module: rally.plugins.common.verification.reporters

json [Verification Reporter]

Generates verification report in JSON format.

An example of the report (All dates, numbers, names appearing in this example are fictitious. Any resemblance to real things is purely coincidental):

{"verifications": {
    "verification-uuid-1": {
        "status": "finished",
        "skipped": 1,
        "started_at": "2001-01-01T00:00:00",
        "finished_at": "2001-01-01T00:05:00",
        "tests_duration": 5,
        "run_args": {
            "pattern": "set=smoke",
            "xfail_list": {"some.test.TestCase.test_xfail":
                               "Some reason why it is expected."},
            "skip_list": {"some.test.TestCase.test_skipped":
                              "This test was skipped intentionally"},
        "success": 1,
        "expected_failures": 1,
        "tests_count": 3,
        "failures": 0,
        "unexpected_success": 0
    "verification-uuid-2": {
        "status": "finished",
        "skipped": 1,
        "started_at": "2002-01-01T00:00:00",
        "finished_at": "2002-01-01T00:05:00",
        "tests_duration": 5,
        "run_args": {
            "pattern": "set=smoke",
            "xfail_list": {"some.test.TestCase.test_xfail":
                               "Some reason why it is expected."},
            "skip_list": {"some.test.TestCase.test_skipped":
                              "This test was skipped intentionally"},
        "success": 1,
        "expected_failures": 1,
        "tests_count": 3,
        "failures": 1,
        "unexpected_success": 0
 "tests": {
    "some.test.TestCase.test_foo[tag1,tag2]": {
        "name": "some.test.TestCase.test_foo",
        "tags": ["tag1","tag2"],
        "by_verification": {
            "verification-uuid-1": {
                "status": "success",
                "duration": "1.111"
            "verification-uuid-2": {
                "status": "success",
                "duration": "22.222"
    "some.test.TestCase.test_skipped[tag1]": {
        "name": "some.test.TestCase.test_skipped",
        "tags": ["tag1"],
        "by_verification": {
            "verification-uuid-1": {
                "status": "skipped",
                "duration": "0",
                "details": "Skipped until Bug: 666 is resolved."
            "verification-uuid-2": {
                "status": "skipped",
                "duration": "0",
                "details": "Skipped until Bug: 666 is resolved."
    "some.test.TestCase.test_xfail": {
        "name": "some.test.TestCase.test_xfail",
        "tags": [],
        "by_verification": {
            "verification-uuid-1": {
                "status": "xfail",
                "duration": "3",
                "details": "Some reason why it is expected.\n\n"
                    "Traceback (most recent call last): \n"
                    "  File "", line 13, in <module>\n"
                    "    yyy()\n"
                    "  File "", line 11, in yyy\n"
                    "    xxx()\n"
                    "  File "", line 8, in xxx\n"
                    "    bar()\n"
                    "  File "", line 5, in bar\n"
                    "    foo()\n"
                    "  File "", line 2, in foo\n"
                    "    raise Exception()\n"
            "verification-uuid-2": {
                "status": "xfail",
                "duration": "3",
                "details": "Some reason why it is expected.\n\n"
                    "Traceback (most recent call last): \n"
                    "  File "", line 13, in <module>\n"
                    "    yyy()\n"
                    "  File "", line 11, in yyy\n"
                    "    xxx()\n"
                    "  File "", line 8, in xxx\n"
                    "    bar()\n"
                    "  File "", line 5, in bar\n"
                    "    foo()\n"
                    "  File "", line 2, in foo\n"
                    "    raise Exception()\n"
    "some.test.TestCase.test_failed": {
        "name": "some.test.TestCase.test_failed",
        "tags": [],
        "by_verification": {
            "verification-uuid-2": {
                "status": "fail",
                "duration": "4",
                "details": "Some reason why it is expected.\n\n"
                    "Traceback (most recent call last): \n"
                    "  File "", line 13, in <module>\n"
                    "    yyy()\n"
                    "  File "", line 11, in yyy\n"
                    "    xxx()\n"
                    "  File "", line 8, in xxx\n"
                    "    bar()\n"
                    "  File "", line 5, in bar\n"
                    "    foo()\n"
                    "  File "", line 2, in foo\n"
                    "    raise Exception()\n"

Platform: default

Module: rally.plugins.common.verification.reporters

junit-xml [Verification Reporter]

Generates verification report in JUnit-XML format.

An example of the report (All dates, numbers, names appearing in this example are fictitious. Any resemblance to real things is purely coincidental):

  <!--Report is generated by Rally 0.8.0 at 2002-01-01T00:00:00-->
  <testsuite id="verification-uuid-1"
    <testcase classname="some.test.TestCase"
              timestamp="2001-01-01T00:01:00" />
    <testcase classname="some.test.TestCase"
      <skipped>Skipped until Bug: 666 is resolved.</skipped>
    <testcase classname="some.test.TestCase"
      <!--It is an expected failure due to: something-->
    <testcase classname="some.test.TestCase"
          It is an unexpected success. The test should fail due to:
          It should fail, I said!
  <testsuite id="verification-uuid-2"
    <testcase classname="some.test.TestCase"
              timestamp="2001-02-01T00:01:00" />
    <testcase classname="some.test.TestCase"
    <testcase classname="some.test.TestCase"
      <skipped>Skipped until Bug: 666 is resolved.</skipped>
    <testcase classname="some.test.TestCase"
      <!--It is an expected failure due to: something-->

Platform: default

Module: rally.plugins.common.verification.reporters

Verifier Managers

tempest [Verifier Manager]

Tempest verifier.


Quote from official documentation:

This is a set of integration tests to be run against a live OpenStack cluster. Tempest has batteries of tests for OpenStack API validation, Scenarios, and other specific tests useful in validating an OpenStack deployment.

Rally supports features listed below:

  • cloning Tempest: repository and version can be specified
  • installation: system-wide with checking existence of required packages or in virtual environment
  • configuration: options are discovered via OpenStack API, but you can override them if you need
  • running: pre-creating all required resources(i.e images, tenants, etc), prepare arguments, launching Tempest, live-progress output
  • results: all verifications are stored in db, you can built reports, compare verification at whatever you want time.

Appeared in Rally 0.8.0 (actually, it appeared long time ago with first revision of Verification Component, but 0.8.0 is mentioned since it is first release after Verification Component redesign)

Running arguments:

  • concurrency: Number of processes to be used for launching tests. In case of 0 value, number of processes will be equal to number of CPU cores.
  • load_list: a list of tests to launch.
  • pattern: a regular expression of tests to launch.
  • set: Name of predefined set of tests. Known names: full, smoke, baremetal, clustering, compute, database, data_processing, identity, image, messaging, network, object_storage, orchestration, telemetry, volume, scenario
  • skip_list: a list of tests to skip (actually, it is a dict where keys are names of tests, values are reasons).
  • xfail_list: a list of tests that are expected to fail (actually, it is a dict where keys are names of tests, values are reasons).

Installation arguments:

  • system_wide: Whether or not to use the system-wide environment for verifier instead of a virtual environment. Defaults to False.
  • source: Path or URL to the repo to clone verifier from. Defaults to
  • version: Branch, tag or commit ID to checkout before verifier installation. Defaults to ‘master’.

Platform: openstack

Module: rally_openstack.verification.tempest.manager