Setting up a development environment with devstack

This page describes how to set up a working development environment that can be used in deploying qinling on latest releases of Ubuntu. These instructions assume you are already familiar with git. Refer to Getting the code for additional information.

Following these instructions will allow you to have a fully functional qinling environment using the devstack project (a shell script to build complete OpenStack development environments) on Ubuntu 16.04.

Configuring devstack with Qinling

Qinling can be enabled in devstack by using the plug-in based interface it offers.


The following steps have been fully verified only on Ubuntu 16.04.

Start by cloning the devstack repository using a non-root user:

git clone

Change to devstack directory:

cd devstack/

Create the local.conf file with the following minimal devstack configuration:

enable_plugin qinling



Here are several things you could customize:

  • For multiple network cards, you need to specify the kubernetes API server’s advertise address manually.

    export EXTRA_KUBEADM_INIT_OPTS="--apiserver-advertise-address <default-host-ip>"
  • Devstack will set up a new kubernetes cluster and re-use etcd service inside the cluster for Qinling services, which means you don’t need to add etcd to the enabled services list in the local.conf file.

  • If you already have an existing kubernetes/etcd cluster, add QINLING_INSTALL_K8S=False to the local.conf file. You need to manually config Qinling services after devstack completes, go to Config Qinling with existing Kubernetes cluster for more configuration details.

  • If you want to interact with Qinling in Horizon dashboard, add the following line to the local.conf file.

    enable_plugin qinling-dashboard

Running devstack

Run the script:


After it completes, verify qinling service is installed properly:

$ source openrc admin admin
$ openstack service list
| ID                               | Name     | Type            |
| 59be2ecc8b8d4e61af184ea3495bf207 | qinling  | function-engine |
| e5891d41a929402384ef00ce7135a16d | keystone | identity        |
$ openstack runtime list --print-empty
| Id | Name | Image | Status | Description | Project_id | Created_at | Updated_at |

Kubernetes Integration

By default, Qinling uses Kubernetes as its orchestrator backend, so a k8s all-in-one environment (and some other related tools, e.g. kubectl) is also set up during devstack installation.

Qinling devstack script uses kubeadm for Kubernetes installation, refer to tools/gate/kubeadm/ for more detailed information about Qinling devstack installation.