Source code for watcherclient.client

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from keystoneauth1 import loading as kaloading

from oslo_utils import importutils

from watcherclient._i18n import _
from watcherclient.common import api_versioning
from watcherclient import exceptions

[docs] def get_client(api_version, os_auth_token=None, watcher_url=None, os_username=None, os_password=None, os_auth_url=None, os_project_id=None, os_project_name=None, os_tenant_id=None, os_tenant_name=None, os_region_name=None, os_user_domain_id=None, os_user_domain_name=None, os_project_domain_id=None, os_project_domain_name=None, os_service_type=None, os_endpoint_type=None, insecure=None, timeout=None, os_cacert=None, ca_file=None, os_cert=None, cert_file=None, os_key=None, key_file=None, os_infra_optim_api_version=None, max_retries=None, retry_interval=None, session=None, os_endpoint_override=None, **ignored_kwargs): """Get an authenticated client, based on the credentials. :param api_version: the API version to use. Valid value: '1'. :param os_auth_token: pre-existing token to re-use :param watcher_url: watcher API endpoint :param os_username: name of a user :param os_password: user's password :param os_auth_url: endpoint to authenticate against :param os_project_id: ID of a project :param os_project_name: name of a project :param os_tenant_id: ID of a tenant (deprecated in favour of os_project_id) :param os_tenant_name: name of a tenant (deprecated in favour of os_project_name) :param os_region_name: name of a keystone region :param os_user_domain_id: ID of a domain the user belongs to :param os_user_domain_name: name of a domain the user belongs to :param os_project_domain_id: ID of a domain the project belongs to :param os_project_domain_name: name of a domain the project belongs to :param os_service_type: the type of service to lookup the endpoint for :param os_endpoint_type: the type (exposure) of the endpoint :param insecure: allow insecure SSL (no cert verification) :param timeout: allows customization of the timeout for client HTTP requests :param os_cacert: path to cacert file :param ca_file: path to cacert file, deprecated in favour of os_cacert :param os_cert: path to cert file :param cert_file: path to cert file, deprecated in favour of os_cert :param os_key: path to key file :param key_file: path to key file, deprecated in favour of os_key :param os_infra_optim_api_version: watcher API version to use :param max_retries: Maximum number of retries in case of conflict error :param retry_interval: Amount of time (in seconds) between retries in case of conflict error :param session: Keystone session to use :param os_endpoint_override: watcher API endpoint :param ignored_kwargs: all the other params that are passed. Left for backwards compatibility. They are ignored. """ os_service_type = os_service_type or 'infra-optim' os_endpoint_type = os_endpoint_type or 'publicURL' project_id = (os_project_id or os_tenant_id) project_name = (os_project_name or os_tenant_name) kwargs = { 'os_infra_optim_api_version': os_infra_optim_api_version, 'max_retries': max_retries, 'retry_interval': retry_interval, } endpoint = watcher_url or os_endpoint_override cacert = os_cacert or ca_file cert = os_cert or cert_file key = os_key or key_file if os_auth_token and endpoint: kwargs.update({ 'token': os_auth_token, 'insecure': insecure, 'ca_file': cacert, 'cert_file': cert, 'key_file': key, 'timeout': timeout, }) elif os_auth_url: auth_type = 'password' auth_kwargs = { 'auth_url': os_auth_url, 'project_id': project_id, 'project_name': project_name, 'user_domain_id': os_user_domain_id, 'user_domain_name': os_user_domain_name, 'project_domain_id': os_project_domain_id, 'project_domain_name': os_project_domain_name, } if os_username and os_password: auth_kwargs.update({ 'username': os_username, 'password': os_password, }) elif os_auth_token: auth_type = 'token' auth_kwargs.update({ 'token': os_auth_token, }) # Create new session only if it was not passed in if not session: loader = kaloading.get_plugin_loader(auth_type) auth_plugin = loader.load_from_options(**auth_kwargs) # Let keystoneauth do the necessary parameter conversions session = kaloading.session.Session().load_from_options( auth=auth_plugin, insecure=insecure, cacert=cacert, cert=cert, key=key, timeout=timeout, ) exception_msg = _('Must provide Keystone credentials or user-defined ' 'endpoint and token') if not endpoint: if session: try: # Pass the endpoint, it will be used to get hostname # and port that will be used for API version caching. It will # be also set as endpoint_override. endpoint = session.get_endpoint( service_type=os_service_type, interface=os_endpoint_type, region_name=os_region_name ) except Exception as e: raise exceptions.AmbiguousAuthSystem( exception_msg + _(', error was: %s') % e) else: # Neither session, nor valid auth parameters provided raise exceptions.AmbiguousAuthSystem(exception_msg) # Always pass the session kwargs['session'] = session return Client(api_version, endpoint, **kwargs)
def _get_client_class_and_version(version): if not isinstance(version, api_versioning.APIVersion): version = api_versioning.get_api_version(version) else: api_versioning.check_major_version(version) if version.is_latest(): raise exceptions.UnsupportedVersion( _("The version should be explicit, not latest.")) return version, importutils.import_class( "watcherclient.v%s.client.Client" % version.ver_major)
[docs] def Client(version, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize client object based on given version. HOW-TO: The simplest way to create a client instance is initialization with your credentials:: >>> from watcherclient import client >>> watcher = client.Client(VERSION, USERNAME, PASSWORD, ... PROJECT_ID, AUTH_URL) Here ``VERSION`` can be a string or ``watcherclient.api_versions.APIVersion`` obj. If you prefer string value, you can use ``1`` or ``1.X`` (where X is a microversion). Alternatively, you can create a client instance using the keystoneauth session API. See "The watcherclient Python API" page at python-watcherclient's doc. """ api_version, client_class = _get_client_class_and_version(version) kw_api = kwargs.get('os_infra_optim_api_version') endpoint = kwargs.get('endpoint') # If both os_infra_optim_api_version and endpoint are not provided, get # API version from arg. if not kw_api and not endpoint: kwargs['os_infra_optim_api_version'] = api_version.get_string() return client_class(*args, **kwargs)