watcherclient.common.command module

class watcherclient.common.command.Command(app: _app.App, app_args: Namespace | None, cmd_name: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: Command

log = <Logger watcherclient.common.command.Command (WARNING)>

Invoked by the application when the command is run.

Developers implementing commands should override take_action().

Developers creating new command base classes (such as Lister and ShowOne) should override this method to wrap take_action().

Return the value returned by take_action() or 0.

class watcherclient.common.command.CommandMeta(name, bases, cls_dict)[source]

Bases: ABCMeta

class watcherclient.common.command.Lister(app: App, app_args: Namespace | None, cmd_name: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: Command, Lister

app_dist_name: ty.Optional[str]
log = <Logger watcherclient.common.command.Lister (WARNING)>
class watcherclient.common.command.ShowOne(app: App, app_args: Namespace | None, cmd_name: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: Command, ShowOne

app_dist_name: ty.Optional[str]
get_parser(prog_name, formatter_class=None)[source]

Return an argparse.ArgumentParser.

log = <Logger watcherclient.common.command.ShowOne (WARNING)>