Trove Client User Guide

Command-line API

Installing this package gets you a shell command, trove, that you can use to interact with any OpenStack cloud.

You’ll need to provide your OpenStack username and password. You can do this with the --os-username, --os-password and --os-tenant-name params, but it’s easier to just set them as environment variables:

export OS_USERNAME=openstack
export OS_PASSWORD=yadayada
export OS_TENANT_NAME=myproject

You will also need to define the authentication url with --os-auth-url and the version of the API with --os-database-api-version (default is version 1.0). Or set them as an environment variables as well:

export OS_AUTH_URL=
export OS_AUTH_URL=1.0

If you are using Keystone, you need to set the OS_AUTH_URL to the keystone endpoint:

export OS_AUTH_URL=

Since Keystone can return multiple regions in the Service Catalog, you can specify the one you want with --os-region-name (or export OS_REGION_NAME). It defaults to the first in the list returned.

Argument --profile is available only when the osprofiler lib is installed.

You’ll find complete documentation on the shell by running trove help.

For more details, refer to <no title>.

Python API

There’s also a complete Python API.

Quick-start using keystone:

# use v2.0 auth with
>>> from troveclient.v1 import client
>>> nt.datastores.list()
>>> nt.flavors.list()
>>> nt.instances.list()