

The Event Class

The Event class inherits from Resource.

class openstack.cluster.v1.event.Event(_synchronized=False, **attrs)

The base resource

Parameters:_synchronized (bool) – This is not intended to be used directly. See new() and existing().
generated_at = None

Timestamp string (in ISO8601 format) when the event was generated.

obj_id = None

The UUID of the object related to this event.

obj_name = None

The name of the object related to this event.

obj_type = None

The type name of the object related to this event.

cluster_id = None

The UUID of the cluster related to this event, if any.

level = None

The event level (priority).

user_id = None

The ID of the user.

project_id = None

The ID of the project (tenant).

action = None

The string representation of the action associated with the event.

status = None

The status of the associated object.

status_reason = None

A string description of the reason that brought the object into its current status.

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