Message API v2

Message API v2

For details on how to use message, see Using OpenStack Message

The Message v2 Class

The message high-level interface is available through the message member of a Connection object. The message member will only be added if the service is detected.

Message Operations

class openstack.message.v2._proxy.Proxy(session)
post_message(queue_name, messages)

Post messages to given queue

  • queue_name – The name of target queue to post message to.
  • messages (list) – List of messages body and TTL to post.

A string includes location of messages successfully posted.

delete_message(queue_name, value, claim=None, ignore_missing=True)

Delete a message

  • queue_name – The name of target queue to delete message from.
  • value – The value can be either the name of a message or a Message instance.
  • claim – The value can be the ID or a Claim instance of the claim seizing the message. If None, the message has not been claimed.
  • ignore_missing (bool) – When set to False ResourceNotFound will be raised when the message does not exist. When set to True, no exception will be set when attempting to delete a nonexistent message.


get_message(queue_name, message)

Get a message

  • queue_name – The name of target queue to get message from.
  • message – The value can be the name of a message or a Message instance.

One Message


ResourceNotFound when no message matching the criteria could be found.

messages(queue_name, **query)

Retrieve a generator of messages

  • queue_name – The name of target queue to query messages from.
  • **query (kwargs) –

    Optional query parameters to be sent to restrict the messages to be returned. Available parameters include:

    • limit: Requests at most the specified number of items be
      returned from the query.
    • marker: Specifies the ID of the last-seen subscription. Use the
      limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen subscription from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request.
    • echo: Indicate if the messages can be echoed back to the client
      that posted them.
    • include_claimed: Indicate if the messages list should include
      the claimed messages.

A generator of message instances.

Queue Operations

class openstack.message.v2._proxy.Proxy(session)

Create a new queue from attributes

Parameters:attrs (dict) – Keyword arguments which will be used to create a Queue, comprised of the properties on the Queue class.
Returns:The results of queue creation
Return type:Queue
delete_queue(value, ignore_missing=True)

Delete a queue

  • value – The value can be either the name of a queue or a Queue instance.
  • ignore_missing (bool) – When set to False ResourceNotFound will be raised when the queue does not exist. When set to True, no exception will be set when attempting to delete a nonexistent queue.



Get a queue

Parameters:queue – The value can be the name of a queue or a Queue instance.
Returns:One Queue
Raises:ResourceNotFound when no queue matching the name could be found.

Retrieve a generator of queues

Parameters:**query (kwargs) –

Optional query parameters to be sent to restrict the queues to be returned. Available parameters include:

  • limit: Requests at most the specified number of items be
    returned from the query.
  • marker: Specifies the ID of the last-seen queue. Use the limit
    parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen queue from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request.
Returns:A generator of queue instances.

Claim Operations

class openstack.message.v2._proxy.Proxy(session)
create_claim(queue_name, **attrs)

Create a new claim from attributes

  • queue_name – The name of target queue to claim message from.
  • attrs (dict) – Keyword arguments which will be used to create a Claim, comprised of the properties on the Claim class.

The results of claim creation

Return type:


update_claim(queue_name, claim, **attrs)

Update an existing claim from attributes

  • queue_name – The name of target queue to claim message from.
  • claim – The value can be either the ID of a claim or a Claim instance.
  • attrs (dict) – Keyword arguments which will be used to update a Claim, comprised of the properties on the Claim class.

The results of claim update

Return type:


delete_claim(queue_name, claim, ignore_missing=True)

Delete a claim

  • queue_name – The name of target queue to claim messages from.
  • claim – The value can be either the ID of a claim or a Claim instance.
  • ignore_missing (bool) – When set to False ResourceNotFound will be raised when the claim does not exist. When set to True, no exception will be thrown when attempting to delete a nonexistent claim.


get_claim(queue_name, claim)

Get a claim

  • queue_name – The name of target queue to claim message from.
  • claim – The value can be either the ID of a claim or a Claim instance.

One Claim


ResourceNotFound when no claim matching the criteria could be found.

Subscription Operations

class openstack.message.v2._proxy.Proxy(session)
create_subscription(queue_name, **attrs)

Create a new subscription from attributes

  • queue_name – The name of target queue to subscribe on.
  • attrs (dict) – Keyword arguments which will be used to create a Subscription, comprised of the properties on the Subscription class.

The results of subscription creation

Return type:


delete_subscription(queue_name, value, ignore_missing=True)

Delete a subscription

  • queue_name – The name of target queue to delete subscription from.
  • value – The value can be either the name of a subscription or a Subscription instance.
  • ignore_missing (bool) – When set to False ResourceNotFound will be raised when the subscription does not exist. When set to True, no exception will be thrown when attempting to delete a nonexistent subscription.


get_subscription(queue_name, subscription)

Get a subscription

  • queue_name – The name of target queue of subscription.
  • message – The value can be the ID of a subscription or a Subscription instance.

One Subscription


ResourceNotFound when no subscription matching the criteria could be found.

subscriptions(queue_name, **query)

Retrieve a generator of subscriptions

  • queue_name – The name of target queue to subscribe on.
  • **query (kwargs) –

    Optional query parameters to be sent to restrict the subscriptions to be returned. Available parameters include:

    • limit: Requests at most the specified number of items be
      returned from the query.
    • marker: Specifies the ID of the last-seen subscription. Use the
      limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen subscription from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request.

A generator of subscription instances.

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.