
data protection checkpoint create

Creates a checkpoint

openstack data protection checkpoint create
    [--extra_info [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]]
--extra_info <key=value>

The extra info of a checkpoint.


ID of provider.


ID of plan.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection checkpoint delete

Delete checkpoint

openstack data protection checkpoint delete
    [<checkpoint> ...]

Id of provider.


Id of checkpoint.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection checkpoint list

List checkpoints.

openstack data protection checkpoint list
    [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
    [--plan_id <plan_id>]
    [--start_date <start_date>]
    [--end_date <end_date>]
    [--project_id <project_id>]
    [--marker <checkpoint>]
    [--limit <num-checkpoints>]
    [--sort <key>[:<direction>]]
--sort-column SORT_COLUMN

specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated


Include all projects (admin only)

--plan_id <plan_id>

Filters results by a plan ID. Default=None.

--start_date <start_date>

Filters results by a start date(“Y-m-d”). Default=None.

--end_date <end_date>

Filters results by a end date(“Y-m-d”). Default=None.

--project_id <project_id>

Filters results by a project ID. Default=None.

--marker <checkpoint>

The last checkpoint ID of the previous page.

--limit <num-checkpoints>

Maximum number of checkpoints to display.

--sort <key>[:<direction>]

Sort output by selected keys and directions(asc or desc), multiple keys and directions can be specified separated by comma


ID of provider.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection checkpoint reset state

Reset checkpoint state

openstack data protection checkpoint reset state
    [<checkpoint> ...]

Request the checkpoint be reset to “available” state instead of “error” state(the default).


Id of provider.


Id of checkpoint.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection checkpoint show

Shows checkpoint details

openstack data protection checkpoint show <provider_id> <checkpoint_id>

Id of provider.


Id of checkpoint.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection operationlog list

List operation_logs.

openstack data protection operationlog list
    [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
    [--status <status>]
    [--marker <operation_log>]
    [--limit <num-operation_logs>]
    [--sort <key>[:<direction>]]
    [--project <project>]
--sort-column SORT_COLUMN

specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated


Include all projects (admin only)

--status <status>

Filter results by status

--marker <operation_log>

The last operation_log ID of the previous page

--limit <num-operation_logs>

Maximum number of operation_logs to display

--sort <key>[:<direction>]

Sort output by selected keys and directions(asc or desc), multiple keys and directions can be specified separated by comma

--project <project>

Filter results by a project(admin only)

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection operationlog show

Shows operation_log details

openstack data protection operationlog show <operation_log>

The UUID of the operation_log.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection plan create

Creates a plan

openstack data protection plan create
    [--parameters-json <parameters>]
    [--parameters resource_type=<type>[,resource_id=<id>,key=val,...]]
    [--description <description>]
--parameters-json <parameters>

Plan parameters in json format.

--parameters resource_type=<type>[,resource_id=<id>,key=val,...]

Plan parameters, may be specified multiple times. resource_type: type of resource to apply parameters. resource_id: limit the parameters to a specific resource. Other keys and values: according to provider’s protect schema.

--description <description>

The description of the plan.


The name of the plan.


The UUID of the provider.


Resource in list must be a dict when creating a plan. The keys of resource are id ,type, name and extra_info. The extra_info field is optional.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection plan delete

Delete plan

openstack data protection plan delete <plan> [<plan> ...]

ID of plan.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection plan list

List plans.

openstack data protection plan list
    [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
    [--name <name>]
    [--description <description>]
    [--status <status>]
    [--marker <plan>]
    [--limit <num-plans>]
    [--sort <key>[:<direction>]]
    [--project <project>]
--sort-column SORT_COLUMN

specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated


Include all projects (admin only)

--name <name>

Filter results by plan name

--description <description>

Filter results by plan description

--status <status>

Filter results by status

--marker <plan>

The last plan ID of the previous page

--limit <num-plans>

Maximum number of plans to display

--sort <key>[:<direction>]

Sort output by selected keys and directions(asc or desc) (default: name:asc), multiple keys and directions can be specified separated by comma

--project <project>

Filter results by a project(admin only)

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection plan show

Shows plan details

openstack data protection plan show <plan>

The UUID of the plan.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection plan update

Update a plan

openstack data protection plan update
    [--name <name>]
    [--description <description>]
    [--resources <id=type=name,id=type=name>]
    [--status <suspended|started>]
--name <name>

A name to which the plan will be renamed.

--description <description>

Description to which the plan will be updated.

--resources <id=type=name,id=type=name>

Resources to which the plan will be updated.

--status <suspended|started>

status to which the plan will be updated.


Id of plan to update.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection protectable instance list

List protectable instances.

openstack data protection protectable instance list
    [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
    [--type <type>]
    [--marker <protectable_instance>]
    [--limit <num-protectable_instances>]
    [--sort <key>[:<direction>]]
    [--parameters [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]]
--sort-column SORT_COLUMN

specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated

--type <type>

Filters results by protectable type. Default=None.

--marker <protectable_instance>

The last protectable instance ID of the previous page.

--limit <num-protectable_instances>

Maximum number of protectable instances to display.

--sort <key>[:<direction>]

Sort output by selected keys and directions(asc or desc), multiple keys and directions can be specified separated by comma

--parameters <key=value>

List instances by parameters key and value pair. Default=None.


Type of protectable.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection protectable instance show

Shows protectable instance details

openstack data protection protectable instance show
    [--parameters [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]]
--parameters <key=value>

Show a instance by parameters key and value pair. Default=None.


Protectable type.


Protectable instance id.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection protectable list

List protectable types.

openstack data protection protectable list [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
--sort-column SORT_COLUMN

specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection protectable show

Shows protectable type details

openstack data protection protectable show <protectable_type>

Protectable type.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection provider list

List providers.

openstack data protection provider list
    [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
    [--name <name>]
    [--description <description>]
    [--marker <provider>]
    [--limit <num-providers>]
    [--sort <key>[:<direction>]]
--sort-column SORT_COLUMN

specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated

--name <name>

Filters results by a name. Default=None.

--description <description>

Filters results by a description. Default=None.

--marker <provider>

The last provider ID of the previous page

--limit <num-providers>

Maximum number of providers to display

--sort <key>[:<direction>]

Sort output by selected keys and directions(asc or desc) (default: name:asc), multiple keys and directions can be specified separated by comma

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection provider show

Shows provider details

openstack data protection provider show <provider>

The UUID of the provider.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection quotaclass show

Shows Quota classes.

openstack data protection quotaclass show <class_name>

Name of quota class to list the quotas for.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection quotaclass update

Update the quotas for a quota class (Admin only).

openstack data protection quotaclass update
    [--plans <plans>]
--plans <plans>

New value for the “plans” quota.


Name of quota class to set the quotas for.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection quotas default

Shows default Quotas

openstack data protection quotas default [--tenant <tenant>]
--tenant <tenant>

ID of tenant to list the quotas for.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection quotas show

Shows Quotas

openstack data protection quotas show [--tenant <tenant>] [--detail]
--tenant <tenant>

ID of tenant to list the quotas for.


Optional flag to indicate whether to show quota in detail. Default false.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection quotas update

Updates Quotas

openstack data protection quotas update [--plans <plans>] <tenant>
--plans <plans>

New value for the “plans” quota.


ID of tenant to set the quotas for.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection restore create

Creates a restore

openstack data protection restore create
    [--restore_target <restore_target>]
    [--restore_username <restore_username>]
    [--restore_password <restore_password>]
    [--parameters-json <parameters>]
    [--parameters resource_type=<type>[,resource_id=<id>,key=val,...]]
--restore_target <restore_target>

The target of the restore operation.

--restore_username <restore_username>

Username to restore target.

--restore_password <restore_password>

Password to restore target.

--parameters-json <parameters>

Restore parameters in json format.

--parameters resource_type=<type>[,resource_id=<id>,key=val,...]

Restore parameters, may be specified multiple times. resource_type: type of resource to apply parameters. resource_id: limit the parameters to a specific resource. Other keys and values: according to provider’s restore schema.


The UUID of the provider.


The UUID of the checkpoint.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection restore list

List restores.

openstack data protection restore list
    [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
    [--status <status>]
    [--marker <restore>]
    [--limit <num-restores>]
    [--sort <key>[:<direction>]]
    [--project <project>]
--sort-column SORT_COLUMN

specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated


Include all projects (admin only)

--status <status>

Filter results by status

--marker <restore>

The last restore ID of the previous page

--limit <num-restores>

Maximum number of restores to display

--sort <key>[:<direction>]

Sort output by selected keys and directions(asc or desc), multiple keys and directions can be specified separated by comma

--project <project>

Filter results by a project(admin only)

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection restore show

Shows restore details

openstack data protection restore show <restore>

The UUID of the restore.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection scheduledoperation create

Creates a scheduled operation

openstack data protection scheduledoperation create

The name of the scheduled operation.


Operation Type of scheduled operation.


Trigger id of scheduled operation.


Operation definition of scheduled operation.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection scheduledoperation delete

Delete scheduled operation

openstack data protection scheduledoperation delete
    [<scheduledoperation> ...]

ID of scheduled operation.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection scheduledoperation list

List scheduled_operations.

openstack data protection scheduledoperation list
    [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
    [--name <name>]
    [--operation_type <operation_type>]
    [--trigger_id <trigger_id>]
    [--operation_definition <operation_definition>]
    [--marker <scheduled_operations>]
    [--limit <num-scheduled_operations>]
    [--sort <key>[:<direction>]]
    [--project <project>]
--sort-column SORT_COLUMN

specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated


Shows details for all tenants. Admin only.

--name <name>

Filters results by a name. Default=None.

--operation_type <operation_type>

Filters results by a type. Default=None.

--trigger_id <trigger_id>

Filters results by a trigger id. Default=None.

--operation_definition <operation_definition>

Filters results by a operation definition. Default=None.

--marker <scheduled_operations>

The last scheduled_operations ID of the previous page

--limit <num-scheduled_operations>

Maximum number of scheduled_operations to display

--sort <key>[:<direction>]

Sort output by selected keys and directions(asc or desc) (default: name:asc), multiple keys and directions can be specified separated by comma

--project <project>

Filter results by a project(admin only)

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection scheduledoperation show

Shows scheduled_operation details

openstack data protection scheduledoperation show <scheduledoperation>

The UUID of the scheduledoperation.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection service disable

Disable service

openstack data protection service disable
    [--reason <reason>]
--reason <reason>

Reason for disabling the service.


The ID of the service.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection service enable

Enable service

openstack data protection service enable <service_id>

The ID of the service.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection service list

List services.

openstack data protection service list
    [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
    [--host <host>]
    [--binary <binary>]
--sort-column SORT_COLUMN

specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated

--host <host>

Filter results by host

--binary <binary>

Filter results by binary

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection trigger create

Creates a trigger

openstack data protection trigger create

The name of the trigger.


Type of trigger.


Properties of trigger.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection trigger delete

Delete trigger

openstack data protection trigger delete <trigger> [<trigger> ...]

ID of trigger.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection trigger list

List triggers.

openstack data protection trigger list
    [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
    [--name <name>]
    [--type <type>]
    [--properties <properties>]
    [--marker <trigger>]
    [--limit <num-triggers>]
    [--sort <key>[:<direction>]]
    [--project <project>]
--sort-column SORT_COLUMN

specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated


Shows details for all tenants. Admin only.

--name <name>

Filters results by a name. Default=None.

--type <type>

Filters results by a type. Default=None.

--properties <properties>

Filters results by a properties. Default=None.

--marker <trigger>

The last trigger ID of the previous page

--limit <num-triggers>

Maximum number of triggers to display

--sort <key>[:<direction>]

Sort output by selected keys and directions(asc or desc) (default: name:asc), multiple keys and directions can be specified separated by comma

--project <project>

Display information from single tenant (Admin only).

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection trigger show

Shows trigger details

openstack data protection trigger show <trigger>

The UUID of the trigger.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection trigger update

Update a trigger

openstack data protection trigger update
    [--name <name>]
    [--properties <key=value,key=value>]
--name <name>

A name to which the trigger will be renamed.

--properties <key=value,key=value>

Properties of trigger which will be updated.


Id of trigger to update.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection verification create

Creates a verification

openstack data protection verification create
    [--parameters-json <parameters>]
    [--parameters resource_type=<type>[,resource_id=<id>,key=val,...]]
--parameters-json <parameters>

Verification parameters in json format.

--parameters resource_type=<type>[,resource_id=<id>,key=val,...]

Verification parameters, may be specified multiple times. resource_type: type of resource to apply parameters. resource_id: limit the parameters to a specific resource. Other keys and values: according to provider’s verification schema.


The UUID of the provider.


The UUID of the checkpoint.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection verification list

List verifications.

openstack data protection verification list
    [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
    [--status <status>]
    [--marker <verification>]
    [--limit <num-verifications>]
    [--sort <key>[:<direction>]]
    [--project <project>]
--sort-column SORT_COLUMN

specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated


Include all projects (admin only)

--status <status>

Filter results by status

--marker <verification>

The last verification ID of the previous page

--limit <num-verifications>

Maximum number of verifications to display

--sort <key>[:<direction>]

Sort output by selected keys and directions(asc or desc), multiple keys and directions can be specified separated by comma

--project <project>

Filter results by a project(admin only)

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.

data protection verification show

Shows verification details

openstack data protection verification show <verification>

The UUID of the verification.

This command is provided by the python-karborclient plugin.