appcontainer action list¶
List actions on a container
openstack appcontainer action list
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
- --sort-column SORT_COLUMN¶
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
- --sort-ascending¶
sort the column(s) in ascending order
- --sort-descending¶
sort the column(s) in descending order
- container¶
ID or name of the container to list actions.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer action show¶
Show a action
openstack appcontainer action show <container> <request_id>
- container¶
ID or name of the container to show.
- request_id¶
request ID of action to describe.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer add floating ip¶
Add floating IP address to container
openstack appcontainer add floating ip
[--fixed-ip-address <ip-address>]
- --fixed-ip-address <ip-address>¶
Fixed IP address to associate with this floating IP address. The first container port containing the fixed IP address will be used
- container¶
ID or name of the container to receive the floating IP address.
- ip-address¶
Floating IP address to assign to the first available container port (IP only)
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer add security group¶
Add security group for specified container.
openstack appcontainer add security group <container> <security_group>
- container¶
ID or name of the container to add security group.
- security_group¶
Security group ID or name for specified container.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer attach¶
Attach to a running container
openstack appcontainer attach <container>
- container¶
ID or name of the container to be attached to.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer availability zone list¶
List availability zones
openstack appcontainer availability zone list
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
- --sort-column SORT_COLUMN¶
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
- --sort-ascending¶
sort the column(s) in ascending order
- --sort-descending¶
sort the column(s) in descending order
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer commit¶
Create a new image from a container’s changes
openstack appcontainer commit <container> <repository>[:<tag>]
- container¶
ID or name of the (container)s to commit.
- repository>[:<tag¶
Repository and tag of the new image.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer cp¶
Copy files/tars between a container and the local filesystem.
openstack appcontainer cp <source> <destination>
- source¶
The source should be copied to the container or localhost. The format of this parameter is [container:]src_path.
- destination¶
The directory destination where save the source. The format of this parameter is [container:]dest_path.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer create¶
Create a container
openstack appcontainer create
[--name <name>]
[--cpu <cpu>]
[--memory <memory>]
[--environment <KEY=VALUE>]
[--workdir <workdir>]
[--label <KEY=VALUE>]
[--image-pull-policy <policy>]
[--restart <restart> | --auto-remove]
[--image-driver <image_driver>]
[--security-group <security_group> | --expose-port <port>]
[--hint <key=value>]
[--net <network=network, port=port-uuid,v4-fixed-ip=ip-addr,v6-fixed-ip=ip-addr>]
[--mount <mount>]
[--runtime <runtime>]
[--hostname <hostname>]
[--disk <disk>]
[--availability-zone <availability_zone>]
[--healthcheck <cmd=test_cmd,interval=time,retries=n,timeout=time>]
[--registry <registry>]
[--host <host>]
[--entrypoint <entrypoint>]
- --name <name>¶
name of the container
- --cpu <cpu>¶
The number of virtual cpus.
- --memory <memory>¶
The container memory size in MiB
- --environment <KEY=VALUE>¶
The environment variables
- --workdir <workdir>¶
The working directory for commands to run in
- --label <KEY=VALUE>¶
Adds a map of labels to a container. May be used multiple times.
- --image-pull-policy <policy>¶
The policy which determines if the image should be pulled prior to starting the container. It can have following values: “ifnotpresent”: only pull the image if it does not already exist on the node. “always”: Always pull the image from repository.”never”: never pull the image
- --restart <restart>¶
Restart policy to apply when a container exits(no, on-failure[:max-retry], always, unless-stopped)
- --auto-remove¶
Automatically remove the container when it exits
- --image-driver <image_driver>¶
The image driver to use to pull container image. It can have following values: “docker”: pull the image from Docker Hub. “glance”: pull the image from Glance.
- --interactive¶
Keep STDIN open even if not attached, allocate a pseudo-TTY
- --security-group <security_group>¶
The name of security group for the container. May be used multiple times.
- --expose-port <port>¶
Expose container port(s) to outside (format: <port>[/<protocol>]).
- --hint <key=value>¶
The key-value pair(s) for scheduler to select host. The format of this parameter is “key=value[,key=value]”. May be used multiple times.
- --net <network=network, port=port-uuid,v4-fixed-ip=ip-addr,v6-fixed-ip=ip-addr>¶
Create network enpoints for the container. network: attach container to the specified neutron networks. port: attach container to the neutron port with this UUID. v4-fixed-ip: IPv4 fixed address for container. v6-fixed-ip: IPv6 fixed address for container.
- --mount <mount>¶
A dictionary to configure volumes mounted inside the container.
- --runtime <runtime>¶
The runtime to use for this container. It can have value “runc” or any other custom runtime.
- --hostname <hostname>¶
Container host name
- --disk <disk>¶
The disk size in GiB for per container.
- --availability-zone <availability_zone>¶
The availability zone of the container.
- --auto-heal¶
The flag of healing non-existent container in docker
- --privileged¶
Give extended privileges to this container
- --healthcheck <cmd=test_cmd,interval=time,retries=n,timeout=time>¶
Specify a test cmd to perform to check that the containeris healthy. cmd: Command to run to check health. interval: Time between running the check (
) (default 0s). retries: Consecutive failures needed to report unhealthy.timeout: Maximum time to allow one check to run (s|m|h
) (default 0s).
- --wait¶
Wait for create to complete
- --registry <registry>¶
The container image registry ID or name.
- --host <host>¶
Requested host to create containers. Admin only by default. (supported by –os-container-api-version 1.39 or above
- --entrypoint <entrypoint>¶
The entrypoint which overwrites the default ENTRYPOINT of the image.
- image¶
name or ID or repo of the image (e.g. cirros:latest)
- command¶
Send command to the container
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer delete¶
Delete specified container(s)
openstack appcontainer delete
[<container> ...]
- --force¶
Force delete the container.
- --stop¶
Stop the running container first before delete.
- --all-projects¶
Delete container(s) in all projects by name.
- --wait¶
Wait for create to complete
- container¶
ID or name of the container(s) to delete.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer exec¶
Execute command in a running container
openstack appcontainer exec [--interactive] <container> ...
- --interactive¶
Keep STDIN open and allocate a pseudo-TTY for interactive
- container¶
ID or name of the container to execute command in.
- command¶
The command to execute.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer host list¶
List available hosts
openstack appcontainer host list
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--marker <marker>]
[--limit <limit>]
[--sort-key <sort-key>]
[--sort-dir <sort-dir>]
- --sort-column SORT_COLUMN¶
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
- --sort-ascending¶
sort the column(s) in ascending order
- --sort-descending¶
sort the column(s) in descending order
- --marker <marker>¶
The last host UUID of the previous page; displays list of hosts after “marker”.
- --limit <limit>¶
Maximum number of hosts to return
- --sort-key <sort-key>¶
Column to sort results by
- --sort-dir <sort-dir>¶
Direction to sort. “asc” or “desc”.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer host show¶
Show a host
openstack appcontainer host show <host>
- host¶
ID or name of the host to show.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer image delete¶
Delete specified image from a host
openstack appcontainer image delete <uuid>
- uuid¶
UUID of image to describe
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer image list¶
List available images
openstack appcontainer image list
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--marker <marker>]
[--limit <limit>]
[--sort-key <sort-key>]
[--sort-dir <sort-dir>]
- --sort-column SORT_COLUMN¶
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
- --sort-ascending¶
sort the column(s) in ascending order
- --sort-descending¶
sort the column(s) in descending order
- --marker <marker>¶
The last image UUID of the previous page; displays list of images after “marker”.
- --limit <limit>¶
Maximum number of images to return
- --sort-key <sort-key>¶
Column to sort results by
- --sort-dir <sort-dir>¶
Direction to sort. “asc” or “desc”.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer image pull¶
Pull specified image into a host
openstack appcontainer image pull <image> <host>
- image¶
Name of the image
- host¶
Name or UUID of the host
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer image search¶
Search specified image
openstack appcontainer image search
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--image-driver <image-driver>]
- --sort-column SORT_COLUMN¶
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
- --sort-ascending¶
sort the column(s) in ascending order
- --sort-descending¶
sort the column(s) in descending order
- --image-driver <image-driver>¶
Name of the image driver
- --exact-match¶
exact match image name
- image_name¶
Name of the image
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer image show¶
Describe a specific image
openstack appcontainer image show <uuid>
- uuid¶
UUID of image to describe
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer kill¶
Kill one or more running container(s)
openstack appcontainer kill
[--signal <signal>]
[<container> ...]
- --signal <signal>¶
The signal to kill
- container¶
ID or name of the (container)s to kill.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer list¶
List available containers
openstack appcontainer list
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--marker <marker>]
[--limit <limit>]
[--sort-key <sort-key>]
[--sort-dir <sort-dir>]
[--name <name>]
[--image <image>]
[--project-id <project-id>]
[--user-id <user-id>]
[--task-state <task-state>]
[--status <status>]
[--memory <memory>]
[--host <host>]
[--auto-remove <auto-remove>]
- --sort-column SORT_COLUMN¶
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
- --sort-ascending¶
sort the column(s) in ascending order
- --sort-descending¶
sort the column(s) in descending order
- --all-projects¶
List containers in all projects
- --marker <marker>¶
The last container UUID of the previous page; displays list of containers after “marker”.
- --limit <limit>¶
Maximum number of containers to return
- --sort-key <sort-key>¶
Column to sort results by
- --sort-dir <sort-dir>¶
Direction to sort. “asc” or “desc”.
- --name <name>¶
List containers according to their name.
- --image <image>¶
List containers according to their image.
- --project-id <project-id>¶
List containers according to their project_id
- --user-id <user-id>¶
List containers according to their user_id
- --task-state <task-state>¶
List containers according to their task-state
- --status <status>¶
List containers according to their Status
- --memory <memory>¶
List containers according to their memory size in MiB
- --host <host>¶
List containers according to their hostname
- --auto-remove <auto-remove>¶
List containers whether they are auto-removed on exiting
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer logs¶
Get logs of a container
openstack appcontainer logs
[--since <since>]
[--tail <tail>]
- --stdout¶
Only stdout logs of container.
- --stderr¶
Only stderr logs of container.
- --since <since>¶
Show logs since a given datetime or integer epoch (in seconds).
- --timestamps¶
Show timestamps.
- --tail <tail>¶
Number of lines to show from the end of the logs.
- container¶
ID or name of the container to get logs for.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer network attach¶
Attach neutron network to specified container.
openstack appcontainer network attach
[--network <network>]
[--port <port>]
[--fixed-ip <fixed_ip>]
- --network <network>¶
The network for specified container to attach.
- --port <port>¶
The port for specified container to attach.
- --fixed-ip <fixed_ip>¶
The fixed-ip that container will attach to.
- container¶
ID or name of the container to attach network.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer network detach¶
Detach neutron network from specified container.
openstack appcontainer network detach
[--network <network> | --port <port>]
- --network <network>¶
The network for specified container to detach.
- --port <port>¶
The port for specified container to detach.
- container¶
ID or name of the container to detach network.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer network list¶
List networks on a container
openstack appcontainer network list
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
- --sort-column SORT_COLUMN¶
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
- --sort-ascending¶
sort the column(s) in ascending order
- --sort-descending¶
sort the column(s) in descending order
- container¶
ID or name of the container to list networks.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer pause¶
Pause specified container
openstack appcontainer pause <container> [<container> ...]
- container¶
ID or name of the (container)s to pause.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer quota class get¶
List the quotas for a quota class
openstack appcontainer quota class get <quota_class_name>
- quota_class_name¶
The name of quota class
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer quota class update¶
Update the quotas for a quota class
openstack appcontainer quota class update
[--containers <containers>]
[--memory <memory>]
[--cpu <cpu>]
[--disk <disk>]
- --containers <containers>¶
The number of containers allowed per project
- --memory <memory>¶
The number of megabytes of container RAM allowed per project
- --cpu <cpu>¶
The number of container cores or vCPUs allowed per project
- --disk <disk>¶
The number of gigabytes of container Disk allowed per project
- quota_class_name¶
The name of quota class
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer quota default¶
Get default quota of the project
openstack appcontainer quota default <project_id>
- project_id¶
The UUID of project in a multi-project cloud
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer quota delete¶
Delete quota of the project
openstack appcontainer quota delete <project_id>
- project_id¶
The UUID of project in a multi-project cloud
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer quota get¶
Get quota of the project
openstack appcontainer quota get [--usages] <project_id>
- --usages¶
Whether show quota usage statistic or not
- project_id¶
The UUID of project in a multi-project cloud
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer quota update¶
Update the quotas of the project
openstack appcontainer quota update
[--containers <containers>]
[--memory <memory>]
[--cpu <cpu>]
[--disk <disk>]
- --containers <containers>¶
The number of containers allowed per project
- --memory <memory>¶
The number of megabytes of container RAM allowed per project
- --cpu <cpu>¶
The number of container cores or vCPUs allowed per project
- --disk <disk>¶
The number of gigabytes of container Disk allowed per project
- project_id¶
The UUID of project in a multi-project cloud
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer rebuild¶
Rebuild one or more running container(s)
openstack appcontainer rebuild
[--image <image>]
[--image-driver <image_driver>]
[<container> ...]
- --image <image>¶
The image for specified container to update.
- --image-driver <image_driver>¶
The image driver to use to update container image. It can have following values: “docker”: update the image from Docker Hub. “glance”: update the image from Glance. The default value is source container’s image driver
- --wait¶
Wait for rebuild to complete
- container¶
ID or name of the (container)s to rebuild.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer registry create¶
Create a registry
openstack appcontainer registry create
[--name <name>]
[--username <username>]
[--password <password>]
--domain <domain>
- --name <name>¶
The name of the registry.
- --username <username>¶
The username to login to the registry.
- --password <password>¶
The password to login to the registry.
- --domain <domain>¶
The domain of the registry.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer registry delete¶
Delete specified registry(s)
openstack appcontainer registry delete <registry> [<registry> ...]
- registry¶
ID or name of the registry(s) to delete.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer registry list¶
List available registries
openstack appcontainer registry list
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--marker <marker>]
[--limit <limit>]
[--sort-key <sort-key>]
[--sort-dir <sort-dir>]
[--name <name>]
[--domain <domain>]
[--project-id <project-id>]
[--user-id <user-id>]
[--username <username>]
- --sort-column SORT_COLUMN¶
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
- --sort-ascending¶
sort the column(s) in ascending order
- --sort-descending¶
sort the column(s) in descending order
- --all-projects¶
List registries in all projects
- --marker <marker>¶
The last registry UUID of the previous page; displays list of registries after “marker”.
- --limit <limit>¶
Maximum number of registries to return
- --sort-key <sort-key>¶
Column to sort results by
- --sort-dir <sort-dir>¶
Direction to sort. “asc” or “desc”.
- --name <name>¶
List registries according to their name.
- --domain <domain>¶
List registries according to their domain.
- --project-id <project-id>¶
List registries according to their project_id
- --user-id <user-id>¶
List registries according to their user_id
- --username <username>¶
List registries according to their username
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer registry show¶
Show a registry
openstack appcontainer registry show <registry>
- registry¶
ID or name of the registry to show.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer registry update¶
Update one or more attributes of the registry
openstack appcontainer registry update
[--username <username>]
[--password <password>]
[--name <name>]
[--domain <domain>]
- --username <username>¶
The new username of registry to update.
- --password <password>¶
The new password of registry to update.
- --name <name>¶
The new name of registry to update.
- --domain <domain>¶
The new domain of registry to update.
- registry¶
ID or name of the registry to update.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer remove floating ip¶
Remove floating IP address from container
openstack appcontainer remove floating ip <ip-address>
- ip-address¶
Floating IP address to remove from container (IP only)
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer remove security group¶
Remove security group for specified container.
openstack appcontainer remove security group
- container¶
ID or name of the container to remove security group.
- security_group¶
The security group to remove from specified container.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer restart¶
Restart specified container
openstack appcontainer restart
[--timeout <timeout>]
[<container> ...]
- --timeout <timeout>¶
Seconds to wait for stop before restarting (container)s
- container¶
ID or name of the (container)s to restart.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer run¶
Create and run a new container
openstack appcontainer run
[--name <name>]
[--cpu <cpu>]
[--memory <memory>]
[--environment <KEY=VALUE>]
[--workdir <workdir>]
[--label <KEY=VALUE>]
[--image-pull-policy <policy>]
[--restart <restart> | --auto-remove]
[--image-driver <image_driver>]
[--security-group <security_group> | --expose-port <port>]
[--hint <key=value>]
[--net <network=network, port=port-uuid,v4-fixed-ip=ip-addr,v6-fixed-ip=ip-addr>]
[--mount <mount>]
[--runtime <runtime>]
[--hostname <hostname>]
[--disk <disk>]
[--availability-zone <availability_zone>]
[--healthcheck <cmd=test_cmd,interval=time,retries=n,timeout=time>]
[--registry <registry>]
[--host <host>]
[--entrypoint <entrypoint>]
- --name <name>¶
name of the container
- --cpu <cpu>¶
The number of virtual cpus.
- --memory <memory>¶
The container memory size in MiB
- --environment <KEY=VALUE>¶
The environment variables
- --workdir <workdir>¶
The working directory for commands to run in
- --label <KEY=VALUE>¶
Adds a map of labels to a container. May be used multiple times.
- --image-pull-policy <policy>¶
The policy which determines if the image should be pulled prior to starting the container. It can have following values: “ifnotpresent”: only pull the image if it does not already exist on the node. “always”: Always pull the image from repository.”never”: never pull the image
- --restart <restart>¶
Restart policy to apply when a container exits(no, on-failure[:max-retry], always, unless-stopped)
- --auto-remove¶
Automatically remove the container when it exits
- --image-driver <image_driver>¶
The image driver to use to pull container image. It can have following values: “docker”: pull the image from Docker Hub. “glance”: pull the image from Glance.
- --interactive¶
Keep STDIN open even if not attached, allocate a pseudo-TTY
- --security-group <security_group>¶
The name of security group for the container. May be used multiple times.
- --expose-port <port>¶
Expose container port(s) to outside (format: <port>[/<protocol>]).
- --hint <key=value>¶
The key-value pair(s) for scheduler to select host. The format of this parameter is “key=value[,key=value]”. May be used multiple times.
- --net <network=network, port=port-uuid,v4-fixed-ip=ip-addr,v6-fixed-ip=ip-addr>¶
Create network enpoints for the container. network: attach container to the specified neutron networks. port: attach container to the neutron port with this UUID. v4-fixed-ip: IPv4 fixed address for container. v6-fixed-ip: IPv6 fixed address for container.
- --mount <mount>¶
A dictionary to configure volumes mounted inside the container.
- --runtime <runtime>¶
The runtime to use for this container. It can have value “runc” or any other custom runtime.
- --hostname <hostname>¶
Container host name
- --disk <disk>¶
The disk size in GiB for per container.
- --availability-zone <availability_zone>¶
The availability zone of the container.
- --auto-heal¶
The flag of healing non-existent container in docker
- --privileged¶
Give extended privileges to this container
- --healthcheck <cmd=test_cmd,interval=time,retries=n,timeout=time>¶
Specify a test cmd to perform to check that the containeris healthy. cmd: Command to run to check health. interval: Time between running the check (
) (default 0s). retries: Consecutive failures needed to report unhealthy.timeout: Maximum time to allow one check to run (s|m|h
) (default 0s).
- --wait¶
Wait for run to complete
- --registry <registry>¶
The container image registry ID or name.
- --host <host>¶
Requested host to run containers. Admin only by default. (supported by –os-container-api-version 1.39 or above
- --entrypoint <entrypoint>¶
The entrypoint which overwrites the default ENTRYPOINT of the image.
- image¶
name or ID of the image
- command¶
Send command to the container
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer service delete¶
Delete the Zun binaries/services.
openstack appcontainer service delete <host> <binary>
- host¶
Name of host
- binary¶
Name of the binary to delete
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer service disable¶
Disable the Zun service.
openstack appcontainer service disable
[--reason <reason>]
- --reason <reason>¶
Reason for disabling service
- host¶
Name of host
- binary¶
Name of the binary to disable
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer service enable¶
Enable the Zun service.
openstack appcontainer service enable <host> <binary>
- host¶
Name of host
- binary¶
Name of the binary to enable
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer service forcedown¶
Force the Zun service to down or up.
openstack appcontainer service forcedown [--unset] <host> <binary>
- --unset¶
Unset the force state down of service
- host¶
Name of host
- binary¶
Name of the binary to disable
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer service list¶
Print a list of zun services.
openstack appcontainer service list
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
- --sort-column SORT_COLUMN¶
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
- --sort-ascending¶
sort the column(s) in ascending order
- --sort-descending¶
sort the column(s) in descending order
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer set¶
Update one or more attributes of the container
openstack appcontainer set
[--cpu <cpu>]
[--memory <memory>]
[--name <name>]
[--auto-heal | --no-auto-heal]
- --cpu <cpu>¶
The number of virtual cpus.
- --memory <memory>¶
The container memory size in MiB
- --name <name>¶
The new name of container to update
- --auto-heal¶
Automatic recovery the status of contaier
- --no-auto-heal¶
Needless recovery the status of contaier
- container¶
ID or name of the container to update.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer show¶
Show a container
openstack appcontainer show [--all-projects] <container>
- --all-projects¶
Show container(s) in all projects by name.
- container¶
ID or name of the container to show.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer start¶
Start specified container
openstack appcontainer start <container> [<container> ...]
- container¶
ID or name of the (container)s to start.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer stats¶
Display stats of the container.
openstack appcontainer stats <container>
- container¶
ID or name of the (container)s to display stats.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer stop¶
Stop specified containers
openstack appcontainer stop
[--timeout <timeout>]
[<container> ...]
- --timeout <timeout>¶
Seconds to wait for stop before killing (container)s
- container¶
ID or name of the (container)s to stop.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer top¶
Display the running processes inside the container
openstack appcontainer top [--pid <pid>] <container>
- --pid <pid>¶
The args of the ps id.
- container¶
ID or name of the container to display processes.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
appcontainer unpause¶
unpause specified container
openstack appcontainer unpause <container> [<container> ...]
- container¶
ID or name of the (container)s to unpause.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
capsule create¶
Create a capsule
openstack capsule create --file <template_file>
- --file <template_file>¶
Path to the capsule template file.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
capsule delete¶
Delete specified capsule(s)
openstack capsule delete <capsule> [<capsule> ...]
- capsule¶
ID or name of the capsule(s) to delete.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
capsule list¶
List available capsules
openstack capsule list
[--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
[--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
[--marker <marker>]
[--limit <limit>]
[--sort-key <sort-key>]
[--sort-dir <sort-dir>]
- --sort-column SORT_COLUMN¶
specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated
- --sort-ascending¶
sort the column(s) in ascending order
- --sort-descending¶
sort the column(s) in descending order
- --all-projects¶
List capsules in all projects
- --marker <marker>¶
The last capsule UUID of the previous page; displays list of capsules after “marker”.
- --limit <limit>¶
Maximum number of capsules to return
- --sort-key <sort-key>¶
Column to sort results by
- --sort-dir <sort-dir>¶
Direction to sort. “asc” or “desc”.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.
capsule show¶
Show a capsule
openstack capsule show <capsule>
- capsule¶
ID or name of the capsule to show.
This command is provided by the python-zunclient plugin.