Mapping Guide

The following is an incomplete mapping between legacy OpenStack CLIs and OpenStackClient. Think of it as a magic decoder ring if you were using the legacy CLIs and want to transition to OpenStack CLI. Command options are only shown when necessary.

cinder CLI

Cinder CLI OSC Equivalent Description
absolute-limits limits show –absolute Lists absolute limits for a user.
availability-zone-list availability zone list –volume Lists all availability zones.
backup-create volume backup create Creates a volume backup.
backup-delete volume backup delete Removes a backup.
backup-export volume backup export Export backup metadata record.
backup-import volume backup import Import backup metadata record.
backup-list volume backup list Lists all backups.
backup-reset-state volume backup set –state Explicitly updates the backup state.
backup-restore volume backup restore Restores a backup.
backup-show volume backup show Show backup details.
cgsnapshot-create consistency group snapshot create Creates a cgsnapshot.
cgsnapshot-delete consistency group snapshot delete Removes one or more cgsnapshots.
cgsnapshot-list consistency group snapshot list Lists all cgsnapshots.
cgsnapshot-show consistency group snapshot show Shows cgsnapshot details.
consisgroup-create consistency group create Creates a consistency group.
consisgroup-create-from-src consistency group create –consistency-group-snapshot Creates a consistency group from a cgsnapshot or a source CG
consisgroup-delete consistency group delete Removes one or more consistency groups.
consisgroup-list consistency group list Lists all consistencygroups.
consisgroup-show consistency group show Shows details of a consistency group.
consisgroup-update consistency group set Updates a consistencygroup.
create volume create Creates a volume.
credentials WONTFIX Shows user credentials returned from auth.
delete volume delete Removes one or more volumes.
encryption-type-create volume type create –encryption-provider –enc.. Creates encryption type for a volume type. Admin only.
encryption-type-delete volume type delete Deletes encryption type for a volume type. Admin only.
encryption-type-list volume type list –encryption-type Shows encryption type details for volume types. Admin only.
encryption-type-show volume type list –encryption-show Shows encryption type details for volume type. Admin only.
encryption-type-update volume type set –encryption-provider –enc.. Update encryption type information for a volume type (Admin Only).
endpoints catalog list Discovers endpoints registered by authentication service.
extend volume set –size Attempts to extend size of an existing volume.
extra-specs-list volume types list –long Lists current volume types and extra specs.
failover-host volume host failover Failover a replicating cinder-volume host.
force-delete volume delete –force Attempts force-delete of volume, regardless of state.
freeze-host volume host set –disable Freeze and disable the specified cinder-volume host.
get-capabilities   Show backend volume stats and properties. Admin only.
get-pools   Show pool information for backends. Admin only.
image-metadata volume set –image-property Sets or deletes volume image metadata.
image-metadata-show volume show Shows volume image metadata.
list volume list Lists all volumes.
manage volume create –remote-source k=v Manage an existing volume.
metadata volume set –property k=v / volume unset –property k Sets or deletes volume metadata.
metadata-show volume show Shows volume metadata.
metadata-update-all volume set –property k=v Updates volume metadata.
migrate volume migrate –host –force-copy –lock-volume <volume> Migrates volume to a new host.
qos-associate volume qos associate Associates qos specs with specified volume type.
qos-create volume qos create Creates a qos specs.
qos-delete volume qos delete Deletes a specified qos specs.
qos-disassociate volume qos disassociate Disassociates qos specs from specified volume type.
qos-disassociate-all volume qos disassociate –all Disassociates qos specs from all associations.
qos-get-association volume qos show Gets all associations for specified qos specs.
qos-key volume qos set –property k=v / volume qos unset –property k Sets or unsets specifications for a qos spec
qos-list volume qos list Lists qos specs.
qos-show volume qos show Shows a specified qos specs.
quota-class-show quota show –class Lists quotas for a quota class.
quota-class-update quota set –class Updates quotas for a quota class.
quota-defaults quota show –default Lists default quotas for a tenant.
quota-delete   Delete the quotas for a tenant.
quota-show quota show Lists quotas for a tenant.
quota-update quota set Updates quotas for a tenant.
quota-usage   Lists quota usage for a tenant.
rate-limits limits show –rate Lists rate limits for a user.
readonly-mode-update volume set –read-only-mode | –read-write-mode Updates volume read-only access-mode flag.
rename volume set –name Renames a volume.
replication-promote WONTFIX Promote a secondary volume to primary for a relationship
replication-reenable WONTFIX Sync the secondary volume with primary for a relationship
reset-state volume set –state Explicitly updates the volume state.
retype volume type set –type Changes the volume type for a volume.
service-disable volume service set –disable Disables the service.
service-enable volume service set –enable Enables the service.
service-list volume service list Lists all services. Filter by host and service binary.
set-bootable volume set –bootable / –not-bootable Update bootable status of a volume.
show volume show Shows volume details.
snapshot-create snapshot create Creates a snapshot.
snapshot-delete snapshot delete Remove one or more snapshots.
snapshot-list snapshot list Lists all snapshots.
snapshot-manage volume snapshot create –remote-source <key=value> Manage an existing snapshot.
snapshot-metadata snapshot set –property k=v / snapshot unset –property k Sets or deletes snapshot metadata.
snapshot-metadata-show snapshot show Shows snapshot metadata.
snapshot-metadata-update-all snapshot set –property k=v Updates snapshot metadata.
snapshot-rename snapshot set –name Renames a snapshot.
snapshot-reset-state snapshot set –state Explicitly updates the snapshot state.
snapshot-show snapshot show Shows snapshot details.
snapshot-unmanage volume snapshot delete –remote Stop managing a snapshot.
thaw-host volume host set –enable Thaw and enable the specified cinder-volume host.
transfer-accept volume transfer accept Accepts a volume transfer.
transfer-create volume transfer create Creates a volume transfer.
transfer-delete volume transfer delete Undoes a transfer.
transfer-list volume transfer list Lists all transfers.
transfer-show volume transfer show Show transfer details.
type-access-add volume type set –project Adds volume type access for the given project.
type-access-list volume type show Print access information about the given volume type.
type-access-remove volume type unset –project Removes volume type access for the given project.
type-create volume type create Creates a volume type.
type-default volume type list –default List the default volume type.
type-delete volume type delete Deletes a specified volume type.
type-key volume type set –property k=v / volume type unset –property k Sets or unsets extra_spec for a volume type.
type-list volume type list Lists available ‘volume types’.
type-show volume type show Show volume type details.
type-update volume type set Updates volume type name, description, and/or is_public.
unmanage volume delete –remote Stop managing a volume.
upload-to-image image create –volume Uploads volume to Image Service as an image.
bash-completion complete Prints arguments for bash_completion.
help help Shows help about this program or one of its subcommands.
list-extensions extension list –volume Lists all available os-api extensions.

glance CLI

Glance CLI OSC Equivalent Description
explain WONTFIX Describe a specific model.
image-create image create Create a new image.
image-deactivate image set –deactivate Deactivate specified image.
image-delete image delete Delete specified image.
image-download image save Download a specific image.
image-list image list List images you can access.
image-reactivate image set –activate Reactivate specified image.
image-show image show Describe a specific image.
image-tag-delete image set –tag <tag> Delete the tag associated with the given image.
image-tag-update image unset –tag <tag> Update an image with the given tag.
image-update image set Update an existing image.
image-upload   Upload data for a specific image.
location-add   Add a location (and related metadata) to an image.
location-delete   Remove locations (and related metadata) from an image.
location-update   Update metadata of an image’s location.
member-create image add project Create member for a given image.
member-delete image remove project Delete image member.
member-list   Describe sharing permissions by image.
member-update image set –accept –reject –status Update the status of a member for a given image.
task-create   Create a new task.
task-list   List tasks you can access.
task-show   Describe a specific task.
bash-completion complete Prints arguments for bash_completion.
help help Display help about this program or one of its subcommands.

keystone CLI

Keystone CLI OSC Equivalent Description
catalog catalog show List service catalog, possibly filtered by service.
ec2-credentials-create ec2 credentials create Create EC2-compatible credentials for user per tenant.
ec2-credentials-delete ec2 credentials delete Delete EC2-compatible credentials.
ec2-credentials-get ec2 credentials show Display EC2-compatible credentials.
ec2-credentials-list ec2 credentials list List EC2-compatible credentials for a user.
endpoint-create endpoint create Create a new endpoint associated with a service.
endpoint-delete endpoint delete Delete a service endpoint.
endpoint-get endpoint get Find endpoint filtered by a specific attribute or service type.
endpoint-list endpoint list List configured service endpoints.
password-update user password set Update own password.
role-create role create Create new role.
role-delete role delete Delete role.
role-get role show Display role details.
role-list role list List all roles.
service-create service create Add service to Service Catalog.
service-delete service delete Delete service from Service Catalog.
service-get service show Display service from Service Catalog.
service-list service list List all services in Service Catalog.
tenant-create project create Create new tenant.
tenant-delete project delete Delete tenant.
tenant-get proejct show Display tenant details.
tenant-list project list List all tenants.
tenant-update project set Update tenant name, description, enabled status.
token-get issue token Display the current user token.
user-create user create Create new user.
user-delete user delete Delete user.
user-get user show Display user details.
user-list user list List users.
user-password-update user set –password Update user password.
user-role-add role add <role> –user –project Add role to user.
user-role-list role assignment list –user –project List roles granted to a user.
user-role-remove role remove <role> –user –project Remove role from user.
user-update user set Update user’s name, email, and enabled status.
discover WONTFIX Discover Keystone servers, supported API versions and extensions.
bootstrap WONTFIX Grants a new role to a new user on a new tenant, after creating each.
bash-completion complete Prints all of the commands and options to stdout.
help help Display help about this program or one of its subcommands.

neutron CLI

Neutron CLI OSC Equivalent Description
address-scope-create address scope create Create an address scope for a given tenant.
address-scope-delete address scope delete Delete an address scope.
address-scope-list address scope list List address scopes that belong to a given tenant.
address-scope-show address scope show Show information about an address scope.
address-scope-update address scope set Update an address scope.
agent-delete network agent delete Delete a given agent.
agent-list network agent list List agents.
agent-show network agent show Show information of a given agent.
agent-update network agent set Updates the admin status and description for a specified agent.
auto-allocated-topology-delete network auto allocated topology delete Delete the auto-allocated topology of a given tenant.
auto-allocated-topology-show network auto allocated topology create Show the auto-allocated topology of a given tenant.
availability-zone-list availability zone list List availability zones.
bash-completion complete Prints all of the commands and options for bash-completion.
bgp-dragent-list-hosting-speaker   List Dynamic Routing agents hosting a BGP speaker.
bgp-dragent-speaker-add   Add a BGP speaker to a Dynamic Routing agent.
bgp-dragent-speaker-remove   Removes a BGP speaker from a Dynamic Routing agent.
bgp-peer-create   Create a BGP Peer.
bgp-peer-delete   Delete a BGP peer.
bgp-peer-list   List BGP peers.
bgp-peer-show   Show information of a given BGP peer.
bgp-peer-update   Update BGP Peer’s information.
bgp-speaker-advertiseroute-list   List routes advertised by a given BGP speaker.
bgp-speaker-create   Create a BGP Speaker.
bgp-speaker-delete   Delete a BGP speaker.
bgp-speaker-list   List BGP speakers.
bgp-speaker-list-on-dragent   List BGP speakers hosted by a Dynamic Routing agent.
bgp-speaker-network-add   Add a network to the BGP speaker.
bgp-speaker-network-remove   Remove a network from the BGP speaker.
bgp-speaker-peer-add   Add a peer to the BGP speaker.
bgp-speaker-peer-remove   Remove a peer from the BGP speaker.
bgp-speaker-show   Show information of a given BGP speaker.
bgp-speaker-update   Update BGP Speaker’s information.
dhcp-agent-list-hosting-net network agent list –network List DHCP agents hosting a network.
dhcp-agent-network-add network agent add network Add a network to a DHCP agent.
dhcp-agent-network-remove network agent remove network Remove a network from a DHCP agent.
ext-list extension list List all extensions.
ext-show extension show Show information of a given resource.
flavor-associate network flavor associate Associate a Neutron service flavor with a flavor profile.
flavor-create network flavor create Create a Neutron service flavor.
flavor-delete network flavor delete Delete a given Neutron service flavor.
flavor-disassociate network flavor disassociate Disassociate a Neutron service flavor from a flavor profile.
flavor-list network flavor list List Neutron service flavors.
flavor-profile-create network flavor profile create Create a Neutron service flavor profile.
flavor-profile-delete network flavor profile delete Delete a given Neutron service flavor profile.
flavor-profile-list network flavor profile list List Neutron service flavor profiles.
flavor-profile-show network flavor profile show Show information about a given Neutron service flavor profile.
flavor-profile-update network flavor profile set Update a given Neutron service flavor profile.
flavor-show network flavor show Show information about a given Neutron service flavor.
flavor-update network flavor set Update a Neutron service flavor.
floatingip-associate floating ip set port –fixed-ip Create a mapping between a floating IP and a fixed IP.
floatingip-create floating ip create Create a floating IP for a given tenant.
floatingip-delete floating ip delete Delete a given floating IP.
floatingip-disassociate floating ip unset port Remove a mapping from a floating IP to a fixed IP.
floatingip-list floating ip list List floating IPs that belong to a given tenant.
floatingip-show floating ip show Show information of a given floating IP.
help help print detailed help for another command
ipsec-site-connection-create   Create an IPsec site connection.
ipsec-site-connection-delete   Delete a given IPsec site connection.
ipsec-site-connection-list   List IPsec site connections that belong to a given tenant.
ipsec-site-connection-show   Show information of a given IPsec site connection.
ipsec-site-connection-update   Update a given IPsec site connection.
l3-agent-list-hosting-router network agent list –routers List L3 agents hosting a router.
l3-agent-router-add network agent add router –agent-type l3 Add a router to a L3 agent.
l3-agent-router-remove network agent remove router –agent-type l3 Remove a router from a L3 agent.
lb-agent-hosting-pool   Get loadbalancer agent hosting a pool.
lb-healthmonitor-associate   Create a mapping between a health monitor and a pool.
lb-healthmonitor-create   Create a health monitor.
lb-healthmonitor-delete   Delete a given health monitor.
lb-healthmonitor-disassociate   Remove a mapping from a health monitor to a pool.
lb-healthmonitor-list   List health monitors that belong to a given tenant.
lb-healthmonitor-show   Show information of a given health monitor.
lb-healthmonitor-update   Update a given health monitor.
lb-member-create   Create a member.
lb-member-delete   Delete a given member.
lb-member-list   List members that belong to a given tenant.
lb-member-show   Show information of a given member.
lb-member-update   Update a given member.
lb-pool-create   Create a pool.
lb-pool-delete   Delete a given pool.
lb-pool-list   List pools that belong to a given tenant.
lb-pool-list-on-agent   List the pools on a loadbalancer agent.
lb-pool-show   Show information of a given pool.
lb-pool-stats   Retrieve stats for a given pool.
lb-pool-update   Update a given pool.
lb-vip-create   Create a vip.
lb-vip-delete   Delete a given vip.
lb-vip-list   List vips that belong to a given tenant.
lb-vip-show   Show information of a given vip.
lb-vip-update   Update a given vip.
lbaas-agent-hosting-loadbalancer   Get lbaas v2 agent hosting a loadbalancer.
lbaas-healthmonitor-create   LBaaS v2 Create a healthmonitor.
lbaas-healthmonitor-delete   LBaaS v2 Delete a given healthmonitor.
lbaas-healthmonitor-list   LBaaS v2 List healthmonitors that belong to a given tenant.
lbaas-healthmonitor-show   LBaaS v2 Show information of a given healthmonitor.
lbaas-healthmonitor-update   LBaaS v2 Update a given healthmonitor.
lbaas-l7policy-create   LBaaS v2 Create L7 policy.
lbaas-l7policy-delete   LBaaS v2 Delete a given L7 policy.
lbaas-l7policy-list   LBaaS v2 List L7 policies that belong to a given listener.
lbaas-l7policy-show   LBaaS v2 Show information of a given L7 policy.
lbaas-l7policy-update   LBaaS v2 Update a given L7 policy.
lbaas-l7rule-create   LBaaS v2 Create L7 rule.
lbaas-l7rule-delete   LBaaS v2 Delete a given L7 rule.
lbaas-l7rule-list   LBaaS v2 List L7 rules that belong to a given L7 policy.
lbaas-l7rule-show   LBaaS v2 Show information of a given rule.
lbaas-l7rule-update   LBaaS v2 Update a given L7 rule.
lbaas-listener-create   LBaaS v2 Create a listener.
lbaas-listener-delete   LBaaS v2 Delete a given listener.
lbaas-listener-list   LBaaS v2 List listeners that belong to a given tenant.
lbaas-listener-show   LBaaS v2 Show information of a given listener.
lbaas-listener-update   LBaaS v2 Update a given listener.
lbaas-loadbalancer-create   LBaaS v2 Create a loadbalancer.
lbaas-loadbalancer-delete   LBaaS v2 Delete a given loadbalancer.
lbaas-loadbalancer-list   LBaaS v2 List loadbalancers that belong to a given tenant.
lbaas-loadbalancer-list-on-agent   List the loadbalancers on a loadbalancer v2 agent.
lbaas-loadbalancer-show   LBaaS v2 Show information of a given loadbalancer.
lbaas-loadbalancer-stats   Retrieve stats for a given loadbalancer.
lbaas-loadbalancer-status   Retrieve status for a given loadbalancer.
lbaas-loadbalancer-update   LBaaS v2 Update a given loadbalancer.
lbaas-member-create   LBaaS v2 Create a member.
lbaas-member-delete   LBaaS v2 Delete a given member.
lbaas-member-list   LBaaS v2 List members that belong to a given pool.
lbaas-member-show   LBaaS v2 Show information of a given member.
lbaas-member-update   LBaaS v2 Update a given member.
lbaas-pool-create   LBaaS v2 Create a pool.
lbaas-pool-delete   LBaaS v2 Delete a given pool.
lbaas-pool-list   LBaaS v2 List pools that belong to a given tenant.
lbaas-pool-show   LBaaS v2 Show information of a given pool.
lbaas-pool-update   LBaaS v2 Update a given pool.
meter-label-create network meter create Create a metering label for a given tenant.
meter-label-delete network meter delete Delete a given metering label.
meter-label-list network meter list List metering labels that belong to a given tenant.
meter-label-rule-create network meter rule create Create a metering label rule for a given label.
meter-label-rule-delete network meter rule delete Delete a given metering label.
meter-label-rule-list network meter rule list List metering labels that belong to a given label.
meter-label-rule-show network meter rule show Show information of a given metering label rule.
meter-label-show network meter show Show information of a given metering label.
net-create network create Create a network for a given tenant.
net-delete network delete Delete a given network.
net-external-list network list –external List external networks that belong to a given tenant.
net-ip-availability-list ip availability list List IP usage of networks
net-ip-availability-show ip availability show Show IP usage of specific network
net-list network list List networks that belong to a given tenant.
net-list-on-dhcp-agent network list –agent List the networks on a DHCP agent.
net-show network show Show information of a given network.
net-update network set Update network’s information.
port-create port create Create a port for a given tenant.
port-delete port delete Delete a given port.
port-list port list List ports that belong to a given tenant.
port-show port show Show information of a given port.
port-update port set/port unset Update port’s information.
purge   Delete all resources that belong to a given tenant.
qos-available-rule-types network qos rule type list List available qos rule types.
qos-bandwidth-limit-rule-create network qos rule create –type bandwidth-limit Create a qos bandwidth limit rule.
qos-bandwidth-limit-rule-delete network qos rule delete –type bandwidth-limit Delete a given qos bandwidth limit rule.
qos-bandwidth-limit-rule-list network qos rule list –type bandwidth-limit List all qos bandwidth limit rules belonging to the specified policy.
qos-bandwidth-limit-rule-show network qos rule show –type bandwidth-limit Show information about the given qos bandwidth limit rule.
qos-bandwidth-limit-rule-update network qos rule update –type bandwidth-limit Update the given qos bandwidth limit rule.
qos-dscp-marking-rule-create network qos rule create –type dscp-marking Create a QoS DSCP marking rule.
qos-dscp-marking-rule-delete network qos rule delete –type dscp-marking Delete a given qos dscp marking rule.
qos-dscp-marking-rule-list network qos rule list –type dscp-marking List all QoS DSCP marking rules belonging to the specified policy.
qos-dscp-marking-rule-show network qos rule show –type dscp-marking Show information about the given qos dscp marking rule.
qos-dscp-marking-rule-update network qos rule update –type dscp-marking Update the given QoS DSCP marking rule.
qos-minimum-bandwidth-rule-create network qos rule create –type minimum-bandwidth Create a qos minimum bandwidth rule.
qos-minimum-bandwidth-rule-delete network qos rule delete –type minimum-bandwidth Delete a given qos minimum bandwidth rule.
qos-minimum-bandwidth-rule-list network qos rule list –type minimum-bandwidth List all qos minimum bandwidth rules belonging to the specified policy.
qos-minimum-bandwidth-rule-show network qos rule show –type minimum-bandwidth Show information about the given qos minimum bandwidth rule.
qos-minimum-bandwidth-rule-update network qos rule update –type minimum-bandwidth Update the given qos minimum bandwidth rule.
qos-policy-create network qos policy create Create a qos policy.
qos-policy-delete network qos policy delete Delete a given qos policy.
qos-policy-list network qos policy list List QoS policies that belong to a given tenant connection.
qos-policy-show network qos policy show Show information of a given qos policy.
qos-policy-update network qos policy set Update a given qos policy.
quota-default-show quota show –default Show default quotas for a given tenant.
quota-delete   Delete defined quotas of a given tenant.
quota-list quota list List quotas of all tenants who have non-default quota values.
quota-show quota show Show quotas for a given tenant.
quota-update quota set Define tenant’s quotas not to use defaults.
rbac-create network rbac create Create a RBAC policy for a given tenant.
rbac-delete network rbac delete Delete a RBAC policy.
rbac-list network rbac list List RBAC policies that belong to a given tenant.
rbac-show network rbac show Show information of a given RBAC policy.
rbac-update network rbac set Update RBAC policy for given tenant.
router-create router create Create a router for a given tenant.
router-delete router delete Delete a given router.
router-gateway-clear router unset Remove an external network gateway from a router.
router-gateway-set router set Set the external network gateway for a router.
router-interface-add router add subnet / router add port Add an internal network interface to a router.
router-interface-delete router remove subnet / router remove port Remove an internal network interface from a router.
router-list router list List routers that belong to a given tenant.
router-list-on-l3-agent router list –agents List the routers on a L3 agent.
router-port-list port list –router List ports that belong to a given tenant, with specified router.
router-show router show Show information of a given router.
router-update router set Update router’s information.
security-group-create security group create Create a security group.
security-group-delete security group delete Delete a given security group.
security-group-list security group list List security groups that belong to a given tenant.
security-group-rule-create security group rule create Create a security group rule.
security-group-rule-delete security group rule delete Delete a given security group rule.
security-group-rule-list security group rule list List security group rules that belong to a given tenant.
security-group-rule-show security group rule show Show information of a given security group rule.
security-group-show security group show Show information of a given security group.
security-group-update security group set Update a given security group.
service-provider-list network service provider list List service providers.
subnet-create subnet create Create a subnet for a given tenant.
subnet-delete subnet delete Delete a given subnet.
subnet-list subnet list List subnets that belong to a given tenant.
subnet-show subnet show Show information of a given subnet.
subnet-update subnet set / subnet unset Update subnet’s information.
subnetpool-create subnet pool create Create a subnetpool for a given tenant.
subnetpool-delete subnet pool delete Delete a given subnetpool.
subnetpool-list subnet pool list List subnetpools that belong to a given tenant.
subnetpool-show subnet pool show Show information of a given subnetpool.
subnetpool-update subnet pool set / subnet pool unset Update subnetpool’s information.
tag-add network set –tag Add a tag into the resource.
tag-remove network unset –tag Remove a tag on the resource.
tag-replace   Replace all tags on the resource.
tap-flow-create tapflow create Create a tap flow
tap-flow-delete tapflow delete Delete a tap flow
tap-flow-list tapflow list List all tap flows
tap-flow-show tapflow show Show details of the tap flow
tap-service-create tapservice create Create a tap service
tap-service-delete tapservice delete Delete a tap service
tap-service-list tapservice list List all tap services
tap-service-show tapservice show Show details of the tap service
vpn-endpoint-group-create   Create a VPN endpoint group.
vpn-endpoint-group-delete   Delete a given VPN endpoint group.
vpn-endpoint-group-list   List VPN endpoint groups that belong to a given tenant.
vpn-endpoint-group-show   Show a specific VPN endpoint group.
vpn-endpoint-group-update   Update a given VPN endpoint group.
vpn-ikepolicy-create   Create an IKE policy.
vpn-ikepolicy-delete   Delete a given IKE policy.
vpn-ikepolicy-list   List IKE policies that belong to a tenant.
vpn-ikepolicy-show   Show information of a given IKE policy.
vpn-ikepolicy-update   Update a given IKE policy.
vpn-ipsecpolicy-create   Create an IPsec policy.
vpn-ipsecpolicy-delete   Delete a given IPsec policy.
vpn-ipsecpolicy-list   List IPsec policies that belong to a given tenant connection.
vpn-ipsecpolicy-show   Show information of a given IPsec policy.
vpn-ipsecpolicy-update   Update a given IPsec policy.
vpn-service-create   Create a VPN service.
vpn-service-delete   Delete a given VPN service.
vpn-service-list   List VPN service configurations that belong to a given tenant.
vpn-service-show   Show information of a given VPN service.
vpn-service-update   Update a given VPN service.

nova CLI

Nova CLI OSC Equivalent Description
add-fixed-ip server add fixed ip Add new IP address on a network to server.
add-secgroup server add security group Add a Security Group to a server.
agent-create compute agent create Create new agent build.
agent-delete compute agent delete Delete existing agent build.
agent-list compute agent list List all builds.
agent-modify compute agent set Modify existing agent build.
aggregate-add-host aggregate add host Add the host to the specified aggregate.
aggregate-create aggregate create Create a new aggregate with the specified details.
aggregate-delete aggregate delete Delete the aggregate.
aggregate-list aggregate list Print a list of all aggregates.
aggregate-remove-host aggregate remove host Remove the specified host from the specified aggregate.
aggregate-set-metadata aggregate set / unset Update the metadata associated with the aggregate.
aggregate-show aggregate show Show details of the specified aggregate.
aggregate-update aggregate set / unset Update the aggregate’s name and optionally availability zone.
availability-zone-list availability zone list List all the availability zones.
backup server backup create Backup a server by creating a ‘backup’ type snapshot.
boot server create Boot a new server.
cell-capacities   Get cell capacities for all cells or a given cell.
cell-show   Show details of a given cell.
clear-password server set –root-password Clear the admin password for a server from the metadata server.
cloudpipe-configure WONTFIX Update the VPN IP/port of a cloudpipe instance.
cloudpipe-create WONTFIX Create a cloudpipe instance for the given project.
cloudpipe-list WONTFIX Print a list of all cloudpipe instances.
console-log console log show Get console log output of a server.
delete server delete Immediately shut down and delete specified server(s).
diagnostics openstack server show –diagnostics Retrieve server diagnostics.
evacuate   Evacuate server from failed host.
flavor-access-add   Add flavor access for the given tenant.
flavor-access-list   Print access information about the given flavor.
flavor-access-remove   Remove flavor access for the given tenant.
flavor-create flavor create Create a new flavor.
flavor-delete flavor delete Delete a specific flavor
flavor-key flavor set / unset Set or unset extra_spec for a flavor.
flavor-list flavor list Print a list of available ‘flavors’
flavor-show flavor show Show details about the given flavor.
floating-ip-associate server add floating ip Associate a floating IP address to a server.
floating-ip-disassociate server remove floating ip Disassociate a floating IP address from a server.
force-delete server delete Force delete a server.
get-mks-console console url show –mks Get an MKS console to a server.
get-password WONTFIX Get the admin password for a server.
get-rdp-console console url show –rdp Get a rdp console to a server.
get-serial-console console url show –serial Get a serial console to a server.
get-spice-console console url show –spice Get a spice console to a server.
get-vnc-console console url show –novnc | –xvpvnc Get a vnc console to a server.
host-action   Perform a power action on a host.
host-describe host show Describe a specific host.
host-evacuate   Evacuate all instances from failed host.
host-evacuate-live   Live migrate all instances of the specified host to other available hosts.
host-list host list List all hosts by service.
host-meta host set / unset Set or Delete metadata on all instances of a host.
host-servers-migrate   Cold migrate all instances off the specified host to other available hosts.
host-update host set Update host settings.
hypervisor-list hypervisor list List hypervisors.
hypervisor-servers   List servers belonging to specific hypervisors.
hypervisor-show hypervisor show Display the details of the specified hypervisor.
hypervisor-stats hypervisor stats show Get hypervisor statistics over all compute nodes.
hypervisor-uptime   Display the uptime of the specified hypervisor.
image-create server image create Create a new image by taking a snapshot of a running server.
instance-action   Show an action.
instance-action-list   List actions on a server.
interface-attach   Attach a network interface to a server.
interface-detach   Detach a network interface from a server.
interface-list   List interfaces attached to a server.
keypair-add keypair create Create a new key pair for use with servers.
keypair-delete keypair delete Delete keypair given by its name.
keypair-list keypair list Print a list of keypairs for a user
keypair-show keypair show Show details about the given keypair.
limits limits show Print rate and absolute limits.
list server list List active servers.
list-extensions extension list List all the os-api extensions that are available.
list-secgroup security group list List Security Group(s) of a server.
live-migration   Migrate running server to a new machine.
live-migration-abort   Abort an on-going live migration.
live-migration-force-comp   Force on-going live migration to complete.
lock server lock Lock a server.
meta server set –property / unset Set or delete metadata on a server.
migrate server migrate Migrate a server. The new host will be selected by the scheduler.
migration-list   Print a list of migrations.
pause server pause Pause a server.
quota-class-show   List the quotas for a quota class.
quota-class-update quota set –class Update the quotas for a quota class.
quota-defaults quota list List the default quotas for a tenant.
quota-delete quota set Delete quota for a tenant/user so their quota will Revert back to default.
quota-show quota show List the quotas for a tenant/user.
quota-update quota set Update the quotas for a tenant/user.
reboot server reboot Reboot a server.
rebuild server rebuild Shutdown, re-image, and re-boot a server.
refresh-network WONTFIX Refresh server network information.
remove-fixed-ip server remove fixed ip Remove an IP address from a server.
remove-secgroup server remove security group Remove a Security Group from a server.
rescue server rescue Reboots a server into rescue mode.
reset-network WONTFIX Reset network of a server.
reset-state server set –state Reset the state of a server.
resize server resize Resize a server.
resize-confirm server resize –confirm Confirm a previous resize.
resize-revert server resize –revert Revert a previous resize.
restore server restore Restore a soft-deleted server.
resume server resume Resume a server.
server-group-create server group create Create a new server group with the specified details.
server-group-delete server group delete Delete specific server group(s).
server-group-get server group show Get a specific server group.
server-group-list server group list Print a list of all server groups.
server-migration-list   Get the migrations list of specified server.
server-migration-show   Get the migration of specified server.
server-tag-add   Add one or more tags to a server.
server-tag-delete   Delete one or more tags from a server.
server-tag-delete-all   Delete all tags from a server.
server-tag-list   Get list of tags from a server.
server-tag-set   Set list of tags to a server.
service-delete compute service delete Delete the service.
service-disable compute service set –disable Disable the service.
service-enable compute service set –enable Enable the service.
service-force-down compute service set –force Force service to down.
service-list compute service list Show a list of all running services.
set-password server set –root-password Change the admin password for a server.
shelve server shelve Shelve a server.
shelve-offload   Remove a shelved server from the compute node.
show server show Show details about the given server.
ssh server ssh SSH into a server.
start server start Start the server(s).
stop server stop Stop the server(s).
suspend server suspend Suspend a server.
trigger-crash-dump server dump create Trigger crash dump in an instance.
unlock server unlock Unlock a server.
unpause server unpause Unpause a server.
unrescue server unrescue Restart the server from normal boot disk again.
unshelve server unshelve Unshelve a server.
update server set / unset Update the name or the description for a server.
usage usage show Show usage data for a single tenant.
usage-list usage list List usage data for all tenants.
version-list   List all API versions.
virtual-interface-list   Show virtual interface info about the given server.
volume-attach server add volume Attach a volume to a server.
volume-attachments server show List all the volumes attached to a server.
volume-detach server remove volume Detach a volume from a server.
volume-update   Update volume attachment.
x509-create-cert WONTFIX Create x509 cert for a user in tenant.
x509-get-root-cert WONTFIX Fetch the x509 root cert.
bash-completion complete Prints all of the commands and options to
help help Display help about this program or one of its subcommands.

swift CLI

Swift CLI OSC Equivalent Description
delete object delete / container delete Delete a container or objects within a container.
download object save / container save Download objects from containers.
list object list / container list Lists the containers for the account or the objects for a container.
post container create / object set / container set / object store account set Updates meta information for the account, container, or object.
copy   Copies object, optionally adds meta.
stat object show / container show / object store account show Displays information for the account, container, or object.
upload object create Uploads files or directories to the given container.
capabilities   List cluster capabilities.
tempurl   Create a temporary URL.
auth WONTFIX Display auth related environment variables.