floating ip

Compute v2, Network v2

floating ip create

Create floating IP

os floating ip create
    [--subnet <subnet>]
    [--port <port>]
    [--floating-ip-address <floating-ip-address>]
    [--fixed-ip-address <fixed-ip-address>]
    [--description <description>]
--subnet <subnet>

Subnet on which you want to create the floating IP (name or ID) Network version 2 only

--port <port>

Port to be associated with the floating IP (name or ID) Network version 2 only

--floating-ip-address <floating-ip-address>

Floating IP address Network version 2 only

--fixed-ip-address <fixed-ip-address>

Fixed IP address mapped to the floating IP Network version 2 only

--description <description>

Set floating IP description Network version 2 only


Network to allocate floating IP from (name or ID)

floating ip delete

Delete floating IP(s)

os floating ip delete <floating-ip> [<floating-ip> ...]

Floating IP(s) to delete (IP address or ID)

floating ip list

List floating IP(s)

os floating ip list

floating ip show

Display floating IP details

os floating ip show <floating-ip>

Floating IP to display (IP address or ID)