security group rule

Compute v2, Network v2

security group rule create

Create a new security group rule

os security group rule create
    [--proto <proto>]
    [--src-ip <ip-address> | --src-group <group>]
    [--dst-port <port-range>]
--proto <proto>

IP protocol (icmp, tcp, udp; default: tcp)

--src-ip <ip-address>

Source IP address block (may use CIDR notation; default:

--src-group <group>

Source security group (ID only)

--dst-port <port-range>

Destination port, may be a range: 137:139 (default: 0; only required for proto tcp and udp)


Create rule in this security group (name or ID)

security group rule delete

Delete a security group rule

os security group rule delete

Security group rule to delete (ID only)

security group rule list

List security group rules

os security group rule list

List all rules in this security group (name or ID)

security group rule show

Display security group rule details

os security group rule show

Security group rule to display (ID only)

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