============ loadbalancer ============ loadbalancer list ----------------- List load balancers .. program:: loadbalancer list .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer list [--name ] [--enable | --disable] [--project ] .. option:: --name List load balancers according to their name. .. option:: --enable List enabled load balancers. .. option:: --disable List disabled load balancers. .. option:: --project List load balancers according to their project (name or ID). loadbalancer show ----------------- Show the details for a single load balancer .. program:: loadbalancer show .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer show .. _loadbalancer_show-loadbalancer: .. describe:: Name or UUID of the load balancer. loadbalancer create ------------------- Create a load balancer .. program:: loadbalancer create .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer create [--name ] [--description ] [--vip-address ] [--vip-port-id ] [--vip-subnet-id ] [--vip-network-id ] [--project ] [--enable | --disable] .. option:: --name New load balancer name. .. option:: --description Set load balancer description. .. option:: --vip-address Set the VIP IP Address. .. option:: --vip-port-id Set Port for the load balancer (name or ID). .. option:: --vip-subnet-id Set subnet for the load balancer (name or ID). .. option:: --vip-network-id Set network for the load balancer (name or ID). .. option:: --project Project for the load balancer (name or ID). .. option:: --enable Enable load balancer (default). .. option:: --disable Disable load balancer. loadbalancer set ---------------- Update a load balancer .. program:: loadbalancer set .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer set [--enable | --disable] [--name ] [--description ] .. _loadbalancer_set-loadbalancer: .. describe:: Name or UUID of the load balancer to update. .. option:: --enable Enable load balancer. .. option:: --disable Disable load balancer. .. option:: --name Set load balancer name. .. option:: --description Set load balancer description. loadbalancer delete ------------------- Delete a load balancer .. program:: loadbalancer delete .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer delete [--cascade] .. _loadbalancer_delete-loadbalancer: .. describe:: Load balancers to delete (name or ID). .. option:: --cascade Cascade the delete to all child elements of the load balancer. ======== listener ======== loadbalancer listener list -------------------------- List listeners .. program:: loadbalancer listener list .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer listener list [--name ] [--enable | --disable] [--project ] .. option:: --name List listeners by listener name. .. option:: --enable List enabled listeners. .. option:: --disable List disabled listeners. .. option:: --project List listeners by project ID. loadbalancer listener show -------------------------- Show the details of a single listener .. program:: loadbalancer listener show .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer listener show .. _loadbalancer_listener_show-listener: .. describe:: Name or UUID of the listener loadbalancer listener create ---------------------------- Create a listener .. program:: loadbalancer listener create .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer listener create [--description ] --protocol {TCP,HTTP,HTTPS,TERMINATED_HTTPS} [--connection-limit ] [--default-pool ] [--default-tls-container-ref ] [--sni-container-refs [ [ ...]]] [--insert-headers ] --protocol-port [--enable | --disable] .. option:: --name Set listener name. .. option:: --description Set the description of this listener. .. option:: --protocol {TCP,HTTP,HTTPS,TERMINATED_HTTPS} The protocol for the listener. .. option:: --connection-limit The maximum number of connections permitted for this listener. .. option:: --default-pool The name or ID of the pool used by the listener if no L7 policies match. .. option:: --default-tls-container-ref The URI to the key manager service secrets container containing the certificate and key for TERMINATED_TLS listeners. .. option:: --sni-container-refs [ [ ...]] A list of URIs to the key manager service secrets containers containing the certificates and keys for TERMINATED_TLS the listener using Server Name Indication. .. option:: --insert-headers A dictionary of optional headers to insert into the request before it is sent to the backend member. .. option:: --protocol-port Set the protocol port number for the listener. .. option:: --enable Enable listener (default). .. option:: --disable Disable listener. .. _loadbalancer_listener_create-loadbalancer: .. describe:: Load balancer for the listener (name or ID). loadbalancer listener set ------------------------- Update a listener .. program:: loadbalancer listener set .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer listener set [--name ] [--description ] [--connection-limit ] [--default-pool ] [--default-tls-container-ref ] [---sni-container-refs [ [ ...]]] [--insert-headers ] [--enable | --disable] .. _loadbalancer_listener_set-listener: .. describe:: Listener to modify (name or ID). .. option:: --name Set listener name. .. option:: --description Set the description of this listener. .. option:: --connection-limit The maximum number of connections permitted for this listener. Default value is -1 which represents infinite connections. .. option:: --default-pool The ID of the pool used by the listener if no L7 policies match. .. option:: --default-tls-container-ref The URI to the key manager service secrets container containing the certificate and key for TERMINATED_TLS listeners. .. option:: ---sni-container-refs [ [ ...]] A list of URIs to the key manager service secrets containers containing the certificates and keys for TERMINATED_TLS the listener using Server Name Indication. .. option:: --insert-headers A dictionary of optional headers to insert into the request before it is sent to the backend member. .. option:: --enable Enable listener. .. option:: --disable Disable listener. loadbalancer listener delete ---------------------------- Delete a listener .. program:: loadbalancer listener delete .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer listener delete .. _loadbalancer_listener_delete-listener: .. describe:: Listener to delete (name or ID). ==== pool ==== loadbalancer pool list ---------------------- List pools .. program:: loadbalancer pool list .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer pool list loadbalancer pool show ---------------------- Show the details of a single pool .. program:: loadbalancer pool show .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer pool show .. _loadbalancer_pool_list-pool: .. describe:: Name or UUID of the pool. loadbalancer pool create ------------------------ Create a pool .. program:: loadbalancer pool show .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer pool create [--name ] [--description ] --protocol {TCP,HTTP,HTTPS,TERMINATED_HTTPS,PROXY} [--listener ] [--loadbalancer ] [--session-persistence ] --lb-algorithm {SOURCE_IP,ROUND_ROBIN,LEAST_CONNECTIONS} [--project ] [--enable | --disable] .. option:: --name Set pool name. .. option:: --description Set pool description. .. option:: --protocol {TCP,HTTP,HTTPS,TERMINATED_HTTPS,PROXY} Set the pool protocol. .. option:: --listener Listener to add the pool to (name or ID). .. option:: --loadbalancer Load balancer to add the pool to (name or ID). .. option:: --session-persistence Set the session persistence for the listener (key=value). .. option:: --lb-algorithm {SOURCE_IP,ROUND_ROBIN,LEAST_CONNECTIONS} Load balancing algorithm to use. .. option:: --project Set the project owning this pool (name or ID). .. option:: --enable Enable pool (default). .. option:: --disable Disable pool. loadbalancer pool set --------------------- Update a pool .. program:: loadbalancer pool set .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer pool set [--name ] [--description ] [--protocol {TCP,HTTP,HTTPS,TERMINATED_HTTPS,PROXY}] [--loadbalancer ] [--listener ] [--session-persistence ] [--lb-algorithm {SOURCE_IP,ROUND_ROBIN,LEAST_CONNECTIONS}] [--enable | --disable] .. option:: --name Set the name of the pool. .. option:: --description Set the description of the pool. .. option:: --protocol {TCP,HTTP,HTTPS,TERMINATED_HTTPS,PROXY} Set protocol for the pool. .. option:: --loadbalancer Load balncer to add the pool to (name or ID). .. option:: --listener Listener to add the pool to (name or ID). .. option:: --session-persistence Set the session persistence for the listener (key=value). .. option:: --lb-algorithm {SOURCE_IP,ROUND_ROBIN,LEAST_CONNECTIONS} Set the load balancing algorithm to use. .. option:: --enable Enable pool. .. option:: --disable Disable pool. .. _loadbalancer_pool_set-pool: .. describe:: Pool to update (name or ID). loadbalancer pool delete ------------------------ Delete a pool .. program:: loadbalancer pool delete .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer pool delete .. _loadbalancer_pool_delete-pool: .. describe:: Pool to delete (name or ID). ====== member ====== loadbalancer member list ------------------------ List members in a pool .. program:: loadbalancer member list .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer member list .. _loadbalancer_member_list-pool: .. describe:: Pool name or ID to list the members of. loadbalancer member show ------------------------ Shows details of a single Member .. program:: loadbalancer member show .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer member show .. _loadbalancer_member_show-pool: .. describe:: Pool name or ID to show the members of. .. _loadbalancer_member_show-member: .. describe:: Name or ID of the member to show. loadbalancer member create -------------------------- Creating a member in a pool .. program:: loadbalancer member create .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer member create [--name ] [--weight ] --address [--subnet-id ] --protocol-port [--monitor-port ] [--monitor-address ] [--enable | --disable] .. option:: --name Set the name of the member. .. option:: --weight The weight of a member determines the portion of requests or connections it services compared to the other members of the pool. .. option:: --address The IP address of the backend member server. .. option:: --subnet-id The subnet ID the member service is accessible from. .. option:: --protocol-port The protocol port number the backend member server is listening on. .. option:: --monitor-port An alternate protocol port used for health monitoring a backend member. .. option:: --monitor-address An alternate IP address used for health monitoring a backend member. .. option:: --enable Enable member (default). .. option:: --disable Disable member. .. _loadbalancer_member_create-pool: .. describe:: ID or name of the pool to create the member for. loadbalancer member set ----------------------- Update a member .. program:: loadbalancer member set .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer member set [--name ] [--weight ] [--address ] [--subnet-id ] [--protocol-port ] [--monitor-port ] [--monitor-address ] [--enable | --disable] .. option:: --name Set the name of the member. .. option:: --weight Set the weight of member in the pool. .. option:: --monitor-port An alternate protocol port used for health monitoring a backend member. .. option:: --monitor-address An alternate IP address used for health monitoring a backend member. .. option:: --enable Enable the member. .. option:: --disable Disbale the member. .. _loadbalancer_member_set-pool: .. describe:: Pool that the member to update belongs to (name or ID). .. _loadbalancer_member_set-member: .. describe:: Name or ID of the member to update. loadbalancer member delete -------------------------- Delete a member from a pool .. program:: loadbalancer member delete .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer member delete .. _loadbalancer_member_delete-pool: .. describe:: Pool name or ID to delete the member from. .. _loadbalancer_member_delete-member: .. describe:: ID or name of the member to update. ======== l7policy ======== loadbalancer l7policy list -------------------------- List l7policies .. program:: loadbalancer l7policy delete .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer l7policy list loadbalancer l7policy show -------------------------- Show the details of a single l7policy .. program:: loadbalancer l7policy delete .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer l7policy show .. _loadbalancer_l7policy_show-policy: .. describe:: Name or UUID of the l7policy. loadbalancer l7policy create ---------------------------- Create a l7policy .. program:: loadbalancer l7policy delete .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer l7policy create [--name ] [--description ] [--redirect-pool ] --action {REDIRECT_TO_URL,REDIRECT_TO_POOL,REJECT} [--redirect-url ] [--project ] [--position ] [--enable | --disable] .. option:: --name Set the l7policy name. .. option:: --description Set l7policy description. .. option:: --redirect-pool Set the pool to redirect requests to (name or ID). .. option:: --action {REDIRECT_TO_URL,REDIRECT_TO_POOL,REJECT} Set the action of the policy. .. option:: --redirect-url Set the URL to redirect requests to. .. option:: --position Sequence number of this L7 Policy. .. option:: --enable Enable l7policy (default). .. option:: --disable Disable l7policy. .. _loadbalancer_l7policy_create-listener: .. describe:: Listener to add l7policy to (name or ID). loadbalancer l7policy set ------------------------- Update a l7policy .. program:: loadbalancer l7policy set .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer l7policy set [--listener ] [--name ] [--description ] [--redirect-pool ] [--action {REDIRECT_TO_URL,REDIRECT_TO_POOL,REJECT}] [--redirect-url ] [--position ] [--enable | --disable] .. option:: --name Set l7policy name. .. option:: --description Set l7policy description. .. option:: --redirect-pool Set the pool to redirect requests to (name or ID). .. option:: --action {REDIRECT_TO_URL,REDIRECT_TO_POOL,REJECT} Set the action of the policy. .. option:: --redirect-url Set the URL to redirect requests to. .. option:: --position Set sequence number of this L7 Policy. .. option:: --enable Enable l7policy. .. option:: --disable Disable l7policy. .. _loadbalancer_l7policy_set-policy: .. describe:: L7policy to update (name or ID). loadbalancer l7policy delete ---------------------------- Delete a l7policy .. program:: loadbalancer l7policy delete .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer l7policy delete .. _loadbalancer_l7policy_delete-policy: .. describe:: L7policy to delete (name or ID). ====== l7rule ====== loadbalancer l7rule list ------------------------ List l7rules for l7policy .. program:: loadbalancer l7rule list .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer l7rule list --l7policy .. _loadbalancer_l7rule_list-l7policy: .. describe:: l7policy to list rules for (name or ID). loadbalancer l7rule show ------------------------ Show the details of a single l7rule .. program:: loadbalancer l7rule show .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer l7rule show .. _loadbalancer_l7rule_show-l7policy: .. describe:: l7policy to show rule from (name or ID) .. _loadbalancer_l7rule_show-rule-id: .. describe:: l7rule to show loadbalancer l7rule create -------------------------- Create a l7rule .. program:: loadbalancer l7rule create .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer l7rule create --compare-type {REGEX,EQUAL_TO,CONTAINS,ENDS_WITH,STARTS_WITH} [--invert] --value [--key ] [--project ] --type {FILE_TYPE,PATH,COOKIE,HOST_NAME,HEADER} [--enable | --disable] .. option:: --compare-type {REGEX,EQUAL_TO,CONTAINS,ENDS_WITH,STARTS_WITH} Set the compare type for the l7rule. .. option:: --invert Invert l7rule. .. option:: --value Set the rule value to match on. .. option:: --key Set the key for the l7rule's value to match on. .. option:: --project Project for the l7rule (name or ID). .. option:: --type {FILE_TYPE,PATH,COOKIE,HOST_NAME,HEADER} Set the type for the l7rule. .. option:: --enable Enable l7rule (default). .. option:: --disable Disable l7rule. .. _loadbalancer_l7rule_create-l7policy: .. describe:: l7policy to add l7rule to (name or ID). loadbalancer l7rule set ----------------------- Update a l7rule .. program:: loadbalancer l7rule set .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer l7rule set [--compare-type {REGEX,EQUAL_TO,CONTAINS,ENDS_WITH,STARTS_WITH}] [--invert] [--value ] [--key ] [--type {FILE_TYPE,PATH,COOKIE,HOST_NAME,HEADER}] [--enable | --disable] --l7policy .. option:: --compare-type {REGEX,EQUAL_TO,CONTAINS,ENDS_WITH,STARTS_WITH} Set the compare type for the l7rule. .. option:: --invert Invert l7rule. .. option:: --value Set the rule value to match on. .. option:: --key Set the key for the l7rule's value to match on. .. option:: --type {FILE_TYPE,PATH,COOKIE,HOST_NAME,HEADER} Set the type for the l7rule. .. option:: --enable Enable l7rule. .. option:: --disable Disable l7rule. .. _loadbalancer_l7rule_set-l7policy: .. describe:: L7policy to update l7rule on (name or ID) .. _loadbalancer_l7rule_set-l7rule_id: .. describe:: l7rule to update loadbalancer l7rule delete -------------------------- .. program:: loadbalancer l7rule delete .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer l7rule delete .. _loadbalancer_l7rule_delete-l7policy: .. describe:: l7policy to delete rule from (name or ID). .. _loadbalancer_l7rule_delete-l7rule_id: .. describe:: l7rule to delete. ============= healthmonitor ============= loadbalancer healthmonitor list ------------------------------- List health monitors .. program:: loadbalancer healthmonitor list .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer healthmonitor list loadbalancer healthmonitor show ------------------------------- Show the details of a single health monitor .. program:: loadbalancer healthmonitor show .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer healthmonitor show .. _loadbalancer_healthmonitor_show-health_monitor: .. describe:: Name or UUID of the health monitor. loadbalancer healthmonitor create --------------------------------- Create a health monitor .. program:: loadbalancer healthmonitor create .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer healthmonitor create [--name ] --delay [--expected-codes ] [--http_method {GET,POST,DELETE,PUT,HEAD,OPTIONS,PATCH,CONNECT,TRACE}] --timeout --max-retries [--url-path ] --type {PING,HTTP,TCP,HTTPS,TLS-HELLO} [--max-retries-down ] [--project ] [--enable | --disable] .. option:: --name Set the health monitor name. .. option:: --delay Set the time in seconds, between sending probes to members. .. option:: --expected-codes Set the list of HTTP status codes expected in response from the member to declare it healthy. .. option:: --http_method {GET,POST,DELETE,PUT,HEAD,OPTIONS,PATCH,CONNECT,TRACE} Set the HTTP method that the health monitor uses for requests. .. option:: --timeout Set the maximum time, in seconds, that a monitor waits to connect before it times out. This value must be less than the delay value. .. option:: --max-retries The number of successful checks before changing the operating status of the member to ONLINE. .. option:: --url-path Set the HTTP URL path of the request sent by the monitor to test the health of a backend member. .. option:: --type {PING,HTTP,TCP,HTTPS,TLS-HELLO} Set the type of health monitor. .. option:: --max-retries-down Set the number of allowed check failures before changing the operating status of the member to ERROR. .. option:: --project Project to use for the health monitor (name or ID). .. option:: --enable Enable health monitor (default). .. option:: --disable Disable health monitor. .. _loadbalancer_healthmonitor_create-pool_id: .. describe:: Set the pool for the health monitor (name or ID). loadbalancer healthmonitor set ------------------------------ Update a health monitor .. program:: loadbalancer healthmonitor set .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer healthmonitor set [--name ] [--delay ] [--expected-codes ] [--http_method {GET,POST,DELETE,PUT,HEAD,OPTIONS,PATCH,CONNECT,TRACE}] [--timeout ] [--max-retries ] [--max-retries-down ] [--url-path ] [--type {PING,HTTP,TCP,HTTPS,TLS-HELLO}] [--enable | --disable] .. option:: --name Set health monitor name. .. option:: --delay Set the time in seconds, between sending probes to members. .. option:: --expected-codes Set the list of HTTP status codes expected in response from the member to declare it healthy. .. option:: --http_method {GET,POST,DELETE,PUT,HEAD,OPTIONS,PATCH,CONNECT,TRACE} Set the HTTP method that the health monitor uses for requests. .. option:: --timeout Set the maximum time, in seconds, that a monitor waits to connect before it times out. This value must be less than the delay value. .. option:: --max-retries The number of successful checks before changing the operating status of the member to ONLINE. .. option:: --max-retries-down Set the number of allowed check failures before changing the operating status of the member to ERROR. .. option:: --url-path Set the HTTP URL path of the request sent by the monitor to test the health of a backend member. .. option:: --type {PING,HTTP,TCP,HTTPS,TLS-HELLO} Set the type of health monitor. .. option:: --enable Enable health monitor. .. option:: --disable Disable health monitor. .. _loadbalancer_healthmonitor_set-health_monitor: .. describe:: Health monitor to update (name or ID). loadbalancer healthmonitor delete --------------------------------- Delete a health monitor .. program:: loadbalancer healthmonitor delete .. code:: bash openstack loadbalancer healthmonitor delete .. _loadbalancer_healthmonitor_delete-health_monitor: .. describe:: Health monitor to delete (name or ID).