Source code for ironicclient.tests.unit.v1.test_resource_fields

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import testtools

from ironicclient.v1 import resource_fields

[docs]class ResourceTest(testtools.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): super(ResourceTest, self).setUp() self._saved_ids = resource_fields.Resource.FIELDS resource_fields.Resource.FIELDS = { 'item1': 'ITEM1', '2nd_item': 'A second item', 'item_3': 'Third item', }
[docs] def tearDown(self): super(ResourceTest, self).tearDown() resource_fields.Resource.FIELDS = self._saved_ids
[docs] def test_fields_single_value(self): # Make sure single value is what we expect foo = resource_fields.Resource(['item1']) self.assertEqual(('item1',), foo.fields) self.assertEqual(('ITEM1',), foo.labels) self.assertEqual(('item1',), foo.sort_fields) self.assertEqual(('ITEM1',), foo.sort_labels)
[docs] def test_fields_multiple_value_order(self): # Make sure order is maintained foo = resource_fields.Resource(['2nd_item', 'item1']) self.assertEqual(('2nd_item', 'item1'), foo.fields) self.assertEqual(('A second item', 'ITEM1'), foo.labels) self.assertEqual(('2nd_item', 'item1'), foo.sort_fields) self.assertEqual(('A second item', 'ITEM1'), foo.sort_labels)
[docs] def test_sort_excluded(self): # Test excluding of fields for sort purposes foo = resource_fields.Resource(['item_3', 'item1', '2nd_item'], sort_excluded=['item1']) self.assertEqual(('item_3', '2nd_item'), foo.sort_fields) self.assertEqual(('Third item', 'A second item'), foo.sort_labels)
[docs] def test_sort_excluded_unknown(self): # Test sort_excluded value not in the field_ids self.assertRaises( ValueError, resource_fields.Resource, ['item_3', 'item1', '2nd_item'], sort_excluded=['item1', 'foo'])
[docs] def test_unknown_field_id(self): self.assertRaises( KeyError, resource_fields.Resource, ['item1', 'unknown_id'])

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