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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
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# under the License.
"""Common functions for MongoDB backend
from oslo_log import log
import pymongo

from import base
from import models
from panko.i18n import _LE, _LI, _LW
from import utils as pymongo_utils
from panko import utils

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

    'events': {'query': {'simple': True}},

    'storage': {'production_ready': True},

[docs]class Connection(base.Connection): """Base event Connection class for MongoDB driver.""" CAPABILITIES = utils.update_nested(base.Connection.CAPABILITIES, COMMON_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES) STORAGE_CAPABILITIES = utils.update_nested( base.Connection.STORAGE_CAPABILITIES, AVAILABLE_STORAGE_CAPABILITIES, )
[docs] def record_events(self, event_models): """Write the events to database. :param event_models: a list of models.Event objects. """ error = None for event_model in event_models: traits = [] if event_model.traits: for trait in event_model.traits: traits.append({'trait_name':, 'trait_type': trait.dtype, 'trait_value': trait.value}) try: self.db.event.insert_one( {'_id': event_model.message_id, 'event_type': event_model.event_type, 'timestamp': event_model.generated, 'traits': traits, 'raw': event_model.raw}) except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError as ex:"Duplicate event detected, skipping it: %s") % ex) except Exception as ex: LOG.exception(_LE("Failed to record event: %s") % ex) error = ex if error: raise error
[docs] def get_events(self, event_filter, pagination=None): """Return an iter of models.Event objects. :param event_filter: storage.EventFilter object, consists of filters for events that are stored in database. :param pagination: Pagination parameters. """ limit = None if pagination: if pagination.get('sort'): LOG.warning(_LW('Driver does not support sort functionality')) limit = pagination.get('limit') if limit == 0: return q = pymongo_utils.make_events_query_from_filter(event_filter) if limit is not None: results = self.db.event.find(q, limit=limit) else: results = self.db.event.find(q) for event in results: traits = [] for trait in event['traits']: traits.append(models.Trait(name=trait['trait_name'], dtype=int(trait['trait_type']), value=trait['trait_value'])) yield models.Event(message_id=event['_id'], event_type=event['event_type'], generated=event['timestamp'], traits=traits, raw=event.get('raw'))
[docs] def get_event_types(self): """Return all event types as an iter of strings.""" return self.db.event.distinct('event_type')
[docs] def get_trait_types(self, event_type): """Return a dictionary containing the name and data type of the trait. Only trait types for the provided event_type are returned. :param event_type: the type of the Event. """ trait_names = set() events = self.db.event.find({'event_type': event_type}) for event in events: for trait in event['traits']: trait_name = trait['trait_name'] if trait_name not in trait_names: # Here we check that our method return only unique # trait types. Method will return only one trait type. It # is proposed that certain trait name could have only one # trait type. trait_names.add(trait_name) yield {'name': trait_name, 'data_type': trait['trait_type']}
[docs] def get_traits(self, event_type, trait_name=None): """Return all trait instances associated with an event_type. If trait_type is specified, only return instances of that trait type. :param event_type: the type of the Event to filter by :param trait_name: the name of the Trait to filter by """ if not trait_name: events = self.db.event.find({'event_type': event_type}) else: # We choose events that simultaneously have event_type and certain # trait_name, and retrieve events contains only mentioned traits. events = self.db.event.find({'$and': [{'event_type': event_type}, {'traits.trait_name': trait_name}]}, {'traits': {'$elemMatch': {'trait_name': trait_name}} }) for event in events: for trait in event['traits']: yield models.Trait(name=trait['trait_name'], dtype=trait['trait_type'], value=trait['trait_value'])