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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Tests for panko/storage/

.. note::
  In order to run the tests against real SQL server set the environment
  variable PANKO_TEST_SQL_URL to point to a SQL server before running
  the tests.


import datetime

from six.moves import reprlib

from import impl_sqlalchemy as impl_sqla_event
from import models
from import models as sql_models
from panko.tests import base as test_base
from panko.tests import db as tests_db

@tests_db.run_with('sqlite', 'mysql', 'pgsql')
[docs]class PankoBaseTest(tests_db.TestBase):
[docs] def test_panko_base(self): base = sql_models.PankoBase() base['key'] = 'value' self.assertEqual('value', base['key'])
@tests_db.run_with('sqlite', 'mysql', 'pgsql')
[docs]class EventTypeTest(tests_db.TestBase): # EventType is a construct specific to sqlalchemy # Not applicable to other drivers.
[docs] def test_event_type_exists(self): et1 = self.conn._get_or_create_event_type("foo") self.assertTrue( >= 0) et2 = self.conn._get_or_create_event_type("foo") self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(et2.desc, et1.desc)
[docs] def test_event_type_unique(self): et1 = self.conn._get_or_create_event_type("foo") self.assertTrue( >= 0) et2 = self.conn._get_or_create_event_type("blah") self.assertNotEqual(, self.assertNotEqual(et1.desc, et2.desc) # Test the method __repr__ returns a string self.assertTrue(reprlib.repr(et2))
@tests_db.run_with('sqlite', 'mysql', 'pgsql')
[docs]class EventTest(tests_db.TestBase): def _verify_data(self, trait, trait_table): now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() ev = models.Event('1', 'name', now, [trait], {}) self.conn.record_events([ev]) session = self.conn._engine_facade.get_session() t_tables = [sql_models.TraitText, sql_models.TraitFloat, sql_models.TraitInt, sql_models.TraitDatetime] for table in t_tables: if table == trait_table: self.assertEqual(1, session.query(table).count()) else: self.assertEqual(0, session.query(table).count())
[docs] def test_string_traits(self): model = models.Trait("Foo", models.Trait.TEXT_TYPE, "my_text") self._verify_data(model, sql_models.TraitText)
[docs] def test_int_traits(self): model = models.Trait("Foo", models.Trait.INT_TYPE, 100) self._verify_data(model, sql_models.TraitInt)
[docs] def test_float_traits(self): model = models.Trait("Foo", models.Trait.FLOAT_TYPE, 123.456) self._verify_data(model, sql_models.TraitFloat)
[docs] def test_datetime_traits(self): now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() model = models.Trait("Foo", models.Trait.DATETIME_TYPE, now) self._verify_data(model, sql_models.TraitDatetime)
[docs] def test_event_repr(self): ev = sql_models.Event('msg_id', None, False, {}) = 100 self.assertTrue(reprlib.repr(ev))
[docs]class CapabilitiesTest(test_base.BaseTestCase): # Check the returned capabilities list, which is specific to each DB # driver
[docs] def test_capabilities(self): expected_capabilities = { 'events': {'query': {'simple': True}}, } actual_capabilities = impl_sqla_event.Connection.get_capabilities() self.assertEqual(expected_capabilities, actual_capabilities)

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