The oslotest.mock_fixture Module

The oslotest.mock_fixture Module

class oslotest.mock_fixture.MockAutospecFixture

Bases: fixtures.fixture.Fixture

A fixture to add / fix the autospec feature into the mock library.

The current version of the mock library has a few unaddressed issues, which can lead to erroneous unit tests, and can hide actual issues. This fixture is to be removed once these issues have been addressed in the mock library.

Issue addressed by the fixture:

  • mocked method’s signature checking:
    • mock can only accept a spec object / class, and it makes sure that that attribute exists, but it does not check whether the given attribute is callable, or if its signature is respected in any way.
    • adds autospec argument. If the autospec argument is given, the mocked method’s signature is also checked.

Replaces the mock.patch class.

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