
File utilities.

New in version 1.8.

oslo_utils.fileutils.delete_if_exists(path, remove=<built-in function unlink>)

Delete a file, but ignore file not found error.

  • path – File to delete
  • remove – Optional function to remove passed path
oslo_utils.fileutils.ensure_tree(path, mode=511)

Create a directory (and any ancestor directories required)

  • path – Directory to create
  • mode – Directory creation permissions
oslo_utils.fileutils.remove_path_on_error(*args, **kwds)

Protect code that wants to operate on PATH atomically. Any exception will cause PATH to be removed.

  • path – File to work with
  • remove – Optional function to remove passed path
oslo_utils.fileutils.write_to_tempfile(content, path=None, suffix=”, prefix=’tmp’)

Create a temporary file containing data.

Create a temporary file containing specified content, with a specified filename suffix and prefix. The tempfile will be created in a default location, or in the directory path, if it is not None. path and its parent directories will be created if they don’t exist.

  • content – bytestring to write to the file
  • path – same as parameter ‘dir’ for mkstemp
  • suffix – same as parameter ‘suffix’ for mkstemp
  • prefix – same as parameter ‘prefix’ for mkstemp

For example: it can be used in database tests for creating configuration files.

New in version 1.9.