The oslo_reports.views.text.header Module

Text Views With Headers

This package defines several text views with headers

class oslo_reports.views.text.header.HeaderView(header)

Bases: object

A Text View With a Header

This view simply serializes the model and places the given header on top.

Parameters:header – the header (can be anything on which str() can be called)
class oslo_reports.views.text.header.TitledView(title)

Bases: oslo_reports.views.text.header.HeaderView

A Text View With a Title

This view simply serializes the model, and places a preformatted header containing the given title text on top. The title text can be up to 64 characters long.

Parameters:title (str) – the title of the view
FORMAT_STR = ‘========================================================================\n===={0: ^64}====\n========================================================================’