osc_lib.command package


osc_lib.command.command module

class osc_lib.command.command.Command(app, app_args, cmd_name=None)

Bases: cliff.command.Command

deprecated_option_warning(old_option, new_option)

Emit a warning for use of a deprecated option

log = <Logger osc_lib.command.command.Command (WARNING)>

Invoked by the application when the command is run.

Developers implementing commands should override take_action().

Developers creating new command base classes (such as Lister and ShowOne) should override this method to wrap take_action().

Return the value returned by take_action() or 0.

class osc_lib.command.command.CommandMeta

Bases: abc.ABCMeta

class osc_lib.command.command.Lister(app, app_args, cmd_name=None)

Bases: osc_lib.command.command.Command, cliff.lister.Lister

log = <Logger osc_lib.command.command.Lister (WARNING)>
class osc_lib.command.command.ShowOne(app, app_args, cmd_name=None)

Bases: osc_lib.command.command.Command, cliff.show.ShowOne

log = <Logger osc_lib.command.command.ShowOne (WARNING)>

osc_lib.command.commandmanager module

Modify cliff.CommandManager

class osc_lib.command.commandmanager.CommandManager(namespace, convert_underscores=True)

Bases: cliff.commandmanager.CommandManager

Add additional functionality to cliff.CommandManager

Load additional command groups after initialization Add _command_group() methods


Adds another group of command entrypoints


Returns a list of the loaded command groups


Returns a list of commands loaded for the specified group


Load all the commands from an entrypoint

osc_lib.command.timing module

Timing Implementation

class osc_lib.command.timing.Timing(app, app_args, cmd_name=None)

Bases: osc_lib.command.command.Lister

Show timing data

log = <Logger osc_lib.command.timing.Timing (WARNING)>

Return a tuple containing the column names and an iterable containing the data to be listed.

Module contents