Bases: object
Bases: object
Bases: object
Bases: object
Converts dict to unicode dict
Bases: object
Bases: osc_lib.tests.utils.TestCase
Bases: osc_lib.tests.utils.TestClientManager
Bases: osc_lib.tests.utils.TestCase
Bases: osc_lib.tests.utils.TestCase
Bases: osc_lib.tests.utils.TestShell
Test the deferred help flag
Test argv decoding
Python 2 does nothing with argv while Python 3 decodes it into Unicode before we ever see it. We manually decode when running under Python 2 so verify that we get the right argv types.
Use the argv supplied by the test runner so we get actual Python runtime behaviour; we only need to check the type of argv[0] which will alwyas be present.
Bases: osc_lib.tests.utils.TestShell
Test handling of specific global options
_shell.options is the parsed command line from argparse _shell.client_manager.* are the values actually used
Test client cert options
Test cloud config options without the vendor file
Test cloud config options with the vendor file
Test the TLS verify and CA cert file options
Bases: osc_lib.tests.utils.TestShell
Test option precedencr order
Test environment overriding occ
Test command line overriding environment and occ
Test command line overriding environment and occ
Bases: osc_lib.tests.utils.TestShell
Test the deferred help flag
Bases: osc_lib.tests.utils.TestShell
Test the option handling by argparse and os_client_config
This covers getting the CLI options through the initial processing and validates the arguments to initialize_app() and occ_get_one()
Bases: osc_lib.tests.fakes.FakeResource
Bases: exceptions.Exception
Bases: osc_lib.tests.utils.TestCase
Bases: osc_lib.tests.utils.TestCase
Bases: fixtures.fixture.Fixture
Environment Fixture.
This fixture replaces os.environ with provided env or an empty env.
Bases: exceptions.Exception
Bases: testtools.testcase.TestCase
Assert a function was not called
Bases: osc_lib.tests.utils.TestCase
ClientManager class test framework
Bases: osc_lib.tests.utils.TestCase
Test cliff command classes
Bases: osc_lib.tests.utils.TestCase
Pretend to execute shell commands.
Create a new command shell and mock out some bits.