osc_lib package


osc_lib.clientmanager module

Manage access to the clients, including authenticating when needed.

class osc_lib.clientmanager.ClientCache(factory)

Bases: object

Descriptor class for caching created client handles.

class osc_lib.clientmanager.ClientManager(cli_options=None, api_version=None, pw_func=None)

Bases: object

Manages access to API clients, including authentication.


Dereference will trigger an auth if it hasn’t already

get_endpoint_for_service_type(service_type, region_name=None, interface='public')

Return the endpoint URL for the service type.


Check if a service type is in the current Service Catalog


Set up authentication

This is deferred until authentication is actually attempted because it gets in the way of things that do not require auth.


osc_lib.exceptions module

Exception definitions.

exception osc_lib.exceptions.AuthorizationFailure

Bases: exceptions.Exception

exception osc_lib.exceptions.BadRequest(code, message=None, details=None)

Bases: osc_lib.exceptions.ClientException

HTTP 400 - Bad request: you sent some malformed data.

http_status = 400
message = 'Bad request'
exception osc_lib.exceptions.ClientException(code, message=None, details=None)

Bases: exceptions.Exception

The base exception class for all exceptions this library raises.

exception osc_lib.exceptions.CommandError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

exception osc_lib.exceptions.Conflict(code, message=None, details=None)

Bases: osc_lib.exceptions.ClientException

HTTP 409 - Conflict

http_status = 409
message = 'Conflict'
exception osc_lib.exceptions.EndpointNotFound

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Could not find Service or Region in Service Catalog.

exception osc_lib.exceptions.Forbidden(code, message=None, details=None)

Bases: osc_lib.exceptions.ClientException

HTTP 403 - Forbidden: not authorized to access to this resource.

http_status = 403
message = 'Forbidden'
exception osc_lib.exceptions.HTTPNotImplemented(code, message=None, details=None)

Bases: osc_lib.exceptions.ClientException

HTTP 501 - Not Implemented: server does not support this operation.

http_status = 501
message = 'Not Implemented'
exception osc_lib.exceptions.NoTokenLookupException

Bases: exceptions.Exception

This does not support looking up endpoints from an existing token.

exception osc_lib.exceptions.NotFound(code, message=None, details=None)

Bases: osc_lib.exceptions.ClientException

HTTP 404 - Not found

http_status = 404
message = 'Not found'
exception osc_lib.exceptions.OverLimit(code, message=None, details=None)

Bases: osc_lib.exceptions.ClientException

HTTP 413 - Over limit: reached the API limits for this time period.

http_status = 413
message = 'Over limit'
exception osc_lib.exceptions.PluginAttributeError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

A plugin threw an AttributeError while being lazily loaded.

exception osc_lib.exceptions.Unauthorized(code, message=None, details=None)

Bases: osc_lib.exceptions.ClientException

HTTP 401 - Unauthorized: bad credentials.

http_status = 401
message = 'Unauthorized'
exception osc_lib.exceptions.UnsupportedVersion

Bases: exceptions.Exception

The user is trying to use an unsupported version of the API

osc_lib.i18n module

osc_lib.logs module

Application logging

class osc_lib.logs.LogConfigurator(options)

Bases: object


osc_lib.session module

Subclass of keystoneauth1.session

class osc_lib.session.TimingSession(**kwargs)

Bases: keystoneauth1.session.Session

A Session that supports collection of timing data per Method URL

request(url, method, **kwargs)

Wrap the usual request() method with the timers


osc_lib.shell module

Command-line interface to the OpenStack APIs

class osc_lib.shell.OpenStackShell(description=None, version=None, command_manager=None, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, interactive_app_factory=None, deferred_help=False)

Bases: cliff.app.App

CONSOLE_MESSAGE_FORMAT = '%(levelname)s: %(name)s %(message)s'
build_option_parser(description, version)
clean_up(cmd, result, err)

Configure logging for the app.


Global app init bits:

  • set up API versions
  • validate authentication info
  • authenticate against Identity if requested
log = <logging.Logger object>

Set up auth and API versions

timing_data = []

Prompt user for a password

Prompt for a password if stdin is a tty.

osc_lib.utils module

Common client utilities

osc_lib.utils.build_kwargs_dict(arg_name, value)

Return a dictionary containing arg_name if value is set.

osc_lib.utils.env(*vars, **kwargs)

Search for the first defined of possibly many env vars

Returns the first environment variable defined in vars, or returns the default defined in kwargs.

osc_lib.utils.find_min_match(items, sort_attr, **kwargs)

Find all resources meeting the given minimum constraints

  • items – A List of objects to consider
  • sort_attr – Attribute to sort the resulting list
  • kwargs – A dict of attributes and their minimum values
Return type:

A list of resources osrted by sort_attr that meet the minimums

osc_lib.utils.find_resource(manager, name_or_id, **kwargs)

Helper for the _find_* methods.

  • manager – A client manager class
  • name_or_id – The resource we are trying to find
  • kwargs – To be used in calling .find()
Return type:

The found resource

This method will attempt to find a resource in a variety of ways. Primarily .get() methods will be called with name_or_id as an integer value, and tried again as a string value.

If both fail, then a .find() is attempted, which is essentially calling a .list() function with a ‘name’ query parameter that is set to name_or_id.

Lastly, if any kwargs are passed in, they will be treated as additional query parameters. This is particularly handy in the case of finding resources in a domain.


Return a formatted string of key value pairs

Parameters:data – a dict
Return type:a string formatted to key=’value’
osc_lib.utils.format_list(data, separator=', ')

Return a formatted strings

  • data – a list of strings
  • separator – the separator to use between strings (default: ‘, ‘)
Return type:

a string formatted based on separator


Return a formatted string of key value pairs for each dict

Parameters:data – a list of dicts
Return type:a string formatted to key=’value’ with dicts separated by new line
osc_lib.utils.get_client_class(api_name, version, version_map)

Returns the client class for the requested API version

  • api_name – the name of the API, e.g. ‘compute’, ‘image’, etc
  • version – the requested API version
  • version_map – a dict of client classes keyed by version
Return type:

a client class for the requested API version

osc_lib.utils.get_dict_properties(item, fields, mixed_case_fields=None, formatters=None)

Return a tuple containing the item properties.

  • item – a single dict resource
  • fields – tuple of strings with the desired field names
  • mixed_case_fields – tuple of field names to preserve case
  • formatters – dictionary mapping field names to callables to format the values

Returns the lowest logging level considered by logging handlers

Retrieve and return the smallest log level set among the root logger’s handlers (in case of multiple handlers).

osc_lib.utils.get_field(item, field)
osc_lib.utils.get_item_properties(item, fields, mixed_case_fields=None, formatters=None)

Return a tuple containing the item properties.

  • item – a single item resource (e.g. Server, Project, etc)
  • fields – tuple of strings with the desired field names
  • mixed_case_fields – tuple of field names to preserve case
  • formatters – dictionary mapping field names to callables to format the values
osc_lib.utils.get_password(stdin, prompt=None, confirm=True)
osc_lib.utils.sort_items(items, sort_str)

Sort items based on sort keys and sort directions given by sort_str.

  • items – a list or generator object of items
  • sort_str – a string defining the sort rules, the format is ‘<key1>:[direction1],<key2>:[direction2]...’, direction can be ‘asc’ for ascending or ‘desc’ for descending, if direction is not given, it’s ascending by default

sorted items

osc_lib.utils.wait_for_delete(manager, res_id, status_field='status', error_status=['error'], exception_name=['NotFound'], sleep_time=5, timeout=300, callback=None)

Wait for resource deletion

  • manager – the manager from which we can get the resource
  • res_id – the resource id to watch
  • status_field – the status attribute in the returned resource object, this is used to check for error states while the resource is being deleted
  • error_status – a list of status strings for error
  • exception_name – a list of exception strings for deleted case
  • sleep_time – wait this long between checks (seconds)
  • timeout – check until this long (seconds)
  • callback – called per sleep cycle, useful to display progress; this function is passed a progress value during each iteration of the wait loop
Return type:

True on success, False if the resource has gone to error state or the timeout has been reached

osc_lib.utils.wait_for_status(status_f, res_id, status_field='status', success_status=['active'], error_status=['error'], sleep_time=5, callback=None)

Wait for status change on a resource during a long-running operation

  • status_f – a status function that takes a single id argument
  • res_id – the resource id to watch
  • status_field – the status attribute in the returned resource object
  • success_status – a list of status strings for successful completion
  • error_status – a list of status strings for error
  • sleep_time – wait this long (seconds)
  • callback – called per sleep cycle, useful to display progress
Return type:

True on success

Module contents