
The Domain Class

The Domain class inherits from Resource.

class openstack.identity.v3.domain.Domain(_synchronized=False, connection=None, **attrs)

The base resource

  • _synchronized (bool) – This is not intended to be used directly. See new() and existing().

  • connection (openstack.connection.Connection) – Reference to the Connection being used. Defaults to None to allow Resource objects to be used without an active Connection, such as in unit tests. Use of self._connection in Resource code should protect itself with a check for None.

resource_key = 'domain'

Singular form of key for resource.

resources_key = 'domains'

Plural form of key for resource.

base_path = '/domains'

The base part of the URI for this resource.

allow_create = True

Allow create operation for this resource.

allow_fetch = True

Allow get operation for this resource.

allow_commit = True

Allow update operation for this resource.

allow_delete = True

Allow delete operation for this resource.

allow_list = True

Allow list operation for this resource.

commit_method = 'PATCH'

Method for committing a resource (PUT, PATCH, POST)


The description of this domain. Type: string


Setting this attribute to False prevents users from authorizing against this domain or any projects owned by this domain, and prevents users owned by this domain from authenticating or receiving any other authorization. Additionally, all pre-existing tokens applicable to the above entities are immediately invalidated. Re-enabling a domain does not re-enable pre-existing tokens. Type: bool


The resource options for the project. Available resource options are immutable.

The links related to the domain resource.

assign_role_to_user(session, user, role, inherited)

Assign role to user on domain

validate_user_has_role(session, user, role, inherited)

Validates that a user has a role on a domain

unassign_role_from_user(session, user, role, inherited)

Unassigns a role from a user on a domain

assign_role_to_group(session, group, role, inherited)

Assign role to group on domain

validate_group_has_role(session, group, role, inherited)

Validates that a group has a role on a domain

unassign_role_from_group(session, group, role, inherited)

Unassigns a role from a group on a domain