

The goal of OpenStack-Helm is to provide a collection of Helm charts that simply, resiliently, and flexibly deploy OpenStack and related services on Kubernetes.

Versions supported

The table below shows the combinations of the Openstack/Platform/Kubernetes versions that are tested and proved to work.

Openstack version

Host OS

Image OS

Kubernetes version

2023.2 (Bobcat)

Ubuntu Jammy

Ubuntu Jammy


2024.1 (Caracal)

Ubuntu Jammy

Ubuntu Jammy


2024.2 (Dalmatian)

Ubuntu Jammy

Ubuntu Jammy



  • Join us on IRC: #openstack-helm on oftc

  • Join us on Slack (this is preferable way of communication): #openstack-helm

  • Join us on Openstack-discuss mailing list (use subject prefix [openstack-helm])

The list of Openstack-Helm core team members is available here openstack-helm-core.


You found an issue and want to make sure we are aware of it? You can do so on our Storyboard.

Bugs should be filed as stories in Storyboard, not GitHub.

Please be as much specific as possible while describing an issue. Usually having more context in the bug description means less efforts for a developer to reproduce the bug and understand how to fix it.

Also before filing a bug to the Openstack-Helm Storyboard please try to identify if the issue is indeed related to the deployment process and not to the deployable software.