The repository contains several helper scripts to manage gate jobs, install base requirements, and update repository information. Execute these scripts from the root of the repository clone. For example:
$ scripts/<script_name>.sh
The script installs Ansible including core and extras module repositories and Galaxy roles.
While there are several configurable environment variables which this script uses, the following are commonly used:
For example:
$ export ANSIBLE_PACKAGE="ansible==2.1.0"
Installing directly from git is also supported. For example, from the tip of Ansible development branch:
$ export ANSIBLE_PACKAGE="git+"
The script also creates the openstack-ansible wrapper tool that provides the variable files to match /etc/openstack_deploy/user_*.yml as arguments to ansible-playbook as a convenience.
The script prepares a host for an All-In-One (AIO) deployment for the purposes of development and gating. The script creates the necessary partitions, directories, and configurations. The script can be configured using environment variables - more details are provided on the All-In-One page.
The run-playbooks script is designed to be executed in development and test environments and is also used for automated testing. It executes actions which are definitely not suitable for production environments and must therefore not be used for that purpose.
The default MaxSessions setting for the OpenSSH Daemon is 10. Each Ansible fork makes use of a Session. By default Ansible sets the number of forks to 5, but the script sets the number of forks used based on the number of CPU’s on the deployment host up to a maximum of 10.
If a developer wishes to increase the number of forks used when using this script, override the ANSIBLE_FORKS environment variable. For example:
The script runs Tempest tests from the first utility container. This is primarily used for automated gate testing, but may also be used through manual execution.
Configurable environment variables:
Python coding conventions are tested using PEP8, with the following convention exceptions:
Testing may be done locally by executing:
tox -e pep8
Bash coding conventions are tested using Bashate, with the following convention exceptions:
E003: Indent not multiple of 4. We prefer to use multiples of 2 instead.
and use jinja templating, this is very difficult to achieve. It is still considered a preference and should be a goal to improve readability, within reason.
as templates and use use jinja templating, this will often fail. This test is reasonably safely ignored as the syntax error will be identified when executing the resulting script.
Testing may be done locally by executing:
tox -e bashate
Ansible is lint tested using ansible-lint.
Testing may be done locally by executing:
tox -e ansible-lint
Ansible playbook syntax is tested using ansible-playbook.
Testing may be done locally by executing:
tox -e ansible-syntax
A consolidated set of all lint tests may be done locally by executing:
tox -e linters
Documentation is developed in reStructuredText (RST) and compiled into HTML using Sphinx.
Documentation may be built locally by executing:
tox -e docs
tox -e deploy-guide
Release notes are generated using the the reno tool and compiled into HTML using Sphinx.
Release notes may be built locally by executing:
tox -e releasenotes
The releasenotes build argument only tests committed changes. Ensure your local changes are committed before running the releasenotes build.
Every commit to the OpenStack-Ansible integrated build is verified by OpenStack-CI through the following jobs:
gate-openstack-ansible-releasenotes: This job executes the Release Notes Build.
gate-openstack-ansible-docs-ubuntu-xenial: This job executes the Documentation Build.
gate-openstack-ansible-linters-ubuntu-xenial: This job executes the Lint Tests.
gate-openstack-ansible-openstack-ansible-aio-ubuntu-trusty: where aio is the scenario, ubuntu is the distribution, and trusty is the version of the distribution.
The same test is executed against multiple distribution versions, and may be executed against multiple distributions and multiple scenarios too.
This job executes the script which executes a convergence test and then a functional test.
The convergence test is the execution of an AIO build which aims to test the primary code path for a functional environment. The functional test then executes OpenStack’s Tempest testing suite to verify that the environment that has deployed successfully actually works.
While this script is primarily developed and maintained for use in OpenStack-CI, it can be used in other environments.
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