`Home `_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide Add to existing deployment ========================== Complete the following procedure to deploy swift on an existing deployment. #. `The section called "Configure and mount storage devices" `_ #. `The section called "Configure an Object Storage deployment" `_ #. Optionally, allow all keystone users to use swift by setting ``swift_allow_all_users`` in the ``user_variables.yml`` file to ``True``. Any users with the ``_member_`` role (all authorized keystone users) can create containers and upload objects to swift. If this value is ``False``, by default only users with the ``admin`` or ``swiftoperator`` role can create containers or manage tenants. When the backend type for the glance is set to ``swift``, glance can access the swift cluster regardless of whether this value is ``True`` or ``False``. #. Run the swift play: .. code-block:: shell-session # cd /opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks # openstack-ansible os-swift-install.yml -------------- .. include:: navigation.txt