
This section describes scripts that are used in the upgrade process in detail.

Within the main scripts directory there is a upgrade-utilities directory, which contains additional scripts that facilitate the initial upgrade process.

This script controls the overall upgrade process for deployers choosing not to do so manually.

It provides the following environment variables:

  • SCRIPTS_PATH - path to the top level scripts directory
  • MAIN_PATH - openstack_ansible root directory.
  • UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS - path to the playbooks used in upgrading

The upgrade script bootstraps OpenStack-Ansible (using to provide the new role dependencies introduced in the Liberty series.

This script takes any new items within the etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/neutron.yml file and adds them to the deployed /etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/neutron.yml file. The key for LBaaS agents was added in Liberty.

This script creates /etc/openstack_deploy.KILO/NEUTRON_MIGRATED to indicate to OpenStack-Ansible to skip the step on successive runs.

Called by deploy-config-changes.yml

The Telemetry alarming functionality (ceilometer) has been removed from ceilometer itself and moved into aodh in Liberty. To compensate, the relevant OpenStack-Ansible environment memberships have been updated. See this mailing list post for details.

This file removes the ceilometer_alarm_notifier and ceilometer_alarm_evaluator entries from the /etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/ceilometer.yml file. To preserve any user changes made to the file, only these specific values are removed.

This script creates /etc/openstack_deploy.KILO/CEILOMETER_MIGRATED to indicate to OpenStack-Ansible that the step can be skipped on successive runs. The script itself does not check for this file.

Called by deploy-config-changes.yml

In Liberty, some variable names were changed to reflect upstream decisions. This script looks for and replaces any instances of these strings in the variable override files matching the pattern /etc/openstack_deploy/user_*.yml. Comments in the file are preserved, though the variable names within the comments are updated.

This script creates files of the form /etc/openstack_deploy.KILO/VARS_MIGRATED_file. For example, once the script has processed the file /etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml, it creates /etc/openstack_deploy.KILO/VARS_MIGRATED_user_variables to indicate to OpenStack-Ansible that the step can be skipped on successive runs. The script itself does not check for this file.

The variable changes are shown in the following table.

Old Value New Value
galera_sst_method galera_wsrep_sst_method
heat_service_project_domain_name heat_service_project_domain_id
heat_service_user_domain_name heat_service_user_domain_id
nova_v21_service_adminuri nova_service_adminuri
nova_v21_service_adminuri_proto nova_service_adminuri_proto
nova_v21_service_adminurl nova_service_adminurl
nova_v21_service_description nova_service_description
nova_v21_service_internaluri nova_service_internaluri
nova_v21_service_internaluri_proto nova_service_internaluri_proto
nova_v21_service_internalurl nova_service_internalurl
nova_v21_service_name nova_service_name
nova_v21_service_port nova_service_port
nova_v21_service_proto nova_service_proto
nova_v21_service_publicuri nova_service_publicuri
nova_v21_service_publicuri_proto nova_service_publicuri_proto
nova_v21_service_publicurl nova_service_publicurl
nova_v21_service_type nova_service_type

Called by deploy-config-changes.yml

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Manual upgrade steps

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Upgrade Playbooks

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