Scenario - Using Linux Bridge


Operators can choose to utilize Linux Bridges instead of Open vSwitch for the neutron ML2 agent. This document outlines how to set it up in your environment.


LinuxBridge driver is considered as experimental in Neutron and is discouraged for usage as of today.


All compute nodes must have bridges configured:

  • br-mgmt - Bridge is used to wire LXC containers. Can be regular interface for bare metal deployments

  • br-vlan (optional - used for vlan networks). Can be regular interface.

  • br-vxlan (optional - used for vxlan tenant networks). Can be regular interface.

  • br-storage (optional - used for certain storage devices). It’s also used to wire LXC containers. Can be regular interface for bare metal nodes.

For more information see:

Configuring bridges (Linux Bridge)

The following is an example of how to configure a bridge (example: br-mgmt) with a Linux Bridge on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS:


auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# Management network
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet manual

# VLAN network
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet manual

source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*.cfg


# OpenStack Management network bridge
auto br-mgmt
iface br-mgmt inet static
  bridge_stp off
  bridge_waitport 0
  bridge_fd 0
  bridge_ports eth0

One br-<type>.cfg is required for each bridge. VLAN interfaces can be used to back the br-<type> bridges if there are limited physical adapters on the system.

OpenStack-Ansible user variables

Specify provider network definitions in your /etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml that define one or more Neutron provider bridges and related configuration:

- network:
    container_bridge: "br-provider"
    container_type: "veth"
    type: "vlan"
    range: "101:200,301:400"
    net_name: "physnet1"
    network_interface: "bond1"
      - neutron_linuxbridge_agent
- network:
    container_bridge: "br-provider2"
    container_type: "veth"
    type: "vlan"
    range: "203:203,467:500"
    net_name: "physnet2"
    network_interface: "bond2"
      - neutron_linuxbridge_agent

When using flat provider networks, modify the network type accordingly:

- network:
    container_bridge: "br-publicnet"
    container_type: "veth"
    type: "flat"
    net_name: "flat"
      - neutron_linuxbridge_agent

Specify an overlay network definition in your /etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml that defines overlay network-related configuration:


The bridge name should correspond to a pre-created Linux bridge.

- network:
    container_bridge: "br-vxlan"
    container_type: "veth"
    container_interface: "eth10"
    ip_from_q: "tunnel"
    type: "vxlan"
    range: "1:1000"
    net_name: "vxlan"
      - neutron_linuxbridge_agent

Set the following user variables in your /etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml:

neutron_plugin_type: ml2.lxb

neutron_ml2_drivers_type: "flat,vlan,vxlan"
  - router
  - metering

The overrides are instructing Ansible to deploy the LXB mechanism driver and associated LXB components. This is done by setting neutron_plugin_type to ml2.lxb.

The neutron_ml2_drivers_type override provides support for all common type drivers supported by LXB.

The neutron_plugin_base is used to defined list of plugins that will be enabled.

If provider network overrides are needed on a global or per-host basis, the following format can be used in user_variables.yml or per-host in openstack_user_config.yml.


These overrides are not normally required when defining global provider networks in the openstack_user_config.yml file.

# When configuring Neutron to support vxlan tenant networks and
# vlan provider networks the configuration may resemble the following:
  network_types: "vxlan"
  network_vxlan_ranges: "1:1000"
  network_vlan_ranges: "physnet1:102:199"
  network_mappings: "physnet1:br-provider"
  network_interface_mappings: "br-provider:bond1"

# When configuring Neutron to support only vlan tenant networks and
# vlan provider networks the configuration may resemble the following:
  network_types: "vlan"
  network_vlan_ranges: "physnet1:102:199"
  network_mappings: "physnet1:br-provider"
  network_interface_mappings: "br-provider:bond1"

# When configuring Neutron to support multiple vlan provider networks
# the configuration may resemble the following:
  network_types: "vlan"
  network_vlan_ranges: "physnet1:102:199,physnet2:2000:2999"
  network_mappings: "physnet1:br-provider,physnet2:br-provider2"
  network_interface_mappings: "br-provider:bond1,br-provider2:bond2"

# When configuring Neutron to support multiple vlan and flat provider
# networks the configuration may resemble the following:
  network_flat_networks: "*"
  network_types: "vlan"
  network_vlan_ranges: "physnet1:102:199,physnet2:2000:2999"
  network_mappings: "physnet1:br-provider,physnet2:br-provider2"
  network_interface_mappings: "br-provider:bond1,br-provider2:bond2"