Table of Contents

Default variables

## Verbosity Options
debug: False

# Set the package install state for distribution packages
# Options are 'present' and 'latest'
aodh_package_state: "latest"

## Toggle developer mode
aodh_developer_mode: false

## The git source/branch
aodh_git_install_branch: stable/newton

## The packages to build from source (used in developer mode)
  - "git+{{ aodh_git_repo }}@{{ aodh_git_install_branch }}#egg=aodh"

# Name of the virtual env to deploy into
aodh_venv_tag: untagged
aodh_bin: "/openstack/venvs/aodh-{{ aodh_venv_tag }}/bin"

# URL of the pre-built virtualenv

## System info
aodh_system_user_name: aodh
aodh_system_group_name: aodh
aodh_system_shell: /bin/false
aodh_system_comment: aodh system user
aodh_system_user_home: "/var/lib/{{ aodh_system_user_name }}"

## DB info
aodh_database_name: aodh
aodh_database_user: aodh
aodh_db_type: "mysql+pymysql"
aodh_db_address: localhost
aodh_connection_string: "{{ aodh_db_type }}://{{ aodh_database_user }}:{{ aodh_container_db_password }}@{{ aodh_db_address }}/{{ aodh_database_name }}?charset=utf8"

## RabbitMQ info
aodh_rabbitmq_userid: aodh
aodh_rabbitmq_vhost: /aodh
aodh_rabbitmq_port: 5672
aodh_rabbitmq_use_ssl: False

## Apache setup
aodh_apache_log_level: info
aodh_apache_servertokens: "Prod"
aodh_apache_serversignature: "Off"
aodh_wsgi_threads: 10
aodh_wsgi_processes: "{{ (ansible_processor_vcpus | int > 0) | ternary (ansible_processor_vcpus, 1) * 2 }}"

#Aodh services info
aodh_role_name: admin

## Service Type and Data
aodh_service_region: RegionOne
aodh_service_endpoint_type: internalURL
aodh_service_name: aodh
aodh_service_port: 8042
aodh_service_proto: http
aodh_service_type: alarming
aodh_service_description: "Telemetry"
aodh_service_project_domain_id: default
aodh_service_user_domain_id: default
aodh_service_user_name: aodh
aodh_keystone_auth_plugin: password
aodh_service_tenant_name: service
aodh_service_project_name: service
aodh_service_publicuri: "{{ aodh_service_proto }}://{{ external_lb_vip_address }}:{{ aodh_service_port }}"
aodh_service_publicurl: "{{ aodh_service_publicuri }}"
aodh_service_internaluri: "{{ aodh_service_proto }}://{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}:{{ aodh_service_port }}"
aodh_service_internalurl: "{{ aodh_service_internaluri }}"
aodh_service_adminuri: "{{ aodh_service_proto }}://{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}:{{ aodh_service_port }}"
aodh_service_adminurl: "{{ aodh_service_adminuri }}"

aodh_service_in_ldap: false

# aodh packages that must be installed before anything else
  - virtualenv
  - virtualenv-tools
  - python-keystoneclient # Keystoneclient needed to OSA keystone lib
  - httplib2

# Common pip packages
  - "aodh[mysql]"
  - python-ceilometerclient
  - ceilometermiddleware
  - python-memcached
  - pycrypto
  - warlock
  - PyMySQL
  - gnocchiclient

aodh_alarm_notifier_init_overrides: {}
aodh_alarm_evaluator_init_overrides: {}
aodh_listener_init_overrides: {}

## Service Name-Group Mapping
    group: aodh_alarm_notifier
    service_name: aodh-notifier
    init_config_overrides: "{{ aodh_alarm_notifier_init_overrides }}"
    group: aodh_alarm_evaluator
    service_name: aodh-evaluator
    init_config_overrides: "{{ aodh_alarm_evaluator_init_overrides }}"
    group: aodh_listener
    service_name: aodh-listener
    init_config_overrides: "{{ aodh_listener_init_overrides }}"

  - memcached_encryption_key
  - aodh_container_db_password
  - aodh_rabbitmq_password
  - aodh_service_password

install_test_packages: False

# This variable is used by the repo_build process to determine
# which host group to check for members of before building the
# pip packages required by this role. The value is picked up
# by the py_pkgs lookup.
aodh_role_project_group: aodh_all

## Tunable overrides
aodh_policy_overrides: {}
aodh_aodh_conf_overrides: {}
aodh_api_paste_ini_overrides: {}

Example playbook

- name: Install aodh services
  hosts: aodh_all
  user: root
    - { role: "os_aodh" }
    # Needed for aodh to talk to MongoDB
    aodh_container_db_password: "secrete"
    # Password used for Keystone aodh service user
    aodh_service_password: "secrete"
    # Needed for aodh to talk to memcached
    memcached_encryption_key: "some_key"
    # Needed for aodh to locate and connect to the RabbitMQ cluster
    aodh_rabbitmq_password: "secrete"
    rabbitmq_servers: ""
    rabbitmq_use_ssl: true
    rabbitmq_port: 5671
    # Needed to setup the aodh service in Keystone
    keystone_admin_user_name: admin
    keystone_admin_tenant_name: admin
    keystone_auth_admin_password: "SuperSecretePassword"
    keystone_service_adminuri_insecure: false
    keystone_service_internaluri_insecure: false
    keystone_service_internaluri: ""
    keystone_service_internalurl: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri }}/v3"
    keystone_service_adminuri: ""
    keystone_service_adminurl: "{{ keystone_service_adminuri }}/v3"

Required Variables

To use this role, define the following variables:

# Needed for aodh to talk to MongoDB
aodh_container_db_password: "secrete"
# Password used for Keystone aodh service user
aodh_service_password: "secrete"
# Needed for aodh to talk to memcached
memcached_encryption_key: "some_key"
# Needed for aodh to locate and connect to the RabbitMQ cluster
aodh_rabbitmq_password: "secrete"
rabbitmq_servers: ""
rabbitmq_use_ssl: true
rabbitmq_port: 5671
# Needed to setup the aodh service in Keystone
keystone_admin_user_name: admin
keystone_admin_tenant_name: admin
keystone_auth_admin_password: "SuperSecretePassword"
keystone_service_adminuri_insecure: false
keystone_service_internaluri_insecure: false
keystone_service_internaluri: ""
keystone_service_internalurl: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri }}/v3"
keystone_service_adminuri: ""
keystone_service_adminurl: "{{ keystone_service_adminuri }}/v3"


This role supports two tags: aodh-install and aodh-config. The aodh-install tag can be used to install and upgrade. The aodh-config tag can be used to maintain the configuration of the service.

Table Of Contents

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Configuring the Aodh service (optional)

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