The nova.scheduler.manager Module

Scheduler Service

class SchedulerManager(scheduler_driver=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: nova.manager.Manager

Chooses a host to run instances on.

delete_aggregate(ctxt, aggregate)

Deletes HostManager internal information about a specific aggregate.

Parameters:aggregate (nova.objects.Aggregate) – Aggregate to delete
delete_instance_info(context, host_name, instance_uuid)

Receives information about the deletion of one of a host’s instances, and updates the driver’s HostManager with that information.

select_destinations(*args, **kwargs)
sync_instance_info(context, host_name, instance_uuids)

Receives a sync request from a host, and passes it on to the driver’s HostManager.

target = <Target version=4.2>
update_aggregates(ctxt, aggregates)

Updates HostManager internal aggregates information.

Parameters:aggregates (nova.objects.Aggregate or nova.objects.AggregateList) – Aggregate(s) to update
update_instance_info(context, host_name, instance_info)

Receives information about changes to a host’s instances, and updates the driver’s HostManager with that information.

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The nova.scheduler.ironic_host_manager Module

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The nova.scheduler.opts Module

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