Neutron BGP VPN Interconnection Documentation

Neutron BGP VPN Interconnection Documentation


BGP-based IP VPNs networks are widely used in the industry especially for enterprises. This project aims at supporting inter-connection between L3VPNs and Neutron resources, i.e. Networks, Routers and Ports.

A typical use-case is the following: a tenant already having a BGP IP VPN (a set of external sites) setup outside the datacenter, and they want to be able to trigger the establishment of connectivity between VMs and these VPN sites.

Another similar need is when E-VPN is used to provide an Ethernet interconnect between multiple sites, and inherits the base protocol architecture from BGP/MPLS IP VPNs.

This service plugin exposes an API to interconnect OpenStack Neutron ports, typically VMs, via the Networks and Routers they are connected to, with a IP VPN as defined by [RFC4364] (BGP/MPLS IP Virtual Private Networks) or with an E-VPN [RFC7432].

Introduction videos

The following videos are filmed presentations of talks given during the Barcelona OpenStack Summit (Oct’ 2016). Although they do not cover the work done since, they can be a good introduction to the project:

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