Integrate murano with DevStack

You can install murano with DevStack. The murano/devstack directory in the murano repository contains the files necessary to integrate murano with DevStack.

To install the development version of an OpenStack environment with murano, proceed with the following steps:

  1. Download DevStack:

    git clone
    cd devstack
  2. Edit local.conf to enable murano DevStack plug-in:

    > cat local.conf
    enable_plugin murano git://
  3. If you want to enable Murano Cloud Foundry Broker API service, add the following line to local.conf:

    enable_service murano-cfapi
  4. If you want to use Glare Artifact Repository as a strorage for packages, add the following line to local.conf:

    enable_service g-glare

    For more information on how to use Glare Artifact Repository, see Using Glare as a storage for packages.

  5. (Optional) To import murano packages when DevStack is up, define an ordered list of FQDN packages in local.conf. Verify that you list all package dependencies. These packages will be imported from the murano-apps git repository by default. For example:


    To configure the git repository that will be used as the source for the imported packages, configure the MURANO_APPS_REPO and MURANO_APPS_BRANCH variables.

  6. Run DevStack:


Result: Murano has installed with DevStack.

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