.. _murano-bundles: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 ============== Murano bundles ============== A bundle is a collection of packages. In the Community App Catalog, you can find such bundles as ``container-based-apps``, ``app-servers``, and so on. The packages in the Application Catalog are sorted by usage. You can import bundles from the catalog using Dashboard or CLI. You can read about this in :ref:`Managing applications ` and :ref:`Using CLI `. Specific information about *bundle-import* command can be found at :ref:`Murano command-line client `. Bundle structure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bundle description is a json structure, that contains list of packages in the bundle and bundle version. Here is the example: .. code-block:: javascript { "Packages": [ { "Name": "com.example.apache.ApacheHttpServer", "Version": "" }, { "Name": "com.example.apache.Tomcat", "Version": "" } ], "Version": 1 } .. ``Name`` is a required parameter and should contain package fully qualified name. ``Version`` is not a mandatory parameter. Version for package entry specifies the version of the package to look into :ref:`Murano package repository `. If it is specified, murano client would look for a file with that version specification in murano repository (for example ``com.example.MyApp.0.0.1.zip`` for com.example.MyApp of version 0.0.1). If the version is omitted or left blank client would search for ``com.example.MyApp.zip``. Create local bundle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ However, you may need to create a local bundle. You may need it if you want to setup your own :ref:`Murano package repository `. To create a new bundle, perform the following steps: #. Navigate to the directory with the target packages. #. Create a ``.bundle`` file. List all the required packages in ``Packages`` section. If needed, specify the bundle version in the ``Version`` section.